必修五 2.2《Unit2 the third period language points》.ppt

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1、新课标人教版课件系列,高中英语 必修5-2.2,The Third Period,Language points of the reading passages,Fill in the following form to review the passage,The largest, three zones : the South, Midland and the North,The first country linked to England.,England, Wales, Scotland joined,in 1603,Joined to the Great Britain to be

2、come the United Kingdom,The capital,the oldest port,building and castle,The southern part of that country, independent,1. name n / vt by name (名叫/ 用名字) call sb name (辱骂某人) by the name of (以为名字) name after 以名字命名 worth (worthy of ) the name 名副其实的 namely = that is to say 那就是 Know sb by name 仅仅知道某人的名字,2

3、. There is no need to do sth 没必要做某事 Theres no use to do sth / doing sth.= It is no use + doing. Theres no doubt that There is ( no ) need for + n. eg: There is no need for you to help him. There is no need to worry at all. There is need for anxiety. There is no use waiting any longer.= It is no use

4、waiting any longer. Theres no doubt that the plan will succeed.,3.debate n. 辩论,争论 v. 与辩论,争论debate about /upon 关于辩论 I debated upon/ about the question with Mary . I _ with my flat-mate about who should do the housework . A . discussed B. debated C. argued D. quarreled argue 指坚持自己的观点和立场,通过争论企图说服对方。arg

5、ue with sb. about /over sth. Debate指公开正式场合进行的辩论或严肃的争论,双方各自陈述理由,“交锋,往返”的意味教强; Discuss指威力解决问题和弄清对方的关点而进行的讨论; Quarrel争吵,争论,含有与人发生口角的意思quarrel with sb. about sth.,4clarify vt.(使某事物)清楚易懂 ,澄清 I hope that what I say will clarify the situation . 你能想出几个-fy/-ify结尾的词吗? beautify(美化) purify(使纯洁) simplify(使简单化) 5

6、. join A to B /link A to B 把A和B连接 eg: The Channel Tunnel will join Britain to Europe by road. be linked to = be connected to /be joined to,This wire connects _ that one. A. with B. to C. of D. on,主语为物用with ,主语为人用to /with,6. refer to (1) mention or speak of sb/sth提及(到),指的是 Dont refer to this matter ,

7、again . (2) make mention or reference / look sth up 参考;查阅;询问 If you dont understand a word you may refer to your dictionaries. (3) refer sb/sth to sb /sth 将交给(以求得帮助) The case was referred to the Court of Appeal . It was foolish of him to _ his notes during that important test, and as a result, he go

8、t punished. A. stick to B. refer to C. keep to D. point to reference: n. reference book,7. include v.包括,包含 The price includes postage charge. 辨析include和 contain This book contains all the information you need . Our ten-city tour included a visit to London . contain作“包含”解时,指的是“内有,里面装有,含有”, include作“包

9、括”解时,指事物所包含的“范围”。 Including/included: 用于举例时,意义是一样的,都译作“包括”。但是,including必须放在它所说明的同位语之前,而 included必须放在它所说明的同位语之后。Everybody here has influenza including myself. Everyone laughed, me included.,8. as well (as Sb / sth ) : in addition to sb /sth /doing sth Are they coming as well ? She is a talented music

10、ian as well as being a writer . As well / also / too / either He _plays the piano . He is a worker ,_. He plays the guitar _. He was not there _.,also,too,As well,either,9. to ones surprise (prep) 当笼统地表示“惊奇、惊讶”时,surprise是不可数名词。但是,当具体地指某件令人惊奇的事时,surprise就变成可数名词了。 “to ones +名词” 表 “令某人” 常见的名词有 “ deligh

11、t, disappointment, enjoyment; astonishment 等 eg: I discovered, to my horror, that the goods were entirely unfit for sale. To Johns great relief they reached the house at last. Oh, John. _ you gave us! A. How a pleasant surprise B. How pleasant surprise C. What a pleasant surprise D. What pleasant su

12、rprise,10. found themselves united peacefully “find +宾语宾补( adj; adv; v-ing; pp; 介词短语; 不定式)” eg: A cook will be immediately fired if he is found smoking in the kitchen. Youll find him easy to get along with. They found themselves trapped by the bush fire. When I woke up, I found myself in hospital. I

