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1、1 。 。 。 内部文件,版权追溯 内部文件,版权追溯 内部文件,版权追溯 Unit 1 A land of diversity Section Warming Up two posts on the Supreme Court are held by members of the countrys two largest minorities. There is also diversity in state and local governments. Without its rich mixture of races and cultures, America would not be

2、the nation that it is today. Founded upon the basis of equality and freedom, America acts as a stage where different cultures not only co-exist peacefully, but develop well. 语篇解读:本文介绍了多元化给美国带来的一些影响。 1Whats the best title for this passage? AThe Effects of Culture and Diversity on America BThe Influen

3、ce of Globalization on America CThe Political Development of America DThe Bright Future of America 解析:选 A 主旨大意题。通读全文,主要介绍了多元化在各个方面对美国的影响。 2According to the passage, America is a country _. Athat welcomes people from all over the world Bwhere citizens take more pride in their original culture Cthat i

4、s mostly settled by Europeans and Africans Dwhere 81% of the population are immigrants 解析:选 A 细节理解题。根据第二段的“Since the 20th century, the country has 14 become a heaven for people from all over the globe.”可知应选A。 3Where did most people live before many immigrants came to America? AIn the urban areas. BI

5、n the rural areas. CIn the southern part of America. DIn the northern part of America. 解析:选B 细节理解题。根据第三段的“The arrival of immigrants has shifted populations from rural areas into cities because immigrants tend to settle in urban areas. ”可知,大量移民涌入美国之前,当地人大多居住在乡下。 4We can learn from the sixth paragraph

6、 that _. Adiversity has existed in America in almost every aspect Bmost posts in America state governments are help by mixed-race people Cequality and freedom make America a fair country Ddiversity has greatly affected the American political field 解析:选 D 推理判断题。 根据第六段内容可知,多元化对美国的政治领域有很大影响。 B The Louv

7、re, in Paris, France, has almost 275,000 works of art. It contains some of the most famous works of art in the history of the world, including the MonaLisa by Leonardo da Vinci. The Louvre was originally a fort (a strong building used by soldiers for defending a place) built by King Philip sometime

8、around AD 1200. In the 1300s, it became a royal house for Charles , who had it renovated (翻新 ). While he did have his own collection of art there, everything disappeared when he died. This impressive building remained empty until 1527, when Francois decided that he wanted it for his private palace.

9、Francois was a collector of early Italian Renaissance art at the time, and already owned the MonaLisa. However, he would not move into the Louvre until it was completely renovated and made even more splendid than it had been during the rule of Charles . Unfortunately, Francois died before the work w

10、as completed, but the work continued until the death of the head architect. Afterwards, several generations , the last of the French rulers to call the Louvre home, left in 1682. The Louvre, however, was far from abandoned. For about 30 years after L 15 artists and scholars. Its art collection grew

11、from about 200 paintings in 1643 to about 2,500 works of art in 1715. It was a center of creativity, until the public began to be admitted in 1793. Throughout the French Revolution and the years ruled by Napoleon , the art collection in the Louvre grew greatly. Napoleon robbed art from all over the

12、world and added it to the Louvres collection. After Napoleons death in 1821, the original owners reclaimed (要求 归还 ) much of the robbed artwork. Over the last 100 years, art colleges have been set up at the Louvre, and it has become one of the largest museums in the world. 语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了法国卢浮宫悠

13、久而不寻常的历史。 5What do we learn about the Louvre? AIt became an art college in 1821. BIt was first constructed as a royal house. CIt was abandoned in the fourteenth century. DIt became a meeting place for culture after 1715. 解析:选 D 细节理解题。由第四段中的 in 1715, the Louvre became the home of artists and scholars

14、.”可知,在1715 年之 后,卢浮宫一度成为文艺人士的集会地点。 6According to the text, Francois _. Ahad never lived in the Louvre Bled a simple life during his life Clost all his collection on his death Dreceived all artwork from Charles 解析:选A 推理判断题。由第三段中的“However, he would not . the rule of Charles . ” 和 第 四 段 中 的 “Unfortunate

15、ly, Francois died . the head architect.”可知,法兰西斯一世没有在卢浮宫里住过。 7When was the Louvre open to the public? AIn 1643. BIn 1682. CIn 1715. D In 1793. 解析:选 D 细节理解题。由第五段中的“It was a center of creativity, until the public began to be admitted in 1793.”可知,从1793 年开始,卢浮宫开始对公众开放。 8Who brought the huge increase in t

16、he amount of artwork in the Louvre? ACharles . B Francois . CNapoleon . D Louis 16 解析:选 C 细节理解题。由第五段中的“Throughout the French Revolution and the years ruled by Napoleon ,the art collection in the Louvre grew greatly.”可 知,拿破仑一世让卢浮宫的藏品数量巨幅增长。 C When I went away to college, I chose to go to a large scho

