2020学年七年级英语上册 Unit 3 Is this your pencil导学案(4).doc

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1、2020学年人教版英语精品资料Unit 3 Is this your pencil?Section A 1a2d (第1课时) 【学习目标】1.知识与能力目标:1.掌握pencil, pen, book, eraser, ruler, pencil box, dictionary, schoolbag, mine, his ,hers, help等单词; 2. 学习名词性物主代词yours, mine, his, hers的用法;2.德育目标:1. 培养学生自主学习与合作学习的意识。 2. 培养学生通过有效的语言表达解决问题的意识。【学习重点】句型:Is this/that your/his/

2、her ? Yes, it is. Its mine/his/hers.Are these/those your ? No, they arent. Theyre his /hers.【学习难点】名词性物主代词 mine, yours, his, hers 的使用【自主预习】1. 预习课本U3 Section A 1a-2d的内容,并完成P13 1a的练习。2.看图写单词,请注意单复数的变化。例如: a cup two cups 【课堂学习】一、 按要求写出正确的单词。it (复数) this(指代复数) that(指代复数) Bob (名词所有格) _my (名词性物主代词) her (名词

3、性物主代词) his (名词性物主代词) your (名词性物主代词) _ _二、完成下列句子,利用下列句式,根据自己的学习用品进行问答。1. (这是) her pencil ? Yes, its _(她的).2. (那是)his book? No, (不,它不是).It is (我的).3. (那些是)your erasers? , (不,那些不是).Theyre (他的).4. Is that her pencil box?Yes, is. Its (=Its pencil case).5. Is this your eraser? No, it . Sallys (= eraser).6

4、. Are those her rulers? No, they . mine (= rulers).7. these his books? Yes, are. Theyre (= books).三、选词填空。they Youre welcome Thank you Excuse me hers what about1. , are you Lind Smith?2. Mary, this is your pen. Here you are. . 3. Are those his picture? No, arent.4. Is this your pencil box? No,it isnt

5、. Its . 5. My schoolbag is red. yours? Its red, too.6. Thank you for your help, Linda. . 四、按要求写句子。1. 假如别人向你道谢,你应该说: 2. 当别人在学习时,你想打断别人并询问对方这个橡皮是否他的,你应该说: 3. 当别人帮助了你,你要表示感谢时,可以这么说: 4. This is his green jacket. (改为同义句) This green jacket is .5. My pen is red. What color is your pen?(改同义句) My pen is red.

6、 _ _ _ (你的)? 【家庭作业】_Grammar focus-3c (第2课时)【学习目标】1. 能够正确使用名词性物主代词yours, mine, his, hers; 2. 能够正确使用一般疑问句确认物主关系并作简略回答。【学习重点】掌握句型 Is this/that your/his/her ? Yes, it is. Its mine/his/hers. Are these/those your ? No, they arent. Theyre his /hers.【学习难点】形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词的表达区分。【自主预习】阅读Grammar focus,并完成下面句型转

7、换的练习。1. That is his schoolbag. (变为一般疑问句) _ his schoolbag? (作肯定及否定回答) Yes, _. / No, _. Theyre _. (我的)2. These are her erasers. (变为一般疑问句) _ her erasers? (作肯定及否定回答) Yes, _. / No, _. Theyre _.(他的)3. Those are my pencils.(变为一般疑问句) _your pencils? (作肯定及否定回答) Yes, _. / No, _. Theyre _.(她的)【课堂学习】 一、重点句型。1.-这

8、是你的铅笔吗?-是的。它是我的。 -_ _ your pencil? -Yes,_ _. Its _ . 2.-那是你的书包吗?-不是。它是他/她的。 -_ _ your schoolbag? -No,_ _. Its _ /_. 3.-这是他的绿色钢笔吗? -不是。那只蓝色钢笔是他的。 -_ _ this _ _pen? -No, _ _. The _ _ is _. 4. -这些是你的书吗? -是的。/ 不是。 - your books? -Yes, _ _. / No, _ _.5. -那些是她的钥匙吗?-不是。它们是她的。 -_ _ her _?-No. _ hers.2、 写出下列表

9、达方式的缩写形式。1. it is = _ 2. they are = _ 3. is not = _ 4. are not = _ 5. that is =_ 6. name is = _3、 关于人称代词与物主代词的总结。人称代词形容词性物主代词名词性物主代词第一人称I第二人称you第三人称hesheit第一人称we第三人称they1.Alice and Bob are _(I) good friends.2.These books are _(I).3.(Her)_ is Linda, my sister.4.The girl is Cindy and this is _(she) mo

10、ther.5.This book is _(she).【拓展延伸】英语物主代词用法口诀 物主代词分两种,形容词性名词性。形容词性能力差,自己不能来当家。身后定把名词加。物主代词名词性,相当名词可单用,身后没有名词影。两种代词形不同,添个 s 形变名。his, its不用变,my变mine要记清。根据提示,完成下列表格表示无生命事物的所有关系,用“名词 + of + 名词”结构, 如:a photo of my family中国地图 狗的名字 表示有生命事物的所有关系,在名词其后加s来表示所属关系吉娜的名字 迈克的夹克 单数名词+ s教师节 学生们的钥匙 复数名词+ Section B 1a2c

11、 (第3课时) 【学习目标】1.知识与能力目标:(1). 熟练使用一般疑问句确认物主关系;(2). 掌握baseball, watch, computer game, card, notebook, ring, call, bag, library, ask, some, find, lost, classroom, e-mail, at, must等单词。 2.德育目标:培养学生拾金不昧,能主动归还失主的道德品质.【学习重点】掌握句型:Whats this in English? Ita /an How do you spell it? 掌握词汇:excuse me, call.at., e

