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1、1 七下 Unit 2 Section B 2a2c 教学设计 设计说明 本节课为阅读和写作课。对于2b 部分,先采用整体阅读的方式,让 学生略读文章,比较Tony 和 Mary 的生活习惯;然后细读文章,找出文 章细节。提示学生在细读时注意文章按时间顺序写作的特点。这些策略 有利于培养学生抓住文章的关键、有效信息,处理“主旨大意题” 和“细 节理解题”的能力;利用文中关键词与短语,让学生完成复述任务。提 示学生复述时注意动词的原形和第三人称单数形式。对于写作环节,先 用图片提示人们一天的活动,让学生根据图片提示在小组内互相采访, 获取自己和同伴的相关信息,同时填表格;然后根据采访结果写一篇关

2、 于自己或同伴的一天活动的短文,要求学生按时间顺序写作并且注意动 词原形和第三人称单数的使用。展示学生写作成果时,及时对学生习作 进行点评与交流。 教学目标 1. 知识目标: ( 1)掌握单词和短语:quickly, sometimes, taste, either or lots of; (2)掌握句型: I either watch TV or play computer games. She knows it s not good for her, but it tastes good. 2. 能力目标: 2 (1)根据老师所提出的阅读策略,提高自己的阅读能力; (2)通过给他人不健康的

3、生活习惯提出建议和采访同伴的生活习惯,提 高口语交际能力; (3) 根据老师提示,通过描述自己或他人健康或不健康的日常作息习惯, 提高写作能力。 3. 情感目标: 了解哪些是健康的日常作息习惯,哪些是不健康的日常作息习惯,养成 良好的日常作息习惯。 重点难点 1. 重点: (1)掌握本课的单词、短语和句型; (2)描述自己或他人的健康或不健康的日常作息习惯。 2. 难点:运用所学知识进行交际活动, 描述自己或他人健康或不健康的 日常作息习惯。 教学准备 多媒体课件 教学过程 Step 1 Warming up and leading in Ask a student, what time do

4、 you get up on weekends! Ask another student, What about you? Then say, I always get up at six o clock because I have to make breakfast for my family. So I think different people have different living habits. Yes? But some habits are healthy, some habits are unhealthy. Do you think so? 3 设计意图:在复习本单元

5、目标语言的基础上引入本节课的重点话题, “生活习惯有健康的和不健康的” 。 Step 2 Pre-reading Ask students, Do you usually go to bed early? Do you usually eat quickly? Do you sometimes play sports? Do you sometimes eat ice-cream? Do you usually eat lots of vegetables? Do you sometimes take a walk after dinner? Do you either watch TV or

6、 play computer games in the evening? Learn the new words and expressions. Then ask students to find out which activities are healthy. Check them together. 设计意图:通过复习本单元的另一目标语言引入并学习本节课的新 单词,同时让学生讨论这些生活习惯哪些是健康的哪些是不健康的,为 接下来的阅读和写作做好铺垫。 Step 3 Reading 1. Fast reading. First, according to the pictures and

7、 read the passage very quickly, answer this question: Who is healthier (更健康 )? Answer: Mary is healthier. 设计意图:根据课本图片提示和快速阅读的方式,了解文章大意并 总结出文中姐弟俩谁的生活习惯更健康。训练学生快速阅读的技巧。 2. Careful reading Read paragraph 1, knowing something about Tony s day and fill in this mind map. 4 Check the answers. Ask students

8、to find out which activities are unhealthy. Then ask students to think of healthy activities for Tony. Next, retell it together. Say, When you retell it, pay attention to original form of the verbs . Read paragraph 2, knowing something about Mary and fill in this mind map. Check the answers. Ask stu

9、dents to find out which activity is unhealthy. Then ask students to In the morning 1. usually _ at 6:30 2. always _ and _ 3.After that, _ at 8:30 At noon 4. eats _ for lunch After dinner 5. After lunch, sometimes _ 6. always _ In the evening 8. usually _ or _ 9. _ at 9:30 Marys day Time order 7. _ I

10、n the morning 1. _ at 8:00 2. usually _ very quickly 3. Then _ at 8:30 At noon 4. usually eat _ for lunch After school 5. sometimes _ for half an hour 6. When I get home, I always _ first In the evening 7. either _ or_ 8. at 10:30 _ 9. then _ My (Tony s) day Time order 5 think of a healthy activity

11、for Mary. Next, retell it together. Say, When you retell it, pay attention to the third person singular . Give students about two minutes, try to retell this paragraph. Then ask some students to retell it. T: So I say “Different people have different living habits.” Do you agree? 设计意图:通过细读文章,找出文章细节完

12、成思维导图。提示学生 在细读时注意文章按时间顺序写作的特点;复述时,提示学生注意动词 的原形和第三人称单数形式,利用文中关键词与短语让学生完成复述任 务。这些策略有利于培养学生抓住文章的关键、有效信息,处理“细节 理解题”的能力;有效地完成语言的输入,为下面小组采访和写作打下 坚实的基础。 Step 4 Group work Show some pictures on the screen, ask students to work in groups of three, talk about their own living habits according to the pictures.

13、 Interview their partners like this and fill in this chart. A: What time do you ? B/C: I always / usually/ often/ sometimes/ never at A: Do you usually? B/ C: Yes, I do. / No, I don t. Activities I Partner 6 Ask one or two groups to act it out. 设计意图:通过小组合作完成采访任务,既训练学生的综合语言运 用能力,又使他们互相了解对方的生活习惯并增进他们的

14、同学感情,同 时完成了语言的口头输出,训练了他们说的能力。 Step 5 Writing Ask students to write a passage about their or their partner s day according to their chart. Pay attention to the forms of the verbs. And pay attention to handwriting. (Ask two Ss to write on the Bb.) My Day/ _ s Day _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 7 _Check the passages

15、on the blackboard together. Ask students to exchange their paper and check each other. If there is time, ask several students to read their passages. Students watch a video about healthy life styles. T: Healthy living habits are important to us. So Let s live a healthy life! 设计意图:通过写作来训练学生用完整的英语句子进行

16、表达。提示 学生注意书写要认真规范,并注意本节课的一个表达重点:一般现在时 态中动词的原形和第三人称单数的使用,从而准确而有效地完成语言的 笔头输出。 Step 6 Homework 1. Read the passage in 2b after the tape again and again. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. Then retell it. 2. Revise and improve (修改并完善) your passage. If you have time, you can search for some healthy living habits on the Internet. 设计意图:七年级的学生要注意英语语音语调的养成,所以我要求 他们在课下一遍又一遍地听录音并跟读2b内容,并能够熟练复述; 在同 桌互批作文的基础上,修改并完善自己的写作,也是对本节课的完美的 总结;第三个为选做作业,有兴趣或有时间、有条件的学生可以上网搜 一些健康的生活习惯, 督促自己和其他同学以后也养成健康的生活习惯。


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