高中英语复习PPT课件:M3_Unit_5-1 Canada_—_“The_True_North”_.ppt

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1、Unit 5 Canada “The True North”,Part 1 Of 2,根据所提供的信息,请用英语写一篇介绍澳大利亚和新西兰这两个国家异同的短文。 1澳大利亚和新西兰都是美丽的国家,他们的共同点很多:在南太平洋,澳大利亚和新西兰都是由两个岛屿组成,官方语言是英语;澳大利亚和新西兰有大量的绵羊且羊毛业发达。 2另一方面,澳大利亚有大约20,000,000人,远多于新西兰的4,500,000人口,澳大利亚土地面积大于新西兰。,【写作要求】 必须用5个句子介绍全部所给内容。,Both Australia and New Zealand are beautiful countries i

2、n the world and also they have a lot of things in common. Located in South Pacific, Australia and New Zealand are both made up of two islands where the official language is English. Besides, Australia and New Zealand have large sheep population and wool industry, from which people can benefit a lot.

3、 On the other hand, Australia has a,population of about 20,000,000, much larger than New Zealands, which is only 4,500,000. Apart from population, Australia has a large area, which New Zealands is not so large as Australias.,1. n. 大臣;部长 2. vi. & n. 聊天 3. n. 景色;风景 4. v. 包围;围绕 5. v. 测量;判定 n. 计量制;措施 6.

4、 prep. 在之内 7. n. 边界;国界 v. 接近;与接壤,_ _ _ _ _ _ _,minister chat scenery surround measure within border,8. adj. 轻微的;微小的 9. v. 混合;调配 10. n. 混合(物);混合状态 11. vt. 证明;批准;证实 12. adj. 富有的 13. n. 距离;远方 14. adv. 在市区 adj. 市区的,_ _ _ _ _ _ _,slight mix mixture confirm wealthy distance downtown,15. n. 黎明;拂晓 16. adj.

5、宽阔的;广泛的 17. adj. 附近的;邻近的 adv. 在附近 18. n. 传统;风俗 19. vt. 恐吓;使恐怖 20. vt. 使印象深刻;使铭记,_ _ _ _ _ _,dawn broad nearby tradition terrify impress,1. 去旅行 2. 与其;不愿 3. 设法做 4. 看见;瞥见 5. 远到 6. 被包围 7. 定居;平静下来,_ _ _ _ _ _ _,be / go on a trip rather than manage to do catch sight of as far as be surrounded by settle do

6、wn,_ _ _ _,have a gift for in the distance at dawn comparewith,8. 对有天赋 9. 在远处 10. 在黎明 11. 把与对比,1.The thought _ they could cross the whole continent was exciting. 2.Some people have the idea _ you can cross Canada in less than five days, but they forget the fact _ Canada is 5,500 kilometers from coas

7、t to coast.,that,that,that,1. surround vt. & vi. 包围;围绕 (多用作及物动词,常用被动语态) The star was surrounded by a group of fans immediately after he entered the hall. 这个明星一进大厅就被一群歌迷围住了。,surrounding adj. 周围的;附近的(常置于名词之前作定语) surroundings n. 环境;周围的事物 (be) surrounded by / with 四周都是,用所给词的正确形式填空 (1)监狱有围墙围着。 The wall _

8、 (surround) the jail. (2)这个海港四周都是树。 The harbour _ (surround) by trees.,surrounds,is surrounded,(3)我想在健康的环境中养育我的孩子。 Id like to bring up my child in healthy _ (surround),surroundings,2. population n. 居民;人口 Mexico City has a population of almost 20,000,000, which makes it the 2nd biggest city in the wo

9、rld. 墨西哥城有2000万人口,是世界第二大城市。 用法:(1)表示某地拥有人口数量; (2)问或打听某地人口数要用what,而不能用how many或how much,有时可用how large;,(3)表示“人口多”常用a large (great) population;表示“人口少”常用a small population,而不用a lot of, many, much, few, little等修饰; (4)population作主语时,若表示某地的全体人口,谓语动词用单数;若表示部分人口,谓语动词用复数。,根据汉语意思,完成英文句子 (1)世界人口增长越来越快。 The wor

