2019-2020同步外研英语必修四新突破讲义:Module 1 Section Ⅳ Using Language Word版含答案.pdf

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1、Section Using Language 第一步 速读了解文章主题和段落大意 速读 P9教材课文,写出文章的主题 The text mainly introduces some bad predictions people made in the twentieth century about the twentyfirst century 第二步 细读把控文章关键信息 细读 P9教材课文,选择最佳答案 1Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the text? AAirplanes. BKeys. CClothes.DFood. 2Whic

2、h is TRUE about the clothes mentioned in Changing Times Magazine? AThey are made from wool. BThey are made from cotton. CThey can last for a long time. DThey will be thrown away for they are made of paper. 3Which of the following doesnt the home robot have? AOne large eye on the top. BSeveral arms.

3、CBlack hair. DLong narrow pads. 答案 13 DDC 第三步 研读能力升华 接轨高考 根据 P9教材课文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式 Not 1.all predictions come true. Here are just some of the bad 2.predictions(prediction) people made in the 3.twentieth(twenty) century about the twentyfirst century, which turned out to be wrong. “No flyi

4、ng machine 4.will fly(fly) from New York to Paris, ” said Orville Wright in 1908. “Thirty years from now people will be wearing clothes 5.made(make) of paper. The clothes will be 6.easily(easy) thrown away after 7.wearing(wear) them two or three times.” This is the prediction made by Changing Times

5、Magazine in 1957. “ With the first moon colonies predicted for 8.the 1970s, work is now 9.in progress on the types of building required for men 10.to stay(stay) in when theyre on the moon, ” predicted by Arnold BBarach in 1962. .单词拼写 根据汉语或首字母提示,写出下列单词 1Whatever trouble he meets, he is always optimis

6、tic(乐观的) 2Eventually(最终) your child will leave home to lead her own life as a fully independent adult. 3You cant predict everything. Often things dont work out as you expect. 4The children enjoy shaping the snow into figures of people and animals. 5Why dont you follow your parents advice? They will

7、definitely help you. .拓展词汇 根据词性和汉语提示,写出下列单词 1optimism n. 乐观optimistic adj. 乐观的;乐观主义的 2definite adj. 肯定的;确定的definitely adv. 无疑地;确定地 3eventual adj.最后的;最终的eventually adv.最后;终于 4predict vt. 预言;预料prediction n. 预测 .补全短语 根据提示补全下列短语 1look out 小心;当心 2for a start首先 3on the way out即将被淘汰;即将过时 4come true实现 5get

8、married结婚 6in progress在进行中 7throw away扔掉 .选词填空 选用上述短语的适当形式填空 1Im not buying itI cant afford it for a start 2Whenever Dads face turns red,look out! 3This type of car is on the way out,so we must develop a new one. 4Her dream to enter the famous university has come true 5Dont throw those magazines awa

9、yI havent read them yet. 背教材原句记句式结构仿写促落实 1.Im too busy enjoying my life now to worry about the future! 我现在太忙于享受生活,以至 于没有时间担心未来! too.to. 太 而不能 我太累了再也走不动了。 我确实需要休息。 Im too tired to walkI do need a rest! 2.So in ten years I hope I will either be working in a hospital or as a doctor with my own surgery.

10、 因此十年后, 我希望要 么在医院工作,要么做一名拥 有自己的诊所的医生。 either . or . 或 者或者 我不是把书放在桌子上 了,就是放在抽屉里了。 I left the book either on the table or in the drawer. 3.Not all predictions come true. 并非所有的预言都会成为现 实。 not all 部分否定。 并非所有人都有原谅别人 的美德。 Not all people have the goodness to forgive others. look out 当心,注意,小心(后常接介词 for) (教材

11、P5)Look out!Were going to have an accident! 小心!我们要发生事故 了! (1)表示“当心”的短语: watch out 当心,留神take care 当心 be careful 注意,小心look out 当心,小心 (2)look 的其他相关短语: look ahead向前看;展望 look into向里面看;调查,研究 look through浏览 look up仰望;查找(单词等) look around环顾四周 She looked through her notes before the exam. 她考试前匆匆看了一下笔记。 It is

12、reported that the police are looking into the case of two missing children. 据报道,警方正在调查这起两个小孩失踪的案件。 I often look up the words I dont know in the dictionary or on the Internet. 我经常在词典或在因特网上查我不认识的单词。 for a start 首先 (教材 P8) For a start means at the beginning. for a start 的意思是首先。 start with以开始 from start

13、 to finish从头至尾 to start with( to begin with)首先;第一 at the start/beginning of在开始 from the start(from the beginning) 从一开始 From start to finish,it is generally a costly and timely process. 从开始到完工,那是一个很费钱也很费时的活。 Our English teacher often tells us English stories at the start of our classes. 英语老师经常在上课开始时给

