2019-2020同步新教材外研英语必修一新突破课时分层作业:15 Developing ideas &amp Presenting ideas Word版含解析.pdf

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《2019-2020同步新教材外研英语必修一新突破课时分层作业:15 Developing ideas &amp Presenting ideas Word版含解析.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2019-2020同步新教材外研英语必修一新突破课时分层作业:15 Developing ideas &amp Presenting ideas Word版含解析.pdf(6页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、课时分层作业(十五) 课时分层作业(十五) 语言知识练习固基础语言知识练习固基础 .单句语法填空 1Despite wanting(want)to see him again,she refused to reply to his letters. 2The woman was observed to follow(follow)him closely. 3In the past few years a variety of books have been published(publish) 4The weather is hot these days and temperatures ar

2、e above average for the time of year. 5I decided to concentrate(concentrate)all my efforts on finding somewhere to live. .完成句子 1抚养四个八岁以下的男孩,你可以想象我变得多么忙碌。 You can imagine how busy I became,raising four boys under the age of 8! 2尽管您成就显著,请保持谦虚。 Please remain modest despite your outstanding achievements

3、 3是我们花费在礼物上的时间和精力使礼物变得有价值,而不是我们花了多 少钱。 It is the time and energy we spend on the present that makes it valuable rather than the money we pay. 4我很想知道你昨天这时候到底在忙什么。 I wonder what it was that you were doing at this time yesterday. 5正是因为杰克上学迟到史密斯先生才发火的吗? Was it because Jack came late for school that Mr.S

4、mith got angry? 高考题型练习提能力高考题型练习提能力 .阅读理解 Jaws is a classic and very scary movie,but its hard to imagine just how huge a great white shark is until you actually see one close up.Deep Blue,an at least 20foot female great white shark living off the Pacific coast of Mexico,is one of the largest sharks e

5、ver filmed.Recent video footage shows the giant shark“highfiving” a biologist who studies it in a cage with a fin (鳍) near Guadalupe Island,Mexico. The giant shark, called Deep Blue by researchers,was first featured back in the summer of last year by the Discovery Channel in a documentary.The shark

6、was obviously pregnant at the time of the documentary filming.Now a much slimmer Deep Blue has showed up again at Guadalupe Island. The researchers point out that the massive shark is recognizable by her numerous scars.In the Discovery documentary,it is explained that large and vertical slashes on D

7、eep Blues left flank are likely from fights with other sharks.Deep Blue also has a big wound on her right side,and both her dorsal(背部的) fin and tail show signs of scrapes and damage. Great white sharks are known as the largest predatory(食 肉 性 的 )fish in the ocean.Wildlife biologists say that great w

8、hite sharks usually grow to close to 15 feet in length, with a few specimens (试样)reaching more than 20 feet long and topping out at around 5,000 pounds.Females typically give birth to 214 fully formed pups. The classic film Jaws gave great whites a bad reputation, showing them as nothing more than m

9、eat eating machines.However, additional research into great white behaviors is beginning to paint a more complex picture.There is strong evidence that great white sharks do socialize to a limited extent,and moreover,they are not always violent or aggressive. 【语篇解读】 一部大白鲨给这个物种烙上了嗜血的标签。其实它们并 不是那么暴力。 1

10、In the recent video footage,the giant shark was Afriendly to a biologist Btrying to attack a biologist Cbeing trained by a biologist Dtrying to escape from a cage A 推理判断题。根据第一段的最后一句可知,这条大白鲨在跟那位生物学 家击掌,这说明它对那位生物学家很友好。 2Paragraph 3 mainly explains Awhy the white shark gets injured Bhow white sharks us

11、ually get injured Cwhat the documentary is mainly about Dwhy the white shark could be clearly recognized D 段落大意题。根据第三段的“The researchers point out that the massive shark is recognizable by her numerous scars.”以及这一段后面的内容可知,本段主要 是在解释为什么这条大白鲨很好认出来。 3We learn that white sharks Adont typically reach over

12、20 feet long Bhardly give birth to 14 fully formed pups one time Ccan be hunted by larger predatory fish in the ocean Dusually weigh about 5,000 pounds after they grow up A 推理判断题。根据第四段的第二句可知,这种鲨鱼长到 20 英尺以上是比 较少见的。 4What is implied in the underlined sentence in the last paragraph? AScientists know ab

13、out white sharks very well. BWhite sharks are more violent than people think. CWhite sharks arent always violent or aggressive. DMore research is needed to know about white sharks. C 推理判断题。画线句子的意思是说研究表明大白鲨并不是像电影里描述 的那样,只会嗜血,它们还有友好的一面,故选 C 项。 .完形填空 I love wildlife very much.Last Thursday night,I 1 th

