2020学年人教版高中英语同步练习:必修3 unit 2 section ⅱ(含答案).doc

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1、2020学年人教版英语精品资料Unit 2 Healthy eating Section Learning about Language 课时精练(人教版必修3,课标通用).短语填空1He _ by selling vegetables.2In the old society, many peasants were _.3You must _ on sugar to lose weight.4I look forward to seeing you again _.5There is _ the amount of money I can afford.答案1.earns his living

2、2.in heavy debt3.cut down4before long5.a limit to.单项填空1He was very lazy and didnt study._, he failed the exam.AIn a word BSooner or laterCAs a result DAfter all答案C考查固定短语。句意:他非常懒惰不学习,结果考试不及格。根据语境“懒惰”与“不及格”的因果关系推知答案。in a word意思为“简言之”;sooner or later意思为“迟早”;as a result意思为“结果”;after all意思为“毕竟;别忘了”。2Afte

3、r ten years of hard work, they at last got _.Aout of debt Binto debtCin debt Dout of debts答案A考查介词短语。句意:经过10年的艰辛劳动,他们还清了债务。out of debt意思为“还清债务”; into debt意思为“背上债务”;in debt意思为“欠债”。3I shall visit you again _.Along after Bafter longCbefore long Dlong before答案C考查连词。句意:不久我将再次拜访你。根据句意此处有“不久”意思,故答案为C。4The n

4、ew medical care policy will be _ to us all.Agreat benefit BbenefitedCbeneficial Dfor the benefit答案C考查形容词。句意:新医保政策将对我们每个人都有益。be beneficial to意思为“对有好处”。另外benefit;be of great benefit意思也有“对有好处”。5If your knowledge can be in some way _ with experience, we are sure to succeed.Ajoined Bunited Cconnected Dco

5、mbined答案D考查动词。句意:如果你的知识在某些方面与经验结合的话,我们一定会成功。根据常识可知此处意思为“与结合”,答案D合适。join意思为“参加”; unite意思为“联合”; connect意思为“连接;联系”; combine意思为“结合”。6Hot _ the night air was, we slept deeply because we were so tired after the long journey.Aalthough Bas Cwhile Dhowever答案B考查状语从句。hot是做从句的表语,提前说明从句时倒装,即as引导的让步状语从句中要将从句中的表语,

6、状语,或动词原形提到as之前,故选B。7As is known to all, plants absorb _ from the sun.Apower Benergy Cforce Dstrength答案B考查名词。句意:正如我们所知道的,植物吸收太阳的能量。根据常识,植物生长需要太阳的“能量”。 power意思为“力量”; energy意思为“精力;能量”;force意思为“军事力量”; strength意思为“力气”。8The child did not look forward _ away from home for a couple of days.Ato being Bto be

7、Cat being Dhaving been答案A考查非谓语动词。句意:孩子不会期盼离开家几天的。look forward to doing意思为“期盼”,答案A合适。9Your speech at the meeting is limited _ half an hour.Aat Bfor Cin Dto答案D考查介词。句意:会上你的发言仅限于半小时。根据limit的用法,表示“在范围”用介词to。10You dont look very _. Are you ill?No, Im just a bit tired.Agood Bwell Cstrong Dhealthy答案B考查形容词。句

8、意:你看上去气色不好。病了吗?不,我有点疲乏。根据语境“生病”推知身体“健康”。 well意思为“健康;好”,指特定场合下的健康;healthy意思为“健康”,指身体强壮,很少生病。从此处对话中推知为“目前的身体状况”。.完成句子1He is working hard to _ _(把争取回来)the support of his teacher.2He is always _ _(撒谎), so his classmates hate to play with him.3She is trying to _ _(减肥)4I wont _ _ _ long(让你久等)5(为什么不)_ _ _

9、call him right now?答案1.win back2.telling lies3.lose weight4.have you waiting5.Why dont you.完形填空I am a people watcher, a trait magnified when I travel. On the train to and from Tokyo, I realized,_1_, that my fellow riders who were Japanese rarely _2_ up and around or used their eyes to interact with

10、other people. This _3_ me at first. To my American mind such interaction has the _4_ of mutual(相互的) acknowledgement. But then I remembered _5_ that the Japanese rarely maintain direct eye contact. Perhaps my people watching seemed _6_. I tried to be more subtle(内敛的). I had also read how the Japanese

11、 feel _7_ to each other as a group by a sense of responsibility._8_, as a Caucasian Westerner, I was obviously an outsider, I often _9_ being a temporary member of the group. Once, sitting at a long stop of a local train, I _10_ as several people got up and left the car when a faster train to their

12、_11_ pulled into the station. It was cold outside and every person _12_ to press the “CLOSE” button as they exited the train doors to help keep out the cold air for the group _13_ onboard.I always feel a bit embarrassed at having the unearned good fortune of being a _14_ speaker of the language. In

13、Japan I was _15_ for the many kind strangers who were willing to use their English to _16_ me. And in a country where the Roman alphabet is not used in the local language, the abundant English signage was _17_ aimed at helping travelers.For the most part on this trip, I found that I was left alone u

14、ntil I asked for help. I _18_ little curiosity or interest in interacting with me. When I entered a restaurant or shop, I felt I was _19_ as a local resident would be. Irasshaimase! Welcome is the greeting often shouted out _20_ by the staff when customers enter restaurants or stores. 【语篇大意】 本文是一篇记叙

