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1、Module 4 达标测试卷 时间: 100 分钟满分: 120 分 第卷听力部分 (20 分) 一、听句子,选择符合句意的图画(每小题 1 分,共 5 分 ) 1_2._3._4._5._ 二、听对话,回答对话后面的问题(每小题 1 分,共 5 分 ) 6A.By bus.BBy taxi. CBy bike. 7A.Schools in the future. BComputers in the future. CSubjects in the future. 8A.Workers. B Robots. CMachines. 9A.Go shopping. BGo swimming. C

2、Have a piano lesson. 10A.She will be free on week ends. BShe will be free on Saturday. CShe will be free on Sunday. 三、听对话,根据对话内容完成下列题目(每小题 1 分,共 5 分) 听第一段对话,回答第11、12 小题。 11What would Mary like to be in the future? AA teacher. B A farmer. CA worker. 12Does Mary like doing farm work? AYes,she does. BN

3、o, she doesnt. CSorry, we dont know. 听第二段对话,回答第13、 14、15 小题。 13Why does David like to be a r eporter? ABecause he likes to talk. BBecause he likes to sing. CBecause he likes to dance. 14What does Helen want to be? AAn actress. BA reporter. CA teacher. 15Why does Helen want to be a teacher? ABecause

4、she loves children and the school. BBecause she loves making dinner. CBecause she loves art. 四、信息转换(每小题 1 分,共 5 分) 你将听到一篇短文。 请根据短文内容, 写出下面表格中所缺的单词,每空仅填一词。 Name Introduction Donna She likes playing the_ (16), and she is going to be a pianist. Hector He likes playing football , and he is going to be a

5、 professional football_ (17). Kay She likes math and wa nts to be an_ (18) . Tom He likes_ (19) ,and he is going to be an actor. Arthur He likes writing_ (20),and he is going to be a reporter. 第卷笔试部分 (100 分) 五、单项选择(每小题 1.5 分,共 15 分 ) 21_will the breakfast be ready? Im late for work. In a minute. A.

6、How soon B. How often C. How long D. How much 22The rain will be very _.It will rain _ this afternoon. Aheavy;heavy Bheavily;heavily Cheavily;heavy Dheavy;heavily 23We _ some robots at home in the future, and there _ some in the office, too. Awill have ;will have B have;will be Cwill have ;will be D

7、 will have ;are 24Her mother goes to work _ bus every morning. Aby Bat Con Din 25In some parts of London, missing a bus means _ for another hour. Awaiting Bto wait C wait C to be waiting 26We have no more vegetables in the fridge.I _ and buy some. Ago Bwent Cwill go Dwas going 27We wont go there.My

8、sister wont go there ,_. Aas well Btoo C also Deither 28Will you buy the black car? No,I wont.I will buy a _ one because I dont have enough money. Acheap B expensive Chigh Dlow 29I hope Tim can come to my birthday party.Then we _ a much happier time. Ahave Bhad Cwill have Dhas 30_ in the future? It

9、will be better and better. AHow life will be like BHow will life be like CWhat life will like DWhat will life be like 六、完形填空(每小题 1.5 分,共 15 分 )(词数:约80;建议用时: 3 分钟 ) I think that everyone in the world will live an easy life.We _ (31) have machines and robots and they will _ (32)us do all the _(33) wor

10、k ,and we wont have to do things_ (34) washing the dishes or _(35)the bed.I_(36) that doctors will be able to _ (37) us alive_ (38) a long time.I hope that when I am 70 years old,there _ (39) something that can keep me _ (40)for another 70 years,so I will live to be 140 years old. 31A.will Bdoes C d

11、id Dwont 32A.teach Bhelp Ctell Dask 33A.good Beasy Cnice Dheavy 34A.like Bin Cfor Dto 35A.make B do Cdoes Dmaking 36A.smell B hope Csee Dlisten 37A.let Bkeep C learn Dask 38A.of Bon Cfor Dat 39A.will Bwill be C are Dare going 40A.angry Bbusy Ctired Dali ve 七、阅读理解(每小题 2 分,共 20 分) A(词数:约130;建议用时:4 分钟

12、) Is your schoolbag too heavy to carry? The e- schoolbag will help you. In fact,the e-schoolbag is the e-textbook.It is a small computer for students.Heavy schoolbags are not good for them.But the e- schoolbag will change( 改变 )everything.It is light and small, but it ca n save all the things for stu

13、dy , like a textbook and an exercise book.There are some chips(芯片 ) of the textbooks for the students.The students can put the right chip into the e-schoolbag and read the textbook page by page on the screen. And they can also use the e-schoolbag to take notes (记笔记 ) or send emails to their teachers

