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1、代 词 【是什么】 1. 人称代词主格、宾格形式及其主要用法; 2. 名词性物主代词与形容词性物主代词的形式、区别及其主要用法; 3 反身代词的形式、意义及其主要用法; 4 常见不定代词的一般用法; 5. 指示代词的一般用法,并了解其在上下文中的指代用法; 6. 相互代词的基本用法; 7. 疑问代词的基本用法。 8. 关系代词的基本用法。 【知识点】 代词是代替名词、形容词和数词的词。按其意义、特征及其在句中的作用分为:人称 代词、物主代词、指示代词、反身代词、相互代词、疑问代词、不定代词和关系代词等。 一. 人称代词 1.人称代词的人称、数和格,如下表所示。 主格宾格 第一 人称 单数I 我

2、me 我 复数we 我们us 我们 第二 人称 单数you 你you 你 复数you 你们you 你们 第 三 人 称 单 数 he 他him 他 she 她her 她 it 它it 它 复 数 they 他们、 她们、它们 them 他们、 她们、它们 2.人称代词有主格和宾格之分。通常主格作主语,宾格作宾语。如: I like table tennis. (作主语) Do you know him? (作宾语) 3.人称代词还可作表语。作表语时用宾格。如: -Whos is knocking at the door? - It s me. 4.人称代词在than 之后与其他人或事物进行比较

3、时,用主格和宾格都可以。如: He is older than me. He is older than I am. 二. 物主代词 1.表示所有关系的代词叫物主代词。物主代词分形容词性物主代词和名词性 物主代词,如下表所示。 物主代词 形容词型名词型 单数 第一人称my mine 第二人称your yours 第三人称 his his her hers its its 复数 第一人称our ours 第二人称your yours 第三人称their theirs 2. 形容词性物主代词的作用相当于形容词,可在句中作定语。例如: Our teacher is coming to see us.

4、 This is her pencil-box. 3. 名词性物主代词的作用相当于名词,在句中可用作主语、宾语和表语。 Our school is here, and theirs is there. (作主语) - Is this English-book yours? (作表语) - No. Mine is in my bag. Ive already finished my homework. Have you finished yours? (作宾语) 三. 指示代词 指示代词包括:this,that , these,those。 1. this 和 these 一般用来指在时间或空间

5、上较近的事物或人,that 和 those 则指时间和空间上较远的事物或人,例如: This is a pen and that is a pencil We are busy these days In those days the workers had a hard time 2. 有时 that 和 those 指前面讲到过的事物,this 和 these 则是指下面将要讲 到的事物,例如: I had a cold. Thats why I didnt come. What I want to say is this ; pronunciation is very important

6、 in learning English 3. 有时为了避免重复提到的名词,常可用that 或 those 代替,例如: Television sets made in Beijing are just as good as those made in Shanghai 4. this 在电话用语中代表自己,that 则代表对方。例如: Hello! This is Mary. Is that Jack speaking? 四. 反身代词 英语中用来表示“我自己 “,“你自己 “,“他自己 “,“我们自己 “,“你们自己 “ 等意义的代词称为反身代词,也有人称之为自身代名词,其形式如表所示。

7、反身代词 单数 第一人称myself 第二人称yourself 第三人称 himself herself itself 复数 第一人称ourselves 第二人称yuorselves 第三人称themselves 反身代词可以在句中作宾语,表语,同位语。 1. 作宾语,表示动作的承受者就是动作的发出者,主语和宾语指同一个人 或一些人。 He called himself a writer Would you please express yourself in English? 2. 作表语。 It doesnt matterIll be myself soon The girl in the

8、 news is myself 3. 作主语或宾语的同位语,表示亲自或本人。 I myself washed the clothes( =I washed the clothes myself. )(作主语同位语) You should ask the teacher himself (作宾语同位语) 五. 不定代词 不是指明代替任何特定名词的代词叫做不定代词,在句中可作主语、表 语、宾语和定语。现将几个常用的不定代词举例说明如下: 1. some与 any 的区别 1)some 多用于肯定句,表示“一些,几个”作形容词时,后面可以接不可数名词 +单数动词;可数名词+复数动词。 Look! S

9、ome of the students are cleaning the library. . Some rice in the bag has been sold out. 2)any 多用于疑问句、条件句和否定句中,表示“一些,任何”用作形容词时,后面 可以接不可数名词+单数动词;可数名词+复数动词。 If you have any questions, please ask me. There isnt any orange in the bottle. Have you got any tea? 3)any 和 some 也可以作代词用,表示“一些”。any 多用于疑问句或否定句中,s

