2019-2020同步外研英语必修一新突破课时分层作业:7 Learning about Language Word版含解析.pdf

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1、课时分层作业(七)课时分层作业(七) 语言知识练习固基础 单句语法填空 1It has been three years since I published (publish) my first book. 2The room is arranged very attractively(attractive) 3Dont bother yourself about/with me; Im doing quite well. 4I was fortunate (fortune)to catch todays last bus to the county at the last minute. 5

2、Someone parked (park) his car in front of my house and blocked my driveway. 6As she feels very lonely, she is starving for friendship. 7A great number of tourists (tourist) from all over the world come to visit the pyramids every year. 8After finishing the work, we put up a board reminding people to

3、 protect the trees. 9That was the last time that she had helped (help) us. 10 We can hear a beautiful voice when approaching (approach) the music classroom. 高考题型练习提能力 .阅读理解 What does it take to be a good neighbour? Over the years I have had all kinds of neighbours, ones that were enjoyable and other

4、s that were to be avoided at all costs. One of the most important things in being a good neighbour is to respect a persons privacy(隐私)When someone new moves into the neighbourhood,it is a good idea to watch them to see how friendly you should be.If you go rushing over as soon as they move in, they m

5、ay think you are going to be one of those neighbours that come over at all times of the day, not respecting their privacy. It is a good idea always to be friendly to everyone in the neighbourhood.This can not only put you on good terms with them, but will also be a form of protection for your family

6、 and home.If you wave as they drive by or offer a friendly hello while they are out in their yard, this shows that you respect them.If you are friendly to them, they are much more likely to watch out for any wrong doings going on around your home while you are out and let you know if anything happen

7、s. Another way of being a good neighbour is to be helpful in times of need.If you see that they are in need of a helping hand doing something or in times of a disaster(灾难), it is good to offer your help.Even though you have never really talked to the people down the street, they are willing to take

8、the time to help out a neighbour in need. In conclusion, if you respect peoples privacy, treat them kindly and be helpful when you see they are in need, you will be a great neighbour and everyone would be happy to have you next door! 【语篇解读】 处理好邻里关系对我们很重要。要想与邻居融洽相处,首先 要尊重他人,其次是友好待人,再次是乐于助人。 1If you a

9、re getting along well with your neighbours, you can Ahave your own privacy Boften visit their yard Cmake close friends with them Dkeep your family members safe D 细节理解题。根据第三段中的“This can not only put you on good terms with them,but will also be a form of protection for your family and home.”可知,邻 里关系融洽

10、可以保护你的家和家人的安全。 2Whats the main idea of the fourth paragraph? ANeighbours should help each other. BEverybody probably gets into trouble. CNeighbours should respect each other. DA friend in need is a friend indeed. A 段落大意题。本段的前一部分讲到你要乐于帮助邻居,后一部分讲到邻 居也会乐于帮助你,由此可知本段的大意是:邻里之间应该互相帮助。 3In the opinion of th

11、e author,neighbours should always be Ahelpful,strong and kind Bhonest,active and friendly Crespectful,friendly and helpful Dpolite,honest and kind C 细节理解题。文章最后一段第一句是对第二、三和四段的总结和概括, 也是作者的中心观点,故选 C 项。 4The author develops the topic of this passage based on his Apractical experiences Bscientific experi

12、ments Ccareful research Dwide knowledge A 推理判断题。根据第一段中的“Over the years I have had all kinds of neighbours,ones that were enjoyable and others that were to be avoided at all costs.” 再结合全文的内容可以推断出,作者是根据自己的经历展开本文的话题的。 .阅读七选五 The relationship between cousins can be very close and deep.Maybe you were ver

13、y close but have grown apart because of physical distance, a misunderstanding, or even problems within your family. No matter what circumstances(情况), you can get your cousin to like you and turn the relationship into something that is meaningful for both of you. 1 Here is a guide on how to make your

14、 cousin trust you. 2 There are different ways to reach out to your cousin, including a letter, an email, or a phone call.Social media is also a choice: you could friend her on Facebook or follow her on Instagram.Even this small gesture helps break the ice and pave the way for further communication.

