高考英语二轮复习精品课件第6模块 读写任务 专题1 记叙文型读写任务.ppt

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《高考英语二轮复习精品课件第6模块 读写任务 专题1 记叙文型读写任务.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高考英语二轮复习精品课件第6模块 读写任务 专题1 记叙文型读写任务.ppt(61页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、目 录,专题一 记叙文型读写任务 专题二 说明文型读写任务 专题三 夹叙夹议文型读写任务 专题四 议论文型读写任务,第六模块 读写任务,第六模块 读写任务,第六模块 考纲解读,读写任务是广东省高考英语的新题型,它要求考生阅读一篇短文,然后完成两项任务:使用约30个词概括要点;使用约120个词写一篇符合要求的短文。这一题型旨在考查学生“用英语获取信息、处理信息、传达信息的能力,分析问题、解决问题的能力以及用英语进行表达的能力”,即“综合语言运用能力”,体现了新课程标准改革在广东考试改革中的力度。 广东高考英语读写任务考查内容,第六模块 考纲解读,第六模块 考纲解读,第六模块 考纲解读,第六模块

2、命题分析,广东高考英语读写任务命题的body部分不外乎两个题材,一是议论文,二是夹叙夹议的文章。 这样的命题,不但着重考查考生的思维能力,更考查对语篇的思维深度,同时考查现在中学生的认知能力。高中学生已走近成人阶段,具备了一定的知识储备和社会经验,认知能力已经达到了相对较高的水平。这样的命题体现了新课标“以人为本”、“为学生的终生发展奠定基础”的精神,反映了测试内容与社会进步、学生经验的联系。既体现了科学和人文素养,也发掘了素质教育的因素,对学生有很好的教育意义。,第六模块 命题分析,第六模块 应试点睛,2012年考生需要在素材上有所准备。脑海中应至少积累两到三个自己或他人的、具有真情实感且表

3、达准确无误的记叙小段落如描写助人为乐的、描写亲情可贵的、描写诚实真挚的或描写坏人坏事的记叙小段落。积累了这些素材以后,在考场中可以灵活运用。 读写任务在广东高考英语试卷中占据很大比重,而又是主观化评判很高的部分。因此,考生应该努力通过作文亮点的创设,给阅卷老师留下良好的主观印象。 在写作中,应注意以下问题。,第六模块 应试点睛,1. 合理使用非谓语动词、定语从句、状语从句、名词性从句、强调句、倒装句、含有with复合结构的句子以及it开头的句型。这些句型出现在文章各段首,让文章锦上添花。 It is wildly believed/ thought/ accepted that knowled

4、ge is power. Only in this way/ by doing that can /will we do something . 2. 适当用被动代替主动,这样能更客观地反映事实。如用“Attention should be paid to.”来结尾会比“We should pay attention to.”更好。 3. 在正反阐释文中有一句话重复率非常高:“Some people think.while others think.”,这种表达很容易让你的作文在众多的考卷中跳出来,夺人眼球。,第六模块 应试点睛,4. 能用短语不用单词。短语的使用也是彰显写作功力的一种极佳方法

5、。它的优势:a.增加文章亮点;b.改变自己写文章总是寥寥数语凑不够词数的痛苦记忆。如:用“Your words are not enough to bear out your innocence.”来代替“Your words are not enough to prove your innocence.”会更好一些。 5. 多用词义具体的实词,少用虚词,也是一个制造亮点的好方法。如:表示一个人“好”可以使用generous, humorous, interesting, smart, gentle, warmhearted, hospitable等具体化的词汇。 6. 在议论文写作中,适当运

6、用谚语,也是给文章增色的手段之一,如: As a popular saying goes, “Every coin has two sides.” As is known to all, “No pains, no gains.”,第六模块 题型探究,探究点一 读写任务的概括 新课程标准的三个关键词是问题、信息、表达。以问题为中心, 输入信息, 表达思想。这个思想折射到读写任务的题目设置上, 文章阅读是输入信息, 写作的题目是我们要解决的问题, 表达就是我们写出来的文章。阅读过后写出来,就是考查我们处理信息的能力。 概括包括两个部分:主题句和支撑句。 前者统摄后者,主题句是关键。,第六模块 题