10、lds _ is growing faster and faster. (2)这个城市人口超过100万。 This city has _ more than 1,000,000.,population,a population of,(3)中国人口众多。 _ is large.,The population of China,3. measure vi. & vt. 测量;衡量;判定 linkv.尺度(长度,数量等)为 n. 计量制;计量单位;措施;尺寸 Theres no way to measure the damage the earthquake caused. 地震造成的伤害是无法估

11、量的。 measure up 估量,keep / observe measure 保持适度,有节制 take measures to do sth. 采取措施做,用所给词的正确形式填空 (1)这房间有5米宽。 The room _ (measure) five meters across. (2)我们必须采取措施来保护这些河流使他们不被污染。 We must take _ (measure) to protect the rivers from being polluted.,measures/measured,measures,(3)这座塔有69米高,有100多年的历史。 _ (measur

12、e) 69 meters high, the tower has a history of over 100 years.,Measuring,4. mix vt. & vi. 混合,掺和,调和;混淆,搞混 n. 混合,混乱 It must be difficult for movie stars to mix their private and social lives together. 电影明星要同时兼顾私生活和公众生活,一定非常不容易。,mixture n. 混合物,混合状态 mixwith把和混合 mix up 混淆,弄乱,搅拌,拌和,根据汉语意思,完成英文句子 (1)人们认为过不了

13、多久,多种国籍的混合将会非常之大。 It is believed that before long_ _will be so great.,the mix of nationalities,(2)他以将中国传统音乐与西方的演奏形式和乐器相结合而著称。 He is famous for _Chinese traditional music with Western forms and instrumentation. (3)许老师把我的成绩和别人的搞混了。 Miss Xu _my results with someone elses.,mixing,mixed up,5. wealthy adj

14、. 富有的,丰富的 The country is wealthy with natural resources. 该国具有丰富的自然资源。,wealth n. 财富 a wealthy land 肥沃的土地 a wealthy family 富裕的家庭 a man of wealth 富人 a wealth of 许多的;大量的;丰富的,根据汉语意思,完成英文句子 (1)大约中午时分他们到达了加拿大最富有和最大的城市多伦多。 Around noon they arrived in Toronto, the biggest and _ city in Canada. (2)她有丰富的植物知识。

15、She has _ knowledge about plants.,most wealthy,a wealth of,(3)古时候富贵人家经常来这里定居,在这块富饶的土地上建造精美的园林。 In the old days _ used to settle here and built beautiful gardens _.,wealthy families,on this wealthy land,6. terrify vt. 使恐怖,使害怕;恐吓 When she remembers the scene at the time of the earthquake, she still fe

16、els terrified. 回忆起大地震时的场景,她到现在还心惊胆战。,terror n. 恐怖,恐怖时期,恐怖行动 terrorist n. 恐怖分子 terrorism n. 恐怖主义 terrific adj. 极大的,非常的,极端的 terrifying adj. 令人感到恐怖的 terrified adj. 恐惧的;受惊吓的 be terrified of sb. (doing sth.)/ be terrified at sth. 对感到惊恐 at a terrific speed 以极快的速度,用所给词的正确形式填空 (1)他害怕被狗袭击。 He is _ (terrify)

17、of being attacked by the dog. (2)全球合作在抗击恐怖主义的斗争中是至关重要的。 Global cooperation is vital in the fight against _ (terrify),terrified,terrorism,(3)他简直疯狂,以极快的速度开车。 He is crazy to drive at a _ (terrify) speed.,terrific,7. impress vt. 使某人有印象,使铭记;使意识到 My father impressed me with the importance of hard work. 我父

18、亲使我明白了努力工作的重要性。,impression n. 印象,感觉 impressive adj. 给人印象深刻的;感人的 impress sth. on / upon sb. 使某人铭记某事物 make / leave an impression upon / on sb. impress sb. 给某人深刻印象,根据汉语意思,完成英文句子 (1)他很幽默,给我们留下了深刻的印象。 He _ with his good sense of humor. (2)我要努力让面试的考官记住我有良好的语言能力。 Ill try to _ my good language skill on the interviewer.,impressed us,impress,(3)他的故事让我印象深刻。 I _ by his story.,was very impressed,


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