2020学年九年级英语全册Period 6 Section B (3aSelf Check).DOC

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1、2020学年人教版英语精品资料Unit 10 Youre supposed to shake hands.Period 6 Section B (3a-Self Check)班 级: 组 名: 姓 名:【学习目标】1)能掌握生词suggestion用法。2)复习并学会用be supposed to, be expected to, be important to, be impolite to等表达各国饮食起居,生活习惯和对时间的看法。3)能给到中国来的交换生关于时间、初次见面及餐桌穿礼仪方面提出建议,并能运用所学礼仪知识、句型、词汇解决写作问题。【学习重点】 学会表达各国饮食起居、生活习俗和

2、对时间的看法及文中出现的重点词汇和句型结构的运用。【学习难点】运用所学知识进行书面表达。【学习过程】一、目标呈现旧知回顾 Task 1.翻译、朗读并记住下列单词和短语。 (1)be excited about _ (2)give sb. some suggestions and advice _ (3)期望做某事_ (4)敲门_ (5)table manners_ (6)be/get used to_ Task 2.根据汉语意思完成句子。 (1)让我给你一些关于中国风俗的建议和意见。 Let me give you _ _ _ _ about Chinese customs. (2) 你一定对

3、即将来中国感到兴奋。 You must_ _ _ _to China soon. (3) 在许多国家,空着手第一次去别人家是不礼貌的。 In many countries,its impolite to _ _at someones house for the first time with empty hands. (4) 在你去一个国家之前花时间了解那儿的风俗习惯是值得的。 It _ _ _the time to learn about the customs of a country before you go there. (5) 如果你正在驾车旅行,早点离开很重要。 Its impo

4、rtant to _ _if you are traveling by car.二、自主合作Task 1. Discuss the different table manners in different countries in a group. Task 2. Say something about Chinese customs and Chinese table manners , then discuss: How does a person behave properly in China? Task 3. Work on 3a. Make notes in the chart a

5、nd say the Chinese customs in English. Task 4. Work on 3b. Write a letter.三、展示质疑1) 英语书信的写法:称呼Dear, 左起顶格写。正文换行,也要顶格写,是信的核心部分。因此要求正文层次分明、简单易懂。祝福的话语,正文下换行,顶格写,如: Best wishes! Take care! Happy New Year! Happy Birthday! 等。 结束语在正文下面的一、二行处,第一个词开头要大写,句末用逗号。结束语的写法 Yours, Your loving, Sincerely yours、Yours si

6、ncerely或Sincerely;在结尾语下面的署名必须亲自签名,也不加任何的标点符号。2) Useful expressions: 有关文化礼仪的写作常用句型Youre (not) supposed to.You are expected toIts polite/impolite toIts important toYou should. 3. Example: 略Task 5. Self Check 1: Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words in the box. Task 6. Self Check 2: Co

7、mplete the statements below by themselves. 四、巩固构建一、用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. You are _ (suppose) toshake hands when you meet a Chinese friend.2. A knife is _ (use) for _(cut) things.3. We Chinese eat with chopsticks, while the westerners eat with _(knife) and forks. 4. On weekends I feel completely _(relax).

8、 5. Its _(polite) to make a big noise in the school library. 二、阅读理解Sometimes, what you use to eat with may cause trouble in another country. Luc Cagadoc, 7, is in Grade 2 in a school in Montreal (蒙特利尔), Canada. While having lunch one day last month, Cagadoc was punished by his teacher. According to

9、Cagadoc, it was because he “ate with a spoon and fork, instead of a knife and fork, like most Canadians”.Cagadoc was made to eat alone. Cagadoc and his family moved to Canada from the Philippines (菲律宾) in 1999. His mother says it is normal for people there to eat with a fork and spoon. She talked to

10、 the school principal. But the principal said the punishment was right because Cagadoc was “eating like a pig”. Soon, many Filipinos in Canada heard about this story through e-mails. They were angry. “We consider this to be a big insult (侮辱) to the Filipino culture,” said Gilbert Asuque, an official

11、 from the Filipino Embassy (大使馆) in Ottawa. In Manila, some Filipinos showed their anger in front of the Canadian Embassy. They held up cards that read, “Respect cultural diversity (尊重文化的多样性)” and “We eat with spoons and are proud of it”. But the school says that it punished Cagadoc because of the w

12、ay he ate, not what he used to eat with. The punishment was “in no way aimed at the cultural practices of (Filipino) people”. Earlier this month, Canadian Ambassador (大使) to the Philippines Peter Sutherland said that the case was unusual and doesnt happen often. Filipinos make up the third largest g

13、roup of immigrants (移民) in Canada, after people from China and India. About 400,000 Filipino- Canadians live in the country. 6. What does the underlined word “punish” mean in the passage? A. 侮辱 B. 点名 C. 惩罚 D. 诋毁 7. Cagadoc thinks he was punished because _. A. he wasted too much food B. he didnt like

14、 the food C. he used the wrong hand D. he used a spoon and fork 8. The school thinks its right to punish Cagadoc because _. A. he used a spoon and fork B. he didnt have good table manners C. he came from another country D. he didnt speak English well 9. Which of the following is NOT true of the pass

15、age? A. Filipinos usually eat with a spoon and fork. B. The punishment was not at all to correct the cultural practices of people. C. Filipinos are the third largest group of immigrants in Canada. D. Canadians dont respect cultural diversity. 10. Which of the following can be the best title for the

16、passage? A. Spoon causes trouble. B. Different table manners. C. What people use to eat with. D. Do as the Romans do. Homework请你根据下面的内容提示,按要求写一篇介绍英国风俗习惯的英语短文。内容要点:1.英国人彼此第一次相识时,一般都要握手; 2.英国人在日常生活中经常谈论的话题是天气,往往也是第一个话题。英国人非常不喜欢谈论男人的工资和女人的年龄; 3.在英国购物,人们一般不讨价还价(bargain) ; 4.拜访朋友前要提前通知对方; 避免在晚上 10 点后打电话到别人家。 要求:1. 短文必须包括所有内容要点,语句通顺,意思连贯。2. 词数不少于 90 词。


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