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1、Party branch Secretary of a party lecture of two speeches: tutoring covers all of the new party Constitution two education has kicked off. Study of the Constitution of this practice is a very important part. Today Ill give you a new section of the Constitution on the counselling of learning lessons,

2、 hope, through todays tutorial, further consolidation of all the party members of the new party Constitution study results to help you better understand and grasp the important knowledge in the new Constitution. T his tutorial has the following three components: one is the importance of studying and

3、 implementing of the new party Constitution; second, compared with the 17 adopted by the party Constitution, the main changes in the content and interpretation of the new Constitution; the third is at this stage how to make full use of the new essence of the content of the Constitution to guide part

4、y building. Two thematic education in party lecture notes, and st udy a nd carry out the significance of the new Constitution (a) studying and implementing the party Constitution is the most basic obligations of each party member. We party party yilai, has been put learning implement Constitution as

5、 a items regular of work one of implement Yu always, and in different history background a nd the different reality need of situation Xia, also will as a items important sex work, concentrated to, and highlig ht to, and separate to be arrangements, only on reform more than 30 years to, most importan

6、t of concentrated learning implement Constitution on has four times: (ii) learning implement Constitut ion, is maintena nce party of solidarity unified, and completed party of the task of strong guarantee. Both history and reality show that only determined to uphold the supremacy of the Constitution

7、, a ccording to the educational management of party members and cadres at the request of the party Constit ution to ensure the party strictly implement the partys policy and disci pline, to maintain party unity, completed the partys various tasks to provide a strong guarantee. (C) studying and imple

8、menting the party Constitution, consolidating the partys ruling status, and the inevitable requirement of maintaining the advance d nature of the party. Comrade XI Jinpi ng pointed out: the Constitution is the fundamental law of the party, the party must follow the General rules. In all the activiti

9、es of the party organization at all levels, will continue to guide the broad masses of party members and cadres, especially leading cadres, conscientiously study the party Constitution, abide by the party Constitution, the implementation of the party Constitution and maintaining party Constitution,

10、should strengthen party spirit, enhance the consciousness, pur pose awareness, power awarene ss, situation awareness, sense of responsibility, ear nestly sharing sorrow for the party, responsible for the country, for the people and dedication. (D) studying and implementing the party Constitution, is

11、 to solve the problems the partys actual needs. Comrade XI Ji npi ng said all party members must achieve, leading ca dres should first do whatever the onstitution provides t hat no party member can do, leading cadres should take the lead in not doing. In strict accordance with the party Constitution

12、 Party member leading cadre must have six basic conditions a nd improve their own qualitie s and abilities, r egular checks and pay for their own shortcomings. Especially in the ideal and belief, persist in seeking truth from facts, and promote the scientific development, maintain close ties with, s

13、tre ngthening moral cultivation, and strict adherence to party disci pline for party members to lead by example. Second, the main cha nge in the new Constitution and the interpretation of the 18th Nati onal Congress of the Chi nese Communist Party, to end on November 14, 2012 General Assembly vote,

14、the Constitution of the Communist Party of China (Amendment) Act. 18 Congress of the partyBy the Constitution of the Communist Party of China (Amendment) Act, against 17 in six large through a revision of the party Constitution. In order to comply with the development of the situation and tasks cha

15、nge, every national Congress of our party will be of varying degrees of revision of the Constitution. A big party was held in 1921, due to time constraints, and develope d a platform of one of the large, just a programmatic document. Our first Constitution was establishe d by the partys se cond Nati

16、onal Congress. According to the changes in the situati on and tasks, after two successive congresses (except for five) different degrees of modification to the Constitution. Because of the special circumstance s, the five party Constitution has not been modified, by the Politburo after changes to th

17、e Constitution. Current is develope d in September 1982 the partys 12 big cha nges to the party Constitution. 30 years, on the premise of maintaining the stability of the basic contents of the party Constitution, 13 and 14 and Congress of the party, 16 and 17 a re with varying degrees of modificatio

18、n of the Constitution. Constitution modified of history, is we party 92 great development course of miniature and show, a is show has we party tightly relies on people completed and a dvance three pie ces event of great course; II is show has we party in led China revolution, a nd construction and r

19、eform long-term practice in the, constantly advance Marxist China of proce ss, constantly advance theory innovation of great course; three is show has we party constantly summary party of construction of new created, and new experience, constantly improve party of construction scientific level of gr

20、eat course. This 18 big through of Constitution, except “master“ outside total 11 chapter, total 53 article, spe cific for master; first chapter members; second chapter party of organization system; third cha pter party of Central Organization; fourth cha pter party of place organization; fifth chap

21、ter party of grass-roots organizations; sixth chapter party of cadres; seventh chapter party of discipline; eighth cha pter party of discipline che ck organ; Nineth chapter party; tenth chapter party and Communist Youth League of relationship; 11th chapter femme fatale flag. And the party compared t

