2020学年人教版高中英语同步练习:必修1 unit 4规范训练(1)(含答案).doc

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1、2020学年人教版英语精品资料 Unit 4Earthquakes (1).课文缩写Strange things happened before Tangshan Earthquake happened.The well walls had deep cracks.A smelly gas came out of them.The water pipes cracked and burst.At 3:42 on the morning of July 28,1976,everything began to 1._.It seemed as if the world was 2._.3._ bu

2、rst from holes in the ground.Hard hills of rock became rivers of 4._.Soon the whole city lay in 5._.Many people died or were injured.Everything in the city was destroyed.People were 6._ at this and wondered how long the disaster would last.The army organized teams to 7._ those who were 8._ and to 9.

3、_ the dead.Workers built shelters for survivors.Fresh water was taken to the city.Thanks to the army,the city began to 10._ again.答案1.shake2.at an end3.Steam4.dirt5.ruins6.shocked7.dig out8.trapped9.bury10.breathe.单词拼写1He has been b_ in the novel for 3 hours.2Females find it e_ difficult to get a jo

4、b in such a field.3Many people were killed or i_ in the earthquake.4You may b_ the balloon if you are not careful.5They _(组织)the youths to form a group to protect the environment.6After the war,the city lay in _(废墟)7We knew Bob had cancer,but the news of his death still came as a _(震惊的事)8Hundreds of

5、 people are still in the water,waiting to be _(援救)9These bushes grow well in the _(掩蔽)of big oak trees.10A lot of people lost their lives in the _(灾难)答案1.buried2.extremely3.injured4.burst5.organized6.ruins7.shock8.rescued9.shelter10.disaster.翻译与仿写1Imagine there_has_been a big earthquake.翻译:_仿写:周六晚上将

6、举行一场英语晚会。_2In the farmyards,the chickens and even the pigs were too nervous to eat.翻译:_仿写:那时他太年轻不能理解父亲的话。_3Mice ran out of the fields looking_for places to hide.翻译:_仿写:年轻人跟在老人后面开始慢慢走着。_4It seemed as_if the world was at an end.翻译:_仿写:她对我就像对个小孩儿似的。_5All hope was not lost.翻译:_仿写:不是所有的学生都明白他说的话。_答案1.想像有

7、一场大地震。There is going to be an English evening party on Saturday evening.2农家院落里的鸡,甚至是猪都太惶恐而不吃食。He was too young to understand what his father said then.3老鼠也从地里跑出来找地方躲。Following the old man,the young people started walking slowly.4似乎世界末日来临了。She treats me as if I were a child.5不是所有的希望都破灭了。All the stude

8、nts could not understand what he said.或:Not all the students could understand what he said.句型转换1A:The problem isnt easy enough for me to work out.B:The problem is_difficult for me_work out.2A:My professor didnt seem very interested in my essay.B:_ _ _ my professor wasnt very interested in my essay.3

9、A:These sunglasses became her trademark;she was known everywhere she went.B:These sunglasses became her trademark;she was known_ _ _ she went.4A:After the earthquake,water,food,and electricity were hard to get.B:_ _ _ to get water,food,and electricity after the earthquake.5A:If war breaks out,we sha

10、ll be called up at once.B:If war breaks out,we shall be called up_ _.6A:Not all the students know how to deal with the problem.B:_the students_know how to deal with the problem.答案1.too;to2.It seemed that3.no matter where 4It was hard5.right away6.All;do not.单项填空1We need an immediate reply.I see.Ill

11、send the paper to you _.Ajust now Bsooner or laterCright away Dfor a while答案Cright away立刻,马上,与上文“an immediate reply”相一致。just now刚才;sooner or later迟早;for a while一会儿。2The shop manager always says to her assistants,“We can never be _ polite to our customers.”Aso Bmore Ctoo Dthat答案C句意:商店经理总是对售货员说:“我们对顾客

12、越礼貌越好。”can not/never be too.越越好。3The article discusses the _ which led to the outbreak of the war.Amatter Baffairs Cevents Dbusiness答案C句意:这篇文章讨论了引起这场战争的事件。表示“大事,要事,有意义或不同寻常之事”用event。matter表示“须留心的要事或问题、难题”;affair表示“繁杂或较多的事务”;business表示“指派的任务、责任”。4His friends ignored his advice,_ they knew it to be he

13、lpful.Aas if BsinceCeven if Dso that答案C句意:他的朋友们不理睬他的建议,尽管他们知道这条建议有帮助。as if好像;since既然,自从;even if即使,尽管;so that结果是,为的是。故只有C项符合题意。5He remembers everything of his childhood as if it _ just now.Awas happening BhappensChappened Dhas happened答案C句意:他记得童年的每一件事,仿佛是刚刚发生的一样。happen无进行时态,排除A项;as if仿佛,好像,其后的从句可用虚拟语

14、气。句中的remember为一般现在时,故as if从句中用一般过去时表示虚拟语气。6Im sorry to say that our food is almost _.We cant survive if there is no one to help us.Aby the end of Bat the end ofCin the end Dat an end答案D考查介词短语的辨析。句意:我很遗憾地说我们的食物快没了。如果没有人来帮助,我们就无法生存了。by the end of到为止;at the end of在尽头;in the end最后,终于;at an end结束,终结。7Mr