10、ome 多用于肯定句中。 How many people can you see in the picture? I cant see any. If you have no money, Ill lend you some. 注意:与some, any结合的词如something, somebody, someone, anything, anyone, anybody 在肯定句、 否定句、 疑问句、 条件句中的用法,大致和 some, any的用法相同。 2. few, a few, little, a little在用法上的区别 1)用作形容词: 含义 用法 表示肯定表示否定 用于可数名

11、词a few 虽少,但有几个few 不多,几乎没有 用于不可数名词a little ,虽少,但有一点little 不多,没有什么 Im going to buy a few apples. He can speak only a little Chinese. There is only a little milk in the glass. He has few friends. They had little money with them. 2)a little 和 little 也可以用作副词,a little 表示“有点,稍微”,little 表示“很少”。 Im a little

12、hungry. ( 修饰形容词hungry) Let him sleep a little. ( 修饰动词sleep) Mary, go a little faster, please. ( 修饰副词比较级) She slept very little last night. 3. other, the other, another, others, the others 的区别。 用法代名词形容词 单数复数单数复数 不定another 另一个 others 别人,其他人 another (boy) 另一个(男孩) other (boys) 其他男孩 特定the other 另一个 the o

13、thers 其余那些人、物 the other (boy) 另一个男孩 the other (boys) 其余那些男孩 1)other 可以作形容词用,后面可以跟单数或复数名词,意思是“其他的、别 的”。 Where are his other books? I havent any other books except this one. 2)other 也可以用作代词,与冠词the 连用构成“ the other”,表示两个人或物中的“另 一个”。常与one 搭配构成“ one ., the other .”句型。 He has two brothers. One is 10 years

14、old , the other is 5 years old. She held a ruler in one hand and an exercise-book in the other. 3)other 作代词用时,可以有复数“others”,泛指“另外的人或物”。常与some 搭配构 成“ some , others .”句型。 Some went to the cinema, others went swimming. This coat is too large. Show me some others, please. 4)“ the others”表示特指某范围内的“其他的人或物

15、”。 We got home by 4 oclock, but the others didnt get back until 8 oclock. In our class only Tom is English, the others are Chinese. 5)another 可以作形容词用,修饰后面的名词,意为“另一个”,还可以跟代词one. You can see another ship in the sea, cant you? Mary doesnt want to buy this skirt. Would you please show her another one? 6

16、)another 也可以作代词用,表示“另一个”。 Im still hungry after Ive had this cake. Please give me another. 4. every 与 each的区别。 each every 1)可单独使用1)不可单独使用 2)可做代名词、形容词2)仅作形容词 3)着重“个别”3)着重“全体”,毫无例 外 4)用于两者或两者以上中的每 一个人或物 4)用于三者或三者以上每 一个人或物 The teacher gave a toy to each child. Each ball has a different colour. 当我们说each

17、 child, each student 或 each teacher时,我们想到的是一个人的情况。而当 我们说 every child 和 every student 时,我们想到的是全体的情况,every 的意思与 all 接近, 表示他们都如此。 Every student loves the English teacher. = All students love the English teacher. Every child likes playing. = All children like playing. 5. all 和 both 的用法。 1)all 指三者以上,或不可数

18、的东西。谓语动词既可以用单数,也可以用作复数。在句中 作主语、表语、宾语、同位语和定语。 All of us like Mr Pope. 我们都喜欢Pope先生。(作主语) = We all like Mr Pope. ( 作同位语 ) All the water has been used up. (作主语 ) Thats all for today. ( 作表语 ) Why not eat all (of) the fish? ( 作宾语 ) All the leaders are here. ( 作定语 ) 2)both 作代词。 与其他名词或代词并列出现,表示“ 两个都 ” 。 Luc

19、y and Lily both agree with us. They both passed on their sticks at the same time. How are your parents? Theyre both fine. 与“ of +代词(或名词)”连用,表示“两者都”。 Both of them came to see Mary. Both of the books are very interesting. 单独使用,表示“两者(都)”。 Michael has two sons. Both are clever. I dont know which book is

20、 the better, I shall read both. 3)both 用作形容词,放在名词之前,修饰该名词,表示“两者都”。 Both his younger sisters are our classmates. . There are tall trees on both sides of the street. 六. 相互代词 表示相互关系的代词叫做相互代词。相互代词有each other 和 one another两种形式。 在当代英语中,each other 和 one another没有什么区别。相互代词可在句中作宾语,定语。 作定语用时,相互代词用所有格形式。 We sh

