2019-2020同步新教材外研英语必修一新突破课时分层作业:10 Language Points(Starting out &amp Understanding ideas) Word版含解析.pdf

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《2019-2020同步新教材外研英语必修一新突破课时分层作业:10 Language Points(Starting out &amp Understanding ideas) Word版含解析.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2019-2020同步新教材外研英语必修一新突破课时分层作业:10 Language Points(Starting out &amp Understanding ideas) Word版含解析.pdf(6页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、课时分层作业(十) 课时分层作业(十) 语言知识练习固基础语言知识练习固基础 .单句语法填空 1The way that/which you tell me was not practical. 2We must have enough food to maintain (maintain)our strength. 3This is my newly bought digital(digit)watch. 4Generally,written language tends to be(be)formal. 5Airplanes enable people to travel(travel)g

2、reat distances. 6Prices have advanced(advance)15 percent during the past year. 7Thanks to social(society)media,we are able to communicate so swiftly. 8However far away we are,we feel close to each other. 9He has to maintain a large family on a small salary. 10They long for a chance to visit Shanghai

3、. .单句改错 1He didnt understand the way which I worked out the problem.删掉 which 或 which 前加 in 或 whichthat 2Many problems remain be solved.remain 后加 to 3We are so absorbed in our task that we lose track in time.inof 4There were significantly similarities between mother and son.significantlysignificant 5

4、The subject of the meeting has been announced a week of advance.第二个 ofin 高考题型练习提能力高考题型练习提能力 .阅读理解 Dear Mr Black, I used to have a really good group of friends.Now theyre all getting into smoking and drinking.I want to find a new group of friends,but Im shy.How can I know who are the types of people

5、I should make friends with,and who will accept me? Yours, Mike Dear Mike, Youve already made a very important step because youve realized that its time to find new friends.Making and keeping good friends is a challenge for all of us,whether you are shy or not.Since youve done this successfully befor

6、e,one thing is to think back on how you developed friendships in the past. Probably the best way to make and keep friends is to find others who share your interests.Lasting friendships often develop between people who enjoy the same activities.You also want to be with friends who share your values a

7、nd goals for life.It just depends on what your own interests are. The old saying is also truethe best way to have a friend is to be a friend.Reach out to the others who share your interests,sit with them at lunch,invite them to join you in the activities you all like,listen to their thoughts and tel

8、l them yours.Being a real friend takes time and effort.With time and effort,Im sure you will find some very good friends during your school years and youll always be in touch after leaving school. Yours, Tom Black 【语篇解读】 迈克想结交一些新朋友,故写信向布莱克先生寻求建议。布 莱克先生给了他一些如何交朋友的建议。 1Mike wrote the letter to Aask Mr

9、 Black why people dont like him Bask Mr Black why his old friends left him Cask Mr Black to introduce some friends to him Dask Mr Black for some advice on making friends D 作者意图题。根据迈克信中的“How can I know who are the types of people I should make friends with,and who will accept me?”可知他在向布莱克先 生寻求建议。 2Wh

10、y does Mike want to leave his old friends? ABecause they try to make him smoke and drink. BBecause they have formed some bad habits. CBecause they no longer want to spend time with him. DBecause they have never treated him as a good friend. B 推理判断题。根据迈克信中的“Now theyre all getting into smoking and dri

11、nking.I want to find a new group of friends.”可推断迈克之所以想离开他原来的 那些朋友,是因为他们养成了吸烟、喝酒等坏习惯。 3In Mr Blacks opinion,making and keeping friends is Anot so easy Bjust hard for shy people Can easy task for some people Despecially difficult for students A 细节理解题。根据布莱克先生信里第一段的“Making and keeping good friends is a

12、challenge for all of us,whether you are shy or not.”可知他认为交朋友不 是件容易的事。 4In Paragraph 2 of his letter,Mr Black mainly suggests that Mike should make friends with those who Ahave good goals for life Bcan set good examples to him Chave a lot of money Dhave the same interests as him D 细节理解题。根据布莱克先生信里第二段的

13、“the best way to make and keep friends is to find others who share your interests”以及后面的内容, 可知布莱克先 生在这一段主要建议迈克要跟与他志趣相投的人交朋友。 .完形填空 I truly learned what a best friend is in my first year in high school.Kate and I were good friends and we were inseparable (分不开的)We spent every day together and always ha

14、d a good 1 Then basketball started and we were on the 2 team.After a few games, 3 , Kate got moved up to the Rose Cup fulltime.I wouldnt admit it then, but actually I envied (嫉妒) her.Having 4 practice times, we started to see less of each other.Soon I started to hear that she was talking 5 my back.

