2020学年人教版(七年级下册)英语导学案:Unit 12 (第4课时)Section B (2a-3b)﹠self-check.doc

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《2020学年人教版(七年级下册)英语导学案:Unit 12 (第4课时)Section B (2a-3b)﹠self-check.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2020学年人教版(七年级下册)英语导学案:Unit 12 (第4课时)Section B (2a-3b)﹠self-check.doc(4页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、2020学年人教版英语精品资料Unit 12 What did you do last weekend?第四课时 Section B (2a-3b) self-check【教师寄语】Four short words sum up what has lifted most successful individuals above the crowd: a little bit more. 四个简短的词汇概括了成功的秘诀:多一点点!【Free talk】 Do you have a scary experience? Talk about it with your partner.【Learnin

2、g tasks】1. 学生掌握本部分的单词、短语和句型。2. 学生能够根据提示复述短文。3. 鼓励学生接近大自然,增长自然科学知识。【Importance and difficulties】学生能够根据提示复述短文。【学习过程】一、超前预习I. 预习section B 2a-3cself-check, 写出下列单词。1. 高的(地)_ 2. 以前_3. 印度_ 4. 帐篷_5. 月亮_ 6. 惊奇;惊讶;使吃惊_7. 蛇_ 8. 惊慌的;吓坏了的_9. 移动_ 10. 开始;着手_11. 跳;跃_ 12. 到里面;进入_13. 弄醒;醒_ (过去式) _14. 森林_ 15. 耳朵_II. 翻

3、译下列短语。1. 高中_ 2. 去野营_3. 搭建_ 4. 生火_5. 讲故事_ 6. 互相_7. 入睡_ 8. 吃惊_9. 呼喊,喊叫_ 10. 把弄醒_11. 来来回回_III. 开动脑筋,说出下列句子的意思吧。1. Last weekend was interesting but scary. _2. There we put up our tents and made a fire to keep us warm and cook food on._3. On the first night, we just sat under the big moon and told each o

4、ther stories._4. I was so tired that I went to sleep early. _5. My dad told me later that snakes dont have ears but can feel things moving._6. This was a very useful lesson for me. _IV. 写出你的疑惑与不解:_二、课中学习I. 预习检测。II. 自主合作互助学习解除预习中出现的疑惑不解。知识剖析:1. There we put up our tents and made a fire to keep us war

5、m and cook food on.(1) put up 在本句中是“搭建”的意思,put up 还有“张贴;举起;抬起”之意。例如:They put up a tent to live in. 他们搭起了一个帐篷来住。Hes putting up a picture on the wall. 他正把一幅图画贴在墙上。If you have any question, put up your hands. 你们如果有问题,就举起手来。(2) 与put 有关的短语: put on “穿上” put off “推迟;拖延” put away “把收起来放好”(3) keep us warm 是k

6、eep + n./意思pron.+ adj. 结构,意思为“使处于某种状态”。例如:We should keep our classroom clean. 我们应该保持教室干净。2. On the first night, we just sat under the big moon and told each other stories.在第一天晚上,我们就在大大的月亮下互相讲故事。(1) each other 意为“互相”。例如:We should help each other. 我们应该互相帮助。(1) each与every 的区别 each 指一定数目中的“每一个;个别”,意思较重,

7、表示各有不同,更强调个人或个别。例如:Each one has a book. 每个人都有一本书。 every 指数目不确定的许多人或事物中间的“每一个”,含有“总和”的意义较重,表示“大家”。例如:Every day is beautiful. 每天都是美好的。 each 指两个或两个以上的人或事物,every 指三个或三个以上的人或物。例如:There are some trees on each side of the road. 公路的每一侧都有一些树。(each side = both sides, 这个句子中的each 不能用every 代替) each 后面可跟“of +复数名词

8、/ 代词”,动词仍然要用单数,every 不能接of 短语,因为every 为形容词,只能作定语;另外each在句中可作同位语和状语。例如:Each of the students has a new book. 每个学生都有一本新书。We each have a new book. 我们人人都有一本新书。(同位语)These pens are 10 yuan each. 这些钢笔每只10元。(状语)3. I was so tired that I went to sleep early.(1) sothat意为“如此以至于”,常与tooto 或者notenough to 互相替换。例如:My

9、 brother is so young that he cant go to school. 我弟弟太小了不能上学。= My brother is too young to go to school.=My brother isnt old enough to go to school.(2) such 与so 的使用such 用来修饰名词,so 用来修饰形容词或副词,两词都可与that从句连用。 a/an + adj.+ 单数名词such + adj.+不可数名词 adj.+复数名词 adj./adv. so + adj.+ a/an +单数名词 many/much/few/little

10、+可数名词复数/ 不可数名词例如:We had such a boring weekend. 这个周末我们过得很无聊。=We had so boring a weekend.Its a waste of time to ask so many people to do so little work. 让这么多的人干这么少的活真是浪费时间。III. 学习过程:1. Students have a brain storming. Make a list of animals that people like or animals that people are afraid of. Do it i

11、n groups.2. 完成2b reading.(一) While readingFast reading and answer questions. Finish 2b.Careful reading and complete the main idea of each paragraph.Paragraph 1: Lisas weekend was _ but _.Paragraph 2: Lisa _ a bus to a small village. They _ their tents and _ to keep them warm. They _ under the moon.P

12、aragraph 3: They _ a snake and _ their parents to let them know the _. Lisa knew snake dont have ears but can _.She _ a _ lesson.(二) After reading and students do a competition of retell the passage. 3. 综合能力提高:学生完成3a3b. (in groups.)【课堂练习】(一) 完成下列练习。1. They had to _ the meeting because of the heavy r

13、ain.A. put up B. put on C. put off D. put away2. The warm clothes can keep us _.A. warm B. warmly C. cool D. warmth3. There are some flowers on _ side of the river.A. every B. each C. both D. all4. 用so, such 填空 There were _ many people on the bus that I couldnt get on. It is _ an interesting film. T

14、om is _ smart a boy that everyone likes him. Jane made _ serious mistakes in her work that she lost her job.(二) 完成self-check。【要点归纳】1. each 与 every的区别;such 与so的使用。2. 动词的过去式的使用。【拓展练习】一、根据首字母或汉语提示完成单词。1. My mother game me a s_ gift on my birthday.2. We went c_ in a small village.3. We _ (喊叫) to our cla

15、ssmates so that they could hear us.5. This morning my mother _ (叫醒) me up.6. This was a very useful _ (教训) for me. 二、句型转换1. Mike often plays computer games. (用last Sunday 改写句子)Mike _ computer games last Sunday.2. My father read some newspapers before breakfast. (划线提问)_ _ your father _ before breakfa

16、st?3. John visited his grandparents in Wuxi last summer vacation. (划线提问)_ _ John _ in Wuxi last summer vacation?1. The movie was very interesting. (划线提问)_ _ the movie?2. I helped him find his father. (改为否定句)I _ _ him find his father.三、根据首字母提示完成短文。 I had a b_ weekend. On Saturday morning, I c_ my roo

17、m. In the afternoon, I did m_ homework. It was a little d_. On Saturday night, I v_ my aunt. My aunt cooked dinner f_ me. On Sunday morning, I went to the library and r_ a book about geography. Then in the afternoon, I p_ the guitar. On Sunday night, I w_ TV. I s_ an interesting talk show. I had a good time on the weekend.【总结反思】_


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