2019-2020同步外研英语选修六新突破讲义:Module 1 Section Ⅱ Learning about Language Word版含答案.pdf

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1、Section Learning about Language .单词拼写 根据汉语或首字母提示,写出下列单词 1It is a popular show, so advance(预先的) booking is essential. 2She sighed(叹气) as she lay back on the bed. 3He closed the book,yawned(打呵欠), and went to bed. 4She nodded her head when she passed me in the street. 5Though lacking money, we still wa

2、nt to put the idea into practice. 6Id like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for your hard work on the project. .拓展词汇 根据词性和汉语提示,写出下列单词 1formal adj.正式的informal adj.非正式的 2serious adj.严肃的seriously adv.严肃地 3confident adj.自信的confidence n自信心confidently adv.自信地 4advance adj.预先的,在前的advanced adj.先进的

3、;高级的 寻规律、巧记忆 否定前缀 inadj.lyadv. informal 非正式的 independent 独立的 inconvenient 不方便的 seriously 严肃地 confidently 自信地 fortunately 幸运地 .补全短语 根据提示补全下列短语 1make friends 交朋友,建立友谊 2(be) nervous about对神经紧张/害怕/胆怯/焦虑不安 3think of 想起,回忆起 4look away from 把目光从移开 5in addition 除此之外,另外 6find out 了解(到);找出(信息) .选词填空 选用上述短语的适当

4、形式填空 1Making friends is easy but it is difficult to have true friends. 2The song made me think of the happy hours we spent together when young. 3 The engineer hurried back to the factory and found out how the accident happened. 4Its good for your health to look away from the screen from time to time

5、. 5I am nervous about my first day.You never know whats in store for you when you start a new job. 寻规律、巧记忆 beadj.about 短语v.awayfrom 短语 be nervous about 对神经紧张 be anxious/curious about 对担忧/好奇 look away from 把目光从移 开 break away from 脱离 run away from 逃走;避开 背教材原句记句式结构仿写促落实 1.And they are easy to learn. 而且

6、这些技巧学起来容易。 sth./sb.beadj. to do。 这个问题很难回答。 The question is difficult to answer. 2.People with good social skills communicate well and know how to have a conversation. 具备良好社交技能的人能很好 地和别人交流并且知道怎样交 谈。 疑问词动词不定 式。 我们应该知道做什么以 及如何做好准备。We should know what to do and how to make preparations. 3.Talk to a man

7、about himself, , and he will speak to you for hours. 和一个人谈论他自己,他会和 你说上几个小时! 祈使句and/or陈 述句。 多练习,你的英语就会 说得很流利。 Practise more,and youll be fluent in speaking English. lack v缺乏,缺少 n. .缺乏; 缺少; 不足 (教材 P2)Do you want to make more friends but lack the confidence to talk to people you dont know? 你是否想结交更多的朋友但

8、又缺乏与陌生人交谈的信心? (1)lack sth. 缺乏某物 lack for nothing 什么也不缺 (2)(a) lack of. 缺乏 for lack of. 因缺乏 (3)lacking adj. 缺少的,缺乏的,不足的 be lacking in 不足,不够 They are so rich that they lack for nothing. 他们非常富裕,什么也不缺。 Health problems are closely connected with bad eating habits and a lack of exercise. 健康问题和不良的饮食习惯以及缺少锻

9、炼密切相关。 She seems to be totally lacking in common sense. 她似乎一点常识都没有。 advance adj. .预先的,在前的 n前进;进展;预先 v(使)前进;促进; 提前 (教材 P2)It helps if you do a little advance planning. 如果预先做些计划,那将对你有所帮助。 写出下列句子中 advance 的词性和汉语意思 There have been great advances in medicine in the last ten years.n.进展 This will further a

10、dvance the friendly relations between the two countries.vt.促 进 The date of the meeting has been advanced from Friday to Monday.vi.提前 Please give us advance warning of any changes to the schedule.adj.预先的 (1)in advance(ahead of time) 提前 in advance of 比进步;在之前 make advances in 在方面取得进展 (2)advanced adj. 高

11、级的;进步的;先进的 Id appreciate it if you could let me know in advance whether or not you will come. 如果你能让我提前知道你是否能来,我会很感激的。 We need to learn advanced(advance) technologies from foreign countries. 我们需要向外国学习先进技术。 think of 想起,回忆起;考虑;想出 (教材 P2)think of things to tell people about your studies 想出一些有关你学业的事情告诉别人

12、 (1)think of .as. 把看作 think highly/well of 对高度评价 think little/poorly of 对评价低 (2)think about 考虑,思考 think over 仔细考虑 What do you think of buying the train tickets in advance? 你认为提前买火车票怎么样? We all think of her as a responsible teacher. 我们都认为她是一位很负责的教师。 I will think over your suggestion, and let you know

13、 my decision in a day or two. 我将仔细考虑你的建议,并在一两天后把我的决定告诉你。 look away from 把目光从移开 (教材 P3)look away from the person whos talking to you 把目光从正跟你说话的人身上移开 look back on/at 回顾;回忆 look up to 尊敬;敬仰(某人) look down upon/on 轻视;看不起 look out for 当心,提防 I like to look back on/at my highschool days, which were the happ

