2020学年人教版必修一跟踪练习:Unit 2第2学时 Learning about Language(含答案).doc

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1、2020学年人教版英语精品资料英语必修1(人教版)第二学时Learning about Language一、用所给单词的适当形式填空1. If you keep talking _ (frequent)with your foreign friends,youll soon pick up _ (fluency)English.答案:frequently;fluent2 Could he still walk after he was drunk? No,not at all._ (actual)he went _ (straight)down to the floor and went as

2、leep.答案:Actually;straight3. The best way of learning a foreign language is to speak to the _ speakers and of course treat the _ friendly.(native)答案:native;natives来源:学科网来源:学|科|网4. Can you make full_ of these _ tyres?(use)答案:use;used5. The _ are the people who come from _ and speak _.(Spanish)来源:学科网ZX

3、XK答案:Spanish;Spain;Spanish6. _ are people living in the _ which is the _ part of a country.(south)答案:Southerners;south;southern二、 词语活用从下列短语中选出合适的完成小段落。break the rules, carry out a /the rule ,work out a/the rule, as a rule ,make it a rule(to do), by/according to ruleAt the beginning of this term, our

4、 class 1.so that we could do better than we did last term.2., no one was allowed to be late or whisper in class.If anyone 3., he or she must do something good for the class.We also 4.to memorize ten new words every day.We thought it necessary 5. strictly and we hoped everyone should 6.答案: 1. worked

5、out a rule 2. According to the rule3broke the rule 4. made it a rule 5to carry out the rule6. obey/keep the rule三、动词专练用所给动词的适当形式填空。1As we know, English _(change)over time.答案:has changed2. The invaders tried hard _(conquer)the native people, but in vain.答案:to conquer3As a winner, Tom _(present)with a

6、 gold cup.答案:was presented4. By the time the police arrived, the thief _(run)away.来源:Zxxk.Com答案:had run5. Some foreigners enjoy _(eat)with chopsticks.来源:学科网ZXXK答案:eating四、翻译下列句子1尽管这计划构想绝妙,但终因资金不足而告流产。(because of)_答案:The plan was brilliant in its conception but failed because of lack of money.2一项更加切合

7、实际的计划终于被提出来了。(come up)_答案:Another more practical plan has finally come up.3作为一个人口众多的大国,我们应该充分利用自然资源。(make use of)_答案:As a big country with large population,we should make full use of the natural resources.4他有很多爱好,诸如收集硬币、画画之类。(such as)_答案:He has many hobbies,such as collecting coins,drawing etc.5新的教学方法对增加学生的学习兴趣起着重要的作用。(play a part in)_答案:The new teaching method plays a very important part in increasing students interest in studying.


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