2019-2020同步外研英语必修一新突破阶段综合检测:3 Word版含解析.pdf

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1、阶段综合检测阶段综合检测(三三) .阅读理解(共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分) A Volunteer Chances for Teens About Learning Buddies Learning Buddies is an education program for K5 students at the Beacon Hill.Columbia, Douglass Truth.NewHolly and West Seattle Library branches(分 馆)Teen volunteers(志愿者) and kids read together, learn

2、math and play educational games with support from librarians. If you are a high school student who enjoys math, reading and helping kids succeed in school, please consider volunteering as a Learning Buddy.You will get service learning experience and earn(获得) community service hours for school. Learn

3、ing Buddies teaches kids once a week.Volunteer chances are offered at the following Library branches, October through December and March through May. Beacon Hill Branch: Tuesday, 4:15 pm.to 5:45 pm. Columbia Branch:Thursday,4:15 pm.to 5:45 pm. DouglassTruth Branch:Tuesday,4:15 pm.to 5:45 pm. NewHoll

4、y Branch:Tuesday,4:15 pm.to 5:45 pm. West Scattle Branch:Tuesday, 4 pm.to 5:30 pm. Become a Learning Buddy High school students must be at least 14 years old and live close to a Library branch that offers the Learning Buddies program. You can ask for a volunteer application(申请书) and attend an interv

5、iew at one of the following Library branches at least one month before the fall or spring Learning Buddies series. Beacon Hill Branch:call the Teen Services Librarian at 2066844711. Columbia Branch:call the Teen Services Librarian at 2063861908. DouglassTruth Branch:call the Teen Services Librarian

6、at 2066844704. NewHolly Branch:call the Supervising Librarian at 2063861905. West Seattle Branch:call the Teen Services Librarian at 2066847444. 【语篇解读】 本文是应用文。某图书馆为高中生提供志愿服务机会,本文 介绍了志愿服务项目的基本情况、活动时间、以及申请方式等。 1Which number should you call if you want to volunteer on Thursday? A2066844711. B2063861908

7、. C2066844704.D2063861905. B 细节理解题。由第三段后面的“Columbia Branch: Thursday, 4: 15 pm.to 5: 45 p m.” 和文末的 “Columbia Branch: call the Teen Services Librarian at 206386 1908”可获知正确答案。 2Students who want to become a Learning Buddy must_ Abe 14 years old or over Bdo well in all school subjects Clive close to th

8、e kids being taught Dbe able to teach kids twice a week A 细节理解题。由 Become a Learning Buddy 部分中的“High school students must be at least 14 years old”可知,该志愿者项目要求参加者为 14 岁及以上的高中 生。 3Where does this text probably come from? AA travel guide. BA science report. CAn invitation.DAn advertisement. D 推理判断题。某图书馆

9、为高中生提供志愿服务机会,本文介绍了该志愿 服务项目的概况、可选择的志愿服务地点和联系方式,对参加者的要求等相关信 息。因此可推断,本文可能选自一则宣传广告。 B Some educators told us that more years of school could help students get higher scores on intelligence tests.That was a finding of a study of teenage males in some countries.Now, another research shows that physical ac

10、tivity may help students do better in their classes. The research comes as educators in some countries are reducing time for activities like physical education.They are using the time instead for academic(学术的) subjects like math and reading.The studies appeared between 2008 and 2014.They included mo

11、re than 55,000 children, aged 6 to 18. Amika Singh:“According to the results of our study,we can conclude that being physically active is beneficial for academic performance.There are, first, physiological(生理学的) explanations, like more blood flow, and so more oxygen to the brain.Being physically act

12、ive means there are more hormones(荷尔蒙) produced like endorphins (内啡肽)And endorphins make your stress level lower and your mood improved, which means you also perform better.” Also, students taking part in organized sports learn rules and how to follow them.This could improve their classroom behaviou

13、r and help them keep their mind on their work. The study leaves some questions unanswered, however.Ms Stash says it is not possible to say whether the amount or kind of activity affected the level of academic improvement.This is because of differences among the studies. The researchers said they fou

