2019-2020同步外研英语必修三新突破阶段综合检测:2 Word版含解析.pdf

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1、阶段综合检测阶段综合检测(二二) (时间:100 分钟;满分:120 分).阅读理解(共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分) A Field trip guide Where:Deer Flat National Wildlife Refuge Contact:Susan Kain 2084679278 Suitability:Adults,Teens Looking for volunteers (志愿者)(18 or older)to help at a station for our Discover Wildlife Journeys field trip for 4th6t

2、h graders!No teaching experience necessary.All training provided. The field trips are Tuesdays through Thursdays 9:30 am2:30 pm September and October. Sales clerk Where:Hiram MChittenden Locks Contact:Volunteer Clearinghouse 8008658337 Suitability:Adults A volunteer job with Discover Your Northwest

3、is open for parttime work year round.Volunteers will help customers and provide cashier(出纳员)duties in a small bookstore in the Class A visitor center at the Hiram MChittenden Locks. RV volunteer Where:Natchez National Historical Park Contact:Melissa Tynes 6014465790 Suitability:Adults,Groups,Family

4、There are many chances at Natchez National Historical Park,including Visitor Center Assistant,Gardener,Tour Guide,etc.Two RV sites have just been added!We require at least 32 hours of service a week,per site,and at least 3 months of volunteer service.Volunteers should have the ability to communicate

5、 with visitors of different age groups and cultures. Visitor Center host Where:Kingsley Plantation Contact:Emily Palmer 9042513537 Suitability:Adults Volunteers provide services to park visitors on a daily basis.Primary duties include greeting visitors in the Visitor Center,answering questions about

6、 the park,making sales,answering phone calls,etc. Skills needed:Good communication skills and an interest in natural and cultural history. 【语篇解读】 本文是应用文。文章介绍了四项志愿者工作。 1What is a requirement for volunteering as field trip guides? AVolunteers must work daily. BTeaching experience is a must. CVolunteer

7、s must be at least 18 years old. D3 months of volunteer service is required. C 细节理解题。由 Field trip guide 部分中的“Looking for volunteers (18 or older)”可知,该志愿者工作要求申请者年满 18 岁。 2Which number should you call if you want to volunteer in a bookstore? A2084679278. B8008658337. C6014465790. D9042513537. B 细节理解题。

8、由 Sales clerk 部分中的“Volunteers will help.in a small bookstore”和 “Contact: Volunteer Clearinghouse 8008658337”可 得 出 正 确 答 案。 3Which of the following is suitable for family volunteers? AField trip guide. BSales clerk. CRV volunteer. DVisitor Center host C 细节理解题。由 RV volunteer 部分中的“Suitability:Adults,Gr

9、oups, Family”可知,该项志愿者工作适合家庭参加。 B Maggie had never experienced an earthquake before,only prepared for it.As long as she could remember, preparing for an earthquake was routine (常 规 的 )at school.Her family as well had made plans in the event of a natural disaster.Earthquakes are so much more common on

10、 the West Coast of the United States. Today Maggie was home alone.Maggie knew her mom would be driving home on the busy freeway, thinking about preparing supper for Maggies dad.Maggies dad would arrive at the airport.He was coming home from a twoweek business trip. Maggie arrived home from school at

11、 the regular time.She was taking some biscuits from the kitchen cupboard,when she felt it.First just a tremor (微震),then the violent shaking.Maggie quickly ran under the large, wooden table in the dining room.The sounds of breaking glass and the crashing of many things were frightening.But the table

12、remained undamaged,and Maggie hid herself in fear. After what seemed like a century the earthquake appeared to be over.Maggie could hear the sound of water rushing below her in the basement.The smell of natural gas was present in the air.Maggie knew where the main water valve (阀门)was located.Dad had

13、 shown her where it was and how to turn it off.Slowly and carefully she came out from under the table.The once tidy home was now almost unrecognizable.As Maggie reached the open basement door she could see the steps were still in good condition.She carefully made her way down into the dark basement.

