2019-2020同步外研英语必修一新突破课时分层作业:4 Using Language Word版含解析.pdf

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1、课时分层作业(四) 语言知识练习固基础 单句语法填空 1Before the final examination,we should do a lot of revision (revise) 2Li Ming is an English beginner and has problems with grammar. 3It is up to you to_decide (decide) where we will spend our holiday. 4I dont advise driving (drive) the car; there is nowhere to park in the

2、 city center. 5If you dont study hard, you will pay for it later. 6Either you or your brother is (be) to pick up Tom at the airport. 7Tom appeared relaxed (relax) and confident before the match. 8I prefer studying English at home to watching the match. 9Id rather you met (meet) her at the airport to

3、morrow morning. 10Cars must stop at red traffic lights.Similarly (similar), bikes should stop, too. 高考题型练习提能力 .阅读理解 A In the late 1990s,a family visited the school where I taught deaf students.They said they would be moving here and planned to send their deaf daughter to my school as a first grader.

4、They were upset that their childs kindergarten teacher told them not to have high hopes for her.The teacher painted a bleak(暗淡的)picture for their little girls future.Standing behind them was Katherine, a beautiful fiveyearold girl with long hair and dark eyes.The whole time her parents were there sh

5、e didnt make a sound or use sign language, even when her parents asked her to do so. After a few weeks with Katherine, I discovered I was dealing with a very bright child.Although I was able to make her join in different learning activities, writing was always a struggle.I tried all kinds of methods

6、 to interest her in writing.Every time the pencils came out, she would refuse to write. One day Katherine got off her bus and stood in front of the school crying.The teachers there did not know enough sign language to ask her what happened.Finally they led her into the office where they handed her a

7、 pen and a piece of paper.Katherine wrote: “PAC BAK.” Immediately the teachers realized she left her backpack on the bus.They called the bus driver back to school and soon Katherine got her backpack back. That day Katherine_discovered_the_power_of_the_penFrom then on she fell in love with writing.Sh

8、e is a young woman now and has become an excellent writer, public speaker and student leader. 【语篇解读】 兴趣是最好的老师。看一看作者是怎样引导她的学生,还是 一个失聪的学生,走向写作之路的呢! 1When the author first met her, Katherine _ Akept silent Bkept crying Cwas studyingDwas unhappy A 细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句“The whole time her parents were there sh

9、e didnt make a sound or use sign language,.”可知答案为 A 项。 2What was Katherines problem after a few weeks with the author? AShe didnt like to write at all. BShe couldnt use sign language. CShe always left her backpack on the bus. DShe had no interest in learning activities. A 细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句“Every time

10、the pencils came out,she would refuse to write.”可知 A 项正确。 3Whats the meaning of “Katherine discovered the power of the pen”? AKatherine used a pen for the first time. BKatherine became interested in writing. CKatherine understood how to use the pen. DKatherine knew what the pen was used for. B 推理判断题

11、。根据最后一段第二句“From then on she fell in love with writing.”可知 B 项正确。 4What is the author? AA public speaker. BA deaf student leader. CA kindergarten teacher. DA primary school teacher. D 推理判断题。根据第一段第一、二句“.a family visited the school where I taught.,send their deaf daughter to my school as a first grader

12、.”可知 D 项正确。 B Heres something to think about the next time you ask your teacher for help: trying hard to do schoolwork on your own can help you learn.According to a recent study, the more you try while you are learning new information, the better you can remember it later. This might surprise you.Wh

13、en teachers are presenting new information, they often give students lots of help.But a new study shows this may not be the best way to support learning.“Dont be too quick to get help when learning something new, ” educational expert Manu Kapur said.“Try to work on it yourself even if it means tryin

14、g different ways.” Kapur came up with the idea that trying hard can lead to better learning.Then he tested it out on students in Singapore.He separated students into two groups.In the first group, students were asked to solve maths problems with the teachers help.In the second group, students were a

15、sked to solve the same problems by helping one another, instead of getting help from the teacher. With the teachers help, students in the first group were able to find the correct answers.Students in the second group did not solve the problems correctly.But they did come up with a lot of good ideas.

16、 The students were then tested on what they had learned.The group without any help from a teacher scored much higher than the group who had help.Kapur said working to find the answers helped students understand the process(过程),not just the solution. Kapurs advice for kids is to put a lot of effort(努

17、力)into learning something new rather than going to your teacher for help.“Simply doing a little work or nothing at all wont work, ” says Kapur.“Try to solve a problem in as many ways as possible.” 【语篇解读】 学生遇到问题当然想着去问老师。而教育专家 Kapur 却坚持 让学生独自解决难题。 5What is the best title for the text? AWork Your Mind

18、BPractice Makes Perfect CThe Best Way to Learn DTeachers Role in Schoolwork A 主旨大意题。 文章首先提出, 自己越努力解决问题, 越能牢固记忆新知识。 接着通过实验结果证明了这一点:没有老师帮助的学生在做数学题时,虽然没有 做对,但想出了不少好主意,且在考试中获得较高的分数。最后作者再次通过研 究者的话表明:要尝试多种方法解决问题,多动脑。 6Manu Kapur holds that _ Aits necessary for students to ask for teachershelp Bstudents sh

