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1、高考英语语法精要讲解 目 录名词3数词5冠词6代词10形容词16副词16介词20基本句型22IT句型24There Be 句型25主谓一致26时态31时态的综合问题31一般现在时31现在进行时31一般将来时32现在完成时33一般过去时34过去进行时35过去将来时36过去完成时36语态37情态动词43虚拟语气52句子结构55特殊疑问句55反意疑问句56否定句59倒装句60感叹句61祈使句62省略与替代62从 句66 从句的基本形式66 主语从句66 表语从句66 宾语从句67 同位语从句67名词性从句的综合问题67 What-clause68 状语从句68 定语从句75非谓语动词 78 动词不定

2、式78 分词81 动名词83 高考英语单项填空分类汇编86名词、数词、冠词一、名词1、在句子里使用名词应注意的问题:名词的数:单数、复数和不可数;名词的格:通格和属格 (s )名词的限定:特指、泛指、数量和习惯用法,即名词前加冠词或 其它限定词, 例如: some, many , this, my 等2、名词的数和单位词:1)复型名词 + 复数动词 The trousers are too big for me. Please show me the smaller pair. 备用词: shoes, stockings, glasses, socks NOTICE: A pair of gl

3、asses costs quite a lot.2)复型名词 + 单数动词 A. The news on TV is seldom satisfying. 备用词:mathematics, physics, politics, means, works, the United States B. Twenty miles is a long way to walk. 备用词: five pounds, two feet, six weeks3) 集合名词 + 复数名词 The police have surrounded the building. Cattle are selling for

4、 record price (创记录).备用词: the enemy, (the) people NOTICE: 表示由若干人组成的集合体的单数词常可作复数用,但若把这个集合体看作整体就用作单数: My family are wonderful. They do all they can for me. The family which now consists of four members at most is smaller than it used to be.4)不可数名词作可数的情况A. 部分不可数名词可以有下列情况 a (an) + adj. + n. It looks like

5、 rain. a thirsty for knowledge(求知欲) a heavy rain He has a good knowledge of politics. 备用词: snow, breakfast, wine, oil, education B.口语特例(特定场合) A (One) beer, please. Two teas and four coffees, please.5)既是可数又是不可数的名词 I broke a glass this morning. (杯子) Glass is made from sand. (玻璃) 备用词: paper / a paper,

6、light(光) / a light(灯); ice(冰) / an ice (冰激凌), chicken(鸡肉) / a chicken (雏鸡)6) 单位词A.个数 a piece of information (furniture, advice)B. 以形状表示个数 a grain of rice, a flight of stairsC. 容量 a box of matches, a cup of teaD. 计量 a metre of cloth, a ton of coalE.其它 a (new) set of tools (wires, teeth, rules)3、名词的格:

7、 1) s 的用法 A . 与时间有关的名词 a nights sleep ten minutes walk NOTICE: a two-hour walk = two hourswalk B. 和else 连用 book can this be? A. Who elses B. Whose else C. Whos else D. Whose elses (A) C. s 修饰的词,如果前面提到,可省略 This is Jacks book, not Toms. This book is Jacks not Toms. D. 表示店、铺、家、诊所等, s 后面的名词省略 at the Gre

8、ens (house), at the doctors (office) 2) OF 结构表示所有关系 A. 无生命的名词用of the price of the success B. 有生命的名词被一个短语或从句修饰而表示所有关系时用of Cant you look at the book of the boy behind you?3)双重所有格 s 与of结构并用,此时of结构所修饰的名词前通常有a, an, two, some, that等 Miss Smith is a friend of Marys mothers. that brother of the girl4)名词 + 名

9、词 (名词用作形容词) A. 单数名词名词a shoe (flower) shop ticket office NOTICE: the tailors (shop) B. 复数名词名词 sports meet clothes shop women pilots 二、数词1、数词在使用时应注意的问题:l 易错数词:l 年月日及介词l 计算用词l 和数字相关的词2、综合 1) 数字表达:123,856,709 one hundred and twenty-three million, eight hundred and fifty-six thousand, seven hundred and n

10、ine 2) 年月日 in the morning; on the morning of September 1; in September; in 1988; on September 1 (on the first of September) 3、计算 Six and five is (are) eleven. Six hundred plus forty is (equals) six hundred and forty. Four from seven is (leaves) three. Six hundred minus one hundred equals five hundre