13、 called on him yesterday, but I found him out.,翻译: 1.经过长久的搜寻,我们发现那个男孩安然无恙.(safe and sound ) 2.我发现我在城里迷路了. 3.你将会发现她会很难相处. 4.我在回家的路上拜访了她,发现她出去了.,1. After a long search ,we found the boy safe and sound.,2. I found myself lost in the city .,3. You will find her difficult to get along with .,4. I called

14、on her on my way home and found her out .,11. get sth done =have sth done 使某事被做 eg: Ill just get these dishes washed and then Ill come. get + n. + to do get + n. + doing eg. Youll get her to agree. lll get the car going. get done: 用于意想不到、突然或偶然发生,意为“被.” Be careful when you cross this very busy street

15、. If not, you may _ run over by a car. A. have B. get C. become D. turn,12. break away (from sb / sth) 脱离;破除 eg: It is not easy for him to break away from bad habits. The man broke away from his guards. break down (会谈)破裂,失败;(汽车等)出故障; (人的健康状况)变得恶劣;(情感)失控 eg. His car broke down on the way to work this

16、 morning. His health broke down under the pressure of work. He broke down and wept when he heard the news. Talks between the two countries have completely broken down. 区别:break in 闯入;打岔 break off 中断,折断 break into 闯入 break out 爆发;发生 break up 驱散;分散,拆散,News reports say peace talks between the two count

17、ries_ with no agreement reached. A. have broken down B. have broken out C. have broken in D. have broken up 13. Of ones own 属于某人自己 on ones own 靠某人自己 own sth. 拥有某物 我有一套属于我自己的房子。 他们靠自己建了一个工厂。 他拥有五个工厂。 14. as well as 不仅而且; 既又 eg: He is a teacher as well as a writer. The children as well as their father

18、 were seen playing football in the street.,He owns five factories.,They built the factory on their own.,I have a house of my own.,15. convenience n方便;便利 - inconvenience convenient adj . make a convenience of sb 过分利用某人/ 欺负老实人 at your convenience 在你方便的时候 If it suits a persons convenience如果对某人来说方便 be c

19、onvenient for sb to do sth对某人来说做某事方便 be convenient to sb 对某人来说方便 be convenient for sth 离 很近 Come and see me whenever _. A you are convenient B you will be convenient C it is convenient to you D it will be convenient to you,We bought this house for its convenience. be convenient to sb. come and see m

20、e whenever _. you are convenient B. you will be convenient C. it is convenient to you D. it will be convenient to you. 16. be known as 作为(身份)出名 be known for 因而出名 be known to 为所知 be known by 根据 得知 eg: Fu Biao is known to everyone as a good actor. He was known for his frankness.,Convenient 之后接不定式时,句子主

21、语一般不能是人.,17. attraction: un. 1). 吸引;引力 cn. 2). 吸引人的东西;喜闻乐见的东西;精彩节目 Eg. attraction of gravitation 重力 He cant resist the attraction of the sea on a hot day. A big city offers many and varied attractions. What are the principle attractions this evening? attract : v. attractive: adj. unattractive: adj.

22、attractively: adv.,18. influence (v) 对产生影响 eg: What influence you to choose a career in teaching? 2) (可数n) 产生影响的人或事 eg: He is one of the good influence in the school. 3) (不可数n) 影响 eg: A teacher has great influence over his pupils. 19. evidence (不可数n) 证据;迹象 a piece of evidence 一项证据 eg: He got many pi

23、eces of evidence from the internet for his theory. evidence: 指谋事的真伪 proof: 指令人信服的、无可置疑的证据,There wasnt enough _ to prove him guilty. His fingerprints were _of his guilt. 20. keep ones eyes open 睁大双眼 21. Which country is left out? *leave out: 省略;遗漏;排除 eg: Do you know which word in this sentence has been left out? Dont leave me out when youre giving out the invitations!,evidence,proof,22. take the place of 取代,代替 =take ones place / replace in place of instead of instead give place to 让位于 in place / out of place 在适当/ 错误的位置 a place of interest,Homework,1. Exercises 1,2 on page 50, 51,


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