22、o 历史 必修一 中国古代政治制度 一、早期政治制度 二、专制主义中央集权制度 三、中国古代选官制度 四、中国古代监察与谏议制度 西周:分封制,宗法制,礼乐制 五、各朝政治制度秦:中央集权制度确立 隋唐:三省六部制,科举制 宋:二府三司制,宋太祖加强中央集权 明清专制顶峰 (一)早期政治制度(奴隶社会 -贵族政治) 夏( BC2070-BC1600 )王位世袭制,出现公共权力 商( BC1600-BC1046 )内服与外服制度,具有神权色彩 西周分封制,宗法制,礼乐制 早期政治制度特点: 1、 王权与神权相结合,带有浓厚的迷信色彩, 2、 血缘纽带与政治关系相结合(以血缘关系为纽带形成国家政治

23、结构),实行严格的等级 制度,带有浓厚的部族色彩 3、 最高执政集团尚未实现权力的高度集中 4、 商周的政治制度前后沿袭,具有相对的延续性和稳定性 (二)专制主义中央集权制度 (封建社会 -官僚政治) 朝代中央制度 (君主专制)地方制度 (中央集权) 秦(确立)皇帝制度,三公九卿制郡县制 汉(发展)中外朝制度汉初:郡国并行汉武帝:推恩令,刺史制度 隋唐 (完善)三省六部制(三分相权)唐:地方设节度使 宋(加强)二府三司制(三分相权)收精兵,削实权,制钱谷 元一省制(中书省, 相权涨大)行省制度 明废丞相,设殿阁大学士(明 太祖),设内阁(明成祖) 清(顶峰 )早期:议政王大臣会议 军机处(雍正

24、) 详细的内容查看“各朝政治制度“ 演变趋势: 1、 皇权不断加强;相权不断削弱,直至消失 2、 中央权力不断加强,集中;地方权力不断削弱,日益收归中央 3、 专制主义中央集权制度经历了一个由建立到完善,不断强化的过程 Party branch Secretary of a party lecture of two speeches: tutoring covers all of the new party Constitution two education has kicked off. Study of the Constitution of this practice is a ver

25、y important part. Today Ill give you a new section of the Constitution on the counselling of learning lessons, hope, through todays tutorial, further consolidation of all the party members of the new party Constitution study results to help you better understand and grasp the important knowledge in

26、the new Constitution. T his tutorial has the following three components: one is the importance of studying and implementing of the new party Constitution; second, compared with the 17 adopted by the party Constitution, the main changes in the content and interpretation of the new Constitution; the t

27、hird is at this stage how to make full use of the new essence of the content of the Constitution to guide party building. Two thematic education in party lecture notes, and st udy a nd carry out the significance of the new Constitution (a) studying and implementing the party Constitution is the most

28、 basic obligations of each party member. We party party yilai, has been put learning implement Constitution as a items regular of work one of implement Yu always, nd in different history background and the different reality need of situation Xia, also will as a items important sex work, concentrated

29、 to, and highlig ht to, and separate to be arrangements, only on reform more than 30 years to, most important of concentrated learning implement Constitution on has four times: (ii) learning implement Constitut ion, is maintena nce party of solidarity unified, and completed party of the task of stro

30、ng guarantee. Both history and reality show that only determined to uphold the supremacy of the Constitution, a ccording to the educational management of party members and cadres at the request of the party Constit ution to ensure the party strictly implement the partys policy and disci pline, to ma

31、intain party unity, completed the partys various tasks to provide a strong guarantee. (C) studying and implementing the party Constitution, consolidating the partys ruling status, and the inevitable requirement of maintaining the adva nced nature of the party. Comrade XI Jinpi ng pointed out: the Co

32、nstitution is the fundamental law of the party, the party must follow the Ge neral rules. In all the activities of the party organization at all levels, will continue t o guide the broad masses of party members and cadres, especially leading cadres, conscientiously study the party Constitution, abid

33、e by the party Constitution, the implementation of the party Constitution and maintaining party Constitution, should strengthen party spirit, enhance the consciousness, pur pose awareness, power awarene ss, situation awareness, sense of responsibility, ear nestly sharing sorrow for the party, respon

34、sible for the country, for the people and dedication. (D) studying and implementing the party Constitution, is to solve the problems the partys actual needs. Comrade XI Ji npi ng said all party members must achieve, leading ca dres should first do whatever the onstitution provides t hat no party mem

35、ber can do, leading cadres should take the lead in not doing. In strict accordance with the party Constitution Party member leading cadre must have six basic conditions a nd improve their own qualitie s and abilities, regular checks and pay for their own shortcomings. Especially in the ideal and bel

36、ief, persist in seeking truth from facts, and promote the scientific development, maintain close ties with, stre ngthening moral cultivation, and strict adherence to party disci pline for party members to lead by example. Second, the main cha nge in the new Constitution and the interpretation of the