15、Wilson didnt believe that twothirds of his childrens spare time _ wasted watching TV.Aare Bis Cwere Dwas答案D分数作主语时,谓语动词的单复数由of后面的名词的数决定。该句中time是不可数名词,故谓语动词用单数;语态上是被动,故选D项。8The houses across the street are _,but they were in good condition a few years ago.Ain rows Bin ruinsCin number Din detail答案Bin r

16、ows成行,成排;in ruins毁坏,破败不堪;in number总共;in detail详细地。只有B项符合句意。9It is said that there was a car accident last night,_ five people and making more _.Akilling;injured Bkilled;injuredCkilling;injuring Dkilled;injuring答案A本题考查非谓语动词的用法。句意:据说昨天晚上有一起车祸,导致五人死亡,更多的人受伤。killing.是现在分词短语作结果状语。injured是过去分词作宾语补足语。10At

17、least 203 miners were killed,22 _ and 13 _ in the coal mine gas explosion.Ainjured;trapping Binjured;trappedCinjuring;trapping Dinjuring;trapped答案B句意:这次煤矿瓦斯爆炸中,至少有203名矿工丧生,另外22人受伤,13人被困。injure和trap均与miners构成逻辑上的动宾关系,所以要用过去分词形式表示被动,因此B项正确。11It was a _ story,and we all got _.Ashocking;shocking Bshocke

18、d;shockedCshocking;shocked Dshocked;shocking答案C句意:这是一个令人震惊的故事,我们都感到大吃一惊。shocking令人震惊的,指事物或人本身的性质;shocked感到震惊的,指人的心理感受。12All the students havent finished their homework._,because some students watched the final football match until far into the night.AYes BNoCYou are wrong DImpossible答案Ball与not连用构成部分

19、否定,答语中No的意思是“对,是的”。13Is there good news from your friend?Yes,many valuables have been _ in the working site.Acome out Bworked outCdug out Dbrought out答案C句意:“从朋友那里带来了什么好消息吗?”“是的。从工地上挖出了许多珍贵物品。”dig out“掘出;发现”,符合句意。come out“出现,出版”;work out“解决,计算出”;bring out“阐明;出版”。14He was so _ thought that he didnt se

20、e the pole on the road.Aburied in Bcareful withCbusy with Dserious about答案A句意:他太专心于思考了,以至于没看到公路上的柱子。be buried in埋头于,专心于;be careful with当心,小心;be busy with忙于;be serious about对认真的。故只有A项符合句意。15He is trying to shelter his student _ criticism.Afrom Boff Cto Dout答案A句意:他正努力保护自己的学生不受批评。表示“保护使其不受”用shelter.fro

21、m.。.阅读理解If the crust(外壳) of the earth were not pretty solid(坚固的),it would be shaking about and moving up and down frequently.However,there are places in the rocks of the earths crust where it isnt strongly held togetherwhere faults exist.Along the faults,one rock might push against another with grea

22、t force.The energy is changed to vibration in the rocks,so they begin to shake and we have an earthquake!The most famous one in North America was the San Francisco earthquake of 1906.Seven hundred people died and property(财产)damage amounted to about $425,000,000.The greatest destruction came from th

23、e fires that followed the quake.One of the most famous earthquakes in Europe took place in Lisbon,Portugal,in 1755.The city was destroyed and at least thirty thousand people were killed.In 1908,in Calabria and Sicily,a quake killed about seventyfive thousand people.In 1915,in central Italy,hundreds

24、of towns and villages were damaged and thirty thousand people were killed.Two great earthquakes that caused great damage in Asia took place in Tokyo,Japan,and in Gansu Province in China.The Tokyo quake of 1923 killed more than one hundred thousand people and destroyed the city and the city of Yokoha

25、ma,too.The Chinese quake in 1920 covered more than three hundred square miles and killed about two hundred thousand people.【语篇解读】 本文介绍了地震起因及历史上几次大地震。1The first paragraph mainly tells us _.Awhere earthquakes happenBhow earthquakes happenCthe damage caused by earthquakesDfamous earthquakes in the worl

26、d答案B通读第一段可知,本段介绍了地震的起因。2The underlined word “vibration” in the first paragraph probably means “_”Ashaking Bforce Cenergy Dlosing答案A一块岩石有可能用力挤压另一块岩石,地壳的能量发生了改变导致岩石晃动,于是地震发生了。vibration意为“晃动”,故A项正确。3Which of the following is the correct order of the years when the earthquakes happened?the San Francisco

27、 earthquakethe earthquake in Lisbon,Portugalthe earthquake in Calabria and Sicilythe earthquake in central Italythe earthquake in Gansu Provincethe Tokyo quakeA BC D答案C由文章地震发生的时间顺序可知C项正确。4We can infer from the passage that _.Athe earths crust in Europe is weaker than that in other placesBthe fires f

28、ollowing the San Francisco earthquake caused more damage than the earthquake didCthere were 75,000 people killed in the San Francisco earthquakeDthe city of Yokohama was not greatly influenced by the Tokyo quake答案B推理判断题。由第二段“The greatest destruction came from the fires that followed the quake.”可知B项正确。


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