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1、基础篇 P1 Everyday miracles Vocabulary I. 1. 领养文件 2. 大吃一惊 3. 大量,许多 4. 远亲 5. 听起来很疯狂 II. 1. track him down 2. major in politic science and minor in legal studies 3. times were tough 4. catch up on 5. give sb. up for adoption Reading comprehension I. 1-4 ACBB II. 1. I think they are kind and warm-hearted.

2、 They love their adopted children and give them true devotion without any thought of reward. 2. Because he grew up in a loving family, what he wants is to make up for lost time and keep the relationship growing. Translation I. 1. 我们一生都分开,却以同样的兴趣考进了同一所学校,这种可能性有多 大? 2. 她那时候情绪非常低落,以至于对她来说很难用言语来描述所发生的一

3、切。 II. 1. Theyve made great efforts, so chances are the experiment will be succe ssful. 2. A good social environment and friendly workmates can make up for many other problems at work. 3. The President is calculating that this will somehow relieve the international pressure on him. 4. It is generall

4、y believed that inflation is making some social problems worse, so its time that the government take immediate measures to stop inflation. P3 Everyday heroes Vocabulary I. 1. 走到长凳边 2. 承认 3. 高代价(风险) 4. 面临重罪指控 5. 把少年带回警局 6. 从 爆发出 II. 1. set out to do 2. walk off 3. post on the Internet 4. get along wi

5、th 5. pop up 6. burst into tears 7. drop the felony charges against 8. get on ones feet again Reading comprehension I. 1-4 CDCC II. 1. I think he is a truly considerate and tolerant guy because he understood the little boy and tried his best to help him in order to give him a chance to restart his l

6、ife. 2. Sometimes what we choose to do may matter much to others. For example, the bar owners determination to find a lost wallet helps a young man change his life. Translation I. 1. 身为两个孩子的父亲(还有一个孩子即将出生),吉列仔细打量着普拉 瑟:身材小巧,双颊红润。他看到的更像是一个孩子而不是罪犯。 2. 吉列开始担心起来,特别是当侦探开始向普拉瑟不断地发问,试图让他 自己承认拿了戒指。 II. 1. Don

7、t spend time catering to others opinions; instead, follow your heart. 2. I could have passed my exam easily, but I made too many stupid mistakes. 3. The square looks more beautiful with all the lights on. 4. Never trouble trouble until trouble troubles you. P5 It s in your hands Vocabulary I. 1. 过量,

8、过度 2. 对鸟造成危害 3. 自然生态系统 4. 怀念孩童时去公园游玩的美好时光 5. 囤货,大量储备 6. 连同,共同 II. 1.put a strain on their muscles 2.a fond pastime 3.result in algal blooms 4.a wholesome option 5.do one s bit Reading comprehension 1-4CCBD Translation 1. After the robbers were surrounded by the police, they had no alternative but to

9、 surrender./ Surrounded by the police, the robbers had no alternative but to surrender. 2. Excessive stress often results in students poor performances in exams. 3. Since Lance is quite busy these days, wed better find out when he is available before making an appointment with him. 4. On her first d

10、ay at the new company, she was presented with a highly tricky task. P7 Is the sun setting on solar? Vocabulary I. 1.使用太阳能奖励金 2.世纪之交 3.光伏太阳能电池板 4.性能保障 5.时间的考验 II. 1. protect against 2. to their optimum 3. the best rated company Reading comprehension 1-4 DDAA Translation 1. I m reluctant to transfer t

11、o another school; my parents imposed it on it. 2. She is rated as the most helpful student in the class. 3. I have no knowledge of the companys layoff plans. 4. She is described by social media as the internet celebrity with the strongest personality. P9 Non app tit: restaurant hands back its Michel

12、in star Vocabulary I. 1. 专注于把家庭放在首位 2. 星级 3. 烹饪事业组合 4. 从名录中退出 5. 巨大的压力 II. 1. reject the award 2. before publication of the 2019 edition of the Michelin Guide 3. take the business in a new direction 4. have our evenings to ourselves 5. under the “huge pressure” of being judged 6. additional expectat