7、型探究,第六模块 题型探究,2.概括的标准:抛弃次要, 瞄准写作目的。 好的概括具有以下一些特点:主题句统摄, 逻辑性强, 信息浓度高, 意义抽象程度高等。读写任务的阅读材料有多种文体,要针不同文体概括主题,提炼支撑句,力求简洁明了、一目了然。 【举例说明】 记叙文的概括 阅读下面的短文, 然后用约30个词概括要点。 The Best Gift Della and Jim broke away from their families to get married.Now they lived in a small attic of a cold and old building.They we

8、re now digesting the hardship of life.The only joy was their sweet love for each other.The handsome husband had to be burdened with a family,第六模块 题型探究,though he was young.The beautiful wife took care of the shabby house with the few coins she saved.Christmas was coming.They were thinking of a good g

9、ift for each other.Della wore a waterfall of black hair, but her comb was broken.Jim had a gold watch with an old chain, which was passed from his old grandfather.The big day finally came.On arriving home, Jim was surprised to find Dellas long hair cut short.But Della was also surprised to find Jims

10、 gold watch gone.She had sold her hair to buy a gold watch chain for him! He had sold his gold watch to buy an expensive comb for her! The gifts were now useless.But in fact they got the best gifts.,第六模块 题型探究,我们首先分析一下学生的样本, 看看存在什么问题, 要如何改进。 【学生样本1】 This passage tells us a story about a couple.They s

11、old the most valuable thing for themselves to buy a gifts for each other.Even though the gifts became useless, they (had) received the best gift(s) indeed. 【学生样本2】 This story tells us that a husband Jim and a wife Della love each other.On Christmas, they send the best gifts to each other, but each l

12、ose their dear thing.The gifts are useless.,第六模块 题型探究,【评论点拨】 两个样本都表达了一些关键的词语(Della, Jim, love, gift等), 但是从“主题句统摄支撑句”的要求来看, 与记叙文的文体目的配合不够完美。记叙文要求故事的“教化”意义, 它的背后隐藏着“这个故事教育我们什么”的目的, 即是“故事情节主题”的深层结构。 我们写概括的时候, 主题句最好瞄准故事的深层写作目的, 然后支撑句写故事的大意。样本1的主题句没有样本2好。样本1比较空洞, 读者看不出故事的主题, 且有不少的语法错误;样本2没有点明礼物,说到了两个人之间的

13、“love”。 但是样本1后面的支撑句Even though the gifts became useless, they (had) received the best gift(s) indeed.说明了故事的情节和目的, 又比样本2好。因此, 两个样本差不多, 可以评34分(满分5分)。,第六模块 题型探究,第六模块 题型探究,探究点二 记叙文表达的繁与简 记叙文的叙事结构在于多个“进展评议”推进故事的情节发展。除了这个以外, 表达的繁与简也是一个非常重要的问题。这里的繁与简有两重意思:第一是内容描写的繁与简, 就是文字的多少;第二是句子结构的繁与简, 就是句子结构的复杂程度。 繁与简都

14、是必要的写作手法, 它们的运用取决于写作的目的。写作时, 句子结构的繁与简取决于两个因素:第一是同学们自己的语言水平。 语言水平比较低的时候, 复杂的句子意思表达往往不够清晰, 我们建议用简单的句子结构提高语法的准确率。第二是写作目的。 在某种程度上,它要求复杂或者简单的句子结构与之相对应。,第六模块 题型探究,1意思清晰是大前提 我们首先要清楚一个概念:使用复杂结构和“大词”并不等于语言“高级”, 与语言环境相互配合的语言结构和词语才是真正的高级。例如:凯撒大帝征服高卢时说: I came. I saw. I conquered. 句子简短有力, 决心坚定。英国首相丘吉尔也说, 短词比大词更

15、加有表现力, 大词小用是很可笑的, 例如: Tom is a 5yearold wise and sagacious boy. 试问, 一个5岁大的小孩怎么能够像圣人那样“睿智”(sagacious)呢?,第六模块 题型探究,如果我们盲目地使用复杂结构, 不一定就有好的效果, 结构复杂度把握不好, 会损害意思的清晰度。例如: 下面这段话含有76个单词,6个从句的句子到底是什么意思? In my opinion, I will say that we here in China today in the beginning of the 21st century often place a hi

16、gh value on the successful achievement of an education on the college level and it seems to me that the reason why_we believe this is that_college is the place where a young man or woman is first helped to begin to grasp and understand what the true meaning of life really is.,第六模块 题型探究,倒不如简单地说成: The

17、 Chinese people now value college education because it helps a student to understand the meaning of life. 所以, 句子复杂程度要服务于意思的清晰度。 2句子结构复杂度服务于写作目的 下面的文章用简单句比较多, 20个句子中只有3个复合句, 复杂度为15%。,第六模块 题型探究,【样本1】 简单句多 I will never forget that special day I spent with my mother.Mother could only wear soft shoes aft