14、While still on the steps she felt the water rising and rising.Suddenly Maggie felt a lot of pain as a large ceiling beam (天 花板梁)hit her head and shoulder.She fell onto some storage boxes. 【语篇解读】 本文是记叙文。文章描述了 Maggie 的第一次地震经历。 4What do we know about Maggie and her family? AThey lived in earthquake cou

15、ntry. BThey seldom prepared for an earthquake. CThey had experienced an earthquake before. DThey got an earthquake warning that morning. A 细节理解题。由第一段中的“preparing for an earthquake was routine (常规 的 ) at school.Her family as well had made plans in the event of a natural disaster.Earthquakes are so mu

16、ch more common on the West Coast of the United States.”可知,Maggie 一家住在地震带上。 5What was Maggie doing when the earthquake took place? AShe was about to clean her home. BShe was about to enter her home. CShe was looking for something to eat. DShe was preparing supper for her family. C 细节理解题。由第三段中的“She wa

17、s taking some biscuits from the kitchen cupboard,when she felt it.”可知,地震发生时,Maggie 正在找东西 吃。 6Why did Maggie go to the basement? ATo close the basement door. BTo find some storage boxes. CTo turn off the main water valve. DTo check where the rising water came from. C 细节理解题。由最后一段中的“Maggie could hear t

18、he sound of water rushing below her in the basement.”和“Maggie knew where the main water valve (阀 门) was located.Dad had shown her where it was and how to turn it off.” 可知, Maggie 去地下室是为了关闭水阀。 7Whats the text mainly about? AMaggies first trip to the West Coast. BMaggies first earthquake experience. C

19、How Maggie survived a natural disaster. DHow Maggie prepared for an earthquake. B 主旨大意题。由第一段中的“Maggie had never experienced an earthquake before”和接下来三段描述 Maggie 经历的地震过程可知,本文主要描述 Maggie 的 第一次地震经历。 C I visited Niagara Falls in my home country of Canada a few years ago.But this year it was time to chec

20、k another large waterfall off my list.Situated between Zimbabwe and Zambia,Victoria Falls,also called MosioaTunya,amazed me.With huge amounts of water falling over high cliffs(悬崖),it is truly a beautiful view(风景)But I did much more than see the falls! In MosioaTunya National Park,there are several w

21、ellkept hiking trails(徒步步 道)My friends and I hiked the 600 steps down one of the trails to the Boiling Pot.This is where the water from the falls meets high cliff walls and creates a churning(翻腾 的)pool of water.After hiking back up,we cooled off in the water drops from the falls on the Knifes Edge B

22、ridge opposite the falls.Then we began to look for even more interesting things to do. During seasons when the water is low,paid guides help brave visitors reach the Devils Pool at the top of the falls.The brave can swim to the edge and look at the churning water far below.My group,however,chose to

23、visit a famous bridge instead. The historic Victoria Falls Bridge crosses the Zambezi River just south of the falls at a height of 111 meters.On the bridge,we could choose many activities such as a walking tour and the worlds highest bungee jump(蹦极)We stopped for a small meal at a cafe on the Zambia

24、n side of the bridge while deciding what to do.I finally chose the Bridge Slide, beginning on the Zambian side and ending at the bridge.Holding the rope,I collected my courage and pushed off from the platform.Once in the air,I was very surprised at the feeling of flying as I slowly turned around for

25、 a wonderful view.I was glad I hadnt kept my feet on the ground! 【语篇解读】 本文是记叙文。文章是作者在莫西奥图尼亚国家公园的游记。 8What did the author do in MosioaTunya National Park? AShe went on a hike. BShe did a bungee jump. CShe climbed high cliff walls. DShe swam in the Devils Pool. A 细节理解题。由第二段中的“My friends and I hiked th

