2019-2020同步外研英语必修一新突破课时分层作业:11 Learning about Language Word版含解析.pdf

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1、课时分层作业(十一)课时分层作业(十一) 语言知识练习固基础 单句语法填空 1The wealth of society is created(creat) by the working people. 2 Plastic bags and boxes known as“white pollution” have become a serious problem. 3Medicine should not be kept where it is accessible (access) to children. 4The book contains (contain) plenty of inf

2、ormation on how to plant flowers. 5To log on the home page, you have to type a user name and password. 6We shouldnt forget the soldiers who died in defence (defend) of our country. 7Our class is a happy family,consisting (consist) of 16 boys and 19 girls. 8From that moment on, I formed the habit of

3、washing hands as soon as I entered the house. 9They were taken to the police station as they had entered the area without permission/being permitted (permit) 10Your smile is one of the strongest tools that make it possible for you to meet (meet) new people. 高考题型练习提能力 .阅读理解 I was driving to town on a

4、 beautiful summer day.The sky was full of clouds.The sun was dancing through the green trees with its golden light and I was smiling at the wonder of it. Suddenly,a truck rounded in front of me, two feet over the center line.I pulled my wheel to the right and my tires spit(迸出) up land waste along th

5、e side of the road as I just missed the truck on one side and a ditch(沟渠) on the other.I noticed the other driver looking at his cell phone totally unaware of the near miss.I closed my mouth in order to avoid saying the words that I promised myself I would no longer use. Later in town, I was coming

6、out of a store when a yellow butterfly started to circle around my head.I smiled peacefully and held out my open hand.To my joy, the butterfly landed on it briefly and swung(扇动) its wings before flying away.I looked around to see if anyone else noticed this small wonder, but the only two people near

7、 me had their heads down, looking at their cell phone screens. I began to think that life is what happens while people are busy looking at their smart phones.Now I know that social media, computers and smart phones are all necessaries(生活必需品) in our lives, but it doesnt mean that they have to control

8、 our days or take over our lives.Amazingly,they all come with a power button.We can turn them off anytime we wish to. Dont let your smart phone take away your smart mind.Dont let technology take over your soul.Use it when you need it, and turn it off when you dont.Turn your heart on more and your ph

9、one on less.Share your kindness, your joy, your hugs, your laughter and your life that make others smile. 【语篇解读】 手机越来越成为人们生活的必需品。但过多地埋头于手机会 引发一些问题,也常会让我们错过身边一些美好的瞬间。让我们放下手机去感受 美好的生活吧! 1Whats the writers purpose in describing the beauty of nature at the beginning of the passage? ATo attract readers.

10、BTo introduce the topic of the passage. CTo sing high praise for his beautiful homeland. DTo make the accident to be described next more impressive. D 写作意图题。由第一段可知,作者在文章开头对美景的描述是为了衬托 下文中差点酿成的车祸,对比之下更能反映出车祸的可怕。 2What can be inferred from Paragraph 2? AThe writer feels very angry. BSomeone died in the

11、 accident. CThe writers car got destroyed in the accident. DThe truck was driving on the right side of the writer. A 推理判断题。根据第二段的“I closed my mouth in order to avoid saying the words that I promised myself I would no longer use.”可知,卡车司机因为边看手机边 开车,差点酿成了车祸,作者知道后非常生气,但即使如此,作者也尽量忍耐, 没有发脾气或者骂人。 3The exam

12、ple in Paragraph 3 shows that Athe writer is a lucky dog Ba cell phone may lead to bad luck Cthe butterfly doesnt like people with cell phones Dbeing buried in a cell phone may make one miss something good D 细节理解题。由文章第三段内容可知,作者旁边的两个人因为埋头看手 机错过了欣赏大自然中美好的瞬间。 4 Whats the writers attitude towards people

13、s spending much time on cell phones? AUnconcerned. BNegative. CSupportive. DDoubtful. B 观点态度题。从文章最后两段内容可知,作者并不赞同人们花过多的时 间埋头于智能手机上。 .阅读七选五 How to Improve Our Selfconfidence We all suffer from a lack of confidence to one degree or another.With low self confidence,we experience anxiety,discouragement,f

14、ear and depression. 1 How to improve our selfconfidence?Here are some tips that may help: 1 Smile!People are naturally attracted to a smile.A person with low esteem(敬重) doesnt smile much,but a person who is confident smiles oftena warm smile that draws people in. 2 2 How you talk to yourself decides

15、 how you act,which then determines the results you have.Maybe youre very confident in certain parts of your life,but consider yourself completely stupid in others.Improve the areas that need small changes,and keep a positive(积极乐观的) view of the future. 3 Take action. 3 Any new habit requires repetiti

16、on and persistence(坚 持) Even though you may make mistakes, you can learn something new from them!So try new things and live your life! 4 Note when your confidence is high, and when it needs a lift.Whats the situation? 4 Do you feel that your selfconfidence makes a situation harder than necessary?Do

17、you refuse challenges because of your selftalk?Do you find yourself standing in the background?Simply becoming aware of your patterns will make it easier to change them. 5 Teach people how to treat you.People consciously(有 意 识 地 ) and unconsciously notice and treat you according to how you think abo

18、ut yourself. 5 If you need to teach people how to treat you,change the way you treat yourself through your selftalk and your actions. AWho are you with? BIf you expect to be walked all over,ignored or refused,you will be. CIts hard at first,but keep on trying! DAlways remember the happy things in li

