2019-2020同步新教材外研英语必修一新突破课时分层作业:13 Language Points(Starting out &amp Understanding ideas) Word版含解析.pdf

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《2019-2020同步新教材外研英语必修一新突破课时分层作业:13 Language Points(Starting out &amp Understanding ideas) Word版含解析.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2019-2020同步新教材外研英语必修一新突破课时分层作业:13 Language Points(Starting out &amp Understanding ideas) Word版含解析.pdf(6页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、课时分层作业(十三) 课时分层作业(十三) 语言知识练习固基础语言知识练习固基础 .单句语法填空 1There is no simple solution(solve)to this problem. 2The movement(move) of population to the west improved the economy there. 3You should underline the sentences where you have doubts. 4Strict measures(measure)should be taken to protect the river arou

2、nd our city. 5It was really amazing(amaze) to see such a beautiful scene. 6The sky was full of dark masses(mass)of clouds. 7We set out to determine(determine)exactly what happened that night. 8Out flight eventually(eventual)left two hours late. 9Unfortunately(fortunately),the police had been informe

3、d and were waiting outside. 10It is important that students develop an awareness(aware)of how the Internet can be used. .单句改错 1 I felt amazing how much they were able to finish in such a short time.amazingamazed 2Eventual,he agreed to go there with us.EventualEventually 3Jack got the easier solution

4、 to work out the problem.workworking 4 Seeing many beautiful scenes destroying by the tourists, we felt heartbroken.destroyingdestroyed 5They determined to starting early.startingstart 高考题型练习提能力高考题型练习提能力 .阅读理解 “ The noise made by boats of whale watching tourists may be causing communication problems

5、 for the animals, ”British researchers said last week. Whale watching is popular tourist activity in places where groups of killer whales(虎 鲸 )live.Every day, dozens of boats filled with tourists go to watch the beautiful animals.Unfortunately,the engines of the boats make a lot of noise,and that ma

6、y be causing problems for the whales,according to a report in the US.science magazine Nature. The whales travel in groups,and communicate with each other through sonic calls that some scientists refer to as singing.The sounds of the boat engines may be creating too much background noise for the whal

7、es to be able to hear each other. The researchers listened to recordings of whale calls made between 15 and 25 years ago, before whale watching became popular.These were compared to more recent recordings. They found that the animals have started to sing for longer than they used to, like a person s

8、houting to a friend across a noisy room. It is believed that the whales are trying to communicate hunting or breeding information.Scientists said that,if this is prevented,the future of the worlds whale population could be in danger. “Animals become slow in mind and repeat themselves in noisy areas,

9、 ”said Volker Deecke,a Canadian biologist.“They have to say things twice or three times in order to be understood.” The killer whales studied were living off the coast of northwestern America.The number of killer whales in this area has been falling for several years,but scientists are not sure why.

10、 【语篇解读】 本文首先介绍了观鲸船所产生的噪音对虎鲸的交流造成了困 难,然后又介绍了观鲸旅游的盛行和虎鲸的交流方式。 1The passage mainly tells us Athe problems of whale watching Bhow killer whales communicate with each other Cthe reduced population of killer whales caused by whale watching Dhearing problems of the killer whales caused by whale watching D

11、主旨大意题。概括文章第一段可得出答案。观鲸船的噪音给虎鲸的信息 交流造成了困难。A 项所涉范围过大;B 项仅仅是文章的细节;C 项与原文信息不 符,因为文章最后说虎鲸数量下降的原因不明。 2Now in a noisy background, the killer whales have to Asing in a louder voice Bsing longer Ctravel in smaller groups Dget nearer to each other B 细节理解题。由第五段可知,因为受噪音干扰,现在虎鲸“唱”的时间 比原来长。 3Scientists believe tha

12、t killer whales sing to Awarn each other of dangers Bkeep in the same group Csend useful information Denjoy themselves C 细节理解题。文章倒数第三段有说明,虎鲸“唱歌”是为了交流捕食或 繁殖信息。 4From the passage,we can feel that the author is Aangry Bhopeful Cworried Ddisappointed C 推理判断题。文章介绍观鲸船的噪音给虎鲸的交流造成了困难,从文章 最后的叙述看,虎鲸数量在下降,而科学家

13、也不明白其中的原因,因此显然作者 对虎鲸的生存状况感到“担忧” 。 .完形填空 If you are human you cant help but experience times when everything seems to be going wrong.You must also 1 as if your life is completely out of control at times.It is during those “down times” that words of encouragement from family, friends,coworkers or 2 st