14、. Some people say the e- textbook is good for students study , but some people say it is not good for students eyes.I think only time will tell. 41An e-schoolbag is _. Aas heavy as an ordinary schoolbag Bmuch heavier than an ordinary schoolbag Cmuch lighter than an ordinary schoolbag Dnot so light a

15、s an ordinary schoolbag 42An e-schoolbag is _. Aa video chip B a small computer Ca heavy bag Da useful book 43The students can use the e- schoolbag to_. Aread the texts Btake notes Csend emails DAll of the above. 44The underlined word “ screen ” means_in Chinese. A显示屏B键盘 C录音机D投影仪 45Which of the foll

16、owing is RIGHT? AEveryone likes the e-schoolbag. BThe e-schoolbag can do everything for students. CStudents can use the e- schoolbag to read the textbook. DThe e-textbook is good for students eyes. B(词数:约130;建议用时:4 分钟 ) We live in the computer age.Computers can help people do many things , such as p

17、laying games , listening to music ,shopping and so on.But few people know how to take care of them.Please remember the following when you use your computer. 1)Keep your computer in a dry and cool room.Too much heat is bad for computers. 2)Do not smoke near your computer.Smoking is also bad for it. 3

18、)Do not drink or eat near computers.A little water and pieces of food in the keyboard are also bad for a computer. 4)Keep your screen clean and do not have it too bright.Too bright screens are bad for your eyes.Make sure the screen is not too far or too near when you use a computer. 46What can peopl

19、e do with computers? APlay games. BListen to music. CShop. DAll of the above. 47Where should computers be put? AIn a wet place. B In a hot place. CIn a dry and cool place. DIn a warm place. 48.What is bad for a computer according to the passage? AToo much heat in the room,playing or eating near the

20、computer. BToo much heat in the room,drinking or playing near the computer. CToo much heat in the room,smoking or playing near the computer. DToo much heat in the room,smoking ,drinking or eating near the computer. 49We shouldnt keep the screen of a computer too bright because its bad for_. Athe com

21、puter Bour eyes Cour feet Dour environment 50The best title of the passage may be “ _ ” . AHow to protect our eyes BHow to use computers CHow to protect your computer DHow to buy computers 八、任务型阅读(每小题 2 分,共 10 分)(词数:约90;建议用时: 5 分钟 ) My uncle will have a holiday next week.Hes going to(1)take_the_plan

22、e_to_ _EnglandHe will go sightseeing.First ,hes going to travel by train and stay in hotels.Then hes going to visit London.Hes going to the theatre and the cinema , and hes going to visit the big parks.He likes English culture.Finally,hes going to lie on the beach to enjoy the sun and the sea.He lov

23、es swimming.He always buys me a present when he is on holiday.I (2)_(期待 )that. 51写出 (1)处的同义短语。 _ 52Where is he going to stay? _ 53Why is he going to the beach? Because he wants to enjoy the sun and _ _. 54What does he always do when he is on holiday? He always _ _ _ _ when he is on holiday. 55将 (2)处

24、汉语翻译成英语。 _ _ 九、短文填空(每小题 1 分,共 10 分) 用方框中所给词的适当形式完成短文。 In the future,life will _ (56) much better.Maybe there will be vi deophones(可视 电话 ) in every _ (57) People can have a medical examination without a _ (58) or a nurse in the room and do some shopping without_ (59)their homes.And what_ (60)educatio

25、n?There will be _(61) educational programs on the radio or on TV.So many children who live in faraway villages wont need to _ (62) to school home,doctor,many,leave,moon sea, about,go, help,be every day.They will stay at home.Each family will have a robot.Robots will_ (63) people do their housework.

26、Perhaps some people will fly to the _ (64) for a holiday and some scientists can live under the _ (65) 十、根据汉语完成句子(每小题 2 分,共 10 分) 66也许将来没有学校了。 _ there _ _ any schools in the future. 67努力学习,你的梦想会实现的。 Study hard, and your dream will _ _. 68我们的老师下节课要检查书写。 Our teacher _ _ _ the writing next class. 69我将不

27、再上学迟到了。 I _ be late for school _ _. 70收音机预报明天将会有强风暴雨。 The radio says there will be _ _ and _ _ tomorrow. 十一、书面表达(20 分) 根据图片提示,写一篇短文,描述我们将来的生活。 要求:词数为5060。 (开头已给出,不计入总词数) Life in the future will be very comfortable.Robots will. _ _ _ _ _ Module 4 达标测试卷 第卷听力部分 听力材料: 一、 1.In the future, students will a