17、ol in another state in an attempt to never again see those popular girls, the ones who drove quiet girls like me headlong into the arms of dusty books. Since I didnt know a soul at this university, I volunteered for a club to make friends. Thats how I ended up one winter evening standing outside the

18、 student union, waiting for the nights famous speaker to drive up. My assignment was to escort ( 护 送) her to the auditorium where her fans eagerly waited to hear Maya Angelou, author of IKnowWhytheCagedBirdSings. As showtime neared, Angelous car pulled up. When its door opened, Angelou and a female

19、friend exited, each wearing head-to-toe fur coats. I nervously guided the pair inside. Angelou was ready to sweep onstage, but first, there was her fur coat. I offered to babysit it backstage to make sure it was safe. “No ,” she said. She looked out at the audience. “You need to get out there and li

20、ve.” So I found a front-row seat and heard, for the first time, a book come alive in an authors own voice. The audience clapped and cheered as they went along on the ride of this performance. I wish I could say that my life changed then. But out of college, I went deeper into my interior self, takin

21、g a job that required little human contact. A few years later, I became a newspaper editor, which required talking to many people. For those times, I depended on index (索引 ) cards. But I reminded myself that Angelou hadnt used notes. Today, Im in my 50s. I am speaking comfortably about what I really

22、 know to be true. I get out there now and live. 语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。作者讲述了一位作家所说的话和表演对自己的深远影响。 9What kind of person did the author use to be? ABrave. B Kind. CCareless. D Shy. 解析:选 D 推理判断题。根据第一段的“never again see those popular girls, the ones who drove quiet girls like me”可推测,作者应该是个比较腼腆的女孩。 17 10Why did Ang

23、elou decline the authors offer to take care of her fur coat? AShe wouldnt trust a stranger with it. BShe thought it was the duty of her assistant. CShe wanted the author to enjoy the performance. DShe thought it was safe enough to put it backstage. 解析:选 C 推理判断题。根据第四段Angelou 所说的话“ You need to get out

24、 there and live.”和下文作者在观众席坐下来可知,Angelou 希望作者把时间用在该用的地方, 应该去看表演而不是看衣服。 11Soon after graduating from college, the author _. Afound a job as a newspaper editor Bkept shutting herself in her own world Cchanged a lot under Angelous influence Dfelt more confident when speaking in public 解析:选B 细节理解题。根据倒数第二

25、段的“I wish I could say . human contact. ”可知,作者刚毕业时,并未因Angelou 的话而改变,还是把自己封闭起来。 12What would be the best title for the text? AGet out there and live BThe night I met Angelou CSpeak from your inner self DMy friendship with Angelou 解析:选 A 标题归纳题。根据第四段Angelou 所说的话“ You need to get out there and live.”和文章结

26、尾“ I get out there now and live.”可知, A项作标题表现出Angelou 对本文作者的影响以及作者自身的改变,非常贴切。 . 阅读七选五 Reasons Why You Should Go to College There are many important reasons why a young person should consider going to college other than just the potential financial rewards. Have a new beginning. Sometimes you just nee

27、d a fresh start in life. _1_ Going to college is a perfect opportunity to break out of that old shell and become someone totally new. Learn something you like. It is true that many degrees do not prepare you for the real world in terms of what you learn. _2_ Take some time to enjoy learning what you

28、 are truly passionate about. _3_ While parents may be worried about their childs new-found freedom, teens 18 are generally pretty excited about it. College can give a young person the independence they think they need as well as the opportunity to start making their own decisions. Develop your inter

29、est. If you are interested in politics, you can get involved in the student government. If you want to be a journalist, here is an opportunity to get a head start by working for the school paper. _4_ _5_ For some people, the number one reason to go to college may simply be the opportunity to move to

30、 a new place. Many people living in the north may want to go to school in the south to escape the cold. Others may just want to get out of a small town and see the world. Even moving from a childhood house to a dormitory in a local college campus can be a great change. ABe independent. BFigure out w

31、ho you are. CGet a change of scenery. DEnjoy the best time of your life in college. EWhatever you are interested in, there is a group for it. FHowever, a college education is an opportunity to learn what you love. G You need to give up your old habits and your old self, and become the person you wan

32、t to be. 语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。主要分析了青少年上大学的一些原因。 1选G 本选项承接上一句说明上大学是为了有一个全新的开始,你需要放弃原来的 习惯和自我成为你想成为的人,故选G。 2选F 本选项与上一句构成语意上的转折关系,与主旨相对应,并与下一句构成语 意上的并列关系,共同说明上大学是为了学习一些你喜欢的东西,故选F。 3选 A 由本段中的关键信息词“freedom”“independence”和“ making their own decisions ”可以概括出本段的主旨,即实现独立自主,故选A。 4选E 本选项承接前面的两个条件状语从句,来总结性地说明:无论你对什么感兴 趣,你都能找到相应的团体,故选E。 5选 C 本段主要讲很多人上大学是为了追求新的环境,感受不一样的风景,故选C。


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