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1、1 / 14 教学资料参考参考范本 【初中教育】最新八年级英语上学期期中试题仁爱版1 _年_月_日 _ 部门 2 / 14 (考试时间: 120 分钟满分:100 分) 听力部分( 20 分) . 听句子,选出与句子意思相符的图片。句子读一遍。 1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5. _ _ _ _ _ . 听对话,选答案。对话读两遍。 第一节听下面三段对话,回答相应的问题。 ( )6. Where is Jim now? A. In his home. B. In the school. C. In the street. ( )7. Which one of the following is

2、 the woman cant do? A. Take cold pills. B. Stay up late. C. Drink boiled water. ( )8. Whats SARS? A. Its a serious disease. B. They are peoples lives. C. Its a kind of fruit. 第二节听第段对话,回答第9-10 小题。 ( )9. Where are they talking? A. At Amys school. B. At Amys home. C. At the doctors. ( ) 10. Whats wrong

3、 with Amy? A. She has a fever. B. She has a cold. C. She has a cough. . 听短文,选择正确答案。短文读两遍。 ( ) 11. What does the boy do when hes tired? A. Lies down. B. Watches TV. C. Never work, listens to music or goes out for a walk. ( ) 12. What does the boy often eat? 3 / 14 A. Fruits and vegetables. B. Fast fo

4、od. C. Meat. ( ) 13. How often does the boy exercise? A. Sometimes. B. Never. C. Every day. ( ) 14. What sport does the boy like best? A. Basketball. B. Football. C. Volleyball. ( ) 15. What helps the boy study better? A. Having a good rest when he is tired. B. Doing exercises and listening to music

5、. C. Having a healthy eating habit and enough exercise. . 听对话,完成电话留言。对话读两遍。 Telephone Message From: 16 To: 17 Message: The class will listen to a 18 on Saturday morning. Please meet at 8:00a.m. in the 19 . Don t forget to bring a pen and some 20 . 16._ 17._ 18._ 19._ 20._ 笔试部分( 80 分) 一、单项选择 15分 ( )2

6、1. have_ bad headache and feel terrible now. You must have _flu. A.a; a B. a; the C. the; a ( )22.I don t know which shirt to buy. Could you give me some_? I think the red one looks the most beautiful. A.advice B. time C. hope 4 / 14 ( )23.Whats wrong with your eyes, Mike? Theyre so red. Oh, its_. I

7、 just didnt sleep well last night. A.serious nothing B. nothing serious C. something serious ( )24.How are feeling today? _. A.For two days. B. Have a good rest. C. Much better, thanks. ( )25._have you been like this? About two days. A.How long B. How often C. How soon ( )26.Hello! Id like to speak

8、to Wang Fang. _. A.I m Wang Fang B. I m Wang Fang speaking C. This is Wang Fang speaking ( )27. You should read the _carefully before you take the medicine. A.instructions B. message C. suggestion ( )28.It s getting dark. Must I leave now? No, you _. A.dont B. can t C. needn t ( )29.Can I use your c

9、omputer? Yeah, _. I dont use it this morning. A.I m afraid you cant. B. go ahead C. never mind ( )30. I learn English by _, and my twin brothers teach_ Japanese. A.myself; themselves B. me; them C. myself; them ( )31. Mark Twain was _a writer but also a famous speaker. 5 / 14 A.not only B. such as C

10、. as well ( )32. You should give up_, Wang Qiang. It is really bad for your health. A.smoke B. to smoke C. smoking ( )33. Youd better_ on the computer too long. It is bad for your eyes. A.not to work B. not work C. don t work ( )34. In order to_, the doctor advised him to take more exercise and eat

11、more healthy food. A.ring him up B. give him up C. build him up ( )35.My mother is ill and she needs help. So I cant go shopping with you tomorrow. _ A.Bad luck! B. I m sorry to hear that. C. Not at all. 二、情景交际。( 5 分) A: Hello! Id like to speak to Kangkang. B: 36 A: 37 B: He has a bad stomachache. A

12、: 38 How did it happen? B: He ate out for fast food with his friends yesterday. He felt terrible as soon as he came back. A: That s terrible. 39 I want to see him. B: Not far. Its on Xinhua Road. You can find it easily. A: I hope he will get better soon. B: 40 A. I m sorry to hear that. B. I hope so