19、fe. EKeep a positive attitude. FIt doesnt make sense to care about what others say about you. GWe avoid new things and miss out on wonderful life experiences. 【语篇解读】 本文针对如何增强自信提出了五条建议。 1 G 空格的前一句陈述了不太自信带来的不良后果, 空格的后一句意为 “如 何增强我们的自信呢” ,故选 G“我们避开了新事物并且错失了经历精彩生活的机 会” ,进一步叙述不太自信的不良后果,与前句在语意上连贯。 2E 根据本段内

20、容尤其是最后一句中的“keep a positive(积极乐观的) view of the future”可知,应选 E“保持积极乐观的态度” 。 3C 根据本段的主旨句“Take action”和空格后的“Any new habit requires repetition and persistence(坚持)”可知,应选 C 项“开始时难,但是继续努力” 。 4A 本段的主旨句即第一句,意为“注意自己什么时候自信满满,什么时 候需要提升自信” 。接着,提出了一连串问题。因此,本空应选 A,在句式上与前 后句一致。 5B 空前一句讲的是人们有意或无意地根据你如何看待自己来关注和对待 你,由此

21、可知,选 B 项,如果你期待被刻薄地对待、被忽视和被拒绝,你就会这 样(被对待)。 .完形填空 Most of us can remember the days when we didnt use email as an everyday vehicle for communication.Slowly but surely, it came into 1 Email is a 2 tool for college students at any level. Its available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 3 at holidays.Most

22、universities assign students an account upon entrance, 4 there is usually not even an option (选择) involved. You can do everything from consulting (询问) on homework and projects, 5 classmates, family and friends, and getting daily news services to 6 you informed of world 7 But, what are the 8 ? Email

23、can be ejail.You might 9 hours writing and replying to email 10 you should be busy with the books for an upcoming exam. 11 you might be signed up for so many daily services, 12 news services and personal services, that your mailbox is so 13 “junk mails” that finding the 14 emails through your box mi

24、ght take hours. If youre a student, 15 is precious (珍贵的)Create and organise your email folders into important schoolrelated mail, correspondence (来往信件) with friends and family, and a folder for jokes, and other news services. 16 put the mail into the proper folders first, and when youre finished, he

25、ad for the important schoolrelated folder first.Respond (回应) to the most important emails first and, 17 you have time, you can get to the others. 18 your friends from sending those tiresome joke lists, sex quizzes, and chain mails.The minute you 19 youve got one, delete (删除) it 20 so you wont be tem

26、pted (诱惑) to read it. 【语篇解读】 本文介绍了电子邮件给人们的生活带来的便利之处和各种弊 端。 1A.the lives Blife Cour lives Dus life C 根据语境可知,它缓慢而又坚定地进入了我们的生活(our lives)。 2A.valuable Bchangeable Cfavourable Dcomfortable A 根据下文可知,对大学生来说,电子邮件非常有用(valuable)。 3A.even Bstill Cever Dyet A 结合常识, 人们一天 24 小时, 每周 7 天, 甚至节假日也都可以随时使用。 4A.but Bso

27、 Cbecause Dexcept that B 根据句意可知,空格前后为因果关系,故选 B。 5A.keeping touch with Bgetting touched to Closing touch with Dkeeping in touch with D keep in touch with.“与保持联系” ,固定搭配。 6A.keeping Bkeep Cleaving Dleave A keep sb.informed of sth.的意思是 “让某人随时了解某事” , 此处 to 为介词, 后接 v.ing 作介词宾语。 7A.advice Baccidents Cevent

28、s Dthings C event 表示“大事;重要事情” ,符合文意。 8A.advantages Bmistakes Cwrongs Ddisadvantages D 本句承接上下文。上文讲述使用 email 的好处,下文第一句说它也可以 是电子牢房,由此可知是讲它不好的方面。 9A.spend Bcost Ctake Dpay A 根据句意, 你或许花(spend)几个小时写并回复电子邮件, 当(when)你本应 该沉浸于为即将来临的考试准备的书中时。spend time(in)doing sth.的意思是“花时 间做某事” ,主语为人。 10A.for Bbecause Csince

29、Dwhen D 参见上题解析。 11A.Otherwise BOr CBut DHowever B 下文继续讲述沉迷于 email 所带来的其他负面影响。故选 B。 12A.such as Bsuch like Cfor example Dso as A such as 用于列举事物,放在被列举的事物之前(列举部分事物)。 13A.full of with Bfull Cfilled with Dfill with C be filled with 是固定搭配,意思是“充满;充斥着” 。 14A.important Bnecessary Cpractical Dpossible A 由上下文可

30、知,由于邮箱中充斥着垃圾邮件,要找出真正重要的 (important)邮件可能要花好几个小时。 15A.money Bmark Cgrade Dtime D 对学生来说时间(time)是宝贵的。 16A.Sometimes BAlways CAlmost DUsually B 从上下文语境可知,把邮件正确归类总是正确的做法。 17A.if Balthough Csince Dbecause A if 引导条件状语从句。 先回复最重要的邮件, 如果有时间再去管其他的。 18A.Encourage BWatch CDiscourage DRefuse C 劝说你的朋友,让他们不要把那些的邮件发给你。discourage sb. from doing sth.表示“劝阻某人做某事” 。 19A.examine Bcheck up Csee Drealise D 根据上文可知,一旦你意识到(realise)信箱里有这样的邮件,马上 (immediately)删除它。 20A.later Bimmediately Cafter Dsoon B 参见上题解析。


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