高一英语必修4 Unit 2 Grammar The usage of ing form.ppt

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《高一英语必修4 Unit 2 Grammar The usage of ing form.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高一英语必修4 Unit 2 Grammar The usage of ing form.ppt(11页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、The usage of -ing form,The usage of ing form 表示主动的或正在进行 的动作或状态,Attribute(定语) Object Complement(宾语补足语) Subject (主语) Predicative(表语) Object(宾语) Adverbial(状语),Walking is good for everyone. 2. Our job is playing all kinds of music. 3. We shall appreciate hearing from you again. 4. Do you know the boy ly

2、ing under the tree? 5. People come to theme parks, looking for excitement. 6. On the hill, he saw smoke rising from the chimneys.,(主语),(表语),(宾语),(定语),(状语),(宾补),A. 作定语 (单个-ing 形式一般放在被修饰的名词之前 而 -ing短语一般放在被修饰的名词之后),1.This amusing story made us laugh . 2.The girl coming to dinner tonight is a famous fil

3、m star.,1.坐在我旁边的女孩默默地看着我. The girl _looked at me in silence. 2.There was a car came in the other direction. 3.We cant attend the meeting held now as were very busy.,sitting beside me,coming,当表示正在被完成的动作时可用being done,修饰名词时往往后置,The building being built now is our gymnasium(体育馆).,being,当表示已经被完成和将要被完成的动作

4、时可用done和to be done,This is the building built last year. Theyve designed the building to be built next year.,B. 作宾语补足语 1.感官动词 see /look at / notice/ watch /observe/ catch /feel/ find /smell/ hear/ listen to +o.+doing 2.haveget+o.+doing 3.keepleave+o.+doing 4.with+o.+doing,+dodone,+do(get+o.+to do)do

5、ne,+done/adj./adv./prep.phrase,+doneto doadj.adv.prep.phrase,被动:be seen to dodoingdone,1.I heard_(他在唱歌)when I passed his house. 2.Turn off the lights!Dont leave them _(亮着)all night long. 3. A cook will be immediately fired if he is found _ in the kitchen. a. smoke b. smoking c. to smoke d. smoked,hi

6、m singing,(b),burningon,C. 作主语和表语 1.区别doing 和to do 作主语和表语时的不同 2.doing和to do 作主语时谓语动词用单数 3.固定句型:It is no usegood doing 4.注意-ed式形容词和-ing式形容词作表语和定语时的区别,1.In some countries, _ (nod) ones head _ (mean) “no” .,nodding,means,2._ (teach) is quite interesting. 3._ (teach) so many little kids in such a small

7、room today will really make me confused.,Teaching,To teach,shockexciteinviteencouragedisappoint 1.It is _ to watch the worlds top soccer players play in China. 2. I was _when I heard about your accident. 3.The father must have said something _ because the boy finally got up and made a good speech. 4

8、.He said in a _ voice that he would leave at once. 5.The food didnt look very _. It was not worth the money.,shocked,exciting,inviting,encouraging,disappointed,4.We were _in the _ story.(有趣的),interested,interesting,D. 作 宾语(-ing形式及其复合结构可以放在动词、介词、短语之后) 1.固定的动词之后(avoidappreciatefinishmind) 2.固定短语之后(giv

9、e up/ keep on/ be worth/feel like ) 3. remember/ forget/ regret /mean /try /like/ dislike/ love/ stop / go on /cant help 之后加doing 和to do 区别,1.You can show your welcome to someone by _ (shake) hands with him or her. 2.I feel like _ (休息).Would you mind _ (我坐这儿)? 3.I remember _ (把书还给你了). 4. She strongl

10、y disliked spoken to like that.,shaking,taking a rest,myme sitting here,returning the book to you,being,E. 作状语的用法(在句子中表示时间、条件、伴随、结 果、原因等) 1.当主句中的谓语动词和-ing短语中动词所表示的动作同时发生时,用-ing 形式, 否定式为not doing 2. -ing 短语中动词所表示的动作发生在主句的谓语动词所表示的动作之前, 用having done 形式(被动用having been done), 否定式为 not having (been) done

11、3.-ing 形式作状语时,其逻辑主语通常为主句的主语 4.从属连词+动词的-ing 形式动词的过去分词(whenwhileoncealthoughunless, since, whenever, until, as if),Arriving home, she found the door locked.,Having failed the exam, he no longer played computer games.,Not knowing what to do, your advice is important to me.,While reading the letter, she

12、 cried.,1.He stood at the school gate and greeted the new students. 2. After she was told that her daughter got sick,she went to the school to take her home. 3.Looking on the top of the hill,_. a.there were lot of tall buildings b. lots of tall buildings were seen c.I saw a lot of tall buildings d.

13、our city looked very beautiful. 4.当在看这部感人的电影时/当被问到为什么偷窃时,她忍不住哭了。,He stood at the school gate, greeting the new students.,Having been told that her daughter got sick, she went to the school to take her home.,When_, she _.,When seeing the moving film, /asked why she stole,she couldnt help crying,(C),V

14、-ing 形式的复合结构是在该形式前加上动作的发出者,多为形容词性物主代词或名词所以格,这一复合结构常在句中作主语和宾语。作主语时,在句首需用名词所有格形式,如果不出现在句首可用代词的宾格或名词的普通格代替。,1.Victor apologized for _ to inform me of the change in the plan. A.his being not ale B. him not to be able C.his not being able D.him to be not able 2._ the meeting himself gave them a great deal of encouragement. A.The president will attend B.the president to attend C.the president attended D.the presidents attending 3.The discovery of new evidence led to _. A.the thief having caught B.catch the thief C.the thief being caught D.the thief to be caught,


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