2020学年人教版高中英语必修一 Unit3_完形填空(旅行篇) 题型专项突破 Word版含答案.doc

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《2020学年人教版高中英语必修一 Unit3_完形填空(旅行篇) 题型专项突破 Word版含答案.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2020学年人教版高中英语必修一 Unit3_完形填空(旅行篇) 题型专项突破 Word版含答案.doc(7页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、2020学年人教版英语精品资料题型专项突破-Unit3 完形填空(旅行篇)一、完形填空 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并写在答题卡上。1. When I was a college student, I did a lot of traveling abroad. That was because a professor (1) me to do so. She said, “Now is the time for you to travel around the world, (2) your knowledge through

2、actual experiences and have fun!” I (3) her.Since I started to work for a (4) company, however, I have done most of my traveling through the Internet. By using the Internet, I have seen the (5) of many cities on my computer screen. And I have really made business (6) , too. With the help of the Inte

3、rnet, I have also got (7) about food in different countries.Therefore, I was beginning to feel that actual trips were (8) necessary when I happened to read a famous chefs (厨师)comment on the Internet. He said, “ It is very difficult to have real Italian food in a foreign country, because we enjoy foo

4、d and the (9) around us at the same time. So why dont you fly over to Italy and enjoy real Italian (10) ?,Those words reminded me of my (11) advice. As information technology (12) , you might be able to do without making some real trips. But this also means that you will miss the various (13) you ca

5、n get from traveling.Today there are people who (14) direct communication with others and spend much of their time on the Internet.It is not surprising to see a group of people (15) not with each other but into their micro phones. It seems as if j such people are (16) by an invisible wall. They seem

6、 to be losing out on a good chance to (17) and talk with other people. I do not think that they are taking good advantage of information technology. We should use information i technology as a tool to make our daily (18) more fruitful. However, we should never let it (19) our time for face-to-face c

7、ommunication. Lets make use of information technology more (20) , and have great fun in experiencing the actual world(1) A. promised B. allowed C. hurried D. encouraged(2) A. build up B. useC. practise D. exchange(3) A. agreed with B. learned from C. followedD. obeyed(4) A. computer B. food C. cloth

8、ing D. machine(5) A. life B. rivers C. sightsD. houses(6) A. plans B. bargain C. progressD. trips(7) A. information B. tastes C. cooks D. feelings(8) A. even moreB.no longer C. much D. actually(9) A. people B. drink C. atmosphere D. environment(10) A. shoes B. dishes C. customers D. situations(11) A

9、. friendsB. parents C. professors D. boss,(12) A. produces B. advertises C. forms D. advances(13) A. news B. pleasures C. troubles D. places(14) A. avoid B. keep C. lose D. enjoy(15) A. meeting B. talking C. communicating D. traveling(16) A. stopped B. met C. surrounded D. hurt(17) A. look at B. emp

10、loy C. travel D. meet(18) A. communicationB. study C. work D. action (19) A. spare B. increase C. reduceD. make use of(20) A. wisely B. correctly C. or less D. slowly2.A lot of travelers who are going to new cities are often told to begin their trips by a bus tour. This thinking is that they can the

11、n go to the places that (1) them. But that is wrong. What you see from the (2) of a moving bus is (3) and removed from the real sights, sounds, and (4) outside. So the best (5) to experience any place is on foot and with absolutely no travel plan. (6) go wherever your feet and your interests (7) you

12、.You will not only get to the (8) sites that are on the bus tourthe museums, the monuments, city hallbut you (will have seen much more. You will have (9) the present life of the city.But there is a problem: What if I got lost? No one ever gets (10) lost in a major city. At first you can find your wa

13、y back to a(n) (11) place. If it (12) you to be “lost”,just find a taxi and go back to where you started, however, the (13) things can happen if you get lost. You can (14) at a sidewalk cafe to sit and have a rest. You can ask the local people near you. And (15) they dont speak your language, your t

14、rip becomes more memorable because of the (16) . Here are a few more ways to get the most out of your travel.First, know before you go. (17) a few hours before your trip learning about the history and culture of your destination.Second, move around like a local. Use the subways and buses of the city

15、 you are (18) . You will not only save money, but also learn how people really live.Third, check the bulletin boards. Sometimes you can find advertisements for free concert, and (19) fun activities on bulletin boards around universities.So the next time you see a travel poster wishing you to have a

16、bus tour, just save your money. Instead, wander (20) . I promise you a time you will remember with great pleasure.(1) A. pleaseB. disappointC. interestD. encourage(2) A. outsideB. frontC. backD. inside(3) A. realB. trueC. unrealD. common(4) A. viewsB. citiesC. townsD. smells(5) A. thoughtB. ideaC. w

17、ayD. thinking(6) A. SimplyB. ParticularlyC. GenerallyD. Especially(7) A. leadB. moveC. sayD. tell(8) A. differentB. wrongC. rightD. same(9) A. leftB. feltC. livedD. led(10) A. possiblyB. finallyC. hopelesslyD. terribly(11) A. unknownB. well-knownC. strangeD. common(12) A. frightensB. supposesC. deli