15、文。通过作者在日本的所见所闻看到的日本人的友好、日本人的公德意识以及与作者国家文化的差异等进行了叙述,从中让我们对日本这个国家有了更深刻的认识。 1A.however Bthough Cyet Dtherefore答案B依据此处意思表示“然而;尽管如此”,排除D,从前后都可以用逗号隔开的语法现象可知答案B正确。2A.looked BnoticedCdiscovered Dwandered答案A依据下文.or used their eyes to interact with other people.可知日本人很少与其他人互动交流,故推出此处很少“抬头四处看”。3A.surprised Bsat

16、isfied Cpuzzled Dwondered答案C依据上文意思以及下文To my American mind such interaction.可知日本人与美国人的交流方式不一样,故推出日本人的做法“令人困惑”。 4A.character BnatureCmoral Dquality答案D依据此处关键词interaction“互动”和acknowledgement“承认”是美国人的“品质”,故答案D符合。5A.reading BseeingCthinking Dunderstanding答案A依据下文the Japanese rarely maintain direct eye cont

17、act. Perhaps my people watching seemed.作者对日本人的逐步了解,以及下段I had also read.,推出此处意思“读懂”日本人的习惯符合句意。6A.polite Bgentle Crude Dnoble答案C依据下文I tried to be more subtle(内敛的)推出作者认为自己的同胞看人不礼貌,与日本人看人有内涵对照,故答案C正确。7A.upset BseparatedClonely Dconnected答案D依据下文as a group by a sense of responsibility推出日本人联系的纽带就是通过责任感联系在一

18、起,成为一个团队,故此处有日本人如何感到彼此的“联系”,故答案D正确。8A.As though BEven thoughCThough DUnless答案B依据下文as a Caucasian Westerner, I was obviously an outsider以及.being a temporary member of the group,推出此处意思为“即使”,故答案B符合此处语意。9A.benefited from Btook fromCgot from Dmoved from答案A依据下文例子推出,即使我是一位西方白人,成为这个团队的临时队员也经常“受益”,故答案A符合。10A

19、.observed BrecognizedCfound Dwatched答案D依据上文作者的结论以及下文as several people got up and left the car when a faster train to.对作者的结论以实例加以证明,故有“观察”,答案D符合语境。11A.home Bdestination Coffice Dcompany答案B依据生活经验以及上下文提供的语境,推出此处“目的地”这种笼统的说法符合,故答案B正确。12A.made sure BpromisedCwished Dguarantee答案A依据下文.to press the “CLOSE”

20、button as they exited the train doors to help keep out the cold air for the group.推出日本人的社会公德意识强,故此处为“确保,答案A正确。13A.come BleftCremained Dstood答案B依据上文关键词exited“退出”可知此处为“留在”,故答案B正确。14A.foreign Bnational Cnative Dnatural答案C依据下文.the many kind strangers who were willing to use their English.推出作者此处谈到的是“母语的”

21、,故答案C正确。15A.thankful BappreciativeChateful Dgrateful答案D依据下文.many kind strangers who were willing to use their English to.以及此处与介词for的搭配,可以推出答案D“感激”符合语境。16A.hit Bcall Chelp Dhurt答案C依据此处语境,作者对日本人充满感激,推出“帮助”符合生活常识,故答案C正确。17A.obviously BspeciallyCparticularly Dclearly答案A依据此处上下文意思,英语这些罗马字母在日本语中是没有的,日本人学习英

22、语“显然”就是为了帮助外国旅游者,故答案A正确。18A.realized BsensedCfelt Dknew答案B依据此处.little curiosity or interest in interacting with me.以及下文的例子可以推出作者已经习惯了日本人的交流方式,故此处有“感觉到;意识到”,答案B表示“发自人的一种感觉”正确。19A.welcomed BlovedCarranged Dtreated答案D依据下文.as a local resident would be.可知日本人对人热情,把作者“当成”本地人招待,故答案D正确。20A.coldly Bwarmly Che

23、artily Dkindly答案C依据上文.as a local resident would be.以及下文by the staff when customers enter restaurants or stores可知对方是“真诚地”欢迎,故答案C正确。.短文改错假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及修改均仅限一词;2

24、只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。A lot of people thought that teachers need to love our students and that they need to have an expert knowledge of their subjects.These ideas are,of course,true to a certain degree and they are perhaps a little of too simple.It is impossible for anyone love everyone they know,a

25、nd teachers deal with the large number of students over the years.On the other hand,teachers could certainly be able to make their students feel that they are concerning.A good knowledge of the subject is extremely important,but equal important is the ability to pass that knowledge on to the student

26、s effectivelya teacher need to be trained in the skills of teaching.答案A lot of people that teachers need to love students and that they need to have an expert knowledge of their subjects.These ideas are,of course,true to a certain degree they are perhaps a little too simple.It is impossible for anyo

27、ne love everyone they know,and teachers deal with large number of students over the years.On the other hand,teachers certainly be able to make their students feel that they are .A good knowledge of the subject is extremely important,but important is the ability to pass that knowledge on to the students effectivelya teacher to be trained in the skills of teaching.


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