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1、1 Unit3 The Million Pound Bank Note 单元教案 Teaching contents: This unit is about the scenes in the drama The Million Pound Bank Note, which was written by Mark Twain. By learning this unit, students can get to know something about drama and the famous writer as well as learn to analyze the characters

2、in the scene. Teaching aims: Knowledge goals: 1. Know something about Mark Twain and his works. 2. Let the students learn about dramas. 3. Teach students the new vocabulary and their usages. 4. Guide the students to read the passage and understand the story in the textbook, and then finish the quest

3、ions after reading. Ability goals: 1.Learn how to act out a play 2. Learn how to request and order food 3. Learn noun clauses as the object and predicative Moral goals: 1.To enable students to learn to be an honest man from the text. 2.To enable students to cooperate with others to complete tasks. T

4、eaching important points: 1. To help students know the meanings and usage of some key words and phrases and finish relevant exercises correctly. Key vocabulary: birthplace, bring up, novel, adventure, phrase, author, scene, make a bet, wander, pavement, permit, go ahead, by accident, stare, spot, ac

5、count, embassy, seek, contrary, envelop, pineapple, take a chance, manner, scream, genuine, rag, in rags, indeed, as for, bow, barber 2. To help students understand the main idea and details of the scene. 3. To help students analyze the personalities of the main characters in the scene. Teaching dif

6、ficult points: 2 1. To help students use the key words and phrases properly in different situations. 2. To understand some difficult sentences in the text. Teaching aids: 1) PPT 2) Blackboard 3) Radio record Division of teaching periods: Period 1-2.5: words and expressions Period 3-6: warming up and

7、 pre-reading; reading and discussing Period 7: learning about language: discovering useful words and expressions Period 8-9: grammar: noun clauses(objective clauses and predicative clauses) Period10: listening A) page 23 B) page 55 C) page 58 (optional) Teaching procedures: Words and expressions 1.

8、Bring up (1) 抚养,培养,教育 e.g. He was brought up by his grandparents. (2) 提出(等同 put forward/ come up with) e.g. We decided to bring up the problem at the next meeting. (3) 吐出,呕吐 e.g. He brought up his dinner. 拓展: bring in 引进 bring down 使倒下,减少,降低 2. novel 小说 novelist 小说家 ist:scientist/ pianist/ violist 3

9、.Adventure 奇遇,冒险 adventurous. adj. 喜欢冒险的 adventurer n. 冒险家 固定搭配: take an adventure 4. scene n. 1) 一场,一镜头 e.g. He added a new scene at the beginning. 在开头他又加了一场戏。 2) 景色,风景,场面 3 e.g. The night scene in Shanghai is quite beautiful. 上海的夜景非常美。 3) (发生事件的 )现场,地点 They rushed to the scene of the traffic accid

10、ent. 他们火速赶到车祸的现场。 固定搭配: on the scene在现场,到现场 比较: scene , scenery 和 view (1)scene 指都市景观或室内陈设,还可以指舞台场面或部分布景,可数名词。 (2)scenery 指山河湖海等自然景观,也可以指舞台全部,是不可数名词。 (3)view 指从远处或高处看到的风景。 (4)sight 指视力,风景,尤其指值得观赏的名胜。 5. bet n. 1) make a bet 打赌 e.g. I can make a bet with you that you must pass the exam. 我可以跟你打赌你一 定能通

11、过考试。 2) (金钱等)赌注win/lose a bet 打赌赢 /输了 v. 打赌,赌博 e.g. Mrs. Black spent all her money betting on horses. 布莱克夫人把她所有的钱都 花在了赌马上。 6. Permit 1)vt. 许可,允许,容许 doing / n./ pron. 准许做某事 sb. to do sth 准许某人做某事 e.g. We don t permit making noise here. 我们不允许在这里吵闹。 The teacher didn t permit us to swim in this river. 老师

12、不允许我们 在这条河里游泳。 2)vi. (事物)允许,成为可能 e.g. I will go to meet you if time permits. 如果时间允许的话,我们会去见你。 3)n. 许可证,通行证 e.g. Please show your drive permit. 清出示你的驾照。 7. go ahead vi. 词组 1)前进; (工作等 )推进 e.g. Thing are going ahead quite well. 事情进展地很顺利。 2) (催促对方)先请!请! 4 e.g. You go ahead and I ll follow. 你先走,我随后到。 3)该