14、我们讲一些英语故事。 We cant go to the concert.To start with,its too cold.Besides,we have no tickets.我们不能去听音乐会了。首先,天太冷了,另外,我们没有票。 on the way out 即将被淘汰;即将过时 (教材 P8)If something is on the way out others its going to disappear. 如果某物即将被淘汰,它将会消失。 on ones/the way to some place 在去的途中 home 在回家的路上 to doing sth. 即将 ) i

15、n a/one way 从某种意义上讲 in the way挡路的;妨碍人的 by way of经由,取道 in no way决不;一点儿也不 all the way一路上 In no way should you lose heart when you are faced with difficulties. 面对困难时,你决不应该失去信心。 Im afraid your car is in the way. I cant get through. 恐怕你的车挡住路了,我不能通过。 He is on the way to becoming(become) the most popular s

16、inger. 他即将成为最受欢迎的歌手。 shape vt.使成为形状(或样子);塑造;决定 n形状,外形;状况;模 糊的影子 (教材 P9)By the year 2000,housewives will probably have a robot shaped like a box with one large eye on the top. 到 2000 年,家庭主妇很可能拥有一个形似盒子的机器人,它的顶端有一只大 眼睛 (1)shape.into.把加工/塑造成 (2)in shape健康的;在形状上 out of shape走样的;不健康的 take shape成形;具体化 in t

17、he shape of呈形状 The children are shaping the sand into a tower. 孩子们正把沙子堆成塔形。 This old Tshirt has been completely out of shape.这件旧 T 恤衫已经完全走样 了。 A new road, which is in the shape of an “L” , is being built in our town. 我们镇正在修建一条呈“L”形的新路。 (教材 P8) Im too busy enjoying my life now to worry about the futu

18、re! 我现在太忙于享受生活,以至于没有时间担心未来。 【要点提炼】 本句是简单句。句中的 too busy enjoying my life now to worry about the future 为 too.to.结构。 (1)too 为副词,修饰形容词或其他副词。 to 为不定式符号,后跟动词原形。不定式作结果状语,常用主动形式,其 逻辑主语有时是句子的主语,有时不是,若不是,不定式的逻辑主语通常由 for 引 出。 too.to.可与 so.that./not.enough to.进行转换。 (2)too.to.结构表示肯定意义 too 后跟 ready,eager,willing

19、,pleased,glad,anxious 等表示心情、心理 活动状态或心理倾向的形容词时 too 前有 but,only,all 等词对其进行修饰时 否定词 not,never 等用在 too 前时 She is too short to reach the apples on the table.她太矮了, 够不着桌子上的苹 果。(不定式的逻辑主语是 she) He is too eager to know(know) the result of the examination.他急于知道考试结 果。 You cant be too careful to do your homework.

20、 你做作业时越细心越好。 (教材 P9)Not all predictions come true. 并非所有的预言都能成为现实。 【要点提炼】 部分否定。 not all.属于 “否定副词表示整体概念的词” 结构, 表示部分否定。 部分否定通常有以下几种情况: (1)否定词与表示“全体”概念的词(如 all,both,every,each,everywhere, everyone,everything 等)连用(不管否定词放在什么位置) (2)否定词与表示“总体”意义的词(如 completely,altogether,entirely,whole, always,often 等)连用 全部

21、否定的常见情况: (1)表示全部否定意义的词(组)(如 no,none,nobody,nothing,no one,neither 等)表示肯定意义的谓语 (2)否定词 any/anybody/anything/anywhere/. (3)表示 “全体” 概念的词(如 all, every, both 等)谓语动词表示全部否定意义 的词(如 nothing,nobody,none 等) All that glitters is not gold.发光的未必都是黄金。 None of them will attend the meeting to be held this Sunday. 他们都

22、不会出席将于本周日举行的会议。 I wont tell anyone the secret you told me yesterday.我不会告诉任何人你昨天 告诉我的秘密。 All his plans came to nothing because of a small mistake. 一个小错误使他的全盘计划毁于一旦。 . 单句语法填空 1For a start, I dont want to go, and secondly, I dont have enough money. 2She had a leading role in shaping(shape) party policy

23、. 3The problem was too difficult for me to work(work) out. 4He never works hard at his lessons; he will definitely(definite) fail this time. 5The local government is optimistic(optimism) about the tourism in the future. 6Tell the children to look out when they cross the road. 7Im going to buy either

24、 a camera or a DVD player with the money. 8The software is on the way out, so the engineers are planning to design a new one. 9The government predicts(predict) that the economy will be improved. 10She waited three days for the letter and eventually(eventual) it came. . 完成句子 1你要么马上走,要么等到明天。 You must

25、either go at once or wait till tomorrow. 2一定要当心你作业中的拼写错误。 Do look out for spelling mistakes in your work. 3你一直坐在我的帽子上,现在它已严重变形了。 You have been sitting on my hat and now it is badly out of shape 4我们本打算旅游两天,但是太忙了,抽不出时间。 We had intended to take a twoday trip, but we were too busy to afford it 5我的父母并非都赞成我去周游世界的想法。 Not both of my parents are in favor of my idea of traveling around the world.


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