13、. C. I m sorry he is not in. D. Is the hospital far from here? 6 / 14 E. What s wrong with him? 三、完形填空 10 分 Last month, I had a bad stomachache, so my mom took me to 41 . The doctor asked me to take an X-ray. The X-ray 42 that something was wrong with my stomach and I needed an operation(手术). The do

14、ctors got everything ready 43 the operation. You can guess how nervous (紧张的)I was at that time. One of the doctors told me not to be 44 about it. The smile on his face made me 45 . The operation started on the morning of July 16th. After two hours, the doctor said, “It s 46 now. You may return home

15、in a week if everything goes 47 .”I hoped everything would go well. But it was hard for me to get over(熬过)the first two days 48 I couldnt eat anything. I felt very 49 and only wanted to sleep. Two days later, I felt much better and I could eat some food. After I went home, I took exercise every day

16、and now I am 50 . I have learned to take good care of myself. ( )41. A. hospital B. museum C. school ( )42. A. forced B. thought C. showed ( )43. A. after B. before C. from ( )44. A. careful B. afraid C. worried ( )45. A. happy B. angry C. relaxed ( )46. A. full B.fun C. over ( )47. A. fast B. well

17、C. away ( )48. A. so B. because C. and ( )49. A. tired B. glad C.ill ( )50. A. healthy B. dangerous C. friendly 7 / 14 四、阅读理解 15分 (A) One day, a dentist was starting his morning work. Suddenly, a man ran in. His face was red and he could only say “Quick! Quick!” The dentist thought he must be very i

18、ll. His nurse helped to make the poor man sit in a chair. The dentist gave the man some medicine to make him sleep. Then, he looked into the mans mouth and pulled out(拔掉)all the bad teeth. As soon as he woke up, he said in a low voice, “Quick, doctor, quick.” “It s all right now,” the dentist told h

19、im. “It s over. ” “You dont understand,” said the man, “I came to tell you that your house is on fire(着火了). ” ( )51.The story took place(发生)_. A.in the evening B. in the morning C. in the afternoon ( )52. When the man ran in, the dentist thought he must be_. A.all right B. rich C. ill ( )53. The man

20、 _after he took some medicine. A.went to sleep B. began to work C. began to cry ( )54. The dentist pulled_ out of the mans mouth. A.all the bad teeth B. all the teeth C. a bad tooth ( )55.The man ran in _. A.because he was ill B. because he wanted to sleep C. to tell the dentist that his house was o

21、n fire (B) Do you want to be in good health? Try to do the following things! You can become stronger. 8 / 14 Drink eight cups of water every day. Water helps your body in many ways. Don t forget to eat your breakfast. Breakfast gives you energy your body needs for the morning. Go for a walk every da

22、y after meals. Walking is good exercise, and people need exercise for good health. Have a break after sitting for one or two hours. Stretch your arms and legs for at least five minutes. It can help you relax. Have a rest about twenty minutes when you are tired. You may do something different to take

23、 a rest. For example, get up and walk, sit down to listen to music and so on. ( )56. How many things does this passage mention(提及)for you to do if you want to keep fit? A.Three. B. Five. C. Seven ( )57. We can use the word _instead of the underlined(下画线的 )word “break ”. A.jump B. sleep C. rest ( )58

24、. What should you do when youre tired? A.Sit down and listen to music. B. Get up and walk. C. A and B ( )59. Which of the following is TRUE? A. Breakfast can give you energy for the morning. B. We need eight cups of water every afternoon. C. Take a walk before meals every day. ( )60. Whats the best

25、title(标题)of this passage? A. Its Important to Keep Healthy. B. Ways to Keep Healthy. C. Take Care of Yourself. (C) My name is Julia, and Im 22. Three years ago, I came to London. Now I work in a bank. My everyday life here is not special, but I love it. 9 / 14 From Monday to Friday, I always get up

26、at 6:30. After having some bread and milk, I go to work. At 10:00, I sometimes have an apple and at 12:00 I usually have lunch at the office with my workmate Amy. Amy likes telling jokes(笑 话). And this really makes me relaxed after the half days hard work. At 3:30, I usually have some tea. On Monday