11、d.X 16 x 11 = 176 Sixteen times eleven is (makes) one hundred and seventy-six. 9 3 = 3 Nine divided by three equals three.4、dozen, score A. three dozen eggs; three dozen of these eggs; dozens of eggsB. three score years; a (three) score of people; scores of times5、小数,分数,百分比引导的短语作主语时的主谓一致问题分数和百分数引导的短

12、语作主语,其谓语动词的数应根据分数和百分数后面的名词来确定如果是可数名词的复数,其谓语动词用复数形式;如果是不可数名词或单数可数名词其谓语动词用单数形式 More than 40 percent of the students wear glasses. 70 percent od the fund(资金) was supplied by the Government.6、“一个半”的表达法 one pound and a half ,one and a half years三、冠词、冠词应注意的问题l 习惯用法l 同一名词前不同名词的比较、不定冠词1) 成对的名词(此类名词间常有一种自然的联

13、系) a knife and fork 2) a most + n. “非常“ This is a most beautiful country. 3) a (an) 与 one 之区别 A. 数字对比用one It was one coffee we ordered, not two. B. 对比 A knife is no good. (刀子不行) One knife is no good. (一把刀子不行) C. 通用a (one) million, a (one) quarter 4) a (an) 与every 之比较: three times a year; twice every

14、 three years 5) 惯用法 A. What a surprise ! What a lovely dress ! quite a nice day rather a good idea such a funny expression B. too cold a day How lovely a dress! so strange a person as good a map as3、定冠词 1)普通名词组成的专有名词 the Great Wall the Summer Palace 2)江河、海洋、山脉、群岛、海峡、海湾 the Pacific (Ocean) 3)the + ad

15、j. (-ing; -ed) A. 指一类人,谓语用复数 The old are being taken good care of. B. 指一类事,谓语用单数 The beautiful is not always the same as the good. 4)用在radio, piano, telephone, 方位、次序、自然现象(rain)、身体 部位前 He hates the telephone. 5)被定语从句、介词短语、副词短语、不定式短语等修饰的名词前 The boy who you are looking for (in blue, there, standing the

16、re, dressed in blue ) is a student.4、零冠词1)街道、广场、节假日、季节、月份、星期、棋类、球类等 National Day Nanjing Road2)职位充当补语、同位语时 He was elected headmaster of the school.3)成对出现的成语 arm in arm (手挽手), hand in hand (手牵手), face to face, side by side(肩并肩), day and night, young and old, from door to door, from morning till night

17、, from beginning to end5、冠词比较1) go to school (hospital, church); in prison (强调用途) go to the school, visit the prison (强调建筑物本身)2) Ill go there next Friday. (以说话时间为准) In 1989, he was 28, and the next year, he was 29. (以所给时间为准)3) by air (plane, boat) in a spaceship ( on the bike, on the bus)4) Open the

18、 window to let in fresh air. (泛指) The air in the room is not fresh. (特指)5) be at table be at the table6) a cup of coffee Two coffees, please. I like white coffee. This is a very good coffee. The coffee on the table is Toms.7) Mr. White is waiting to see you. A Mr. White is waiting to see you. The Mr

19、. White you are looking for is waiting to see you.8) A horse is a useful animal. The horse is a useful animal. Horses are useful animals.9) the best season of the year the best time of yearEXERCISES 1 (单选)1. -Id like information about the management of your hotel, please. -Well, you could have word

20、with the manager. He might be helpful. A. some, a B. an, some C. some, some D. an, a 2. If by any chance someone comes to see me, ask them to have a . A. message B. letter C. sentence D. notice3. He dropped the and broke it. A. cup of coffee B. coffees cup C. cup for coffee D. coffee cup4. There are

21、 only twelve in the hospital. A. woman doctors B. women doctors C. women doctor D. woman doctor5. -How many does a cow have? -Four. A. stomaches B. stomach C. stomachs D.stomachines 6. The of the building are covered with lots of . (AADBCA) A. roofs, leaves B.rooves, leafs C. roof, leaf D.roofs, lea

22、fs 7.That was a fifty engine. A. horse power B. horses power C. horse powers D. horses powers8. -How far away is it from here to your school? -Its about . A. half an hours drive B. half hours drives C. half an hour drives D. half an hour drive9. Last week I called at my . A. aunt B. aunts C. aunts D

