2019-2020同步外研英语必修一新突破课时分层作业:9 Learning about Language Word版含解析.pdf

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1、课时分层作业(九)课时分层作业(九) 语言知识练习固基础 .单句语法填空 1The business has expanded (expand) from having one office to having twelve so far. 2He likes to add some sugar to coffee when he drinks it. 3Please observe the mixture (mix) and write down what you will see. 4The members of the club discussed the problem for a w

2、hole morning, not reaching any conclusion (conclude) 5Many farmers go to big cities with the aim of finding good jobs. 6The couple bought a useful piece of equipment (equip) for the kitchen. 7I found something large floating (float) in the sea about a mile away from the shore. 8There is a piece of b

3、oard at the gate of the building, which reads: Keep out without permission. 9Id like to know Miss Hus reaction (react) to what you said because I found she was angry when she left. 10Reading is an experience quite different from watching TV; there are pictures forming (form) in your mind instead of

4、before your eyes. .完成句子 1书架上的书都乱了。我们把它们摆放整齐。 The books on the shelf are out of orderLets put them in order. 2他睡在这么小的床上是不可能的。 It is impossible for him to sleep on such a small bed. 3到目前为止,三分之二的工作已经完成。 Up to now, twothirds of the work has been finished 4工作完成后,你必须把一切东西都摆放好。 After work, you must put eve

5、rything in order 5快,公交车来了。准备好钱了吗? Quick, here comes the busHave you got the right money? 高考题型练习提能力 .阅读理解 I have been very lucky to have won the Nobel Prize twice.It is, of course, very exciting to have such an important recognition of my work, but the real pleasure was in the work itself.Scientific

6、research is like an exploration of a voyage of discovery.You are continually trying out new things that have not been done before.Many of them will lead nowhere and you have to try something different, but sometimes an experiment does work and tells you something new and that is really exciting.Howe

7、ver small the new finding may be, it is great to think “I am the only person who knows this” and then you will have the fun of thinking what this finding will lead to and deciding what will be the next experiment.One of the best things about scientific research is that you are always doing something

8、 different and it is never boring.There are good times when things go well and bad times when they dont.Some people get discouraged at the difficult times but when I have a failure, my policy has always been not to worry but to start planning the next experiment, which is always fun. It is very exci

9、ting to make a new discovery.Some people will do the strangest things for this excitement, such as going round the world in a balloon or walking to the North Pole.There are not many new places to explore but there is a lot of new information to be discovered in science and a journey into this unknow

10、n area can be much more worthwhile and just as exciting. I am sometimes asked, “What do you have to do to win a Nobel Prize? ”My answer is: “I dont know.I have never tried.”But I know of one way not to win one.There are some people whose main reason for doing science is to win prizes and they are al

11、ways thinking about how to do it.Such people wont succeed.To do good science you must be interested in it and enjoy doing experiments and thinking out problems.And, of course, you must be prepared to work hard and not to be too discouraged by failure. 【语篇解读】 文章讲述了一个获得诺贝尔奖的科学家的科研工作态度。面 对失败并不气馁, 而是接着进

12、行下一个实验研究。做科研要有兴趣, 而不是为 了得奖而搞研究。 1In the writers eyes his greatest pleasure in all his lifetime is Ato win the Nobel Prize for the first time Bto be awarded the Nobel Prize for the second time Cin the work itself Dto have a much more important recognition of his work C 细节理解题。根据第一段第二句“It is, of course

13、, very exciting to have such an important recognition of my work, but the real pleasure was in the work itself.”可 知, 作者认为, 真正的快乐是工作本身。故选 C。 2Why did the writer think scientific research to be one of the best things? AYou will be able to win the Nobel Prize through the scientific research. BYou can m

14、ake as much money as possible by doing the scientific research. CYou may continue doing with something different and exciting, so you can never be tired of doing the scientific research. D You can get many more chances of promotion by making the scientific research. C 细节理解题。根据第一段“One of the best thi

15、ngs about scientific research is that you are always doing something different and it is never boring.”可知, 作者认 为, 科研工作永远不会枯燥、无聊, 因为你一直在做不同的事情。故选 C。 3What would the writer do when he had a failure? AHe would forget this failure and start the next experiment. BHe used to be worried about it for severa

16、l days and never forget it. CHe always gave up his study as the result of the failure. DHe used to think out the reasons and then continue to do it again. A 细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句“.but when I have a failure, my policy has always been not to worry but to start planning the next experiment, which is always f

17、un.”可知, 实验失败时, 作者会去计划下一个实验, 而不是感到沮丧。故选 A。 4Which of the following is true according to the passage? AThe writer could still keep calm when he heard the news that he had won the Nobel Prize. BThe writer always gave up his courage when he met with some difficulties in the course of his scientific rese

18、arch. CIn the field of science there are still many new things which need to be studied further. DThere are still many exciting places to explore in the world. C 细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句“.there is a lot of new information to be discovered in science and a journey into this unknown area can be much more worth

19、while and just as exciting”可知, 就科学而言, 仍然有许多未知的新信息需 要被探索和发现。故选 C。 .阅读七选五 Do you want to be a scientist? If youd like to be one, you should lay the foundation(基础) for the task ahead. 1 Take the necessary classes in high school.Youll need to do well in mathematics. 2 You can also consider going to a sc

20、ience camp during high school.There youll do more intensive projects than you do in your regular science classes in school. Start out with the basics in college.Youll need to take basic courses in biology, chemistry and physics to equip yourself with the basics of each science,as well as the scienti