15、One night, I called Kate to tell her about my new 6 .To my 7 , the next day at school she told everyone I 8 her style because she had told me she wanted to get hers cut like this.At noon she handed me a letter and walked away 9 talking with me.I couldnt accept the 10 words on the paper.In great 11 ,

16、 I wrote right back to her. Over the next week, we exchanged (交换) more 12 letters.I cried myself to sleep every night, 13 our friendship was over.One night my mom took me to Kates home.Our moms looked at each other 14 Kates mom asked us questions but 15 of us responded (反应)At last I let everything o

17、ut.The huge burden in my mind was slowly lifted as we each talked about 16 we were feeling.It was all out.Suddenly Kate 17 from her seat, crossed the room and hugged me with tears.I will never forget that. It has been five months 18 we broke with each other.Last weekend we were out together again.It

18、 makes me happy that we are 19 to care about each other more.I now know that 20 I am asked about my friends, Kate will be at the top of the list. 【语篇解读】 两个好朋友发生了矛盾,彼此很不开心,通过这件事她们意 识到朋友是非常重要的。 1A.rest Btime Cexample Dparty B 句意 : 我们一起度过每一天,总是玩得很开心。have a good time“玩得开 心;玩得愉快” 。 2A.right Bgood Cfamous

19、 Dsame D 由下文可知我们在同一个队。 3A.however Bbut Cstill Dyet A 可是几轮比赛之后,凯特晋级到玫瑰杯全职比赛。however 意为“可是; 然而” 。 4A.upset Bfree Cdifferent Dstrange C 由原来的同一个队到后来凯特晋级到了别的队,我们有了不同的练习时 间,见面的机会也开始少了。 5A.on Bin Cby Dbehind D 不久,我开始听说她在背后讲我的坏话。 6A.haircut Bovercoat Cnecklace Dshoes A 由下文“because she had told me she wanted

20、 to get hers cut like this”可知,我 给凯特打电话是想告诉她我的新发型。 7A.joy Bsurprise Cpleasure Dsorrow B 使我吃惊的是,第二天在学校里她告诉每一个人我模仿她的发型,因为 她已经告诉我她想留这样的发型。to ones surprise“令人吃惊的是” 。 8A.settled Bgained Ccopied Dcreated C copy“模仿” ;settle“安家;定居” ;gain“获得;得到” ;create“创造” 。 9A.in need of Binstead of Cexcept for Das well as

21、B 中午,她递给我一封信,没和我说话就走开了。instead of “代替;而不 是” 。 10A.cruel Bgrateful Cdisappointing Dbeautiful A 由下一段每晚我都哭着睡觉可知, 信上的语言是残忍的、 伤人的。 故选 A。 11A.power Banger Csurprise Ddoubt B 由于信的内容很伤人,我十分生气,就给她写了回信。in anger“生气地 ; 悲愤地” 。 12A.serious Bdangerous Cregretful Dhurtful D 接下来的一个星期,我们交换了更多对彼此造成伤害的信件。hurtful“造 成损害的

22、;有害的” 。 13A.meaning Bhoping Cbelieving Dignoring C 每晚我都哭着睡觉,认为我们的友谊结束了。 14A.surprisingly Bnervously Cexcitedly Dhappily B 我和凯特不和,当然我们的妈妈很不安。nervously“神经紧张地;不安 地” 。 15A.neither Beither Cboth Dnone A 凯特的妈妈问我们问题,我们都没反应,故用 neither。 16A.what Bhow Cwhich Dwhy B 当我们彼此谈论感觉如何时。 17A.rose Braised Cstood Dgot A 突然凯特从座位上站起来,穿过房间,眼泪汪汪地抱着我。rise 是不及物 动词,意为“站起来;升起” 。 18A.if Bwhen Cbecause Dsince D 自从我们关系破裂已经五个月了。由句意知选 D。 19A.planning Bpretending Clearning Darranging C 使我高兴的是我们学会了更多地关心彼此。 20A.whenever Bwhatever Chowever Dwhoever A 现在我知道无论何时别人问起我的朋友, 凯特将会排在第一位, 故选 A。


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