27、, Tuesday and Wednesday I go to the gym after work. When I get home, I cook dinner and I watch some TV. I always go to bed at about 9:30. Thursday is different because I dont go to the gym. I go out with my cousin Anna every Thursday. We sometimes go to the movies or we go out for dinner. Anna is 16

28、. She is studying in a high school. She is a quiet girl and spends most of her time reading books. She dreams of being a teacher. On Friday night I always go out with my friends. We sometimes go to a coffee shop and sometimes we meet at a friend s house but I cant be home late because I have to get

29、up early on Saturday to clean the house. On weekends, I always visit my parents and I often visit my grandparents, too. ( )61. How old was Julia when she went to London? A. 19. B. 20. C.21. ( )62. What does Julia think of Amy? A.Friendly. B. Serious C. Interesting ( )63. How often does Julia go to t

30、he gym? A.Once a week. B. Twice a week. C. Three times a week. ( )64. From the passage, we know that Anna_. A.teaches in a high school B. dreams of being a teacher C. likes reading books ( )65.The writer is talking about_. 10 / 14 A.her hard job B. her nice home C. her everyday life 城郊中学 20xx-20xx 学

31、年第一学期期中检测 八年级英语答题卷 ( 考试时间: 120 分钟满分: 100分) 大题题次小题题次和答案得分 听力部分 每小题 1 分 (20 分) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 单项选择 每小题 1 分 (15 分) 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 补全对话 每小题分 (5 分) 36 37 38 39 40 完形填空 每小题 1 分 (10 分) 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 阅读理解 每小题 1 分 (15 分) 51 52

32、53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 11 / 14 五、任务型阅读 5 分 In the old days, the Olympic Games were religious activities. Greece held the first Olympic Games in 776 B,C. The Games lasted just for one day. Only men could be in the Games. Women had no right to take part in the Olympic Games until 1912.

33、 The first modern Olympic Games were held in Greece in 1896. Just 241 men from 14 countries competed in 43 events in nine sports. Starting in 1896, the Olympic Games were held every four years except during the World Wars I and II. In the 20xx London Olympics, about 10 500 athletes from 205 countrie

34、s took part in 302 event. The first Winter Olympic Games were held in France in 1924 to give athletes chance to compete in snow and ice sports. The Winter Olympics are held every four years, two years after each Summer Olympics. 66. How long did the first Olympic Games last? _ _ 67. How many countri

35、es took part in the first Olympic Games? _ _ 68. Were the Olympic Games held during the World Wars I and II? _ _ 69. When and where were the first Winter Olympic Games held? _ _ 70. 把划线部分的句子翻译成汉语。 _ _ 六、根据汉语提示用适当的词组填空。5 分 12 / 14 71. We should exercise often to _us_( 增强体质 ). 72. The doctor advised t

36、he poor boy to _ _(躺下)and have a rest. 73. Don t _ _( 担心)your lessons, Michael. We will help you with them. 74. _ _( 熬夜)late is bad for our health. 75. You d better take exercise _ _(而不 是)watching TV on the sofa all the time. 七、综合填空 10分 Some people think that smoking can help them relax. In _76_(事实上

37、 ),smoking is really unhealthy. Do you know that there are _77_(超过)4,000 chemicals in cigarettes? These chemicals are bad for our _78_(身体).They can _79_(引 起)cancer and other diseases. The smoke from cigarettes _80_(伤害)not only smokers but other people. Its called “_81_(二手的 )smoke” and it can be more

38、 dangerous and has higher _83_(风险). Smokers shouldn t _84_( 用)smoking to help them relax. They must give up smoking as soon as _85_(可能). 76._ 77._ 78._ 79._ 80._ 81._ 82._ 83._ 84._ 85._ 八、看图用提示词造句。 5 分 86 87 88 89 90 86.should brush, twice a day _ 87.read, be bad for 13 / 14 _ _ 88.litter, about _

39、_ 89.should, wash hands _ _ 90.exercise, every morning _ _ 九、作文 10分 以 How to Keep Healthy为题写一篇 70 词左右的短文。 提示词: eating habits, healthy food, be good for, do exercise, keep fit, happiness, best medicine, say no to How to Keep Healthy Keeping healthy is important to everyone._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 14 / 14 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


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