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1、语法专项(二)代词 单句语法填空1(2019河南八市重点高中质检)For one thing, they help to broaden our horizons. For , most books are sold at a lower price.another解析:句意:一方面,它们有助于我们开阔视野。另一方面,大多数书都以较低的价格出售。For one thing., for another.为固定搭配,意为“一方面另一方面”。2(2019安庆模拟)He admitted that when comes to repairing a computer, he had little kn

2、owledge of it.it解析:句意:他承认,当说到维修电脑时,他对此一无所知。when it comes to.意为“当说到”,为固定句型。故填it。3(2019北京海淀区二模)People used to expect Shanghai Disneyland Park to offer better service than of Tokyos.that解析:句意:人们过去常常期待上海迪士尼乐园提供的服务比东京迪士尼乐园提供的更好。根据than可知,此句为比较级结构,将上海迪士尼乐园的服务和东京迪士尼乐园的服务进行比较。设空处替代前面提到的不可数名词service,指同类但不同物,故

3、应用that指代。4(2019河南许昌平顶山两市联考)Rather than being the byproduct of a happy life, feeling happy has become a goal in (it)itself解析:句意:觉得幸福不是幸福生活的副产品,而是自身的目标。in oneself 是固定搭配,意为“本身,自身”。5(2019江西六校联考)Failure is part of our life. has achieved great success without lots of failures.Nobody解析:句意:失败是我们生活的一部分,没有人不经

4、历很多失败就会获得巨大成功。根据句意可知,此处表示否定意义,指“没有人”,故填nobody。6(2019河北邢台质检)Obesity researchers hate when I say this, but their own data shows that obesity is not going to kill us. it解析:句意:肥胖症研究者讨厌我这样说,但是他们自己的数据表明肥胖症不会害死我们。此句用hate it when.习惯搭配,表示“讨厌”。7(2019山东师大附中二模)At that moment an attractive young lady who noticed

5、 my book came up to me and introduced (her)herself解析:句意:那时,一位迷人的年轻女士注意到了我的书,向我走来并自我介绍。设空处作宾语,该空处与主语an attractive young lady指同一人,故用反身代词herself。8(2019日照一模)Every country has (it) own banknotes, so it is hard to say which is the most beautiful one.its解析:考查代词的格。代词修饰其后的名词应用所有格形式,故填its。9(2019河南洛阳统考)“As soo

6、n as he opens (he) mouth and sings in Chinese, the Chinese are very surprised and they feel proud of him,”said his music teacher.his解析:考查代词。根据语境mouth和主语he可知,此处应用形容词性物主代词his修饰名词mouth,在句中作定语。10(2019沈阳检测)It was time for dinner and was pretty dangerous that the sandstorm was going on and getting stronge

7、r.it解析: 考查主语从句。分析该句结构可知,句中that引导的从句为真正的主语,空处是形式主语,故用it。 单句改错1(2019广东五校联考)My friend, her hair was already wet, suddenly couldnt move or speak. herwhose或去掉was解析:句意:我的那个头发已经湿了的朋友突然间不能动也不能说话了。分析句子结构可知,My friend suddenly couldnt move or speak.是主句,剩余部分为定语从句,修饰先行词friend,从句缺少关系词,关系词作定语,所以要把物主代词her改为关系代词whos

8、e。此处也可以将was删掉,构成独立主格结构。2(2019哈尔滨三中模拟)What we have gained from this camp is not only knowledge, but also friendship. I hope their friendship will last forever. theirour解析:我们从野营中获得了知识和友谊,我希望我们的友谊长存。故their改为our。3(2019重庆重点中学九校联考)As is known to us that life is not a smooth journey, which is full of ups a

9、nd downs. So never lose heart. AsIt解析:题干的结构是:.is过去分词that.,所以判断此处that引导的从句是真正的主语,而形式主语应用it。我们也可以把As is known to us理解为非限制性定语从句,意为“正如我们都知道的”,这时,句子结构应为:As is known to us, life is not a smooth journey.downs。4(2019福建三校联考)According to a study, organically grown foods contain 21.1 percent more iron and 27 percent more vitamin C than regular one on average. oneones解析:句意:根据一项研究,用有机方式种植的食物平均比普通的食物铁含量多了21.1%,维生素C含量多了27%。此处one代指前面的foods,故用复数形式ones。5(2019郑州二检)When we got to the mountain top, that started snowing again. thatit解析:此题容易误把that改为which。句意:当我们到达山顶时,天又开始下雪了。分析句子结构可知,主句为主从复合句,且此处指天气,故应把that改为it。


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