37、 18th Nati onal Congress of the Chi nese Communist Party, to end on November 14, 2012 General Assembly vote, the Constitution of the Communist Party of China (Amendment) Act. 18 Congress of the partyBy the Constitution of the Communist Party of China (Amendment) Act, against 17 in six large through

38、a revision of the party Constitution. In order to comply with the development of the situation and tasks cha nge, every national Congress of our party will be of varying degrees of revision of the Constitution. A big party was held in 1921, due to time constraints, and develope d a platform of one o

39、f the large, just a programmatic document. Our first Constitution was establishe d by the partys se cond National Congress. According to the changes in the situati on and tasks, after two successive congresses (except for five) different degrees of modification to the Constitution. Because of the sp

40、e cial circumstance s, the five party Constitution has not been modified, by the Politburo after changes to the Constitution. Current is develope d in September 1982 the partys 12 big cha nges to the party Constitution. 30 years, on the premise of maintaining the stabi lity of the basic contents of

41、the party Constitution, 13 and 14 and Congress of the party, 16 and 17 a re with varying degrees of modification of the Constitution. Constitution modified of history, is we party 92 great development course of miniature and show, a is show has we party tightly relies on people completed and a dvanc

42、e three pie ces event of great course; II is show has we party in led China revolution, a nd construction and reform long-term practice in the, constantly advance Marxist China of proce ss, constantly advance theory innovation of great course; three is show has we party constantly summary party of c

43、onstruction of new created, and new experience, constantly improve party of construction scientific level of great course. This 18 big through of Constitution, except “master“ outside total 11 chapter, total 53 article, spe cific for master; first chapter members; second chapter party of organizatio

44、n system; third cha pter party of Central Organization; fourth cha pter party of place organization; fifth chapter party of grass-roots organizations; sixth chapter party of cadres; seventh chapter party of discipline; eighth cha pter party of discipline che ck organ; Nineth chapter party; tenth cha

45、pter party and Communist Youth League of relationship; 11th chapter femme fatale flag. And the party compared to 特点: 1、 君主专制:皇权至高无上 2、 中央集权制:中央权力高度集中 3、 官僚政治:建立完整的官僚体系 评价专制主义中央集权制度: 积极: 1、 政治上:有利于多民族国家的发展与巩固,有利于维护国家统一于社会稳定 2、 经济上:有利于组织人力、物力和财力进行大规模的经济建设和生产活动,促进社会经 济的恢复和发展 3、 民族关系上:有利于各地区经济、文化的交流发展和提

46、高,有利于民族大融合 消极: 1、 经济上:推行重农抑商政策,阻碍商品经济发展和资本主义萌芽的发展 2、 政治上:君主专制不断强化,容易导致决策失误和暴政,阻碍社会发展与进步 3、 思想文化上:文化专制使民主思想和行动受到压制和打击,阻碍科技创新,文化的发展 4、 外交上:闭关锁国政策割断了中外联系和经济文化交流,拉大中国与西方国家的差距 另外表达: 1、 中央集权制度历朝的具体措施有明显的继承性,共性和特殊性 2、 秦汉 -隋唐,进步性居主流:有利于都民主国家的统一和巩固,社会安定,经济发展,为 盛世出现提供政治保障 3、 宋-明清, 消极性居主流: 君主专制空前强化,不利于社会民主自由发展

47、,造成官僚机构 膨胀,贪污腐败;经济上扼杀社会创造力,阻碍资本主义萌芽发展和社会进步;思想上 文化专制,钳制思想,摧残文化;腐朽落后的封建制度成为阻碍社会进步的因素,造成 近代中国落后于西方 君主专制中央集权强化的措施: 1、 加强君主权力,改革中央机构:秦确立皇帝制度、三公九卿制,汉武帝利用新儒学神化 王权;唐三省六部制等等 2、 加强地方控制:秦郡县制,元行省制 3、 加强监察机制:秦御史大夫,汉刺史,宋通判 4、 注重选拔和任免官吏:秦朝起,皇帝任免官吏,隋唐科举 5、 加强思想控制:秦焚书坑儒,汉武帝独尊儒术,明清八股取士,大兴文字狱 (三)中国选官制度 时间制度标准 西周世卿世禄制血

48、缘 战国,秦军功爵制军功 汉武帝时期察举制,征辟制德行(孝廉) 东汉末,魏晋九品中正制门第 隋唐科举制考试成绩(才学) 明清八股取士八股文 Party branch Secretary of a party lecture of two speeches: tutoring covers all of the new party Constitution two education has kicked off. Study of the Constitution of this practice is a very important part. Today Ill give you a n

49、ew section of the Constitution on the counselling of learning lessons, hope, through todays tutorial, further consolidation of all the party members of the new party Constitution study results to help you better understand and grasp the important knowledge in the new Constitution. T his tutorial has the following three components: one is the importance of studying and implementing of the new party Constitution; second, compared with the 17 adopted by the party Constitution, the main changes in the content and interpretation of the new Constitution; the third is at this stage


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