21、ould learn from each other / one another. (作宾语) Do you often write to each other / one another? (作宾语) We often borrow each others / one anothers books. (作定语) The students corrected each others / one anothers mistakes in their homework. (作定语) 七. 疑问代词 疑问代词有who,whom,whose,what 和 which 等。疑问代词用于特殊疑 问句中,一

22、般都放在句首,并在句子中作为某一句子成分。例如: Who is going to come here tomorrow? (作主语) What is that? (作表语 ) Whose umbrella is this? (作定语 ) Whom are you waiting for? ( 作宾语 ) 八. 关系代词 关系代词是一种引导从句并起连接主句和从句作用的代词。关系代词有 who, whose, whom, that, which. 它们在句中可用作主语, 表语 , 宾语 , 定语 . 在主句中 , 它们还代表着从 句所修饰的那个名词或代词。例如: I hate people who

23、 talk much but do little. I m looking at the photograph which you sent me with your letter. With the money that he had saved, he went on with his studies. Do you know the lady who is interviewing our headmaster? 【实例解析】 1. (2004 年北京市中考试题) Mary, please show _ your picture. A. my B. mine C. I D. me 答案:

24、 D。该提考查的是人称代词和物主代词的用法。在本题中,动词show 的后面要跟 双宾语,空白处缺少一个间接宾语,所以应选me。 2. (2004 年北京市中考试题) - What s on TV tonight? Is there _ interesting? - I m afraid not. A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything 答案:B。 该提考查的是不定代词的用法。这是一个疑问句。 在疑问句中, 通常用 anything。 3. (2004 年上海徐汇区中考试题) _ of them has his own opinion.

25、 A. Both B. Some C. Every D. Each 答案: D。该题考查的是不定代词用法。因为谓语动词是单数形式,所以Both 和 Some 都不对。 Every 不能作主语,所以只有Each 合适。 4. (2004 年安徽省中考试题) -Where is my pen? -Oh, sorry. I have taken _ by mistake. A. yours B. his C. mine D. hers 答案: A。该题考查的是物主代词的用法。根据题干的背景,我们可以判断出错拿的钢笔 应该是对方的,所以选yours。 【中考演练】 一. 单项填空 1. Tom, Pl

26、ease pass _ the glasses. I want to read the newspapers. A. you B. me C. him D. her 2. The English novel is quite easy for you. There are _ new words in it. A. a little B. little C. a few D. few 3. -You want _ sandwich? - Yes, I usually eat a lot when I m hungry. A. other B. another C. others D. the

27、other 4. The doctors and nurses are doing their best to fight SARS. They think more of others than _. A. they B. them C. themselves D. theirs 5. -Which do you prefer, a bottle of orange or a bottle of milk? - _, thanks. I d like a cup of tea. A. Either B. Neither C. Both D. None 6. -Oh! I came in a

28、hurry and forgot to bring food. -Never mind. You can have _. A. us B. ours C. you D. yours 7. -Can I come this evening or tomorrow morning? - _ is OK. I m free today and tomorrow. A. Either B. Neither C. Both D. None 8. -How are you going to improve _ this term? -Work harder than last term. A. ourse

29、lves B. myself C. himself D. yourself 9. -Could you tell me _ she is looking for? -Her cousin, Susan. A. that B. whose C. who D. which 10. -Is _ here? -No. Li Lei and Han Mei have asked for leave. A. everybody B. somebody C. anybody D. nobody 11. Paul has _ friends except me, and sometimes he feels

30、lonely. A. many B. some C. few D. more 12. If you want to book a round-t rip ticket, you ll have to pay _ $ 30. A. more B. other C. the other D. another 13. -Do you live by yourself, Mr Wang? -Yes. I have two sons. But _ of them lives with me. They are now studying in America? A. neither B. both C.

31、none D. either 14. -Have you sent your parents an E-mail telling them you arrived safe? -No. _ of them can use a computer. A. None B. Both C. Neither D. All 15. Who taught _ English last term? Was _ Mr. Smith? A. you; it B. you; he C. your; it D. your; that 16. -That woman has a bag in her right han

32、d. What s in her _ hand? A. another B. other C. one D. the other 17. We decided to go for a field trip with some friends of _. A. us B. our C. ours D. ourselves 18. -Is there a bus to the zoo? -I m afraid there s _ bus to the zoo. A. no B. any C. some D. none 19. You forgot your dictionary? You may

33、have _. A. me B. my C. mine D. myself 20. This is _ classroom. Where is _? A. our; them B. us; they C. our; theirs D. ours; theirs 二. 用所给代词的适当形式填空 1. This is not my pencil-box. _ ( I ) is in the bag. 2. Trees are planted in _ ( we ) country every year, which makes our country more and more beautiful.


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