14、nd only two highquality studies.They needed more highquality studies to confirm (证 实 ) their findings.They also pointed out that “results_for_other_parts_of_the_world_may_be_quite_different” Still, the general finding was that physically active kids are more likely to do better in school.Ms Singh sa

15、ys schools should consider that finding before they cut physical education programs.Her paper on “Physical Activity and Performance at School” is published in the Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine. 【语篇解读】 本文介绍了一项新的研究发现:体育活动对学生的学习有益。 作者呼吁我们要重视体育教育。 4The passage mainly tells us that_ Aa re

16、search on physical education has been done by the researchers Bthere is a possibility that physical activity leads to higher grades Cthe amount or kind of activity directly affects academic level Dthe research shows that the children aged 6 to 18 dont do sports B 主旨大意题。根据第一段最后一句可知,另外一项研究显示体育活动可 以帮助学

17、生在课堂上表现得更好,能够取得更好的成绩。文章对这一研究发现展 开了详细说明。故 B 正确。 5Which of the following is TRUE? ABeing mentally active is good for academic subjects. BThe more hormones you have, the more stressed you will get. CThe researchers have found many highquality studies to prove the research. DThe educators in some countr

18、ies think studies, not exercise, mean much to students. D 推理判断题。根据第二段前两句可知,正是因为一些教育者正在减少体 育教育的时间,而把更多的时间用在了专业性更强的数学或阅读学科方面,人们 才进行了这项研究。故 D 正确。 6The underlined sentence in Paragraph 6 probably means_ Agood marks result from highquality study Bfindings are probably different in different areas Cphysic

19、al activity will spread all over the world Dacademic performance depends on the surroundings B 句意理解题。根据画线句前面两句可知,研究人员认为他们只进行了两 次高质量的研究,还需要更多的研究来证实这个理论。也许在其他地方的研究会 得出不同的结果。故 B 项正确。 7Whats the purpose of writing the passage? ATo call our attention to the sports at school. BTo introduce all types of ph

20、ysical activities. CTo represent the academic performance. DTo improve studentshealth. A 写作意图题。根据最后一段前两句可知,参加体育活动对学生有很大的 好处,学校在减少体育课程之前要三思而后行。呼吁我们要重视体育教育。故 A 项正确。 C Everybody knows how important it is for students to get a good nights sleep every night.They arent able to do their best unless they sl

21、eep well.Most experts agree that the proper number of hours is eight, and this has been accepted as common sense for as long as I can remember.However, I was young once and I know that most of you get much less sleep than thatand sometimes this affects your schoolwork. I read an article in a teacher

22、smagazine recently.They did a study of 848 students in Wales.Worryingly, the results suggested that teenagers are facing a new problem.They may go to bed and get up at proper times but a growing number wake up in the middle of the night, not to use the bathroom or have a snack(点心) but because of FOM

23、Othe fear of missing out! According to the article, schoolchildren suffer(遭受痛苦) because of an increasing trend(趋势) to wake up during the night to check social media.Afraid of missing a message or chance to take part in a discussion, teens wake up at all times of the night to go online and join up wi

24、th social groups.All this happens when they should be sound asleep. The report gives some worrying numbers.23% of 12to15year olds wake up nearly every night to use social media.Another 15% wake up at night once a week for the same reason.As a result, one in three students are constantly tired and un

25、able to do well at school. So, Id like to ask you to be responsible when it comes to social media.Be brave and turn off your phones and computers at night.The world wont end and your social media will be waiting to greet you in the morning.I give you my word that you wont have missed anything import

26、ant. 【语篇解读】 本文是议论文。文章介绍了青少年半夜醒来使用社交媒体的 现象,并就此发表了看法。 8How did the author introduce the new trend? ABy using examples. BBy asking questions. CBy making a comparison. DBy showing research findings. D 推理判断题。作者在第二至四段中通过引用一篇文章中的研究发现,介 绍了在青少年中出现的半夜醒来上网的趋势。 9What is FOMO? AA fear of going online. BA fear of

27、 losing touch on social media. CA need to go out all the time. DA need to use the latest technology. B 细节理解题。由第二段中的“a growing number wake up.because of FOMOthe fear of missing out”可知,FOMO 是许多青少年半夜醒来的原因;而 接下来第三段对这个原因进行了详细的阐述,因此 FOMO 的所指可以在第三段中 找到(Afraid of missing a message of chance to take part in