14、rangers can boost (增强) your spirits.It is also during those 3 that destructive words can be devastating (毁灭性的) and sink you deeper and deeper into depression. For example, consider this story about a group of 4 who were traveling through the woods when 5 of them fell into a deep pit (坑)All of the ot

15、her frogs gathered around the 6 When they saw how 7 the pit was,they told the two 8 frogs they would never get out. The two frogs didnt obey what other frogs said and tried to 9 out of the pit.The other frogs kept telling them not to jump, 10 it was in vain.Finally,one of the frogs followed what the

16、 other frogs were saying and simply 11 He fell down and 12 The other frog continued to jump as 13 as he could.Once again the crowd of frogs shouted at him to 14 the pain.The more they 15 ,the harder he jumped and finally he 16 it to safety. When he 17 , the other frogs asked him why he continued to

17、jump when they were all 18 him to simply quit.The frog 19 to them that he was a little bit deaf.He thought they were 20 him. 【语篇解读】 本文为记叙文。文章通过讲述两只青蛙落坑后一死一生还的 故事来告诉人们:别人的鼓励,哪怕是无形的,都会给自己莫大的信心。 1A.think Bexperience Cseem Dfeel D 分析选项可知,seem 与 feel 后都可接 as if 引导的从句,但 seem as if 的 主语常是 it。因此,答案为 D 项。 2A

18、.so Bjust Ceven Dever C 由本句可以看出,鼓励性的语言能够使人振作起来,无论是来自家人、 朋友、同事或陌生人,应为递进关系,因此,选择 C 项最合适。 3A.processes Btimes Ccourses Dpractices B 由上文的“It is during thosedown timesthat words of encouragement from family,friends.”可知选 B。 4A.frogs Bmice Cdogs Dcats A 由下文的“All of the other frogs gathered around the.”可知,是

19、一群青蛙正 穿过树林。因此,答案为 A 项。 5A.two Bthree Cmany Dfew A 由下文的 “.the two.frogs they would never get out.”可知, 掉进坑里的是两 只青蛙。 6A.hole Bpit Cwater Dwell B 由上文的“.them fell into a deep pit(坑)”可知答案。 7A.muddy Bwide Cdeep Dlong C 由上文的“a deep pit(坑)”和下文的“.they would never get out.”可知,坑 是非常深的,所以其他的青蛙说他们将永远不会出来。 8A.unco

20、mfortable Bunpleasant Cunhappy Dunfortunate D 因为掉进了深坑,所以这是两只不幸的青蛙。 9A.run Bwalk Cclimb Djump D 由下文的“The other frogs kept telling them not to jump.”可知,两只掉进坑 里的青蛙尽力地想从坑中跳出来。 10A.so Bsince Cbecause Dalthough C 其他的青蛙让他们不要跳,与下文的“.it was in vain”是因果关系,因此 答案为 C 项。 11A.gave out Bgave up Cgave away Dgave off

21、 B 由上文知,其他的青蛙不让他们跳,又由“Finally,one of the frogs followed what the other frogs were saying”以及下文“He fell down.”可知,其中一只 青蛙放弃了。 12A.died Bwounded Cdestroyed Ddamaged A 坑很深,这只青蛙放弃了且倒下死去了。 13A.fast Bhard Ceasily Dswiftly B 由下文的“.the harder he jumped.”可知选 B。 14A.help Bban Cstop Dforbid C 由“The other frogs k

22、ept telling them not to jump.”及本句中的“Once again” 可知,其他的青蛙让他停下来。 15A.cried Bspoke Cshouted Dread C 由上文的“Once again the crowd of frogs shouted at him.”可知选 C。 16A.got Bforgot Cused Dmade D 其他的青蛙喊得越厉害,他跳得越努力,并且最终成功地到达了安全的 地方。make it“成功” 。 17A.turned out Bkept out Cgot out Dheld out C 这只青蛙出来后,其他的青蛙问他get o

23、ut“出来” ; turn out“结果是, 原来是” ;keep out“留在外面,扣留” ;hold out“伸出,坚持” 。 18A.talking to Bshouting at Cthrowing at Dspeaking to B 由上文的“Once again the crowd of frogs shouted at him.”可知选 B。 19A.explained Bannounced Cintroduced Dtold A 由上文的“.the other frogs asked him why.”可知,这只青蛙向他们解释。 explain to sb.sth.“向某人解释某事” 。 20A.encouraging Bhelping Cpulling Ddragging A 句意:他认为他们在鼓励他。encourage 意为“鼓励” ,符合句意。


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