八级英语下册 Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came(Section B 3a-self check)导学案人教新目标版.doc

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1、Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came(Section B 3a-self check)学习目标:1.能够说出过去进行时的概念,理解它的意义。 2.能够用过去进行时谈论过去正在发生的事情。 3.学会与人分享自己过去的经历。重、难点:能够知道when和while的用法;准确运用过去进行时态来描述曾经发生的事情。 独学准备:1.自学课后生词,完成随堂笔记一; 2.独学,完成复习反馈。3.试读3a准备小组讨论。激情激趣导入目标独立思考个体探究分享交流合作探究展示提升启发探究随堂笔记导学引航目的、方法、时间 独学指导内容、学法、时间互动策略

2、内容、形式、时间展示方案内容、方式、时间重点摘记成果记录规律总结Step 1: Lead inTeacher:Do you remember what you were doing when the important event happened?When and where did it happen?Step 2 :Revision.( 复习反馈)1.过去进行时态表示: 结构: 2.举个例子: Step 3:Discussion.1. Read 3a,discuss with your partners. 1)对子间互问互答3a的问题。 2) 组内口头复述讨论结果。2Do 3b. (根据

3、3a问题的答案以及3b的写作提示,完成3b的写作)Step4:完成Self check的任务。 Step5:.问题探究。 1, point out的用法 2, would的用法独学完成复习反馈。对学两人一组互相提问3a中的问题,然后将问题答案要点写下来,为完成3b写作做好准备。群学完成3b后,对子互相修改,借鉴好词好句,准备大展示和点评。Activity: 小组内用过去进行时描述一件自己经历过的重要的事情,.(组内分工明确,积极参与,运用所学,大胆创新,流畅表达)预展:针对展示方案, 组内成员积极思考,全员参与展示设计展示方式,组内预展.方案一: 展示讨论结果.建议:可以根据3a的问题,尝试设

4、计形式多样的展示方式.方案二:展示3b的写作任务.建议:可以小组互相“找茬”(找出错误并纠错);找写作遣词造句的亮点,比一比哪个小组亮点最多.方案三:句子共解析解读Self check中重点句子的理解.建议:1.解析句中重点词汇、短语、句型的用法.2.对重点词汇、短语、句型用法的拓展延伸.随堂笔记一:学会生词或短语及用法:_ _ _ 我的收获: 当堂测评 分层达标基础落实一、短语,句子翻译1. make sure 2. beat against. 3. fall asleep 4. in a mess 5. miss the event 6. at the time of 9.从家走到学校 1

5、0.指出我朋友的错误 11.走开 12.我的心跳得很快,我想我快要停止呼吸了。 二、单项填空( ) 1. What _ you doing when the rainstorm came? A. are B. did C. were D. was ( ) 2. _ no light outside, it felt like midnight. A. Have B. There C. With D. Here ( ) 3. The news he described on TV _ not true. A. was B. were C. is D. are ( ) 4. She _ put s

6、ome candles and matches on the table. A. too B. either C. so D. also ( ) 5. Ben was helping his mom _ dinner when it began to rain. A. makes B. make C. making D. made ( ) 6. When the wind is dying _ , well leave for the city. A. down B. off C. out D. of ( ) 7. After the party the whole classroom was

7、 _. A. on a mess B. a mess C. in a mess D. a lot of mess ( ) 8. Although I like singing, _ I dont like to sing now. A. but B. C. so D. still ( ) 9. Our teacher said sound_ much more slowly than light. A. traveled B. was traveling C. has traveled D. travels. ( ) 10. I dont know if she_. If she_, let

8、me know. A. comes; comes B. will come; comes C. comes; will come D. will come; will come ( ) 11. You_ to school tomorrow if you go to look after your mother in hospital. A. dont need come B. dont come C. neednt to come D. neednt come ( ) 12. Everyone knows that “I” _ a word and also a letter in Engl

9、ish. A. am B. is C. are D. be ( ) 13. She said that she _ more time in English next year. A. will spend B. will take C. is going to cost D. would spend ( ) 14. What an_ story! Im much _ in it. A. interested, interesting B. interesting, interested C. interesting, interesting D. interested, interested ( ) 15. Oh, its you, Lily! _ you _ here. A. I dont know, were B. I didnt know, are C. I knew, are D. I think, were 新课 标第 一 网


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