15、Be a good communicator.There are two parts to being a good communicator: speaking and listening. 3 This will show her that youre serious about her and your relationship. Be respectful and flexible.Make your cousin feel comfortable and relaxed when you are talking or spending time together. Being res

16、pectful of her and flexible in your own behavior will help gain her trust and get her to like you more. 4 Respect and appreciate those differences to show that youre serious about your relationship. Meet each other at a nonfamily gathering.Once youve had a chance to make contact with your cousin, su

17、ggest meeting in person. Keep your first meeting simple. 5 You can meet for longer periods once youve had a chance to see each other in shorter spans. AShow your interest in her. BReach out to her. CDo different activities together. DSuggest coffee, lunch, a movie, or a sporting event. EGaining your

18、 cousins trust is of the first importance. FTalk with your cousin and listen to what she says. GYour cousin may have different beliefs and values from you. 【语篇解读】 这是一篇说明文。文中介绍了与堂妹保持友好关系的方法。 1E 根据空后的“Here is a guide on how to make your cousin trust you”可知, 空处谈的应是获得堂妹的信任很重要,故选 E 项。 2B 本空是本段的主旨句。根据空后的“

19、There are different ways to reach out to your cousin”可知,本段主要讲要多与堂妹接触,故选 B 项。 3F 根据空前的“speaking and listening”以及 F 项中的 Talk 和 listen 可知, 本空应选 F。 4G 根据关键词比对可知,空后的 those differences 与 G 项中的 different 相照应,故选 G。 5D 根据空前的“Keep your first meeting simple”可知,空处应介绍初见面时 应当具体做什么,D 项符合题意。 .完形填空 Tim Becker and hi

20、s neighbours are doing something to make their neighbourhood a troublefree area. When Tim Becker gets in his car to go shopping, he doesnt 1 drive to a store and back home.He always looks 2 up and down the streets of his neighbourhood.He looks for anything 3 such as strange cars, loud noises, 4 wind

21、ows, or people gathering on street corners. Tim 5 to a neighbourhood watch group in Stoneville, Indiana, USA.The neighbourhood watch group 6 on the third Wednesday of every month.Thats 7 Tim gets together with about ten of his neighbours to discuss community(社区) 8 Members of the neighbourhood watch

22、group want to help the police 9 their homes, streets, and families safe. Tina Stedman, president of 10 neighbourhood watch group, agrees with Tim. “People seem to think that crime(犯罪)happens to other people but not 11 them.Well, its never happened to me, ”she said, “but I dont think anyone has the 1

23、2 to steal from other people or to make them feel 13 sitting in their own homes.” Alex, a member of the group, said that all the neighbours 14 out for one another.“We 15 each others homes.We keep watch on the neighbourhood at nights and on weekends.Usually a 16 of four or five of us goes out togethe

24、r.If something doesnt look right, then we call the 17 For example, if we notice a group of teenagers who seem to be looking for 18 , or someone destroying property(财产), we report to the police.” Alex feels the neighbourhood watch groups 19 a lot in keeping crime down.Her husband Jim agrees, “Police

25、are good people, but they cant do 20 ” 【语篇解读】 一个社区的居民组织起来尽力使自己居住的地方变得安全而 和谐。 1A.yet Bstill Cjust Drather C 逻辑推理题。蒂姆和他的邻居正在努力使他们的社区变得无忧无虑、安 全通畅。自然每当蒂姆开车出门购物时不仅仅(not just)开车去商店再开车回家, 而是还有别的事情要做。not yet“尚未” ; not just“不仅仅; 不只是” 。 2A.carefully Bclearly Cnervously Dcoldly A 词语辨析题。 根据句意, 他总是在社区的街道上上下下仔细地(