13、ion Reading comprehension I. 1-4 CACD II. 1. Because it meant better business and prosperity for the town. 2. For seven years. 3. The fact that for the first time, a French restaurant asked to withdraw from the Michelin Guide made it special. 4. The constant inspection from Michelin puts those resta

14、urants under great pressure. Translation 1. The tragedy helps the public to focus more on the psychological health of adolescents. 2. An Oscar is regarded as the pinnacle of any actors or actresses career. 3. With a lot of information and resources available, he had no difficulty in finishing his gr

15、aduation essay in a month. 4. It is surprising that this is the first time in history that a country has voluntarily withdrawn from the bid to host the Olympic Games. P11 Leave those kids alone Vocabulary I. 1. 模仿青少年的叛逆 2. 缓慢的新陈代谢 3. 成熟需要时间 4. 有三倍的可能性会 5. 需要长达25 年时间才能成熟 6. 较年长者 7. 唯一目标 II. 1. downsi

16、ze to 2. food shortage 3. make ripe fruit scarce 4. nurse one s young 5. tasks requiring exploration and adaptation 6. gain a fifth of its birth weight in blubber every day Reading comprehension 1-4 CCAC Translation I. 1. 一旦它们长胖了体重从 25磅飙升到 80 磅 它们就可以滑下冰层开 始海上活动了。 2. 狼蛛会将所有幼崽(平均40 或 50 只)同时绑在她的背上,背着它

17、们, 直到它们能够成为完全成熟的狼蛛。 II. 1. The classroom whose window is broken is our reading room. 2. The theatre can hold up to 1,000 people. 3. In terms of performance, the speed, screen resolution and keyboard responsiveness of desktops outperform those of laptops. P13 Your adventures start here! Vocabulary I.

18、 1. 尚未被旅游业充分开发 2. 发现自己为 沉迷 3. 对感到惊奇 4. 娜迦部落的纹身成员 5. 独角犀牛 II. 1. broaden your horizon 2. cherry blossom 3. sample a variety of some of the worlds best cuisine 4. the colonial-era tea gardens 5. embark on an expedition-style river cruise Reading comprehension 1-5 BBCBA Translation 1. The English Chann

19、el lies between England and France. 2. The exhibition in the Shanghai Museum features artworks by Picasso. 3. . After several attempts, we found it less difficult to carry out the experiment than we had previously thought. 4. One is not a true fan of Jane Austin without reading the original English

20、version of Pride and Prejudice. P16 Very superstitious Vocabulary I. 1. 幸运的妙方 2. 他的脾气会突然爆发 3. 一枚 20 法郎的金币 4. 引领潮流的改变 5. 不用数字来命名他的第九交响曲 II. 1. up to an hour 2. by hand and in pencil 3. perfectly sharpened 4. fashion designer 5. be traumatized by the events 6. face north Reading comprehension I. 1-4 D

21、CCA II. 1. Yes, I think so. Because he insisted on wearing a pair of University of North Carolina shorts under his Chicago Bulls uniform, and believed the university shorts would bring him good luck. From this behavior, we can tell that he did very well in this sport when he was in university. 2. Be

22、cause he believed that the cold air could refresh and inspire him. 3. No, it didnt. Anything related to birds would remind her of the sorrow and sadness in her childhood. 4. It seems that Gustav Mahler had extended his lifespan by not naming his ninth symphony by number, but this superstitious actio

23、n seemed not to have brought enough luck to him or number 10 may also be an unlucky number to him. Translation 1. We ll never be intimidatedby threats of war, including threats of nuclear war. 2. The criminals could either give up the names of his companions or go to prison. 3. As Virgo moms are ver

24、y particular about time, they would love anything that is time-saving. 4. Even a childs temper would flare if he is blamed in public. 提高篇 P19 Remembering Stephen Hawking: brilliant you need to think in different and unexpected ways so that you can discover something others cant. 2. 1) He was optimis

25、tic. Although he was diagnosed with ALS, “he rolled over adversity as if it were just a rock under his wheelchair”. He “kept smiling even though he spent more than 50 years in a wheelchair”. 2) He was adventurous. “When he was 65, along with Mlodinow, Hawking once went on a punt-boat trip down the r