12、-mail.at., ask.for., a set of.【学习难点】在日常生活中熟练运用名词性物主代词;介词at,for的使用。【自主预习】1. 熟背本单元单词,完成P16 Section B 1a的练习。2. 看图写单词或短语。 【课堂学习】一、看图编对话,并利用以下句式,根据1a图片与同伴问答1. Whats this in English? . _ do you _ that? R-I-N-G.2. _ this? Its _ _. 3. _this your_? Yes, _ is. _mine. 三、选词填空。(提示:多出两个选项)call.at., e-mail.at., as

13、k.for., a set of keys, is, are,ID card,a schoolbag,a dictionary1. _ _ is in classroom. _ me _ .2. I lost my _ _. Im looking for it. _ me at 674-2456.3. _ is found. Please _Mr. Green _ it.四、根据句意及提示写出下列单词。1.Is this your ID card ? Yes, _ _.” 2. Is that her ring? No , it _. 3. How _you spell watch? 4. I

14、 lost a set of _ .(钥匙)5. Whats your phone number ? _890-5827. 6. Is it the lost and _case? 7. (打电话)Alan 285-6548. 8. Are those books (your)? 9. We can (请求) teacher help. 10. No, they . Its .(she)【课外拓展】一、单项选择( )1Sorry, this is not _ID card. A. a B. an C. my an ( )2Is that ruler? Ashe Bher Chers( )3Is

15、 this Dales backpack? Yes, it is. Its . Ahe Bhis Chers( )4_ your teacher ? Mr. Green. A . Whos B. Whats C. Hows ( )5Please e-mail Mary Aon Bat Cfor( )6Is this _ ruler?Yes,its hers A. your B. your sisters C. your brothers ( )8Is that_ eraser? No, it isnt. Its _ . A . your; her B. your; his C. his; h

16、er 二、按要求完成句子。1Please telephone me this evening(改写为同义句) me this evening ,please2. Please call me. My telephone number is 23242565(合并为一句) Please call 23242565。3. This is an eraser. (改为复数形式) _4. This is my mothers ring. (改为一般疑问句) _ _ _ mothers ring?5.当你想询问某个英文单词的拼写时,你这样问: _6.如果你想让别人把邮件发到你的指定邮箱时,你应该这么表达

17、 【家庭作业】 Section B 3aSelf Check (第4课时) 【学习目标】1. 能够写寻物启事和失物招领;2. 能够辨别元音音素/和/a/, /e/和/a/, /和/e/; 【学习重点】复习前三个课时内容,学习三组元音音素/和/a/, /e/和/a/, /和/e/。【学习难点】寻物启事和失物招领的写作;区分冠词a, an, the。【自主预习】一、 完成课本P18的练习。根据Starter Unit所学内容,标出下列元音字母常见的两个读音,并从U1-U3生词表中找出含有这些音素的单词并归类。A / / /Q/ E /Q/ /Q/ I /Q/ /Q/ O /Q/ /Q/ U /Q/

18、 /Q/ 三、用冠词a, an, the填空。1.-Is it _ English book? -Yes, it is. 5-Whats that? -Its _ baseball.2.Thats _ watch. 6.I have _ orange jacket.3.This isnt _ ring. Its _ key. 7._ book on the desk is my teachers.4.Is that your notebook in _ lost and found case?【课堂学习】一、单项选择( )1. 画线部分和those划线部分读音相同的单词是 A. how B.

19、box C. notebook( )2-_? - Its a pencil box AIs it a pencil box BWhats this CThis is a pencil box( )3What color is that pen? Its _ green. Its _ green pen. A. a; a B/; a C. a; /( )4. Are these your keys? _. They are Tonys. A. Yes, they are. B. No, it isnt. C. No, they arent.( )5- Is this your notebook?

20、- No, it isnt. Ask Bill. He is looking for . Amine Byours C. His二、翻译下列句子。1. 我必须找到我的学生证。 2. 他的电话号码是0592-6572389。 3. 拨打13900327639找布朗先生。 4. 玛丽丢了她的戒指。 三、阅读下面两则“失物招领”启示,然后回答下列问题。Found:Gold ringIs this your ring?Please call Mary at 235-0285Peter,Is that your computer game in theLost and found case? Ask t

21、he teacher for it. RickRick1Is the computer game Ricks? 2Is the computer game in the lost and found case? 3Is the gold ring Marys? 4What is Marys phone number? 5Who has the gold ring now? 四、完形填空 This boy is Peter Smith. His 1 name is Peter. His 2 name is Smith. This is 3 school. His school 4 number

22、is 20048567. His teacher is Miss White. Miss White 5 a good teacher. Li Min is a Chinese boy. Li Min is his good 6 at school. Look! 7 a pencil sharpener. Is the pencil sharpener 8 ? I 9 know. Lets 10 Li Min at 495-6548.( )1.A.first B. family C. last D. one ( )2. A. first B. good C. last D. this ( )3

23、.A.you B. that C. his D. it( )4.A.computer B. name C. phone D. ID card( )5.A.no B. not C. is D. am( )6.father B. friend C. boy D. class( )7.A.Whats B. This s C. Thats D. The names( )8.Li Min B. Li Mins C. Li Min is D. The Li Min( )9.A. dont B. isnt C. am not D. do ( )10.A. ask B. call C. write D. Look【拓展练习】写作1. 假如你叫Tina,早上在学校图书馆捡到一本词典,你的电话号码是6741328。根据以上提示写一则招领启示。 2. 你遗失了英语书,写一则寻物启事,加上你的名字和电话号码。


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