26、carefully) 查 看 。 carefully“小 心 地 ; 谨 慎 地 ” ; clearly“明 显 地 ; 无 疑 地 ” ; nervously“神经紧张地; 不安地” ; coldly“冷淡地” 。 3A.familiar Bunusual Cexpensive Dinteresting B 逻辑推理题。该句指查看是否有像陌生的车子或喧哗的噪音之类的异常 情况。 4A.curtained Bopen Cold Dbroken D 逻辑推理题。与前面 strange cars, loud noises 构成并列意义不应是开着的 (open)、旧的(old)、挂有窗帘的(curt

27、ained)窗户, 而是打破的(broken)窗户。 5A.attends Bbelongs Cgoes Dturns B 习语搭配题。蒂姆属于一个社区监护队。belong to“属于” ; 符合句意。 6A.meets Bquarrels Csings Dsearches A 词语辨析题。社区监护队每月第三个周三碰头开会(meet), 而不是争吵 (quarrel)、 唱 歌 (sing)或 搜 查 (search)。 后 文 “gets together with about ten of his neighbours to discuss community”有所暗示。 7A.where

28、 Bwhy Cwhen Dhow C 词语辨析题。根据前文“on the third Wednesday of every month”可知此处指 时间。 8A.politics Bwealth Chealth Dsafety D 词汇复现题。从前文蒂姆的行为及本段最后的 safe 一词可以看出, 他 们聚集在一起研讨社区的安全(safety)问题, 而非政治(politics)、财富(wealth)或健 康(health)问题。 9A.keep Bhold Clet Dprotect A 习语搭配题。“keep宾语adj. ”表示“使保持某种状态” 。该句 指帮助警察使(keep)他们的家、

29、街道和家人安全。 10A.its Bhis Ctheir Dyour C 逻辑推理题。根据上下文推断, 此处指“他们的(their)”社区监护队的 队长。 11A.round Bon Cabout Dto D 前后照应题。承接前面的 happen to sb.结构, 此处用介词 to。 12A.right Bchance Ccourage Dmind A 逻辑推理题。根据句意推断, 任何人都可能有机会(chance)、勇气 (courage)或心思(mind), 但却没有权利(right)去偷别人的东西或使别人感到不安 全。 13A.unlucky Bunsafe Cdisappointed

30、Ddiscouraged B 逻辑推理题。该句表示“没有权利使别人坐在自己家里而感到不安全” , 与前文偷东西等安全问题联系起来, 就不可能是不幸的(unlucky)、失望的 (disappointed)或泄气的(discouraged)。 14A.set Blet Chold Dlook D 逻辑推理题。set out“出发; 开始” ; let out“发出” ; hold out“坚持; 伸出” ; look out“注意; 留神” 。根据上下文可知所有的邻居都要相互留神(look out), 提高警惕。 15A.care Benter Cwatch Dmanage C 词汇复现题。根据

31、上下文推断, 我们应该相互守护(watch)好彼此的家。 前文已有所暗示, 也与后文 keep watch on 一致。 16A.group Bset Cnumber Dcrowd A 词汇复现题。前文已有暗示, 四五个人形成一组/队(group)。 17A.judges Bpolice Cfiremen Ddoctors B 词汇复现题。如果看到有什么事情不正常, 就叫警察(police)。前文“help the police their homes, streets, and families safe”和后文“we report to the police”有所暗示。 18A.work

32、Bmoney Cservice Dtrouble D 逻辑推理题。从上下文判断, 该句指发现一群十几岁的孩子似乎想捣 乱、想找麻烦(trouble)。 19A.produce Bfind Cget Dhelp D 逻辑推理题。在制止犯罪方面社区监护队起到了辅助(help)的作用, 充 当了助手的功能, 而不是生产(produce)、发现(find)或得到(get)。 20A.anything Beverything Cnothing Dsomething B 逻辑推理题。 警察很好, 但他们并不可能每件事情(everything)都做得到。 everything 与 not 连用表示部分否定,符合语境。


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