28、a discussion),即害怕错过 社交媒体消息或错失参与网上讨论的机会。 10What can we learn about the authors opinion on the new trend? AIts worrying. BIts encouraging. CIts hard to understand. DIts difficult to change. A 推理判断题。由作者在引述研究结果时所用的表达(如第二段中的 Worryingly,第四段中的 worrying numbers)以及最后一段中作者提出的在夜间关闭 上网设备的建议可推断,对于青少年半夜醒来使用社交媒体这个

29、趋势,作者忧心 忡忡。 .阅读七选五(共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分) “Could you load(把碗碟放入)the dishwasher?”How many times have we asked our teenage children to do a chore(家务活)and found later that it was done so poorly that we have to finish the job? _11_Kate Kelly, author of The Complete Idiots Guide to Parenting a Teenager,

30、has some suggestions. _12_ Dont expect teens already know how to do something.Kelly says.“We left my teenage daughter alone for a few days._13_What a mess!”If you explain a chore, you will probably find its been done well. Use the team method. Kelly says, “We do so much for our kids._14_”So, accordi

31、ng to Kelly, when teens do something like cleaning the floor, they enjoy giving something back to the family.“And always remember teens should be thanked and praised.” Give one task at a time. If you cant stand how clothes are always being left on the floor, dont let your teens get away with it._15_

32、Tell them that if they keep throwing their clothes on the floor, they wont be allowed to see their friends at the weekend, and thats it. Keep chores genderneutral(不分性别的) Dont leave all the kitchen chores for daughters, and jobs like washing the car or fixing things for sons. AExplain the job. BRemem

33、ber to say thank you. CHowever, she had no idea how to separate rubbish. DWatering the plants can be a good way of relaxation. EWe drive them everywhere, and help with their homework. FFew parents are happy with the way housework is done by their teenagers. GMake them pick the clothes up, but dont a

34、dd on other chores at the same time. 【语篇解读】 本文是说明文。想让青少年子女帮忙做好家务,父母应该怎 么做呢? 11 F F 项中的 “Few parents are happy with the way housework is done”与上文 “it was done so poorly”形成语义上的关联,即青少年帮忙做的家务很糟糕,很少能让 父母满意。 12A 本空需要填一个小标题,选项中符合小标题特征的有 A 项和 B 项, 其中 A 项与下文“Dont expect teens already know how to do something

35、”和“explain a chore”相呼应。 13C C 项中的“had no idea how to separate rubbish”与本空后面的“What a mess”在语义上保持一致。 14E E 项是对本空前面一句话“We do so much for our kids”的举例说明。 15G G 项中的 clothes 和上文中的 clothes 相呼应,且 G 项中的“dont add on other chores at the same time”与本空所在部分的小标题相呼应。 .完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分) Driving laws in

36、 Ontario allowed teenagers to get their licenses(执照) at the age of sixteen! As my sixteenth birthday drew near, I got increasingly_16_ My father, who_17_driving, was the clear choice to be my driving instructor.The first_18_took place in the driveway.I was afraid to touch the gear shift(换 挡 杆 ), whi

37、ch was sticking out of the floorboard.However, my father_19_explained everything from the gear shift to the turn signals. For the next lesson, my father asked me to_20_the car, and then he guided me into reverse(倒 车 ) As I pressed the gas(油 门 ), I felt the car starting to move backward.I was_21_the

38、car! Two weeks of lessons passed, and I was beginning to get_22_My father had me drive around the same block again and again.When I couldnt_23_it any more, I asked to move to a street that had more action.“Tomorrow.I think you are_24_, ” my father replied, his eyes shining with pride. I was_25_ on a

39、 busy street the next night.I shifted from first gear to second gear with no_26_Then came third gear.When I reached the_27_I wanted, I put the car into fourth.I was flying in the car! My fathers_28_brought me back to reality.He said calmly, “Darling, theres a red light ahead.”My mind went blank(空白的)