13、词组亦可作表示意见的肯定答语,译为“干吧!请吧,说吧,走,行等” e.g. “Would you mind if I opened the window?” “No. Go ahead.” 我打开窗子你介意吗?不介意,去开吧。 8. by accident= by chance= accidentally 偶然地,意外地 e.g. Last time, I ran across her by accident /by chance. on purpose 故意的 e.g.I think she lost the key on purpose. 我认为她是故意遗失钥匙。 9. Stare at盯

14、着看,凝视 (参见新新学案 36 页辨析 ) 10. fault 1) n. 过错,缺点,故障,毛病 e.g. Her biggest fault is that she talks too much. 她最大的的缺点是话太多。 2) find fault with sb. 挑剔某人 e.g. He is always finding fault with me. 他总是对我百般挑剔。 3) vt. 对挑毛病 e.g. It was impossible to fault her performance. 她的演出无懈可击。 faultless adj. 无错的,完美的faulty adj.

15、有缺点的,不完整的 11.spot n (1)斑点;污点 e.g. How did you get spot that on your face? 你脸上的斑点是怎么弄上去的? He is a man without a spot on his character. 他是个没有任何污点的人。 2)地点,场所 e.g.This is the very spot where the accident happened. 这就是事故发生的地点。 (3)滴 Did you feel a few spots of rain? 下了几滴雨,你感觉到了吗? vt. 认出,发现 The thief was s

16、potted by the police as he was entering the bank. 那个小偷进入银行时便被警察发现。 12. account n 1)账户,账单keep the account记账/ send in an account 报账 2)账户,户头 e.g. There are only 50 dollars in his account. 在他的账户上仅有50 美元。 5 open an account 开户 3)记录,报告,叙述( report, description) Here is a brief account of the meeting. 这是对会议的

17、简短记录。 phrase :of great / small / no / account 很重要 /不大重要 /不重要 e.g. He is a man of no account. 他是个无足轻重的人。 She was a scientist of great account. 她是个非常重要的科学家。 拓展: on account of = because of 由于,因为 e.g. He retired on account of poor health. 由于身体不好他退休了。 on no account 不论什么理由都不(放在句首,句子倒装) On no account will

18、I do it. 无论什么理由我都不做。 vaccount for 1)对做出解释,说明原因 e.g. He could not account for his absence from school. 他不能对自己的上课缺 席做出解释。 2)导致 e.g. Bad weather accounted for the long delay. 长期的延缓是由坏天气导致的。 13.seek (sought, sought )vt.投机;冒险一次 e.g. You should never take a chance when driving a car. 开车时决不应冒险。 拓展:have a g

19、ood chance/no chance/not much chance of (doing) sth/ to do sth/ that 大有希望 /没有可能 /没什麽希望做某事 by chance 偶然by any chance 万一,也许 by some chance 由于偶然的机会 chances are that 很可能,大概是 e.g. Chances are that he has already arrived. 他很可能已经到了。 19. manner n. 1)方式,方法 e.g. I like ducks cooked in a Chinese manner. 我喜欢中式烤

20、鸭。 I dont like the manner in which she speaks. 2)态度,举止 e.g. He has a rude manner, so I don t like to talk to him. 3)礼貌(常用复数形式) 7 e.g. People don t like a person with bad manners. 20. indeed adv. 1) (表示赞同对方 ) 的确;实在 e.g. Are you pleased at your sons success? Yes, indeed. 2) (用以加强 very 等词的语气 )确实,存在 e.g

21、. Thank you very much indeed. 实在太感谢你了。 21.bow bau vi. how are you B. That;how you are ?C. How;that you are D. What;how you are ?2. The trouble is_we are short of tools. ?A. what B. that C. how D. why that ?3. America was _was first called “India” by Columbus. ?A. what B. that C. the place D. there where 答案: DA Step two: Let students go through the contents in Page66-67 by themselves and do the following exercises after class, and then check the ansers in the next period.


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