2020学年人教版高中英语同步练习:必修3 unit 3 section ⅱ(含答案).doc

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1、2020学年人教版英语精品资料Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note Section Learning about Language 课时精练(人教版必修3,课标通用).短语填空1He gave us _ advice.2I wont _ on a July holiday in Britainit always rains.3She talked to us _.4You think this is rather cheap,but _ me,it is expensive.5The man who was _ was a beggar.答案1.amounts

2、of2.take a chance3.in a very polite manner4.as for5.in rags.单项填空1Now he has a large _ of money, and can do anything he wants to. Anumber BamountCplenty Ddeal答案B考查量词。句意:现在他有大笔钱并且能够做他想做的任何事情。此处量词短语修饰的是money,为不可数名词,不能用number;plenty不与冠词a连用;a large deal of表示“许多”,除修饰不可数名词外,还表示某种程度;a large amount of仅表示数量。2

3、We decided to _ a chance on the weather and have the party outdoors.Amake Btake Chave Dpick 答案B考查动词。句意:在这种天气里我们决定冒下险,在室外开舞会。根据“天气;室外”推知“天气不好,需要冒险”。3_ the final exams, I would have gone to the concert yesterday.AIn spite of BBut for CBecause of DAs for答案B考查介词短语。句意:要不是期终考试,我昨天就去参加音乐会了。根据语境“过去情况”的假设推知“

4、要不是的话”用but for短语。4_ if you passed the exam you would receive a reward was telling lies.AWhoever told you thatBThose who told you thatCNo matter who told youDWhoever that told you答案A考查名词性从句。句意:不管谁告诉你如果通过考试就得到奖赏的话是说谎。whoever相当于anyone who,引导主语从句。that引导宾语从句,宾语从句又含有一个if引导的条件状语从句。5Its said that an America

5、n often starts a speech with a joke,_ a Japanese seldom does. Aas Bwhen Cwhile Dthough 答案C考查连词。句意:据说美国人经常以玩笑的形式开始演讲,相反日本人却不是这样。根据意思此处为“然而”,连词while合适。6Do you mind if I open the window?_ I feel a bit cold.AOf course not. BYoud better not.CGo ahead. DWhy not?答案B考查交际用语。句意:我打开窗子你介意吗?最好不要这样,我感觉有点感冒。根据语境I

6、feel a bit cold推知不允许打开窗子。7He _ be joking. He must mean it.Amustnt Bneednt Cdarent Dcant答案D考查情态动词。句意:他不可能开玩笑,他是当真的。根据语境He must mean it.可知前面玩笑“不可能”。8The little boy came riding at full speed down the motorway on his bicycle._ it was!AWhat a dangerous sceneBWhat dangerous a sceneCHow a dangerous sceneDH

7、ow dangerous the scene答案A考查感叹句式。句意:小男孩在马路上骑着自行车以最快的速度来了,是多么的危险啊。scene为可数名词,其感叹句的正确表达应为:What a dangerous scene it was!或How dangerous the scene was!或How dangerous a scene it was!。9At the conference, people of different _ were given a chance to exchange theirs with each other. Apoints BmannersCviews Dw

8、ays答案C考查名词。句意:会议上,不同观点的人们被给予彼此交换不同意见的机会。根据语境“交换”联系常识推知“观点”, views有此意。10If the agreement is reached this weekend, it will bring in profit of _ 2.5 million pounds.Aindeed BentirelyCapproximately Dslightly答案C考查副词。句意:如果本周协议达成就会带来近250百万英镑的利润。此处的利润为“大体,大约,接近”故C合适。.完成句子1What is _ _(众所周知)the world is that M

9、ark Twain is a great American writer.2_ _ _ _(至于你的建议),Im sure to consider it and give you reply in time.3Its _ _(有礼貌)to say“thank you”when someone helps you.4Theres _ _ _ _(总有机会)a snake hiding in the cave.5There is _ _ _ _(大量工作)work for us to do.答案1.wellknown to2.As for your advice3.good manners4.al

