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1、人教新目标八年级英语上册Unit9 Can you come to my party?Section A(1a-2d) 教学设计 一教材分析 本单元以 Invitation为核心话题, 围绕重点句型: Can you ,? Sure, I d love to./ Im sorry, I cant. I have to,/Id love to, but I must,来展 开学习。通过本课学习,学生能够得体地发出邀请、接受邀请或拒绝邀请。本 课时是本单元的第一课时,谈论的话题贴近学生实际生活,学生在学习过程中 容易引起共鸣。 二. 学情分析 大部分初二学生已经具备了一定的英语知识运用和表达能力,

2、乐于运用所学知 识来和同伴在较为真实的语境中进行交流。 三学习目标 知识与技能 1. 能听懂并运用 prepare for/exam/flu/until/hang out/catch等词汇来完成 会话练习。 2 能听懂并运用句型: Can you ,? Sure, I d love to. / I m sorry, I cant. I have to, /Id love to, but I must,来发出邀请、接受邀请、 拒绝邀请并阐明理由。 过程与方法 1在学习中善于利用图画等非语言信息理解主题。 2善于抓住用英语交际的机会。 3学会听前预知、听中抓关键信息、听后归纳总结的学习策略。 情感

3、态度 通过活动的开展,能在教师指导下学会用英语礼貌得体地提出邀请, 营造积极 乐观的人际氛围,表达自己的意愿, 培养良好的人际关系和较高的文化修养。 四学习重点、难点 正确运用目标词汇和句型来发出邀请、接受邀请、拒绝邀请。 五教学手段 多媒体 六. 教学过程 Step1. Warming-up Play a game named hot potato. Ask students to pass on a ball. The ball is made of several pieces of paper. Play a piece of music. When music stops, the

4、students with the ball peels the paper, read the task on the paper and finish it. On the last piece of paper, there s something about the topic of this class party. Today, let s learn something more about party. (设计意图:通过一个热身活动,在拉近师生距离、了解学生学情的同时,导 入到本节课的课题。) Step2. Lead-in 1.New year s Day is coming.

5、 Many people are planning a party. So am I. But I cant have a party myself. Can you come to my party? Ask some students come to my party. If some students answer “Yes, I can.” Or “No, I can t ”, I will tell them they can answer my question more politely: “Sure, I d love to.” Or “ Sorry, I cant ” If

6、some of them answer: “ Sorry, Icant. ”, I ll ask them why. 2.My friend Mike is going to have a party, too. Can his friend come to the party? First, ask students to ask the boy/girl in the picture: “ Can you come to my party?” Next, play the tape and ask students to tell the verb phrase of each pictu

7、re like: help my parents/go to the doctor/have the flu/prepare for an exam. Lead students to read the new words and phrases. Then, ask students to make up conversations with the help of the pictures and structures. Finally, ask students to work in pairs to practice the conversations. After a while,

8、ask some pairs to show their conversations. ( 设计意图:通过听导出本节课生词短语,让学生在熟读生词短语后,利用图画 来帮助学生逐步掌握发出邀请、接受和拒绝邀请的对话,并为后面的环节做好 铺垫。 ) Step3. Ear training 1.Anna is having a party, too. Can her friends come to the p arty? Lets listen to the tape and try to find the answer. Before listening, ask students to read

9、the names of her friends. And tell the students that if they hear “ sure ” or “ I d love to ”, they should circle “can”. And if they hear “ Sorry ” or “ not ”, they should circle “cant ”. After listening, check their answers by reading the whole sentences. Check how many students answers are right b

10、y asking them to put up their hands. 2.We know that Jeff, May and Mei Ling cant go to the party. But why cant they come to the party? Lets listen to the tape again and complete the chart with reasons. After listening, check the students answers . And ask students if their answers are right. 3.Ask st

11、udents to make up conversations with the information in the chart of 2b. They can ask and answer like: A: Hey, Jeff. Can you go to the movies on Saturday? B: I m sorry. I m not available. I have to meet my friend this weekend. A: That s too bad. Maybe another time. B: Sure, Joe. Thanks for asking. F

12、irst, lead students to read the conversation and ask them to pay attention to the new words: available/another time. Next, ask students to make up conversations by themselves with the information in 2b. Finally, ask some pairs to show their jobs. (设计意图:借助2a&2b两段听力训练及听后的对话训练,来提高学生对所听 内容进行分析、运用的能力。) S

13、tep4. Role-playing the conversation. Jeff is going to have a party, too. Can his friend Nick go to his party ?And why? First, ask students to read the conversation as quickly as they can and try to get the answer. Next, Ask students to read after the tape loudly and pay attention to the pronunciatio

14、n and intonation. After reading, explain the new words in the conversation: until/catch. Finally, ask students to role-play the conversation with the help of some words on the screen. ( 设计意图:通过第1 步的阅读练习,帮助学生初步握对话的基本内容。第2 步 的领读练习,帮助学生注意对话中的语音语调,并在领读的过程中,解决其中 的生词。第三步在分角色表演对话的过程中,训练本节课的目标语言。) Step5. Gr

15、oup work New Years Day is coming. What do you want to do on New Years Day? I plan to, Student who can go with you Students who can t go with you Reasons Sho w stu den ts the following chart: 1. Ask students to make their own plans first. 2. Ask students to invite their friends in their groups. A: Ne

16、w Year s Day is coming. Can you. with me on New Years Day? B: C: ,D: ,E: , 3. Ask some groups to show their conversations. (设计意图:通过小组活动,让学生在较为真实的语境中,综合运用本节课所 学知识与能力,来完成一个相对真实的任务。) Step6.Summary Ask students what we have learned this class. (设计意图:总结本课所学内容,与目标相呼应,从而达成学习目标。) Step7.Homework Ask students to invite more friends in their class to spend New Years Day with him/her. (设计意图:利用课后作业对学生所学内容进行进一步巩固和训练,深化学习 目标的达成。)


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