28、sk questions by telephone. 2.In the future, every family will have a small plane. 3.Therell be heavy rain this evening. 4.Robots will help with the housework. 5.Theres wind today. 二、 6.M:How do you go to work ,Liz? W :I often go by bus ,but tomorrow Ill go by bike. Q: How will Liz go to work tomorro

29、w? 7M : Will there be scho ols in the future? W:No,there wont. Q:What are they talking about? 8M : Will workers do heavy work in the future? W:No,they wont.Machines will do it. Q:Who will do heavy work in the future? 9M : Will you go swimming this afternoon,Sara? W:No,Ill go shopping. Q:What will Sa

30、ra do this afternoon? 10M :Are you busy on Saturday ,Susan? W:No,but Ill be busy on Sunday. Q:When will Susan be free? 三、 Text 1 M :Would you like to be a teacher in thefuture,Mary? W:No,Id like to be a farmer. M :Do you like doing farm work? W:No,I dont.But Ill have many robots.Theyll do the farm w

31、ork. Text 2 M :Helen,what do you want to be in the future? W:I think I want to be a teacher. M :A teacher?Are you sure? W:Yes,I am.I love children and the school.What about you ,David? M :I want to be a reporter. W:Why do you want to do that? M :Because I like talking to people. 四、 Arthur has four g

32、ood friends.Donna is fourteen years old.She likes playing the piano.She is going to be a pianist.Hector is of the same age as Donna.He likes playing football.He is going to be a professional football player.Kay is thirteen years old.She likes math very much.She is going to be an engineer.Tom is thir

33、teen years old too.He likes acting very much.He is going to be an actor. Arthur likes writing articles and he is going to be a reporter.In the coming year,they will work hard for their dream jobs. 听力答案: 一、 1 5:CEDBA二、610:CACAB 三、 1115:BBACA 四、 16.piano17.player18.engin eer19.acting20.articles 第卷笔试部分

34、 五、 21.A点拨:由答语 “In a minute.”可知用 how soon 提问。 22D点拨: 第一个空格处作表语应用形容词,第二个空格处需用副词修饰动词rain, 故选 D。 23C点拨:用关键词法解答。根据句中in the future 可知,要用一般将来时,故第 一空要用 “will 动词原形 ” ;第二 空要用 there will be ,故选 C。 24A25.A26.C27.D28.A29.C 30D点拨:问句句意为“ 将来生活会是什么样?” 用 what 来作 be like 的宾语。应用 疑问语序,故选D。 六、31.A点拨: 根据第一句 “I think that

35、 everyone in the world will live an easy life.”可知 用一 般将来时。 32B点拨:根据句意可知“ 它们将帮我们做” ,help sb.(to)do sth.帮助某人做 某事。 33D点拨:根 据句意可知机器以及机器人将帮我们做繁重的工作。 34A点拨:根据句意可知我们不必做像洗碗、整理床铺这样的事情。应选A。 35D点拨:与washing 并列,所以用making,故选 D。 36B点拨:根据句意可知应该用hope“ 希望 ” 。 37B点拨: “ keep sb. adj. ”表示使某人保持某种状态。38.C 39B点拨:根据句意“ 我希望当我

36、70 岁时,将会有” 可知是 there will be 结构, 故选 B。 40D点拨:根据上文“ .us alive.”,可知选D。 七、 A41.C点拨:根据文章第二段中“It is light.” 可知。 42B点拨: 根据文章第二段中“ In fact ,the e-schoolbag is the e- textbook.It is a sm all computer for students.” 可知。 43D 44A点拨: e-schoolbag 是一个小电脑,因此应该在显示屏上看。 45C B4650:DCDBC 八、 51.go to England by plane 52

37、He is going to stay in hotels. 53the sea 54buys me a present 55am looking forward to 九、 56.be57.home58.doctor59.leaving60.about 61many62.go63.help64.moon65.sea 十、 66.Maybe;wont e true 68will check69.wont; any more 70strong winds; heavyrain 十一、范文: Life_in_the_future_will_be_very_comfortable. Robots w

38、ill help_us_do_ _many_jobs . They will help us do the housework. They will clean the houses and cook food. And they will care_for_old_people . They will work in the factories and help workers do_heavy_work . We_will_work_two_days_a_week,_so_we_will_ _have_lots_of_free_time. 点评: Life in the future will be.未来的生活将是 help.do. 帮助 干 care for old people 照顾老人 do heavy work 干重活 We will work two days a week, so we will have lots of free time.我们将一周工作两 天,所以我们将有许多空闲时间。


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