10、ways a chance of5.a large amount of.完形填空Mothers Day was coming,but John had been visiting customers. He was now in a small town just outside a flower shop and he knew what to do.He went into the shop and saw a young man _1_ the clerk to sell him some roses for six dollars,but the clerk just explaine

11、d that roses were _2_.The clerk looked up at John,_3_ her head. Something inside of John was _4_ by the boys voice. John had been _5_ in his business,and he looked at the clerk and _6_ mouthed that he would pay for the roses.The clerk looked at the young man and told him to get the roses for six dol

12、lars. The young man almost jumped into the _7_ and ran from the store with the _8_. It was worth the extra dollars just to see that kind of _9_.John ordered his own flowers and made sure that the _10_ would include a note telling his mother how much he loved her. He drove away from the shop,feeling

13、very _11_.He caught a light about two blocks away. As he _12_ at the light,he saw the young boy walking down the sidewalk. He watched him cross the street and enter a park through two huge gates. Suddenly,he _13_ that it wasnt a park but a cemetery (公墓)The light _14_, and John slowly crossed the int

14、ersection.He _15_ and on an impulse (冲动) got out and began to follow the boy. The young man stopped by a small monument and went to his _16_.He began to cry after he carefully _17_ the roses on the grave. He stared at the little boys heaving (起伏的) body and listened to his crying.John turned with _18

15、_, and walked back to his car. He drove _19_ to the shop and told the clerk he would _20_ the flowers personally. He wanted to tell his mother one more time just how much he loved her.【语篇大意】 在母亲节来临之际,约翰出于善意默默地替一个男孩垫付了他购买玫瑰花时的欠款,未曾想男孩购买鲜花竟然是为了祭奠母亲。约翰无比感动,决定立即更改原来的计划,亲自向母亲表达心中的爱意。1A.begging Bordering

16、Cforcing Durging答案A根据下文可知年轻人只有六美元,买不起昂贵的玫瑰花,所以“乞求”服务员把玫瑰花便宜地卖给他。2A.cheap BbeautifulCexpensive Dspecial答案C服务员向年轻人解释玫瑰花非常”昂贵”,不是六美元可以买得到的。此处讲的是价格问题,而不是玫瑰花的象征意义,因此D项不恰当。3A.shaking BwavingCnodding Dholding答案A年轻人意欲用六美元购买玫瑰花,服务员不肯出售,所以无奈地“摇头”。B项表示“摆动”,不符合语境。4A.recalled BtouchedChurt Dlightened答案B年轻人乞求的声音“

17、触动”了约翰的内心,此处touch表示“触动”。recall表示“回想,回忆”,主语一般是人。5A.influenced BruinedCburied Dblessed答案D上文提到约翰一直忙于拜访客户,下文提到他主动替年轻人垫付了不足的钱并且嘱托服务员把鲜花送给他的母亲,由此可推断他事业有成。此处应用blessed,表示“受上帝保护的,有福气的”。6A.loudly BsilentlyCgently Dcalmly答案B约翰努了努嘴,向服务员示意他将替年轻人支付(他购买玫瑰花)不足的钱,由于他只是用嘴示意,因而是“无声地”。7A.river Bair Clake Dhole答案B年轻人见服务

18、员答应了自己的请求,高兴得一蹦三尺高。其余三项明显错误。8A.money Bflowers Cbasket Dcards答案B年轻人的目的是购买鲜花,自然是拿着“鲜花”跑出了商店。9A.surprise Bhorror Cexcitement Dsadness答案C根据年轻人拿到鲜花并跑出商店时的表现可知他非常“兴奋”,而约翰认为能看到这种兴奋之情,花这些额外的钱也值得。10A.delivery Bmessage Ctransportation Dtransfer答案A约翰订购了自己的鲜花,并委托服务员在“送”花时要附上一张便条,表达他对母亲无比的爱意。transfer表示“转移,移交”,语意