18、er the operation.But her old ones were worn out.It was Mothers Day.I bought my mother a pair of sport shoes with the money saved. “Mum, I am back.” But I received no answer.It was quite unusual.I stepped into mothers room, only to find her in bed.She was finally ill with heavy work, unable to hear m

19、e in her sweet dream. I put aside the box and tiptoed into the kitchen.After some time, I put hot porridge beside her bed.Mothers gray hairs spread on the pillow and shone in the,第六模块 题型探究,sunshine from the window.I began to comb her hair.I felt sour in my throat.Suddenly mother woke up and found wh

20、at I was doing. . 精心雕琢的简单句更符合叙述的过程, 周围的句子都是简单句, 形成一致的干脆叙事风格。 【样本2】 复合句多 “Mum,I am back.”But after I received no answer, which was quite unusual, I stepped into mothers room, only to find her in bed, who was finally ill with heavy work, unable to hear me in her sweet dream. Putting aside the box, I t

21、iptoed into the kitchen, from which I took hot porridge beside her bed after some time.Mothers gray hairs spread on the pillow and,第六模块 题型探究,shone in the sunshine from the window.When I was combing her hair, I felt sour in my throat.As soon as mother woke up, she at once found what I was doing. . 比较

22、不难发现句子结构复杂了, 但是干脆利落的叙事风格却消失了。,第六模块 题型探究,探究点三 夹叙夹议文的写作 夹叙夹议的写作谁都会写, 但是要写好却不容易。文章内容要素包括who, what, when, where, how。如果我们对叙事的结构进行分析, 可以发现夹叙夹议文写作的具体过程是:点题(abstract), 指向(orientation), 进展 (action),评议(evaluation), 结果(result)和回应(coda)。为了解决以上的问题, 下面向同学们介绍一种夹叙夹议文的创作方法。具体的叙述过程可以体现在下面“武松打虎”的故事里。,第六模块 题型探究,第六模块 题

23、型探究,第六模块 题型探究,【欣赏评论】 从上述故事来看, 采用的是第三人称Wu Song。作者没有出场, 是隐藏的, 没有出现在文章中, 但是他(她)更像一位无所不知的旁观者, 等待适当的时机向读者“抛售”他(她)隐藏的情感与价值观念(例如:What a great hero Wu was!强烈暗示了对武松的褒扬, 读者的情感不自觉地被引导到某个目标), 这些隐藏的情感与价值观念就是写作的动机, 也就是写的作目的。,第六模块 题型探究,探究点四 议论文的写作方法 议论文的写作目的是企图劝说读者接受作者的观点或者立场,因此文章必须具有很强的说服力。雄辩的逻辑和例子都可以增强说服力。因此, 议论

24、文的内容必须是精心挑选的, 必须是能够说明问题的, 必须是在论点的统领之下的。 议论文有不同的形式, 例如概念讨论型、观点对立型、观点论证型、现象讨论型、问题解决型等。 无论议论文是什么形式, 它必须具有论点、论据和论证。论点是作者试图让读者接受的观点。论据是用以证明论点成立的证据。论证是论据证明论点的过程, 包括材料的选择、安排、详略、比例,逻辑关系的发展等。,第六模块 题型探究,【举例说明】 【写作内容】 (阅读材料略) 1概括短文的内容要点, 该部分的词数大约30; 2就“好学生的标准”这个主题发表你的看法, 至少包括以下的内容要点, 该部分的词数大约120: (1)叙述你班上一位好学生

25、(假设叫John)是如何度过一天的; (2)你认为好学生应该具有什么素质? 【评论点拨】 这是一篇夹叙夹议的文章, 第一个问题“叙述你班上一位好学生(假设叫John)是如何度过一天的”,是记叙文体;第二个问题“你认为好学生应该具有什么素质?”是说明议论文体。 “记叙说明议论”是这篇文章的文体总特征。,第六模块 题型探究,第六模块 题型探究,现在, 我们来看看学生样本: What is a good student? Students have different opinions on a good student.Nowadays, some students consider enteri

26、ng a good university is the destination of study.Others think developing personal interests and rewarding specialties are important. John is one of the best students in my class.He comes_to_school_so_early that he can ask his classmates what he doesnt know.When he is having a class, he concentrates_