40、I did not_29_what to do.I flew through the crossroads, which by chance was empty. That night my father was_30_ I cried silently.How_31_ we hadnt hit anyone or any car.I waited for my father to_32_me, but he did not.I realized the seriousness of my driving through a red light.That lesson has_33_with

41、me for thirty years.Until now I have not_34_that day.I remember how_35_a loving father who taught his daughter to drive is. 【语篇解读】 本文是记叙文。作者讲述了在父亲的指导下学开车的经历。 最初,作者急于上路,不明白为什么父亲让她一直练习,直到闯红灯差点酿成大 错后,作者才明白了父亲的用心,同时也将那次教训牢记在心。 16A.excitedBworried CmovedDtired A 由下文中的 “I asked to move to a street that ha

42、d more action”可知, 作者很期 待学开车,excited 符合语境。 17A.dislikedBstopped CexpectedDloved D 由下文中的“the clear choice to be my driving instructor”可知,作者的父亲 “喜欢(loved)”开车。 18A.meetingBlesson CraceDtalk B 由上文中的“my driving instructor”和下文中的 explained 以及“For the next lesson”可知,此处表示学开车的第一节“课(lesson)” 。 19A.quicklyBpatie

43、ntly CangrilyDsuddenly B 由“I was afraid to touch the gear shift”以及 However 可知,父亲“耐心地 (patiently)”给“我”讲解车内所有的装置,从换挡杆到转向灯。 20A.startBtake CpassDleave A 由本句中的 “then he guided me into reverse”可知, 父亲让 “我” “启动(start)” 车。 21A.repairingBstudying CcontrollingDtouching C 由上文中的“As I pressed the gas, I felt the

44、 car starting to move backward”可 知, “我”在“操控着(controlling)”汽车。 22A.weakBnervous CafraidDbored D 由下文中的“My father had me drive around the same block again and again” 可知,作者开始感到“无聊(bored)” 。 23A.imagineBbelieve CstandDmake C 由本句中的 “I asked to move to a street that had more action”可知, 此处表示 当“我”无法“忍受(stand

45、)”时。 24A.suitableBfree CsafeDready D 由“his eyes shining with pride”可知,父亲认为“我”明天就“可以(ready)” 去繁忙的街道上开车了。 25A.finallyBusually CsurprisinglyDprobably A 由上文中的“I was beginning to get.My father had me drive around the same block again and again”以及“I asked to move to a street that had more action”和下文中 的“I

46、shifted from first gear.I was flying in the car”可知,第二天晚上“我”“终于 (finally)”将车开到一条繁忙的街道上。 26A.experienceBtraining CproblemsDsigns C 由下文中的“Then came third gear”可知,作者顺利地从一挡换到二挡,故 选 problems。 27A.speedBanswer CplaceDage A 由下文中的“I put the car into fourth”以及“I was flying in the car”可知,此 处表示当达到“我”想要的“速度(spee

47、d)”时。 28A.actionBvoice ClooksDfeelings B 由下文中的“He said calmly, Darling, theres a red light ahead. ”可知, 此处指“我”父亲的“声音(voice)” 。 29A.hearBwonder CfindDknow D 由上文中的“My mind went blank”以及下文中的“I flew through the crossroads”可知, “我”不“知道(know)”如何应对。 30A.braveBproud CcarelessDserious D 由上文的描述可知,作者以很快的速度闯了红灯,因

48、此,那天晚上父亲 的神情很“严肃(serious)” 。 31A.luckyBstrange CunusualDimpossible A 由上文中的“I flew through the crossroads.by chance was empty”可知,我 们没有撞到行人和车辆,是非常“幸运的(lucky)” 。 32A.refuseBpunish CfireDdoubt B 由上文的描述可知,作者以很快的速度闯了红灯,因此,此处表示“我” 等着父亲“惩罚(punish)”“我” ,但他却没有。 33A.endedBchanged CstayedDgone C 结合全文,此处表示多年来“我”一直牢记那个教训,stayed 符合语境。 34A.rememberedBforgotten CchosenDmissed B 由下文中的 I remember 可知,直到现在“我”仍然没有“忘记(forgotten)” 那一天。 35A.humorousBcourageous CwiseDhonest C 由上文中的“my father.the turn signals, Tomorrow.his eyes shinin


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