26、iver Cam in Cambridge, England, despite the obvious danger of the boat turning upside down.” Translation I. 1. 时间简史卖出1000 万册,让霍金出人意料地成为很多人心目中的巨 星,甚至包括那些中学时代勉强通过科学学科的人。 2. 霍金最引人注目、展现其幽默的事可能是他2009 年举办的鸡尾酒会。 II. 1. There is no rule that has no exception. 2. It is surprising that they should choose this

27、 method of passing the evening. 3. Youll feel as if you were at home. 4. We had hoped to give you such a chance as nobody else has ever had. P21 Wind powers warming effect is overblown Vocabulary I. 1. 用风能产出足够的电能 2. 变暖 0.24 摄氏度 3. 温室气体排放 4. 一个区域性气候模型 5. 仅仅重新分布热量 6. 高浓度的二氧化碳 7. 新闻发布稿的标题 8. 微乎其微的影响 II

28、. 1. meet the current demand 2. large-scale wind power 3. this particular claim is misleading 4. a known flaw 5. to put this another way 6. the impact of wind farms 7. fossil fuels Reading comprehension I. 1-4 CABB II. 1. Not really. Because the claim takes on an unrealistic scenario and is based on

29、 a model with a known flaw. It also doesnt take other factors into full account. 2. Because the model can lead to the result desired by the experts and they hope to draw the public s attention to the impact of large-scale wind generation by exaggerating the impact of wind power. 3. The author is try

30、ing to rebut the contention that the impact of wind farms on the earth can be equal to global warming. Many other changes and factors should be taken into full account when estimating the impact of wind farms. 4. It cannot be denied that wind power has an impact on the earth in some way. Yet, it is

31、not as much as what is claimed in the press release. The claim is so misleading that people would only remember the exaggerated magnitude of the effect while ignoring the studys many obvious mistakes. Translation I. 1. 这个模型有个大家都知道的缺陷,就是把风力涡轮机的空气混合效应夸 张了两倍或者更多。 2. 涡轮叶片的转动通过从上方向下输送较热的空气来加热表面大气的 总热量含量不

32、变,并且当涡轮停止转动时这一作用便停止。 II. 1. Scientists are claiming a major breakthrough in the fight against cancer. 2. Our English teacher was so tired that even black coffee had no effect on him. 3. Once you make up your mind to get rid of bad habits, you should stick to your plan and carry it out step by step.

33、4. You have no reason to doubt your parents advice. P23 How to make it as a fossil Vocabulary I. 1. 照这样计算 2. 永垂不朽 3. 极少数是如何留存下来的 4. 用泥土和灰烬覆盖 5. 富含矿物质的水 6. 渗入 7. 避开 8. 我行我素,走上歪路 II. 1. leave a lasting record 2. one tenth of one percent 3. natural disasters 4. volcanic eruption 5. make it through the

34、first few hundred thousand years 6. interfere with this process 7. weather away Reading comprehension I. 1-4 CBCD II. 1. He illustrates his viewpoint by quoting experts in this field. In the first paragraph, the author writes, “Only an estimated one bone in a billion gets fossilized preserved for th

35、ousands, even millions of yearsas Bill Bryson notes in A Short History of Nearly Everything.” In the second paragraph, the author writes, “According to scientists who specialize in taphonomy (the study of what happens after an organism dies), fossilization is so unlikely that fewer than one tenth of

36、 one percent of all animal species have ever survived in a fossilized state.” 2. Not really. Sometimes the floods and volcanic eruptions can help to preserve the remains. 3. To support his opinion by giving an example. Prior to the example, the author writes, “the best places for that are lakes, flo

37、odplains, and rivers, or the bottom of the sea.” 4. I think the author is trying to be humorous and ironic. When the fossilization is completed, your fossil can travel back to today with the help of a time capsule. Since the cell phone is considered as an indispensable item for most people, the auth

38、or assumes that people would like to take their cell phone along with them all the time, even after they die. Translation I. 1. 如果你下定决心要增加你的“ 人体 ” 永久保存下来的机会,或者你只是好奇 想知道极少数人体是如何成功留存下来的,那就继续往下读吧。 2. 你的化石可能会转移到地表深处,在那儿化石会被地球的热量和压力融 化。 II. 1. The shop specializes in the hand-made chocolates from Japan.