19、ould try to solve problems by themselves Cstudents with teachers help have more good ideas Dstudents in the first group are cleverer than those in the second group B 推理判断题。根据第二段 Manu Kapur 说的话可知,他鼓励学生们自己解 决问题。 7The author develops the text mainly by _ Apresenting research findings Bcomparing differe

20、nt opinions Cshowing scientific information Dsetting down general rules A 推理判断题。作者在第一段提出结论,在第二至第五段引用实验来说明 这一结论,在最后一段建议学生该怎么做。由此可知,作者通过实验结果来证实 文章观点。 .阅读七选五 Selfconfident people face their fears headon and they know that no matter what obstacles come their way,they have the ability to get past them.Wo

21、uldnt it be amazing to have this kind of selfconfidence?Guess what?You can._1_ Stay away from negativity. _2_ This is a tough one,but its time to seriously consider getting away from those individuals who put you down and shred your confidence.Even a temporary break from Debbie Downer can make a hug

22、e difference and help you move toward more selfconfidence. Be positive. Put some positive enthusiasm into your interactions with others and hit the ground running,excited to begin your next project._3_Instead,begin to focus on solutions and making positive changes. Dont accept failure. Never give up

23、.Never accept failure and get rid of the negative voices in your head.There is a solution to everything._4_ Make this your new mantra(真 言)Succeeding in a difficult or unpleasant situation is a huge confidence booster(激 励) _5_ Learn everything there is to know about your field,job,presentationwhateve

24、r is next on your“to conquer”list.If you are prepared,and have the knowledge to back it up,your selfconfidence will rise very quickly. ABe prepared. BCreate a great list. CGet out of your comfort zone. DStop focusing on the problems in your life. ETherefore,why would you want to stop trying? FHeres

25、how you can learn to be confident of all you do. GEvaluate your inner circle,including friends and family. 【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文。主要介绍了提高自信的一些方法。 1 F 根据空前的 “Wouldnt it be amazing to have this kind of selfconfidence? Guess what?You can.”及下文罗列的内容可知,此处需填一个起承上启下的作用 的句子, 故 F 项 “这是你可以学会对你所做的所有事情感到自信的方法” 符合语境。 2.

26、 G 根据小标题“Stay away from negativity”以及 G 项中的“friends and family”与空后句子中的“those individuals”的对应关系可知,G 项符合语境。 3D 根据小标题“Be positive”及空后的“Instead,begin to focus on solutions and making positive changes.”可知,空处所填内容与其后面的内容之间存 在转折关系,故 D 项“不要再关注你生活中的问题”符合语境。 4 E 根 据 空 前 的 “Never give up.Never accept failure an

27、d get rid of the negative voices in your head.There is a solution to everything.”可知,空处所填内容与 上文存在因果关系,故 E 项“因此,你为什么想要放弃努力呢?”符合语境。 5A 根据最后一段中的内容尤其是“If you are prepared,and have the knowledge to back it up.”可知,本段介绍的提高自信的方法是要做好准备,故 A 项符合语境。 .语法填空 I am now a good student in my class.But you dont know tha

28、t when I 1._(start) senior English in the beginning, I found it difficult and quite 2._(differ) from what I had learned in junior school.Now I still remember a teacher who taught me at that time.3._ teacher is a good teacher because she always tried her best to be the one 4._ classes were more activ

29、e and lively with some stories and examples.5._ the help of the teacher, I realized the 6._(important) of English, so I decided to learn English well.My teacher suggested that we 7._(read) more if we wanted to improve our English, 8._ every day I would do some English reading.She also told us lesson

30、s in classes could help us deal with exams, but even more valuable were the lessons 9._(learn) in extracurricular activities in school.I like my English teacher very much. Now I have made such great progress in my English study that I am 10._(interested) in learning it than before. 【语篇解读】 这是一篇记叙文。文中

31、讲述了作者高中阶段在老师的帮助下 对英语有了兴趣,并取得了很大的进步的故事。 1started 考查时态。此处作者谈及高中开始学英语的时候的情况,所以用 一般过去时。 2different 考查形容词。分析句子结构可知,此处用形容词作宾补,与空 前的 difficult 构成并列关系。 3The 考查冠词。此处用 The 特指上文提到的那位老师。 4 whose 考查定语从句。 从句中的classes与先行词the one之间有所属关系, 所以用 whose 引导定语从句。 5With 考查介词。with the help of 为习惯搭配,意为“在的帮助下” 。 6importance 考查

32、名词。分析句子结构和空前的冠词 the 可知,此处应用 名词 importance 作动词 realized 的宾语。 7(should) read 考查虚拟语气。suggest 表“建议”时,后面的宾语从句使 用虚拟语气,即谓语动词用“(should)动词原形” 。 8 so 考查连词。 根据语境可知, 前后表示因果关系, 且为前因后果, 故填 so。 9learned 考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,lessons 与 learn 之间为被 动关系,且此处表示一个完成的动作,所以用过去分词作定语。 10 more interested 考查形容词比较级。 根据语境可知, 此处应用 interested 的比较级。


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