27、on it, and find the problem to_ask_teacher after class.When he is in school, he never_wastes_time to do others.He does the same every day.,第六模块 题型探究,In my opinion, I think a good student would have such good characters.First, he should have a_good_study_habit.Second, he should set_a_good_goal_to mak

28、e it come true, because good setting is the strongest force for human motivation.Third, he should not_waste_time to do others, but use it fully and effectively.Fourth, he should have many_moralities.With them, students can use_his_knowledge_in_a_correct_way.,第六模块 题型探究,【评论点拨】 本文使用55的比例回答文章的两个问题。回答第一个

29、问题使用一般现在时, 说明John每天的学习状态, 画线部分能够抓住最为重要的事件来写, 比较典型。回答第二个问题使用并列式, 画线部分能够扣紧“好学生”的标准, 但是信息分类比较凌乱。我们建议按照语言的精炼原则修改, 第一个问题表达要更加地道;第二个问题按照德智体的标准进行分类, 使信息更加清晰。,第六模块 题型探究,第六模块 题型探究,【参考范文】 The Qualities of a Good Student This text discussed the different standards of a good student.The judgment changes from be

30、ing good at school subjects in the past to entering a good university at present.However, now many prefer to develop personal interests and specialties. John is taken as an ideal good student in my class.He gets up early to work hard at math problems.He arrives at school earliest to read English and

31、 review vocabularies.He listens critically and takes notes selectively.After lunch and supper at school, he does homework and reviews lessons.The time before bed is for reading.But he has no time for sports and is weak and often ill.,第六模块 题型探究,In my opinion, John is not yet a completely “good studen

32、t”My ideas for a good student are as follows. First, a good student should know how to learn.He should enjoy learning to find pleasure.The final aim of learning is not to remember facts but to use them to create. Second, he should know how to build up a good body.A wise head on a weak shoulder canno

33、t work under high pressure in modern society. Third, he must have a healthy and balanced mind.With a good personality, he can stand the test of success and failure, and survive an easy or a difficult personal relationship.,第六模块 题型探究,探究点五 说明文与议论文的组合 说明与议论都是非常重要的写作方法, 但是说明文与议论文还是有比较大的差异。它们有相似的地方, 例如都有

34、说理的部分, 但角度不尽相同。,第六模块 题型探究,第六模块 题型探究,说明文与议论文组合属于跨文体, 难度主要在于审题, 我们从题目的问题中比较难断定使用哪种文体。 【举例说明】 【写作内容】 (阅读材料略) 你要参加一场英语演讲比赛, 主题是“知识就是力量吗”。 在参赛之前, 你要查阅相关资料, 并准备你的演讲发言。 1概括短文的内容要点, 该部分的词数大约30; 2就“知识就是力量吗”这个主题发表你的看法, 至少包括以下的内容要点, 该部分的词数大约120: (1)你身边的人怎样看待知识的地位? (2)用你的经历说明知识的重要性。 (3)你同意“知识就是力量”这一说法吗?,第六模块 题型

35、探究,【评论点拨】 1对文体的分析 (1)“你身边的人怎样看待知识的地位?”身边的人怎么想并不是我们主观判断的, 作者的责任只不过是客观地描述现存的状态。 (2)用你的经历说明知识的重要性。 (3)你同意“知识就是力量”这一说法吗? 2文体的组合 现在我们知道文章的三个问题在文体上的推进是“说明说明议论”。 3对比例关系的分析 文章的比例就像是人的身材, 高低长短直接影响着审美。文章的组合是“说明说明议论”, 最为保险的比例是111。,第六模块 题型探究,【学生样本1】 My friends and relatives think highly of knowledge.In their op

36、inion, first, knowledge can make them a smart person.Second, knowledge is a sign of a highquality person.Third, the use of knowledge can help them make money. 【评论点拨】 主题句简明到位,论据排列清晰,语言表达比较准确, 内容相对薄弱。,第六模块 题型探究,【学生样本2】 Among my friends, there are some attitudes towards knowledge.Some think knowledge i

37、s nothing but a pile of principles, theories and even some boring and exhausting words; many_people_with_rich_knowledge_cannot_be_paid_off_by_their_social_status.Some consider knowledge very important, because with useful knowledge they can get a good job or earn much money.Other_great_men_without_m