26、e 600 steps down one of the trails”和“After hiking back up”可知,作者是在莫西奥图尼亚国家公园徒步欣 赏了维多利亚瀑布。 9What is situated at the top of Victoria Falls? AThe Boiling Pot. BThe Devils Pool. CThe Knifes Edge Bridge. DThe Victoria Falls Bridge. B 细节理解题。由第三段中的“reach the Devils Pool at the top of the falls”可 知,位于维多利亚瀑布顶

27、端的是魔鬼游泳池。 10Whats the correct order of the authors trip in MosioaTunya National Park? aRide the Bridge Slide. bMove towards the Boiling Pot. cArrive at the Victoria Falls Bridge. dHave a rest on the Knifes Edge Bridge. Acbad Bbadc Cbdca Dcbda C 细节理解题。由第三至第四段作者描述她游览莫西奥图尼亚国家公园的 路线可知,她和朋友一行人先徒步走到煮沸锅,徒步

28、回程的路上,在刀刃桥上感 受维多利亚瀑布纷飞的水雾,接下来抵达维多利亚瀑布大桥,在那里她乘坐滑索 过桥。 11Which word can best describe the authors experience of riding the Bridge Slide? AExciting. BTouching. CFrightening. DHeartbreaking. A 推理判断题。由最后一段作者描述她乘坐滑索的心情“Once in the air,I was very surprised at the feeling of flying”和“I was glad I hadnt kept

29、 my feet on the ground!”可知,坐滑索过桥令她十分兴奋。 D If youve been in public in the past year or so,chances are youve noticed someone breaking dining etiquette(礼 仪 )that would seem secondnature to any adult.Why does our dining etiquette seem to be at an alltime low right now? “Overall,theres much less feeling

30、about the common good,which means caring about your neighborwhether at home or in a restaurant, ”said Steven Petrow,who writes articles for USA Today. Take the use of cellphones at the table.While a 2015 survey by the Pew Research Center found that 38 percent of those surveyed thought it was accepta

31、ble to use their phones while dining out,the increasing number of cellphone bans in restaurants shows that restaurants arent putting up with it. However,some look on the growing use of cellphones as a sign that manners(礼 貌)change alongside our society. “Manners change, ”said the writer behind a food

32、 site The Takeout.“What we consider improper isnt set in stone.”She points out the other“rules”that have since become outdated nowadays, like saying “ Sir” and“ Maam, ” as proof of this change. Yes, traditional manners are yet another thing being redefined(重 新 定 义 )by youth.“Younger people are growi

33、ng up in a world with more flexible(灵活的)rules, and this spreads to the dining table, ”said Daniel Levine,director of global trends consultancy The AvantGuide Institute. Whether you prefer highend restaurants or a fastcasual meal,the biggest reason behind the decline of manners may just be a numbers

34、game. “I believe it is more likely for people to break diningrulesbecause they go out and eat more often, ”said Diane Gottsman,owner of The Protocol School of Texas.“Years ago,people stayed home and sat around the family table.Today,there are more people in the workforce,which makes it more affordab

35、le for socializing and eating out.With new chance comes the possibility for more dining problems.” 【语篇解读】 本文是议论文。现代人们外出就餐时不再遵守某些礼仪,甚 至做出一些不得体的举动。为什么会产生这种现象呢?人们的看法不一。 12What did the 2015 survey find? AMany people accepted using phones at the table. BCellphones were banned in more and more restaurants

36、. CMost of the surveyed people used phones while eating out. DFew restaurants took positions on using phones while eating. A 细节理解题。由第三段中的“a 2015 survey.use their phones while dining out”可知,该调查发现,被调查者中有 38%的人认为外出就餐时使用手机的行为是 可接受的。 13Why was the example of“Sir”and“Maam”mentioned? ATo show modern people

37、 are becoming impolite. BTo explain dining rules in highend restaurants. CTo prove dining etiquette changes through time. DTo argue young people are making dining rules today. C 推理判断题。由第五段中的“Manners change”和“What we consider improper isnt set in stone.”以及“sayingSirandMaam ,as proof of this change” 可