14、at a ton of ivory was going to be crushed in New York Citys Times Square.I was 2 and decided to go and have a look. Later that night, I called my elder cousin Alice,who is also a wildlife 3 and tries hard to protect wild animals.She showed great 4 and decided to go with me the following day after he

15、aring what I told her. 5 the following morning we went to Times Square together.When we got there, there were already many 6 waiting there. About half an hour later, after speeches a 25ton rock crusher 7 crushing ivory.I, together with the hundreds of other wildlife supporters there, began cheering

16、as 8 of ivory flew from the machine. The act was meant to help people know the 9 of the illegal ivory trade to African elephants.It was 10 meant to show the world that the illegal ivory trade shouldnt continue.After watching the whole event, I was 11 that it would help the public understand better i

17、llegal ivory trade.In my opinion, the act would be very helpful in 12 further illegal ivory trade. However,my cousin thought quite 13 On our way home, while I was talking excitedly, she remained 14 Finally, I asked her what she 15 the act.She sighed and said that she was afraid the act would put mor

18、e wild elephants in 16 After hearing what she said,I was 17 “Why?”I asked.And what she said made me lost in 18 She said, “Crushing ivory does 19 the supply,but it increases the chances that poachers (偷猎者)will 20 more elephants.” Therefore,I do hope more and better measures will be taken to stop ille

19、gal ivory trade. 【语篇解读】 作者跟她表姐观看了一吨象牙被碾碎,作者觉得这样做很有 用,但是她表姐却有点担忧。 1A.imagined Bexplained Cdoubted Dlearned D 根据语境可知,作者是从某地方“知道”了这么一件事,故选 D 项。 2A.confused Bpainful Cexcited Dworried C 作者是一位野生动物保护者,听到这个消息应该很“兴奋” 。 3A.researcher Bsupporter Chunter Dadopter B 根据 also 可知,作者的表姐也是野生动物的“支持者” 。 4A.concern Bco

20、nfidence Csadness Dinterest D 根据后面“decided to go with me the following day after hearing what I told her”可知,作者的表姐听了作者的话后很感“兴趣” 。 5A.As BOnce CSo DBut C 根据上下文语境可知,这里是表因果,故选 C 项。 6A.people Belephants Cpolicemen Dneighbors A 当时活动还没有开始。故那些先到的“人”在那里等着。 7A.finished Bbegan Cquit Dcontinued B 根据 after speec

21、hes 可知,这里是指发表完演讲后,粉碎机“开始”粉碎 象牙了。 8A.ends Bmodels Cpieces Dshells C 当时在用碾碎机碾碎象牙, 故这里是指象牙的 “碎片” 从机器里出来了。 9A.possibility Bfuture Cuse Ddanger D 根据 “the illegal ivory trade to African elephants”可知, 这里是指非法象牙交 易对非洲大象的“危害” 。 10A.hardly Bnever Cstill Dalso D 前面已经提到了活动的一个目的,这里是指另一个目的,故选 D 项。 11A.doubtful Bsu

22、re Cafraid Dsatisfied B 作者很支持这种做法,故很“肯定”这样做可以让大众更好地了解非法 象牙交易。 12A.proving Binstructing Cstopping Dincreasing C 作者认为销毁这些象牙很好,因为这样做可以“阻止”非法象牙交易。 13A.differently Bboringly Cnormally Dhappily A 根据后文可知,作者的表姐跟作者的看法很“不一样” ,故选 A 项。 14A.quiet Bimpatient Ctired Dcrazy A 作者的表姐对那件事的反应跟作者形成对比,作者很兴奋,而表姐则很 “安静” 。

23、15A.suffered from Bthought about Creferred to Dlearned from B 根据下文内容可知,作者问表姐对这件事的“看法” 。 16A.harmony Bjoy Canger Drisk D 作者的表姐叹了口气,这说明她很为非洲的大象担忧,认为这件事会让 更多的非洲大象陷入“危险” 。 17A.amused Bscary Csurprised Dmoved C 作者表姐的想法和作者很不一样,听了表姐的话她应该感到很“惊讶” 。 18A.depression Bdistance Chope Dreflection D 听了表姐的话后,作者陷入了“沉思” 。 19A.ensure Breduce Cdisplay Dencourage B 销毁那些象牙后,可用于非法交易的象牙“减少”了。 20A.hunt Bfind Creceive Dpurchase A 因为象牙减少了,为了能够进行交易,偷猎者会“猎取”更多的大象。


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