2019-2020同步外研英语选修六新突破课时分层作业:9 Learning about Language Word版含解析.pdf

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1、课时分层作业课时分层作业(九九) 语言知识练习固基础语言知识练习固基础 .单句语法填空 1One can gain a lot of experience while doing(do) a parttime job. 2We didnt dare to make a sound for fear of waking the sleeping baby. 3The President refused to answer(answer) further questions on the subject. 4His age was evident in his gray hair and wrin

2、kled(wrinkle) face. 5Hearing the strange sound, the child was shaking with fear. 6Cancer is caused by chemicals in the air we breathe(breath), the water we drink, and the food we eat. 7The scene of the traffic accident is covered with blood and brains, which is extremely disgusting(disgust) 8He was

3、put into prison because he murdered(murder) an old lady. 9It is expected that the bridge will have been completed by next April. 10Seeing terrified people trying to get out of a burning building, he stood there, terrified(terrify) .选词填空 for the first time, burn out, contrast with, throw oneself on,

4、again and again 1Its normal for you to feel nervous when you went on the platform for the first time 2His actions contrast sharply with his promises. 3The hotel was completely burnt out; only the walls remained. 4I have explained again and again, but even now they do not understand. 5I felt a bit ti

5、red after a long trip. So I threw myself on the couch and fell asleep soon. 高考题型练习提能力高考题型练习提能力 .阅读理解 When European settlers arrived in North America, they brought European diseases with them.Then, huge numbers of Native Americans began dying from smallpox (天 花) infection.Fivehundredyearold documents

6、 record this tale, but now scientists say theyve found other evidence buried deep inside human cells. In a new study, Brendan OFallon and Lars Fehren Schmitz report evidence found in genes that the Native American population dropped by half after the arrival of Europeans.OFallon studies genes at ARU

7、P Laboratories in Salt Lake City, while Fehren Schmitz is a scientist who studies humankind, at the University of Gottingen in Germany. Cells make up every part of the body.Deep inside almost every cell is a long, coiled molecule (盘绕颗粒) called DNA.Genes are parts of DNA that play important roles in

8、determining ones life.Genes help determine a persons appearance, such as skin color and height, and also play a role in many things you cant see, like the chance of getting a disease. Genes change over time, and by following these changes scientists can learn about a persons ancestors.OFallon and Fe

9、hren Schmitz looked at genes in the mitochondria of cells.(Mitochondria are like factories that help cells use energy from food.) The scientists compared DNA from the remains of ancient Native Americans with DNA from living people descended (遗传) from Native Americans. The scientists studied patterns

10、 in the genes from the two groups and identified ways that the patterns changed over time.Using statistics, which includes useful mathematical tools for analyzing large amounts of data, the researchers were able to judge the size of the Native American population before and after the Europeans arriv

11、al.The comparison showed the number of native people reduced sharply after European settlers landed in the New World. Earlier genetic studies didnt have evidence of the Native American dieoff.Scientists involved in the new study say that theres now more data from ancient remains, so researchers can

12、get a better idea of what happened. 【语篇解读】 基因承载了人类遗传密码,是随时间的推移而不断变化的。 通过对基因的分析和研究,人们可以解开很多秘密。 1When European settlers arrived, they brought to North America. Asmallpox diseaseBold documents Cother evidence Da new study A 细节理解题。根据第一段“When European settlers arrived in.dying from smallpox(天花)infection.

13、”可知欧洲殖民者进入北美洲时,也带去了传染病, 所以 A 项正确。 2Genes help determine many things of a person EXCEPT Aa persons appearance Ba persons skin color Ca persons height Da persons success D 细节理解题。根据第三段“Genes help determine a persons.chance of getting a disease.”可知基因可决定一个人的外表、肤色、身高,或得某种疾病的 可能,而不是一个人的成功。所以 D 项正确。 3The sc

14、ientists got the result of the study by Afollowing genes change over time Bstudying genes of ancient people Canalyzing large amounts of data Dfinding out genes in the cells C 细节理解题。根据第五段“Using statistics,which includes.Europeans arrival.”可知通过分析对比数据,得出欧洲人到美洲前后美洲居民的数量,从而 得出最后的结论。所以 C 项正确。 4What can be

15、 the BEST title of this passage? AScientists Working on Genes BGenes Tell an Old Story CEuropeans Arrival in America DDNA Changes Over Time B 标题归纳题。本文主要讲的是研究基因,通过数据分析的方式来找到历 史事件的证据。 A 项意思是 “研究基因的科学家” ; C 项意思是 “欧洲人来到美洲” ; D 项意思是“DNA 随时间变化” ,表述都比较偏颇,与本文主要内容不符。所以 B 项正确。 .完形填空 A few days ago I saw two b

16、aby ducklings that were lost in the grass. 1 ,one of them was found dead, and I decided to take the other one in 2 he got big enough to 3 himself. When I decided to take him in, he was actually being followed by a starving 4 , so it was a good thing that I saved him.At first he showed 5 ,but after s

