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1、多功能测井数据处理软件的开发 熊晓东,郭麦成,袁洪清 (江汉石油学院电子与信息工程系,湖北 荆州434023) 姜吉发,魏 斌 (辽河石油勘探局测井公司,辽宁 盘锦124011) 摘要对数控测井系统来说,存在多种数据格式,不同的数控测井系统使用的数据格式不同,这给数据 处理带来不便,为此开发出了适合多种格式的多功能测井数据处理软件。该软件能对多种格式测井数据 文件进行文件快速扫描、深度平移、曲线伸缩、深度平差、曲线拼接、曲线合并、曲线删除、曲线数据 显示与打印、服务表编辑等处理。 关键词测井数据处理;程序;数据格式;测后处理;多功能 中图分类号 P631184 ; TP319文献标识码 A 文

2、章编号 10009752 (2002) 03007602 我国各油田的测井公司往往有多种数控测井系统,由于历史的原因,这些数控测井系统数据记录格 式各不相同。有时一个测井小队就有两种或更多种数控测井设备,也就是说在同一个测井小队有时就同 时有多种格式的数据文件存在。测井之后交资料给数解中心之前往往需要对测井数据文件进行曲线编辑 处理,以往操作员往往是对不同格式的数据文件使用相对应的数据处理软件进行处理。由于这些数据处 理软件是各单位自行研制的,处理功能、软件风格和操作界面等方面都存在很大差异,操作员深感零乱 和不便。为此,笔者研制开发了一种操作简便而又能识别现有多种格式的测井数据处理软件。该软

3、件可 对多种格式测井数据文件进行文件快速扫描、深度平移、曲线伸缩、深度平差、曲线拼接、曲线合并、 曲线删除、曲线数据显示与打印、服务表编辑等各种处理。 1 软件结构设计 对一种格式的测井数据文件编程实现文件快速扫描、深度平移、曲线伸缩、深度平差、曲线拼接、 曲线合并、曲线删除、曲线数据显示与打印、服务表编辑等功能,其工作量是不小的。主要的工作量不 在于编程而在于调试,因为必须对这种格式的各种各样的数据文件进行反复试验,才能找出程序中隐藏 的问题。由于要对多种格式的测井数据文件进行多种处理,因此,如果针对每种格式分别编写各种处理 软件,那么工作量将线性增长。 为了大大减少软件开发的工作量,笔者在

4、设计该软件的结构时规划如下:只针对其中一种数据格式 (譬如说“格式A”)编写各种功能处理软件;而对其他格式的数据文件,在进行处理之前,首先自动转 化成“格式A”数据文件,然后调用针对“格式A”的处理软件,最后再还原成原来的格式。因此,多 种格式数据处理软件开发的工作量就变成了一种格式的数据处理软件开发的工作量加上几个格式转化程 序的编写工作量,的确大大降低了软件开发的工作量。这也就是本软件的主要创新点。 2 软件流程 该软件是在Windows98下用Delphi语言开发的。Windows98是一个多任务操作系统,在这个操作 系统下运行的应用程序是靠事件来驱动的。因此,这些应用程序的流程图也只能

5、围绕着事件或消息来描 述,不能象画DOS环境下应用程序流程图那样画Windows环境下应用程序流程图。图1所示是本软件 67 江汉石油学院学报 2002年9月 第24卷 第3期 Journal of Jianghan Petroleum Institute Sep12002 Vol124 No13 收稿日期 20020517 作者简介熊晓东(1964 ) ,男, 1984年大学毕业,硕士,副教授,现主要从事信号检测、成像测井仪器和数控测井系统升级改 造等方面的研究与教学。 图1 软件流程图 的主要流程图。从图1中可以看出,消息机 制是本软件的核心,操作员选择了什么事件, 消息机制则激活相应的程

