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1、谢谢阅稿!祝编辑老师工作顺利,身体健康!第 1 页 共 3 页 苏教版小学英语 3A期末测试题 笔试部分 一、判断下列图片与所给英文是否相符,用“”或“”表示。 1. 2. 3. a boy cinema a bird ( ) ( ) ( ) 4. 5. 6. a window a sweater pineapples ( ) ( ) ( ) 7. 8. 9. a rubber milk a woman ( ) ( ) ( ) 二、将下列单词归类,在四线三格内填序号。 A. monkey B. hamburger C. bird D. banana E. blouse F. zebra G.

2、panda H. jacket I. dress J. watermelon K. shirt L. milk 1. Animal (动物) : 2. Food (食物) : 谢谢阅稿!祝编辑老师工作顺利,身体健康!第 2 页 共 3 页 3. Clothes(衣物) : 三、从栏中找出栏的正确答语。 ( ) 1. Good afternoon. A. Fine, thank you. ( ) 2. But how? B. Yes, please. ( ) 3. Nice to meet you. C. Great! Let s go. ( ) 4. How are you? D. How n

3、ice! ( ) 5. A cup of tea? E. All right. ( ) 6. Let s go to the zoo. F. Good afternoon. ( ) 7. Look at her new blouse. G. By plane. ( ) 8. Go to bed now. H. Nice to meet you, too. 四、根据所给情景选择合适的答案。 ( ) 1. 你想问候别人的身体如何,你可以说: A. What s your name? B. How are you? C. Nice to meet you. ( ) 2. 你想让别人看你的新夹克,你可

4、以说: A. Look at my new jacket. B. Look at his new coat. C. Look at her new dress. ( ) 3. 你想请别人把灯打开,你可以说: A. Open the light, please. B. Open the door, please. C. Turn on the light, please. ( ) 4. 你想邀请你的好朋友一起去动物园,你可以说: A. Let s go to the park. B. Let s go by car. C. Let s go to the zoo. 五、将下列句子排列成一段对话。 A. No, let s go by bus. 谢谢阅稿!祝编辑老师工作顺利,身体健康!第 3 页 共 3 页 B. Great. But how? C. All right. Let s go. D. Let s go to the cinema. E. Let s go by bike. 笔试答案: 一、15 6 9 二、1. ACFG 2. BDJL 3. EHIK 三、 15 FGHAB 68 CDE 四、14 BACC 五、 DBEAC


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