19、不恰当。11A.relaxed BdisappointedCgood Dsorry答案C约翰已经委托服务员把鲜花送给他的母亲,并叮嘱对方要附上一张便条,由此可见他自认为已经办妥了一切,自我感觉“良好”。文章中没有提到他之前感到紧张,所以A项不恰当。12A.sang Bwaited Clooked Dstood答案B他遇到了红灯,自然要在红绿灯处“等侯”。13A.remembered BfoundCdiscovered Drealized答案D他突然“意识到”男孩走进的不是公园,而是公墓。14A.flashed BchangedCdisappeared Dshone答案B上文提到他遇到红灯后停了

20、下来,由此可推断此时红灯“变”成了绿灯,他缓缓驶过交叉点。15A.drove back Bpulled overCbroke down Dburst out答案B他一时冲动,想跟踪男孩,所以把车停到路边。此处pull over表示“把车停靠在路边”。break down表示“出故障,崩溃”;burst out表示“突然开始做某事”,后面需要跟宾语。16A.arms Bpalms Cfeet Dknees答案D男孩是在祭奠去世的母亲,自然是双“膝”跪在墓碑前。17A.laid Bdecorated Cset Dgrew答案A男孩小心翼翼地把玫瑰花“摆放”在坟墓上,失声痛哭起来。B项表示“装饰”,

21、通常用于喜庆场合。18A.laughter BangerCtears Dastonishment答案C约翰没有想到男孩倾其所有购买玫瑰花是为了祭奠他的母亲,感动得“泪流满面”。19A.slowly Bquickly Ccarefully Dexcitedly答案B上文提到约翰已经委托服务员把鲜花送给他的母亲,但是他看到男孩的举动后,意识到只有亲自把鲜花送给母亲才有意义,因此他“飞速”驶回花店。20A.bring Bfetch Ctake Dcatch答案C约翰告诉服务员他想亲自把花“带”给他的母亲。A项表示“带来”,显然不正确;B项表示“去拿来”,不符合语境。.根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选

22、出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。We live in the Internet age when much business is conducted online.How shall we mark the special occasions?_1_There are numerous websites available online that specialize in electronic cards,or ecards in short._2_Cards have been a popular way to express ones feelings and gra

23、titude.Earlier,there were traditional cards handpicked for special occasions but now,those are being replaced by ecards.Ecards are friendly in the world,which means you can send them to anyone around the world,to your friends,relatives,family,cousins,children,colleagues and numerous others._3_There

24、are Thank You Cards,Birthday Cards,Invitation Cards,Romantic Cards,Seasonal Cards Congratulation Cards,and Cards For Special Events.In other words,you have cards for any occasion.Many sites offer the cards free._4_Almost all the ecards are available online for print.If you have an office party and w

25、ant to make it exceptional,printable Invitation Cards are not difficult to find.You can also give them printable Thank You Cards and then Congratulation Cards to honor the best colleagues for their contributions and efforts._5_Just register with an online ecard website,look through the different kin

26、ds of cards,select your cards,download and print the cards you like.You get everything,basically nothing spent at your side.With ecards,send your messages and best wishes to any person around the globe.AWhy do we send cards anyway?BEcards are in fashion these days.CWhat types of cards are there?DWhe

27、re can we find the suitable cards we like?ETherefore,what do you need to do to print ecards?FEcards are more convenient than traditional cards.GIn addition,you also have printable ecards and those are free too.【解题导语】 本文列举了电子贺卡的好处。1答案B第一段主要是引入话题。根据空格前的问句及空格后的一句话可知此处选B。“Ecards are in fashion these day

28、s.”是本文的中心话题。2答案A根据空格后的一句话可知,此处主要是说人们寄送贺卡的原因的,故选A。Why do we send cards anyway?揭示了本段的主要内容。3答案C空格后面的内容主要介绍了电子贺卡的种类,故选C。4答案G上一句说,很多网站免费提供电子贺卡。再结合空格后面的句子可知此处选G。此外,还有可以打印的贺卡,也是免费的。上一句有free,这与G项中的“those are free too”相呼应。5答案E空格后面的内容主要介绍了如何打印电子贺卡,故选E。“Therefore,what do you need to do to print ecards?”也是主题句,该句概括了空格后面的内容。


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