2020学年人教版高中英语必修五学案:Unit 5 First Aid Period 4 Using language (1).doc

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1、2020学年人教版英语精品资料Book 5 Unit 5 First AidPeriod 4 Using language (1)学习目标1. Read the story and learn from the brave boy who saved others life.2. Master the language points and can use them to make sentences or write compositions.自主合作探究【探究1】I. Read the text and decide they are true or false.1The man atta

2、cked Anne Slade because he was stealing something and found by her.()2John slowed the bleeding of Anne Slades injures by putting pressure to the wounds.()3John was presented with an award because he seized the murderer.(). Read the text and choose the best answer.1Why did John receive the Lifesaver

3、Awards?AHe was brave. BHe carried out lifesaving first aid on his neighbor.CJohn took part in the Young Lifesaver Scheme at his high school.2How did John perform the first aid to his neighbor?AHe asked someone for help. BHe and his father carried out the act.CHe used towels to dress the most severe

4、injuries and slowed bleeding by applying pressure to the wounds.3What does the text indicate?AA knowledge of first aid can make a real difference.BJohn was a brave person. CWe can learn a knowledge of first aid.4John Jansons story tells us that_.Ait is very important for us to learn some knowledge o

5、f first aidBwe should be brave as John Janson when someone is in dangerChow to perform first aid【探究2】II. Language study1. John was presented with his award at a ceremony which recognized the bravery of ten people who had saved the life of another.在颁奖大会上,约翰被授予奖励,大会表彰了抢救别人生命的十个人的勇敢行为。【品味经典】How many pe

6、ople were present at the meeting? 多少人出席了这次会议?【归纳总结】present adj. 出席的;到场的;目前的 vt. 赠送;授予 n. 礼物;现在be present at 出席,参加 at present目前, 现在present sth. to sb.=present sb. with sth. 把某物送给某人 【语境活用】 1)那天晚上,很多人参加了生日晚会。_.s2. John was studying in his room when he heard screaming. 约翰正在房间里学习,突然听到尖叫声。【品味经典】1)I was th

7、inking of this when I heard my name called. 我正在考虑这件事,这时我听到有人叫我的名字。2)We were about to start the meeting when it began to rain. 我们正要开始会议,这时天开始下雨。【归纳总结】1)be doing/ about to dowhen正在做/正要这时2) Hardly/ Scarcely had sb done sth when.某人刚这时 【语境活用】1) _(我刚想出门) when someone knocked at the door.2)_(我正在街上散步) when

8、I came across an old friend.3. John used these to treat the most severe injuries to Ms Slades hands.(P38 L8)约翰用这些东西处理斯莱德女士手上最严重的伤口。【品味经典】1) This meal is my treat, so put your money away. 这肉我请了,把你的钱收起来2) I decided to treat his words as a joke我决定把他的话当成一个笑话。【归纳总结】treat vt对待, 处理; 医治,治疗(人、疾病等); 招待,款待,请(客

9、)treat sb for sth 治疗某人的病 Its my treat我请客 treatment n 治疗, 治疗法 ;处理treatas sth =have/regard/consider/look on/think of.as 把看作视为 【语境活用】1) The doctor has _ her heart trouble for a long time, but hasnt cured her.2)我们请他吃晚餐。_.4. He slowed the bleeding by applying pressure to the wounds until the police and a

10、mbulance arrived. (P38, L22)【品味经典】1) The nurse applied the ointment (药膏) to the wound. 2) Before you go abroad, you must apply for a visa(签证)【归纳总结】apply vt涂, 敷, 搽; 使用, 应用, 运用( (与介词to连用); vi申请application n apply (to sb) for sth (向某人)申请某事 apply to do sth申请做某事applicant申请人apply .to. 把 涂/应用于 apply oneself to n/doing专心致志于【语境活用】In order to know whether his plan was practical, he first _(把它应用于)his work .Then he _(专心于)it and made necessary changes.达标练习 完成下列句子1汤姆刚到学校就听说了这个消息_.2. Yesterday I went to Mrs Smiths, where_.(我被当成他们的一个好朋友)3. _(孩子们正在踢足球)when it began to rain heavily.4. 我们应该把这个新技术运用到实践中去。_.


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