39、2. Wild animals such as sparrows are becoming rare these days. 3. Parents want to expose their kids to art and culture as much as possible. 4. The Battle of the Red Cliffs determined the triangular balance of power of the three kingdoms, Wei, Shu and Wu. P25 Our hunt for alien life is far from over

40、Vocabulary I. 1. 宜居星球 2. 寻找地外智慧 3. 我们的寻找外星人行动只是蜻蜓点水式的 4. 一小部分 5. 将放入大环境中 6. 拥有智慧生命 II. 1. be capable of 2. reach out to 3. be equivalent to 4. nuclear disasters 5. be short-lived 6. hide from sb. Reading comprehension 1-4 CBBD Translation I. 1. 但是,对迄今为止的外星智慧搜索的数学分析声称该悖论的通常解释, 即没有人在那里,是错误的。 2. 研究小组说,

41、寻找外星智慧行动目前已经搜查过的银河系的体积,大约 相当于世界海洋中仅仅一个浴缸的水量。 II. 1. What he said is far from the truth. 2. The analysis suggests that it is not worthwhile to make an investment in this internet company/this internet company is not worth investing. 3. It is believed that doing yoga for 30 minutes is equivalent to jo

42、gging for one hour/30-minutes of yoga is equivalent to one-hour of jogging. 4. Experts believe that five-year-olds should have the ability to control their own temper. P27 Driving Mr. Pogue Vocabulary I. 1. 增强版自动驾驶 2. 驾照 3. 把控制权交给一台机器 4. 根据交通状况调节速度 5. 猛踩刹车 6. 离开方向盘 7. 激活 /启动危险信号灯 8. 总的来说 II. 1. car

43、insurance 2. smoothly change lanes 3. slow down 4. avoid a collision 5. brake automatically 6. mechanical operations 7. software update 8. be willing to do Reading comprehension I. 1-5 CBBAD II. 1. 73% of respondents responded that they would nt want to ride in a self-driving car because they dont w

44、ant to give up control to a machine, they dont trust it and they dont think its safe. 2. The author addresses the skepticism with two arguments. First, software is constantly updated thus improv ing a cars behavior. Second, Tesla s statistics suggest Autopilot is much safer than humans. 3. I think t

45、he authors comments are quite objective. On one hand, he points out that current self-driving cars have yet to reach a high level of autonomy and still require humans attention. On the other hand, self-driving cars make driving less tiring and more pleasant as they free people from making some decis

46、ions throughout the journey. Translation I. 1. 但并非所有人都相信这个梦想。 2. 它有几次险些撞车,还需要一些调整,但我现在能判断它是否真的比我 自己驾驶安全。 3. 卸下了不用瞬间做出“ 或打或逃 ” 决定的担子, 你可以稍微放松一下,使驾 驶更轻松愉快。 II. 1. His conclusion was based on the evidence given by the witness. 2. Road safety is taught to young children to avoid road accidents. 3. Regul

47、ations should be strictly enforced to save oceans from further pollution/being further polluted. 4. Running your own business usually involves working long/extra hours. P29 Hokusai inspired Van Goghs Starry Night, art writer says Vocabulary I. 1. 灵感可能源于 2. 他最令人眩目和著名的作品之一 3. 高出,超越 4. 日本画作的热衷收藏者 5. 最容

48、易辨认和复制的艺术品 6. 做这样的对比 7. 削减星空的光彩 II. 1. draw inspiration from 2. side by side 3. the volcanic peak of Mount Fuji 4. hurtle towards 5. a very strong visual memory 6. on the outskirts of 7. in great detail Reading comprehension I. 1-4 DADD II. 1. It implies that Starry Night might be inspired by The Gr

49、eat Wave but there is no solid evidence to prove it. “was loosely inspired” is an expression intended to attract readers and encourage them to imagine the connections between the two paintings. 2. Van Gogh was a fan of Japanese painting and he could analyze The Great Wave in depth and decode the message the artist wanted to convey to the audience. 3. He wanted to establish connections between the two paintings, thus proving his claim that Starry Night was probably inspired by The Great Wave. 4. Starry Night is popular not only for th


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