38、uch_knowledge_and_many_in_lowerclass_with_great_knowledge_think_it_is_soso.They have seen many. 【评论点拨】 主题句有统摄作用,内容比较丰富,但三个观点的分述,逻辑上有交叉的地方,但词不达意的地方也多,例如画线的地方。,第六模块 题型探究,【参考范文】 运用你的写作知识评价一下这篇参考范文。 The Power Is the Ability to Use Knowledge People around me think highly of knowledge.Teachers think stude

39、nts are the future masters of the nation who should learn enough knowledge.Parents believe knowledge can help their children get rid of ignorance and poverty.Knowledge is useful to both our nation and our family.,第六模块 题型探究,My personal experience has taught me the importance of knowledge.My uncle rai

40、sed many chickens on his farm.I helped him with his farm work last summer vacation.Unluckily, when uncle was out on business, the chickens were struck with terrible illness.Because I lacked the knowledge in chicken raising, most chickens died before uncle returned.Knowledge is power, but we need mor

41、e than knowledge itself.We also badly need the ability to use knowledge in a meaningful way.Guns can be used to defend or to kill.Knowledge about gun might not necessarily bring us good.Only when we use knowledge correctly can knowledge become powerful in a real sense.,第六模块 题型探究,第六模块 题型探究,专题一 记叙文型读写

42、任务,专题一 记叙文型读写任务,专题一 专题导读,叙事类文章的内容包括“主题、情节和主旨”三个方面,其中情节是主要部分,“主题”和“主旨”有时藏于“情节”之中。但在写摘要时,不能仅仅描写情节,必要时要点出“主题”和“主旨”。 写作步骤与技巧: 1了解大意 做题目前, 要浏览短文,了解大意。如可通过浏览标题、首段及各段首句等来了解短文大意。,专题一 专题导读,2找关键词 找关键词就是找记叙文的六个要素。一般说来,任何事情或事件(what)都会有时间(when)、地点(where)、可能涉及的人物(who)、原因(why)、经过(how)、结果(result)。阅读时可将关键词划出来。 3组词成句

43、 依照原文内容,将上述关键词扩展成完整的句子。 4连句成篇 根据事情发生的顺序,用适当的连接性词语,将上述体现文章要点的句子连接起来,成为一篇较为通顺的短文。,专题一 真题典例,【2011广东卷】阅读下面短文,然后按要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。 When Sam first got to his boarding school with his parents, he was very happy.He thought he would be able to go home every weekend.When he was told that he would not, he star

44、ted crying because the thought of not seeing his parents was driving him crazy. He was given uniforms and all other things that he would need for the term.He started crying when it was time for his parents to leave.He was then taken to the dorm, where he saw other children happy.He tried as much as

45、he could to fit in but could not because his mind was at home.He,专题一 真题典例,started feeling homesick (想家) and wanted to go home as soon as possible. He got sick soon because he could not eat the school food.He could not concentrate in the classroom.All he could think of was being at home with his fami

46、ly.He had no mobile phone or other means to get in touch with his parents.He was angry and felt lonely.He thought his parents hated him and that was why they left him in a boarding school.,专题一 真题典例,【写作内容】 1以约30个词概括上文的主要内容。 2以约120个词讲述一次你(或你的朋友)想家的经历,内容包括: (1)时间、地点和起因; (2)想家给学习或生活带来的影响; (3)你(或你的朋友)是如何

47、应对的。 【写作要求】 1作文中可以使用亲身经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直接引用原文中的句子。 2作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。 【评分标准】 概括准确,语言规范,内容合适,语篇连贯。,专题一 真题典例,One possible version: The_story_is_about_what_Sam_felt_about_his_first_boarding_school_life.As_a_child,_he_never_left_his_parents,_so_he_didnt_get_used_to_dealing_with_everything_in_sch

48、ool_independently. Once_I_had_a_similar_experience.I_finished_my_junior_middle_school_in_a_boarding_school.At_the_age_of_13,_I_never_dealt_with_daily_things,_such_as_washing_clothes,_taking_care_of_money,etc.I_felt_lonely_because_I_hardly_knew_any_people.At_first,_,专题一 真题典例,I_could_not_get_on_well_w

49、ith_my_classmates_and_I_always_looked_forward_to_being_on_holiday_to_meet_my_parents.I_could_not_concentrate_on_my_subjects.As_time_went_by,_I_gradually_adapted_myself_to_the_school_life.I_made_several_friends_and_often_took_part_in_the_activities,_in_which_I_improved_my_communication_skills.As_I_had_a_lot_of_interesting_things_to_do,_I_finally_enjoyed_my_school_life. Now,_whenever_I_think_of_my_first_boarding_school_life,_I_think_


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