6、序模块完成相应的 功能。 3 软件使用 该测井数据处理软件由若干个程序和数 据文件组成,其中DATAPA991EXE是本软 件的主软件,其他软件和数据文件均由该软 件来调用。用鼠标双击DATAPA991EXE则 出现本软件的预界面,按任意键则退出预界 面进入主界面。在主界面下操作员既可以通 过选择汉字菜单,也可以通过单击汉字菜单 下的图标来进行各种操作。 该软件自投入使用以来,一直作为辽河 测井公司的测井数据处理软件在使用。由于 它能十分方便地对多种格式的测井数据文件 进行多种处理,处理精度也完全能满足用户 需求,因而该软件一直深受用户的好评与欢迎。 编辑 萧 雨 (上接第69页) 由表4可见

7、,电解质氯化钠压缩粘土粒子絮凝变粗,故基浆粘度低,滤失量高达62 ml。加011 % CGG进一步絮凝,滤失量增至69 ml。随着CGG加量增大,抗盐性作用增强,粘度上升,滤失量逐渐 下降(配方2 , 3 , 4) ;加入阳离子降滤失剂012 %PDAA后,滤失量降至1110817 ml ,已符合要求, 但动切力过高(配方5 , 6 , 7) ;添加012 %的xy227降粘剂调整流变性,配方9 , 10可满足盐水钻井液 流变性的要求。 213 在压裂液中的应用 按SY5341288行业标准4,对GG, HPG (羟丙基胍胶)和CGG进行检测,结果见表5。 表5 压裂液用3种胍胶性能对比 样品

8、外观细度/ % (120目筛余)水分/ %残渣/ %水不溶物粘度/ mPas GG黄白色粉末310111311111519285 HPGG白色粉末215815413718240 CGG黄白色粉末215818319615297 指标白淡黄色粉末51081020103510150 3种样品与交联剂交联后均挑挂良好,可作水基压裂液稠化剂。由表5可知,经非离子及阳离子改 性后的胍胶性能均优于GG,而CGG的粘度、水不溶物含量、残渣含量等性能均优于HPGG,且阳离 子基团的抗氧化杀菌能力使其水溶液的粘度在30 d内不变,可长期保存使用;但是HPGG在7 d后已 降解。可见用作压裂液增粘剂时, CGG的性

9、能优于HPGG。 参考文献 1华侨大学化工系 1 食品与工业胶手册M1 福建:福建人民出版社, 19871 2王一尘 1 阳离子表面活性剂的合成M1 北京:北京轻工业出版社, 19841 3吴毓林,姚祝军 1 现代有机合成化学M1 北京:科学出版社, 20011 4 SY 53412881 田菁压裂液性能测试方法S1 编辑 弘 文 77第24卷第3期熊晓东等:多功能测井数据处理软件的开发 TIAN Nai2lin ( Chengde Petroleum College, Chengde067000) YIN Da ( Tarim Oilf ield Branch Company , CN PC

10、,Korla841000) ZHENG Ruo2zhi ( Chengde Petroleum College , Chengde067000) Abstract :A cationic guar gum is developed , its property is analyzed1The cationic guar gum used as a viscosifier in drilling , fracturing and completion fluids is tested in laboratory , rational formula in consistent with each

11、 technique is chosen1It is indi2 cated that the cationic guar gum would be widely used in oilfields1 Key words : guar gum ; cation; viscosifier ; drilling fluid; fracturing fluid 70 Effect of Waterflood Development on Reservoirs in the Upper Position of Guantao Formation of Gudao Oilfield ZHOU Hong2

12、zhong ( Zhejiang University , Hangzhou310027) ZHANG Yan , WANG Yan2ming , CHEN Gan2qun , Y ANG Hai2yan ( Shengli Oilf ield Branch Company , SINOPEC, Dongying257231) Abstract : Because of Gudao Oilfield experiencing a long term waterflood development , great changes in rock physical properties within

13、 reservoirs are taken place1In combination with laboratory analysis data , an analytical study of reservoir parameter changes is conducted in the processof waterflood development in Gudao Oilfield by using the coring data of different periods , by which conditions are created for establishing more a