18、ghtsD. surprises(13) A. worstB. hardestC. nicestD. saddest(14) A. reachB. getC. arriveD. stop(15) A. in caseB. as a resultC. in factD. even if(16) A. experienceB. conversationC. talkD. trip(17) A. TalkB. SpendC. PayD. Use(18) A. goingB. visitingC. seeingD. walking(19) A. the otherB. anotherC. others

19、D. other(20) A. of your ownB. of yourselfC. on your ownD. on yourself参考答案:一、1. (1)-(5) DAABC (6)-(10)DABCB (11)-(15) CDBAB (16)-(20) CDACA文章大意:随着科技的发展,我们足不出户就可以了解天下,但想要真正了解世界。我们还需要亲身经历,通过旅行让我们的生活更精彩。1. D从下一句教授所说的话可知教授鼓励作者到外面旅行。encourage“鼓励”。2. A通过亲身游历外面的世界,可以提高知识水平,获得乐趣。buildup为“逐步建立;增强”的意思。3. A作者同意

20、教授的观点。agree with sb.“同意某人的意见”。4. B根据第7题后面的about food可知答案为B。5. C作者在电脑屏幕上看过许多城市的风景名胜。sight“名胜;风景”。6. D作者除了在网上欣赏各地的风景,还在网络上进行商务旅行。business trip的意思为“商务旅行”。7. A前文提到作者在一家食品公司工作,通过网络作者了解到有关不同国家的食品信息。8. B通过因特网作者可以观光、进行商务旅行、了解信息,因此作者开始感到实际的旅行已经不再那么必要了,然而一位名厨的评论改变了作者的观点。no longer“木再”。9. C人们在异国品尝饮食的同时也在享受着周围的气

21、氛。10. B dish意为“菜肴”。11. C这时作者想到了教授先前给自己的建议。本篇文章中给作者提建议的只有教授一人,故选C。 12. D句意:随着信息技术的发展。advance“发展”。13. B现在足不出户就可以在网上“旅行”,但这也使人们失去了从旅行中获得乐趣的机会。14. A从本句话的后半句可知,现在很多人避免与别人直接交流,而是通过因特网联系。avoid“回避;避免”。15. B 根据后面的but into their micro phones.可知许多人不再面对面,而是通过麦克风与彼此交谈,故选B。16. C只通过网络与别人沟通的人仿佛被无形的墙所包围。surround “包围

22、” 。17. D他们失去了与别人见面交谈的机会。meet“会面”。18. A本篇文章主要谈的就是人与人之间沟通、交流的方式。communication“约通”。19. C利用现代信息技术的目的是让我们日常的沟通 更有效,但绝不能因此而减少我们面对面交流的时间。reduce“减少”。20. A因此我们应该更明智地利用现代信息技术,同时享受体验现实世界带来的乐趣。2.(1)-(5) CDCDC (6)-(10) AADBC (11)-(15) BACDD (16)-(20)ABBDC文章大意:本文中作者主要对人们热衷的旅游活动提出了自己的建议,包括不要乘坐观光巴士旅行,而应选择步行;还介绍了在旅行

23、中如何面对迷路问题。1. C旅游一定要到使自己感兴趣的地方,interest表示“使产生感兴趣”。2. D根据常识可知,坐车旅行只能从车里面向外看外面的风景。3. C 从后文 removed from the real sights, sounds.可知坐在车里所看到的景象与真实景象之间存在差别,故选C。4. D旅游是让游客全方位体验当地的风土人情,包括视觉、听觉、嗅觉,所以此处应选D。5. C因此作者认为最好的旅行方式是通过步行游览各地。6. A simply在此意为“仅仅”,用来加强语气。7. A没有任何旅行计划,仅仅跟随脚步和感觉四处游走。lead“引领”。8. D作者在此强调步行不仅和

24、坐车所到达的地方是一样的,而且还会让你看到更多的风景。9. B步行旅游可以让你充分体验真实的城市生活。10. C作者认为一个人在大城市里是不可能完全迷路的。hopelessly表示“无希望地,完完全全地”。terribly用作程度副词,表示“极其”;possibly表示“ 能地”;finally表示“最终”,均与句意不符。11. B作者建议迷路的时候首先应回到一个著名的地方,这样便于找到路。12. A句意:如果迷路让你很恐惧,那就找一辆出租车回到你出发的地方。frighten “使害怕”。13. C从下文可知,作者认为迷路时也会有令人愉快的事情发生,所以用nicest。14. D迷路时你可以在

25、街边的咖啡屋先歇歇脚。故选D。arrive at做“到达”时,往往表示有计划,有目的地到达某地,因此不符合此处的语境。15. D即使语言不通,也会给自己留下难忘的回忆的。even if意为“即使”。in case表示“以防万一”,as a result意为“结果”;in fact意为“事实上”,均与题意不符。16. A正因为有了这样的经历,才会给人留下难忘的回忆。17. B 固定搭配spend time (in) doing sth.表示“花费时间做某事”。18. B作者建议游客在参观的城市使用公交和地铁出行。 19. D 这里指除了免费音乐会以外其他有趣的活动。another后常接名词的单数;the other表示“两者中的另一个”;others相当手other activities,因此排除这三项。20. C 固定搭配on ones own意为“独自”。


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