21、fic method of observing and experimenting.Skills in one or two foreign languages may be helpful as well,in order to read older scientific papers that are written in foreign languages. 3 4 After youve gotten your feet wet and youre familiar with the directions this career could take you,choose a majo

22、r in a more specific(具体的) branch of science. Develop your writing skills.Youll also need to write well as a scientist,both to get money for your research and to publish your results in scientific journals. 5 Always be reading scientific journals and keep up with the field.Youll be in those journals

23、yourself,in time.Look over their works for structure and the basics of a good scientific paper. AGet a higher education. BTheres a guide for the preparation work. CBe patient,and think creatively. DChoose a major in a field that interests you. EScientists in the physical sciences use a great deal of

24、 mathematics. FThe most helpful languages to learn include French,German and Russian. GClasses in English in high school and technical writing in college will help you improve your skills. 【语篇解读】 这是一篇说明文。文中介绍了成为一名科学家需要的一些基 础。 1 B 根 据 第 一 段 中 的 “If youd like to be one, you should lay the foundation(基

25、础) for the task ahead”并结合下文给出的建议可知,空处应承上启下, 故选 B 项。 2E 根据空前的“Youll need to do well in mathematics”可知,此处是讲数学 的重要性,故选 E 项。 3F 根据空前一句中的“Skills in one or two foreign languages may be helpful as well”可知,此处主要讲应学习一到两门的外语,故应选 F 项。 4D 根据文章布局可知,空处是本段的主旨句,结合下文内容可知,这里 讲的是选专业的问题,故选 D 项。 5G 根据本段主旨句“Develop your w

26、riting skills”可知,本段主要讲的是培 养写作技巧,故应选 G 项,G 项中的 technical writing 与本段主旨相符合。 .完形填空 What actually happens when we read? Some people think that we read one word 1 , understand it and then go on to the next.Other people think that our eyes smoothly 2 over each line from left to right, then back to the beg

27、inning of the 3 line, and so on.In fact, the physical action of reading usually doesnt work in 4 of those ways. 5 you do this experiment with a friend. Get hold of a book with a large page 6 and with lines that go right 7 the page. 8 your friend to 9 the book up and to read it with the top of the bo

28、ok just 10 his eyes level. This 11 that you can watch the movement of his eyes as he reads the page. 12 you do this, you will see that your friends eyes do not make a continuous forward sweep. 13 they progress(前 移) by little “jumps”, moving, then stopping, as they progress along the line. 14 to be t

29、his starting and stopping movement 15 the eye can see only when it is not moving.Every time the eye 16 it sees a phrase or even a sentence, then jumps to the next part of the line, and so on. There is another interesting fact about eye movement. You will notice that: 17 , the reader goes back and lo

30、oks again at something he 18 before.In other words, he returns to an earlier part of the text probably because he 19 he is not understanding it properly.Then he comes back to 20 he stopped and continues reading. 【语篇解读】 本文介绍了通过实验发现的人们阅读方式的种种特点。 1A.at a time Bat one time Cat time Dat times A 有些人认为我们读书

31、时每次读一个单词。 四个选项中, 只有 at a time 有 “每 次”的意思。 2A.turn Bfly Cmove Dreact C 四个选项中,只有 move 可以表示眼睛的运动。 3A.above Bnext Csame Dsecond B 根据上文的内容可以判断出:我们读书时,从一行左边开始读到右边, 然后另起一行。所以只有 next 符合题意。 4A.either Bneither Call Dboth A not.either.是固定搭配,表示“任何一个都不” ,符合题意。 5A.Think BGuess CSuppose DSuggest C 根据“do this exper

32、iment”可以知道,作者此处是假设做一个实验。 6A.number Bquantity Cspace Dsize D 该词能够和前面的“large”搭配,并且从后文实验时阅读者的阅读方式也 可以看出,此处指的是纸张的尺寸大小(size)。 7A.off Bacross Cup Ddown B across 指从一边到另一边。 因为我们平时读到的书籍通常都是从左到右来 排版的。 8A.Have BTo have CGet DTo get C 本句为祈使句,而且只有 get 后面才接带 to 的不定式作宾语补足语。 9A.hold Bpick Cput Dset A “hold the book

33、 up”在文中指“把书立起来” 。 10A.below Bin Cbeside Don A 此处指书的上端在阅读者眼睛视平线的下方,这样有利于观察者观察阅 读者在阅读时眼睛的运动情况。 11A.shows Bmeans Cexpresses Dproves B mean 表示“意味着” ,此处用来对上文的行为作出解释。 12A.Unless BIf CBecause DAlthough B if 引导条件状语从句,表示“如果” 。 13A.However BAltogether CTherefore DInstead D instead 表示“取而代之,相反的是” ,符合题意。 14A.It

34、has BIt is CThere has DThere is C 本句为 there be 句型和 have to 的综合考查,表示“必须有” 。 15A.if Bunless Calthough Dbecause D 用来解释原因,所以只能用 because。 16A.jumps Bbothers Cpauses Dturns C 承接上文的“stopping”一词,指眼睛看书时的暂停。 17A.from time to time Bat the same time Con time Din no time A 根据上下文可知,本句话的意思是:你会发现,时不时地,读者会回过 头来看一下已经看过的一些内容。 18A.read Bhad read Cwas reading Dhas read D before 是现在完成时的标志,表示“已经读过的” 。 19A.wonders Bknows Crealises Dfears C 因为他意识到有些部分他没有恰当理解,所以再回过头来重读一下。只 有 realises 符合题意。 20A.what Bwhich Cthat Dwhere D 从刚才停下来的地方开始继续读下去。只有 where 可以表示“在地 方” 。


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