14、ccurate geologic models of different waterflood stages1 Key words : enhanced oil recovery; waterflood; development stage; formation parameter ; influence; Gudao Oilfield 72 Combined Oil and G as Delivery Pump Depressuring G athering in Remote Small Fault Block Oilfield WANG Y in2zhou ( Zhongyuan Oil

15、f ield , Puyang457001) Abstract : In consideration of conventional techniques which could not meet the requirementsof wells with high single well back pressure , low production , low energy ,low water cut in remote small fault block oilfield , a new concept of combined oil and gas delivery pump depr

16、essure gathering is deployed1Through a study of selections of pumps , operation , saving energy and pressure changes in the field testing of Huzhuang Oilfield , it is demonstrated that the technique of combined oil and gas delivery pump gathering isfeasible in remote small fault block oilfield with

17、obvious economic efficiency , which is appropriate for introduction in oilfields1 Key words : oil and gas gathering ; combined gathering ; oil pump ; screw pump ; pressure release; field test ; economic evalua2 tion 74 Development of JC21 Micro2computerized Well Logging Surface System XIONG Xiao2don

18、g , WU Zheng2ping , WU Hong2tao , HU Guan2yang , Y UAN Hong2qing , WANG Wen2zhen (Jianghan Petroleum Institute , Jingzhou434023) WANGLu2shui , JIANGJi2fa , WEIBin , Y ANGNai2lin ( Liaohe Petroleum Exploration Bureau , Panjin124011) Abstract : In consideration of the problems existing in computerized

19、 logging surface systems available , JC21 micro2computerized well logging surface system is developed based on the principles of highly integrated hardware , using software to replace hard2 ware as many as possible , powerful function , easy operation , convenient maintenance , thus the characterist

20、ics of its hardware , software systems , control of tools as well as the whole system are described1 Key words : computerized well logger ; surface system; power source; integrated control box; interface board 76 Development of Multi2functional Well Logging Data Processing Software XIONG Xiao2dong ,

21、 GUO Mai2cheng , Y UAN Hong2qing (Jianghan Petroleum Institute , Jingzhou434023) JIANGJi2fa , WEIBin ( Liaohe Petroleum Exploration Bureau , Panjin124011) Abstract : There are many data formats in computerized logging systems1Different computerized logging systems use different data formats , which

22、causes difficulties for data processing1In order to get rid of this , a multi2functional well logging data pro2 cessing software suitable to many data formats is developed1The software would be deployed for fast scanning , depth transla2 tion , curve contraction , adjustment , connection , combinati

23、on , deleting , display , printing and service table editing , etc1 Key words : logging data process; program; data format ; after logging process; multi2function 78 Chromatographic Signal of SLZ Integrated Mud Logging Unit HUA Xue2li ( Zhongyuan Oilf ield , Puyang457001) Y AO Wen2hua ( Information

24、Industrial Ministry , Xinxiang453003) Abstract :It is considered that chromatographic signal processing is a kernal technique of the integrated mud logging unit1Thus methods and ways of chromatographic signals concerning the self2made integrated SLZ mud logging unit are emphatically de2 scribed , of

25、 which the main content includes hardware circuit of its signal processing and filtration of the chromatographic signals with the software1 Key words :integrated mud logging unit ; chromatographic method; signal 80 Study and Application of Working Status Macroscopic Control Chart of Screw Pumping We

26、ll XU Zi2bin , LI Zhi2qiang , DONGJia2bin ( Henan Oilf ield Branch Company , SINOPEC, Nanyang473400) XU Ai2hua ( Henan Petroleum Exploration Bureau , Nanyang473400) Abstract :Screw pumping well working status macroscopic control chart is a sheet for indicating the pump working status , ac2 cording t

27、o the needs of well production and well control , it is a diagram to indicate the relations between outlet pressure and pump efficiency1Based on this , the principle , analytical model and main functions of the screw pumping well working status macroscopic control chart are described in detail1Field application demonstrates that the management level and economic effi2 ciency of the screw pump production system would be improved by using the control chart1


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