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1、六年级期末试题样题 口试题 I. Please answer my questions.(教师可以从其中挑8 个问题) 1. When do you usually get to school? How do you go to school? 2. Do you often have supper at six? 3. Does your mother make breakfast everyday? Do you always have eggs for breakfast? 4. Give me your book, please. 5. Which lesson do you like

2、 in the book? 6. Do you have a sister or brother? 7. Where does your aunt live? 8. Who is your English teacher? 9. Is she / he tall or short? 10. Do you like her / him? II. What do you think about the pictures. You can choose any three of them to say some sentences. 口试题评分标准:(参照新课标中二级目标的说的目标) 优:口头表达做

3、到发言清楚, 语音语调正确达意, 能运用本册所学的内容对问题 进行回答,对所给图片进行详细准确的描述,用词准确; 良:基本能回答教师的提问,能发言,语音语调基本准确,能粗略描述图片中的 内容,在教师的帮助下能做到用词恰当 差: 口头发音不清楚,语音语调不准,对教师的提问无法回答,无法正确描述 图片的内容,即使在教师的帮助下都无法很好的完成口试 六年级期末测试题 听力题: I. Listen and number. ( 听音标号12 分) A. B. C. ( ) ( ) ( ) D. E. F. ( ) ( ) ( ) II. Listen and choose the right answe

4、r. (听音,选择正确的回答语10分) ( ) 1. A. She goes to work at seven. B. She goes to work on foot. ( ) 2. A. I get up at six twenty. B. Yes, I usually get up at six. ( ) 3. A. The bear runs faster than the deer. B. The deer is. ( ) 4. A. I usually have rice, fish and beef. B. I have lunch at twelve. ( ) 5. A. Sh

5、e is my sister. B. He is my uncle. III. Listen, tick or cross.(听音,判断句子的对错,对的打“”,错的打 “” 10分) 1. ( ) I have rice, fish and some vegetables. 2. ( ) She always comes here before six thirty. 3. ( ) She goes to Hong Kong by train. 4. ( ) That is a blue ball. 5. ( ) The elephant is stronger than the deer.

6、笔试题 IV. Choose and fill in the blanks. (选词填空8 分) A. taller B. come C. like D. likes E. going F. works G. begins H. me 1. Show _ your pictures, please. 2. Class _ at eight every week. 3. The sun is _ than the earth. 4. Her daughter Lucy _ in a big factory. 5. My father _ climbing mountains. 6. Where

7、does Miss Green _ from? 7. How about _ for a walk? 8. Would you _some coffee? V. Choose the correct one. (单项选择题10 分) ( ) 1. What _ she usually do after school? A. does B. can C. is ( ) 2. _ nice the stamp is! A. What B. How C. Its ( ) 3. Please give _ to me. A. it B. the ruler C. A and B ( ) 4. Look

8、, the boys _ kites. A. are flying B. is flying C. likes flying ( ) 5. Where does he _? He _ in Fuzhou. A. live; live B. lives; lives C. live; lives VI. Listenand number. ( 连词成句10 分) 1. the, the, is, much, elephant, than, bear, heavier _. 2. for, are, you, these, flowers, beautiful _. 3. brother, doe

9、s, his, often, after, my, homework, supper _. 4. me, that, pass, plate, please. _. 5. does, he, go, bed, when, day, to, every _? VII. Choose. ( 情景搭配10 分) ( ) 1. A. What about a plate of beef? ( ) 2. A. Would you like a cup of coffee? ( ) 3. A. Where are you from? ( ) 4. A. What time does Mr Brown ge

10、t up? ( ) 5. A. Which frog is bigger, the green frog or the blue frog? A. Thank you. B. I m from Paris. C. The green frog is bigger than the blue frog. D. That s a good idea! E. He gets up at six every day. 听力材料 I. 1. - Where does your uncle live? - He lives in London now. 2. - What would you like?

11、- I d like some beef. Please give me some beef. 3. - How does she usually go to school? - She usually goes to school on foot. 4. - When does your mother get up? - She usually gets up at 7:00. 5. - Does Lele do morning exercise every day? - Yes, he does. 6. - Do you have a ruler? - Yes, I do. - Is it

12、 long or short? - It s long. II. 1. How does your mother go to work? 2. What time do you get up? 3. Who runs faster, the bear or the deer? 4. What do you have for lunch? 5. Who is the man in the car? III. 1. - What do you have for lunch? - I have rice, meat and some vegetables. 2. - Does she always

13、come here before six thirty? - Yes, she does. 3. - How does she go to Hong Kong? - By train. 4. - Is that ball yellow or blue? - It s blue. 5. - Which is stronger, the deer or the elephant? - The elephant is. 参考答案 I.A-1 B-5 C-4 D-3 E-2 F-6 II.1-B 2-A 3-A 4-A 5-B III. 1- 2- 3- 4- 5- IV. 1-H 2- G 3-A 4-F 5-D 6-B 7-E 8-C V. 1-A 2-B 3-C 4-A 5-C VI. 1. The elephant is much heavier than the bear. 2. These beautiful flowers are for you. 3. My brother often does his homework after supper. 4. Pass me that plate, please. 5. When does he go to bed every day? VII. 1-D 2-A 3-B 4-E 5-C


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