2020学年九年级英语全册Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious! Period 3 Section A 3a3c.DOC

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1、2020学年人教版英语精品资料Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious! Period 3 Section A 3a-3c班级:_ 组名:_姓名:_【学习目标】1.能够熟记并正确使用本课单词和短语:2.了解传统故事3.培养学生的阅读能力。【学习重点】了解一些传统故事的知识,讨论西游记里熟悉的故事情节,分析里面的角色【学习难点】1.掌握文中出现的重点单词,词组和句型。2.培养学生的阅读能力。【学习过程】一、目标呈现1)课前预习1.Wukong can make 72 changes _ his shape and size. A in B on C

2、to D at2.The writers new book will _ next month. A come in B come on C come out D come into3.Some parents make their children _ chores at home. A to do B do C doing D does4.We couldnt help _ when we heard the funny story.A laugh B laughing C laughs D to laugh5.When water is heated, it will turn _ wa

3、ter vapour (水蒸气). A into B on C in D to 二、自主合作1).预习检查。2).勾画并记忆短语Full moon,full feelings圆圆的月亮,饱满的感情celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival庆祝中秋节 .for centuries 几个世纪.the shape of 的形状 a full moon 满月on mid-autumn night 在中秋之夜carry peoples wishes to寄托人们对的祝福traditional folk stories传统的民间故事the most touching 最令人感动的 . sh

4、oot down 射下,击落live forever 长生不老 . stealfrom 从偷lay eggs 下蛋 admire sb. for因而佩服某人.as a result 结果refuse to do sth 拒绝做某事fly up to 飞向 .call out ones name大声呼喊的名字lay out 摆开,布置the tradition of 的传统admire the moon 赏月 . sharewith 和分享3).Look through the passage quickly to find the main idea without reading every

5、 word.Task 1: Read again and answer the questions.1. How do people celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival?_2. What do mooncakes look like? What meaning do they carry?_Task 2. 仔细朗读3a, 判断下列句子的正(T)误(F).( ) 1. The mooncakes carry wishes to the families they love and miss.( ) 2. A goddess gave a magic medicin

6、e to Change.( ) 3. Pang Meng tried to steal the medicine when Change was not at home.( ) 4. Change flew up to the moon after she drank the medicine.( ) 5. People admire the moon and share the mooncakes with their families on the Mid-Autumn night.Task 3再读短文,将3b句子排序。Task 4. 用适当的词把句子补充完整,描述文章的故事情节。 Cha

7、racters Activities Hou Yi_ _ the nine sunsA goddess_ magic medicine to Hou Yi to _ himPang Mengtried to _ the medicineChange_ the medicine and _ _ to the moonHou Yi_ _ his wifes name to the moon every night_ _ her favorite fruits and desserts in the garden三、展示质疑1)Hou Yi was so sad that he called out

8、 her name to the moon every night. 这句话的意思是_。so . that表示_,引导结果状语从句。当that从句是否定句时,往往可以与too . to简单句转换。例如:He is so tired that he cant walk on.= He is _ tired _ walk on.2) 辨析so . that / so thatso that意为“_”,引导目的状语从句,相当于 in order that。从句中的谓语动词常和can, may, shall等情态动词连用。练习:翻译句子,区别so that 与so . that的用法。 They se

9、t out early so that they might catch the early bus. _ They set out so early that they could catch the early bus. _3).turn. into = change .into 变成 ,改变她把她家变成一个旅馆。 She_ her house _ a hotel.4).come out. 出版; 发表;开花请把下面的句子译成汉语Look!The sun is coming out from the east._The writers new book just come out._Man

10、y flowers come out in spring._4).fall in love with爱上(某人或者某事)5).get married=be married 结婚 sb. marry sb.某人与某人结婚上个月,露茜和皮特结婚了。Last month, Lucy and Peter _ _ .她和一位医生结婚了。 She _ _ _ .四、巩固构建1.There are many _(传统的民间故事)about the story.2.Look!He_(tie) the horse to the tree.3.How _(excite) the races are!4.Chang

11、e refused _(give)Feng Meng the magic medicine.5._bad weather!We cant go fishing.A.How B.How C. What a D.What6.然而,大多数人认为嫦娥的故事是最感人的。However,most people think that _is _.7.在后羿射下9个太阳之后,一位女神送给他仙药作为酬谢。After Hou Yi _the nine suns,a goddess gave him _.8.他变得很轻盈,飞上了月宫。She became very light and _the moon.9.人们便开始了同家人一同赏月和品月饼的传统习俗。


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