14、iest in my life. 我喜欢回顾我的中学时代,那是我一生中最快乐的时光。 Ive always looked up to Bill for his courage and determination. 我一向敬重比尔,他既勇敢又果断。 The days when we Chinese people were looked down upon/on are gone. 我们中国人受歧视的日子一去不复返了。 in addition 除此之外,另外 (教材 P3)In addition, , you need to know how long you should stay, and w

15、hen you have to leave. 另外,你需要知道该呆多久,还有该在何时离开。 明辨异同 in addition/ in addition to in addition 副词短语,表示 “此外” ,相当于 besides(adv.), whats more, furthermore,后面常用逗号与句子隔开。 in addition to 介词短语,相当于 besides (prep.), as well as, apart from,后面常接 名词、代词或动词ing 形式。 (in addition,in addition to) In_addition_to my studies

16、, I got involved in lots of social activities. In_addition,the outofclass activities help build up childrens character. (教材 P2)And they are easy to learn 而且这些技巧学起来容易。 【要点提炼】 本句含有“主语beadj.不定式”结构,该结构中不定式 用主动形式表示被动意义。 (1)该结构中的形容词多为表示主语性质、特征的词,如 easy, difficult, hard, nice, good, dangerous, interesting,

17、 important, expensive, fit, comfortable, pleasant, impossible 等,虽然不定式与主语是动宾关系,但要用主动形式。 (2)若不定式中的动词为不及物动词,则应在其后加相应的介词。 Mr.Smith is easy to get along with. 史密斯先生很容易相处。 The book presented to you by the teacher is easy to understand(understand) 老师赠给你的这本书容易理解。 The flat, which is near the sea, is comforta

18、ble to live in靠近大海的这套公寓 住起来很舒适。 (教材 P2)People with good social skills communicate well and know how to have a conversation 具备良好社交技能的人能很好地和别人交流并且知道怎样交谈。 【要点提炼】 句中 how to have a conversation 属于“疑问词/whether不定 式”结构。 此结构在句中可以作主语、宾语和表语。作主语时谓语动词通常用单数。常 见的疑问词有 who(m), how, when, where, which, what 等。 Surely

19、 the important thing is how to raise enough money. 重要的事情当然是如何筹到足够的钱。 When to go(go) for a picnic hasnt been decided. 什么时间去野炊还没定下来。 It is very difficult for young parents to decide whether to have a second child or not. 对于年轻的父母来说很难决定是否要二胎。 1(教材 P2)Have you ever crossed the road to avoid talking to so

20、meone you recognise? 【分析】 to avoid talking to someone you recognise 为不定式短语作目的状语 ; 其中 talking to someone you recognise 为动名词短语作宾语;you recognise 为定语从 句,修饰 someone。 【翻译】 你是否做过这样的事情:看见认识的人以后,故意过马路以避免 与其说话? 2(教材 P2)Listening is a skill which most people lack, but communication is a twoway processit involv

21、es speaking AND listening. 【分析】 并列连词 but 连接两个并列分句,第一分句中 which most people lack 为定语从句修饰先行词 skill, 第二个分句中破折号后的句子是对上文的补充说 明。 【翻译】 倾听是大多数人所缺乏的技巧,而交流是双向的过程它包括 说和听两个方面。 .单句语法填空 1“Im sure to win the English speech contest.” Tony said confidently(confident) 2I know his face, but I cant think of where Ive me

22、t him. 3Dont make friends(friend) with such people.Such friendship is false. 4You neednt become nervous.Its just a(n) informal(formal) interview. 5He quickly looked away from me and pretended not to have seen me. 6People in that company work very hard to avoid losing(lose) their jobs. 7Last year, I

23、was nervous about driving again after the accident. 8Jack, stop sighing(sigh) over the failure.Try to do better next time. 9He was hurt so seriously(serious) in the accident that he was sent to hospital at once. 10The entertainment center offers a big swimming pool for visitors.In addition, it provi

24、des free Internet access. .单句改错 1The chair bought in the shop is comfortable to sit.sit 后加 on 2Ill go to town to see my teacher in addition to buy something.buybuying 3 Though lacked money, his parents managed to send him to university seventeen years ago.lackedlacking 或 lacked 前加 they 4As is known

25、to all, China will be an advance and powerful country in ten years.advanceadvanced 5After six days of observation, we found why the dam was sinking and took measures to stop it.found 后加 out .完成句子 1如果你有什么难事,请提前让我知道。 If you have anything difficult, please let me know in advance(advance) 2多锻炼,你就会更强壮、更健

26、康。 Take more exercise,and youll become stronger and healthier.(take) 3这台机器很容易操作,任何人几分钟就可以学会使用。 This machine is very easy to operate Anybody can learn to use it in a few minutes.(operate) 4由于缺少空间,在大城市已经修建了越来越多的高楼。 More and more highrise buildings have been built in big cities for lack of space(lack) 5仔细考虑之后,他告诉了我如何解决这个问题。 Having thought of it carefully, he told me how to solve the problem(solve)


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