38、推断,该作家举这个例子是为了说明,就餐礼仪会随着时间推移而发生变 化。 14 According to Diane Gottsman, people forget their dining manners more often because Athey think theyre unimportant Bthey grew up with flexible rules Cthey have more chances to eat out Dthey must hurry meals to get back to work C 细节理解题。由最后一段中的“I believe it is mor

39、e likely .go out and eat more often”以及“With new chance .more dining problems.”可知,Diane Gottsman 认 为现在人们无视就餐礼仪的情况增加是因为他们外出就餐的机会多了。 15Whats the authors purpose in writing this text? ATo introduce changes in dining manners. BTo encourage people to have dining manners. CTo report survery findings on din

40、ing manners. DTo discuss the reasons for poor dining manners. D 写作目的题。文章针对人们就餐礼仪变化的原因进行了讨论,列举了不 同的人对此的不同看法。 .阅读七选五(共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分) How to Make a Good First Impression Have you ever met someone and walked away with “fool” or “loser” in mind? Are you afraid of being that someone and having oth

41、ers not like or understand you? Happily,you can get rid of these worries and fears by learning some effective skills on how to make a great and lasting first impression.Lets get started. Talk about your interests and hobbies. 16 It is always a great conversation starter! Ask if they like a specific

42、band or singer.The more you have in common,the easier it will be to carry on the conversation. Smile.Especially when first meeting someone.Its not necessary to show your teeth,just a meaningful grin (露齿而笑) will do. 17 ,or people will feel youre being fake or that you dont like them. 18 Stay focused

43、on the person you are speaking with and certainly not on anything else to avoid them feeling unappreciated and unwanted.Often if the person has an eye problem,like an eye that turns in,youre put off by this.Instead,focus on the persons nose or mouth. Have a sense of humor.Born funny people are just

44、themselves and the humor shows.Dont worry if you are not a born funny person. 19 Dont keep serious all the time while you are talking to a new friend. Be yourself.Dont pretend to be someone youre not,or you are stuck with that label forever.Be yourself.That may be what everyone says but it is entire

45、ly true! 20 If somebody finds out you have been lying to him or her,they will be very hurt and it will be hard for them to forgive you easily. AAppreciate others BMake eye contact CNever lie to anybody about yourself and always be honest DKeep smiling when you are talking to a new friend EPeople who

46、 try to be funny can be funny if they try hard FBe careful not to change from a smile to a straight face too quickly GAsk the other person about what their hobbies are 【语篇解读】 文章讲述了应该怎样做才能给人留下一个好印象。 16 G 前文提到讨论自己的兴趣和爱好, 所以答案是 G, 询问他人的爱好。 17F 前文提到微笑时应做到露齿而笑,下文提到否则人们会认为你不喜 欢他们,显然也是说的微笑时应该注意的,所以答案是 F。 1

47、8B 下文讲述的是眼神的交流,所以答案是 B。 19E 前文提到不要担心你天生不是一个幽默的人,如果你努力想要成为 一个幽默的人则有可能成为一个幽默的人,所以答案是 E。 20C 前文提到永远做自己,不对任何人说谎,所以答案是 C。 .完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分) Walter felt trapped.He saw himself as a 21 boy who really wanted to learn, play and enjoy himself.But nothing turned out the way he wanted.No one arou

48、nd him seemed to 22 what he said, no matter how many gestures he would 23 And what was worse,not even his own 24 would do what he wanted. 25 he tried to talk,and all that came out were 26 noises.Or he would try to pick something up,and his hands would throw it to the floor.Or he would try to 27 his

49、mother, and end up pushing her away.And sometimes he couldnt even 28 straight. All those made him feel very 29 and powerless,and many people around him grew to believe that he was a(n) 30 ,aggressive boy.They would leave him alone and take no interest in him.When this happened,Walter felt sad,and thought to h


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