17、everal days he seemed 6 worried about me as I fed him some corn which he certainly seemed to 7 After saving the little duck, I spotted a place appropriate for him,a 8 where he might catch small fish.I was 9 him and feeding him every day, and recently he was doing well.I 10 that he would have been ki

18、lled by a cat if I hadnt 11 him. When I was originally 12 taking him in, I had others tell me to “let nature take its course” However, this is an absurd and contradictory 13 .When humans want to do 14 things,such as killing animals 15 food, they will appeal to nature.At that time, in their mind, the

19、y are part of nature. 16 ,when it comes to doing something constructive and helpful, all of a sudden theyre not part of nature and they should just 17 back and “let nature take its course” We shouldnt pick and 18 when we are part of nature simply to 19 our own selfcentered desires.If we are part of

20、nature, then helping a(n) 20 in need is letting nature take its course in the true and most noble way. 【语篇解读】 作者在池塘边遇到两只被遗弃的小鸭,其中一只死掉之后, 作者不顾别人的劝说把剩下的一只收养起来,并且对它照顾得很好。从这件事情 中,作者感悟到帮助需要帮助的动物就是顺应自然。 1A.Curiously BUnfortunately CAmazingly DHonestly B 前面提到在池塘边的草丛中有两只迷失的小鸭,后面提到其中一只小鸭 死了,所以此处应该是“不幸地是(unfo

21、rtunately)” 。 2A.until Bunless Cif Dalthough A 此处表示作者决定将收养另外一只小鸭,一直(until)等到它长大,自己能 够照顾自己。 3A.come to Blook after Cplay with Dkeep to B 语境为:我决定抚养这只鸭子,直到它长大能够照顾自己为止。look after, “照顾,照料” ,符合语境。 4A.duck Bgoose Ccat Ddog C 此处语境是:当我决定收养它的时候,它实际上被一只饥饿的猫盯上了, 所以我收养它是做了一件好事。由下文“he would have been killed by a

22、cat if I hadnt him”可知。 5A.fear Bpity Crespect Dsadness A 此处语境为 : 刚开始的时候, 它有点怕我, 但几天之后, 就不那么怕我了。 6A.nearly Bless Cextremely Dslightly B 此处表示小鸭对作者态度的转变,刚开始有点怕,随着作者用粮食喂养 他,小鸭对作者不太担心了。所以用比较级 less。 7A.witness Bcherish Cenjoy Dtease C 由此句中的“fed him some corn” 、“certainly”两处信息可推断,此句语 境是:“我拿粮食喂它,看起来它当然很喜欢(e

23、njoy)吃” 。 8A.tree Bbowl Cbox Dpond D 根据“where he might catch small fish”可知,pond 为最佳选项。 9A.calling for Bchecking on Cadapting to Dturning to B 此处语境为“我每天都去看看(check on)它,并且给它喂点吃的,最近它 状况良好。”check on 意为“查对,核实、检查” 。 10A.claimed Bshowed Cfigured Dproved C 此处语境为“我认为(figure)如果不是我发现了它,它可能已经被猫叼走 了。”figure 意为“认

24、为,认定” 。 11A.cured Bneglected Cfound Dgrasped C 根据上下文,选项 found 符合语境,如果那天我没发现他的话,他就会被 猫吃掉。 12A.imagining Brecommending Crisking Dconsidering D 当作者最初考虑(consider)要收养它的时候, 有人告诉他 “顺其自然” 吧。 13A.argument Bidea Cdesire Dannouncement B 此处语境是“然而,这是一个荒谬的、相互矛盾的理念。” 14A.sensitive Bfragile Cbad Dcontradictory C 由下

25、文提到的“such as killing animals” ,以及与此处意义相反的“when it comes to doing something constructive and helpful” 可知, 此处表示 “坏的、 不好的” , 所以用 bad。 15A.for Bon Cwith Das A 由语境可知:比如猎杀动物为了获取(for)食物。 16A.Therefore BBesides COtherwise DHowever D 上文提到,搞破坏的时候,他们自称是大自然的一部分。此处表示转折, 因为后面提到当他们做些建设性的、有益的事情时,他们就不再认为自己是大自 然的一部分了

26、。 17A.fight Bstand Cget Dcall B 句意为 “转眼间, 我们就不再是大自然的一部分了, 并且我们会刻意避开, 等待顺其自然的事情发生。stand back 意为“靠后站避开” 。 18A.choose Bdistinguish Ctell Dexplain A 此处表明作者的态度。我们不能挑选和选择(choose)什么时候我们是自然 的一部分,仅仅是为了满足(satisfy)我们以自我为中心的欲望。 19A.judge Bresist Cexpress Dsatisfy D satisfy ones desires 意为“满足某人的欲望” 。 20A.animal Bperson Cplant Dfriend A 由上文提到的救助小鸭可知,作者做了与保护动物有关的事情。句意为 “如果我们是自然的一部分,那么,帮助一只需要帮助的动物,也就是在做顺 应自然的事情,方式更加正确、更加高尚。”


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