23、. auntss10. Youll find this map of great in helping you to get round London. A. price B. cost C. usefulness D. value11. Alexander Graham Bell invented telephone in 1876. A.不填 B. a C. the D.one12. -Wheres Jack ? -I think hes still in bed but he might just be in bathroom. A.不填, 不填 B. the, the C. the,

24、不填 D. 不填, the (AACDCD)13. Many people are still in habit of writing silly things in public places. A. the, the B. 不填,不填 C. the, 不填 D.不填, the 14.She is newcomer to chemistry bust she has already made some important discoveries. A. the, the B. the, 不填 C. a, 不填 D. a, the15. -Have you seen pen? I left i

25、t here this morning. -Is it black one? I think I saw it somewhere. A. a, the B. the, the C. a, a D. the, a16. Paper money was in use in China when Marco Polo visited the country in thirteenth centry. A. the, 不填 B. 不填, the C. the, the D. 不填, 不填17.The warmth of sweater will of course be determined by

26、the sort of wool used. A. the, the B. the, 不填 C. 不填, the D.不填, 不填18.Summers in south of France are for most part dry and sunny. A. 不填, a B. the, 不填 C. 不填, 不填 D. the, the (CCCBBD)19 A rough estimate, Nigeria is_ Great Britain. (05上海卷) ( D) A. three times the size as B. the size three times ofC. three

27、 times as the size of D. three times the size of 20 He proved himself a true gentleman and the beauty of his _ was seen at its best when he worked with others. (05上海卷) (D)A. temper B. appearanceC. talent D. character 21 I am sure David will be able to find the library he has a pretty good _ of direc

28、tion. (05浙江卷)(D)Aidea BfeelingCexperience Dsense 22 Bill was doing a lot of physical exercise to build up his_. (05天津卷) (C)A. ability B. force C. strength D. mind 23My _ of this weekends activity is going out with some good friends. (05安徽卷) (A)A. idea B. opinion C. mind D. thought24The head office o

29、f the bank is in Beijing, but it has _ all over the country. (05辽宁卷) (B)AcompaniesBbranches CorganizationsDbusinesses 25 It took us quite a long time to get here. It was _ journey.(05北京春)(C)A. three-hour B. a three hour C. a three-hour D. three hours 26Students should be encouraged to use _ Internet

30、 as _ resource.(08山东) A. 不填;a B. 不填;the C. the; the D. the; a D the internet 表示一类事物,a resource表示是资源的一种。EXERCISES 2 (改错,每句一个错)1. After one year hard work, the Senior Three students have already pre- pared themselves for the entrance exam. ( years)2. More and more middle-aged people in the West have h

31、earts trouble, which results from high-fat food they like to eat. (heart)3. You can get your library card in the teacher reading-room, which is on the second floor. (teachers)4. His hairs looked disordered, with some gray hair on his forehead. (hairs-第二个)5.Now I eat more fruits and vegetables than I

32、 used to. My favorite fruits are apples, bananas and grapes. (fruit-第一个)6. The lady entered a room, opened windows to let the fresh air in, and sat down in an armchair to have a rest. ( the windows)7.Miss Nora is young, nice, kind and active. She is the teacher young students like. ( a teacher)8.The

33、y elected him the captain of the school football team for a second time. (captain , 去掉the )9.He is fond of playing chess while his sister is fond of playing piano. ( the piano)10. No human being can change the law of the nature, though they can change their own lives. (nature, 去掉the)代 词一、人称代词1、多个人称代

34、词的排列顺序: you and I he and I you and he you, he and I you, they and we(情况多)2、It 的用法 代替this, that Thats a book, isnt it ? 做某动作的人或婴儿 -Someone is coming. Who can it be ? -It may be Jack. Its a lovely baby. Is it a boy or a girl? 表示时间、距离、自然现象 Its 20 miles to (from) Paris.3、简略回答中用so, not, it 的情况: 肯定答语中,下列动词后面常用so: think, hope, believe, Im afraid, It seems (appears), etc.-Is it true that he had a heart attack? -Im afraid so. / I believe so. / It seems so. 否定答语中用not: -Has Anne got into university? -Im af


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