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1、Unit 12 Culture Shock 学生用书P91 单句语法填空1She couldnt bear _(lose) the money for which she had risked her life.答案:losing2So _(absorb) were the children in their game that they didnt feel hungry at all.答案:absorbed3_(owe) to Lucys timely help,we finished all the work on time.答案:Owing4One third of the count

2、ry is covered with trees and the majority of the citizens _(be) black people.答案:are5The photo _(attach) to the application was sometimes that of a very goodlooking person.答案:attached6Although the dragon is quite familiar _ most Chinese,nobody has ever seen a real one.答案:to7The girls _(stand) under t

3、hat tree are the most excellent students in our class.答案:standing8I regret _(tell) you that the sports meeting has been put off till next Sunday.答案:to tell9It is _(reason) to assume that these measures will prove successful.答案:reasonable10Our English teacher made a request that we _(finish) our proj

4、ect before Friday.答案:(should) finish 单句改错1The boy lay on the ground,stared at the blue sky._答案:staredstaring2Hearing the exciting news, the boy couldnt help jump with joy. _答案:jump jumping3Absorbing in the book,she didnt notice that the teacher entered._答案:AbsorbingAbsorbed4It is requested that ever

5、yone would not take the books home._答案:wouldshould5The vase belonged to an old farmer was stolen last night._答案:belongedbelonging 单元语法跟动名词或不定式作宾语的动词; 现在分词的用法单句语法填空1The girl always avoids _(meet) him,because she doesnt like him.答案:meeting2To be honest, I didnt mean _(hurt) you. Would you forgive me,

6、please?答案:to hurt3_(work) hard at your lessons,you are bound to succeed in time.答案:Working4Even if she can afford _(go) to Hong Kong,she wouldnt go there.答案:to go5The man _(speak) to our teacher there is our new headmaster.答案:speaking 教材与语法填空根据课文内容,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。I have been so busy adapti

7、ng myself 1._ culture shock.Im looking forward to 2._(see) you in a week and while you are visiting me in London,Ill pay for anything.3._(know) that youve never travelled outside Asia,Ill tell you a bit about 4._ you can expect to find.There are people from all over the world 5._(live) here,so there

8、 are many international restaurants and almost every town has at 6._(little) one Chinese restaurant.In addition,you need to learn something about a tip to avoid 7._(get) confused about the British tipping system.If the 8._(serve) is good,you can leave 10% of 9._ bill for them.We can go hiking while

9、you 10._(stay) here.Even though British humour maybe make you amazed,the majority of British people are friendly.答案:1.to2.seeing3.Knowing4.what5.living6least7.getting8.service9.the10.are staying 话题知识与写作()根据要求运用本单元所学知识完成下面小作文。1我们知道,国家之间存在着许多文化差异。我们大部分人对这些差异并不是很熟悉。(familiar)2当你与外国人交谈时,盯着对方看是不礼貌的。(exch

10、ange;stare at)3在海外旅行时,习惯于不同国家的风俗与传统是很重要的。(get used to)4如果你撞到别人身上,你应该向对方道歉。(apology)_()下面是李华的一篇作文,文中有五处错误,改正错误并背诵该文。As we know,there are many cultural difference between countries and most of us are not familiar to them.When you are exchanging words with a foreigner, it is bad manners to stare him/he

11、r.When you are travelling overseas,it is important to getting used to the customs and traditions of different countries.If you knock into someone,you should make a apology to him/her.答案:As we know,there are many cultural between countries and most of us are not familiar them.When you are exchanging words with a foreigner, it is bad manners to stare him/her.When you are travelling overseas,it is important to used to the customs and traditions of different countries.If you knock into someone,you should make apology to him/her.


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