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1、1 / 12 学术论文参考文献格式 (Bibliography, Works Cited, References) MLA 与 APA 格式不同之处 (1)研究方向 本科毕业论文采用何种参考文献格式,主要依据研究论文的方向: 文学和翻译方向的论文建议采用MLA 格式; 语言学方向的论文建议采用APA 格式。b5E2RGbC (2)出版时间 MLA :置于文献之后 Adams, Sarah Lachance, Caroline R. Lundquist, ed. Coming to Life: Philosophies of Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Motherin

2、g . New York: Fordham UP, 2013.p1EanqFD Bushman, Claudia L. Contemporary Mormonism: Latter-Day Saints in Modern America. Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers, 2006: 55-57.DXDiTa9E Shipps, Jan. “ Is Mormonism Christian?: Reflections on a Complicated Question ”. Mormons and Mormonism: An Introduction to a

3、n American World Religion. Ed. Eric A. Eliason Urbana. Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 2001.RTCrpUDG APA :置于作者之后,并放于括号中 Heaton, J. B. ( 2000). Writing English Language Tests . Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press. 19-23.5PCzVD7H Smith, Darlene ( 2008). “ The Name of the Game.

4、” Journal of American Disciplines 34: 234-87.jLBHrnAI Prucha, Francis Paul ( 1990). Documents of United States Indian Policy. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press.xHAQX74J (3)出版社机构名称 MLA :可缩写 Cheng, Anne Anlin. The Melancholy of Race: Psychoanalysis, Assimilation, and Hidden Grief. Oxford: OUP, 200

5、1.LDAYtRyK Eagleton, Terry. Literary Theory: An Introduction. Minneapolis: U of Minnesota Press, 2004.Zzz6ZB2L Kaplan, E. Ann. Trauma Culture: The Politics of Terror and Loss in Media and Literature. New Brunswick: Rutgers UP, 2005.dvzfvkwM APA :全拼 Jackson, Kent P., Robert J. Matthews then he discus

6、sed “ postmodernism.” (ibid.)X7Ahr18p ( 4)引号和感叹号如果是引文的一部分,须置于引号内,否则置于引号之外。 “ Should I prefer an animal pedigree?” The heroine askes herself. But what is this “ animal pedigree”? She doesn?t really know (Guerard 167).b3zqXLCq When Jude finally turns on her with the cry “ Sue, Sue, you are not worth a

7、 man?s love!” He is passing judgment not only on her but also on something in himself (ibid.). pZyytu5r Stop crying “ You are not worth a man?s love”! ( 5)长引文中的短引文用单引号标注,置于双引号标注的长引文中(美式);英式则相反。 This is “ our profound and powerful particle, in our ,undone?, ,unloved?, ,unforgiven, ?” which Mrs. Meyne

8、ll once named in describing the genius of Englsih speech: “ the ,un? that summons in order that it may banish, and keeps the living word present to hear sentence and denial, showing the word ,unloved? to be not less than archangel ruined” (Elliott 44).DVyGZezs Because of the digge rs? nomadic habits

9、, expulsion from one goldfield usually amounted to exclusion from all fields, for ,wherever the culprit went he found out that someone knew him and “ put him away ”? (Ward 120).RQxPvY3t 7、长引文格式。 ( 1)超过三行的引文,全部左端缩进10 个空格,右端与正文对齐。不需引号,用夹注形式注 明出处(页码) 。 Of Melbourne itself, where the most successful dig

10、gers repaired for their spree, the following is recorded:5MxX1Ixu bar-counters were washed down with expensive wines as a preliminary ceremony to ordering 12 / 12 “ free drinks for the crowd ” , and with an imbecile idea of ostentation the poor fool has (Turner, History of Colony of Victrian 1:372)j

11、Iw5xs0v (2)如果引文有一段以上,从第二段开始还需缩进三个空格。 In 1842 Edward Curr wrote: There is already a degree of nationality in Van Dieman?s sic land; people begin to talk of the good old times with which the old names are connected; and a governor might as well abolish the EnglishxEve2buw We still talk of the Fat Doe

12、River, Gallows hill, Murderer?s plains, and hell?s corners. These names were principally bestowed upon them by bush rangers and the hunters of the kangaroo (Ward 60) KAvmyVYx (3)诗歌引文用引号,用短斜线(/)将诗行分开。 .But in terms of the time, many did read them, particularly the litterateurs , and were started by a

13、 poetry filled with new feeling and meaning evoked by new sound and imagery. Who were these “ Earth -Vistors” , these “ Strange riders. who came gusting down/ Cloaked in the dark furs, with faces grave and sweet.” (Slessor, Poems: “ Earth-Vistors” 1) Ywuu4Fsz (4)在引文的开头、中间和结尾都可用省略号(.) ;如果省略长段引文,则用长省略

14、号。 This description from The Geelong Advertisor of 24 March 1848 of a typical bush-worker?s funeral was truthful, if melodramatic: “ . Splints (薄木板 ) of green wood for his coffin, a bush carpenter his undertaker, a bullock dray his hearse, reckless and hardened .” (Machenzie, “ A Bushman ” , A Voice

15、 from the Fat Interior of Australia, 23)cstDApWA Without warning, the poem ends, assigning in the couplets all the expressions of life to an unexpected host: “ So the ghost cried, and pressed to the dark pane, / Like a white leaf, his face . in vain . In vain .” qotL69pB Compare the pompous tone abo

16、ve with this familiar, slick, jazzy style of a reporter visiting a film-star:EksTCSTC I would not have missed these last few days in Paris - with Brigitte Bardot - for all the sun, the moonshine, and the stars in California. Sgs28CnD .6 craEmRE Between you, me, and the odd fifty million, Miss Bardot in action is a very fancy (The Cambridge Review, Novermber 29, 1958) k8qia6lF


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