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1、光导印制板工艺研究与开发Development of Optical-Electrical Printed Circuit Board吴金华1,Marika Immonen2,罗永红11上海美维科技有限公司,Shanghai Meadville Science & Technology Co., Ltd.2美维爱科(国际)有限公司,Meadville Aspocomp International Ltd 第一作者简介: 姓名:吴金华 出生年月日:1981-10 性别:男 毕业学校:上海大学 最高学历:硕士 职称:工程师 现在主要从事工作:工艺开发,包括半加成法,隐埋器件、光导板、全印制电路技术

2、等。 摘要:本文首先简要介绍了现有光导印制板(以下简称光导板)的技术特点,然后以一款测试板为主,介绍了该板的结构、制作控制以及后续的性能测试,最后对光导板未来的发展趋势作了展望。关键词:光导板,波导,数值孔径,传输损耗,微镜 Abstract: State-of-art O/E PCB technologies were described at first. Structure of test sample was introduced and the key processes were investigated. Board performances such as the morpho

3、logy, transmission loss of the waveguide and the reliability were characterized in this report. Last but not the least, the trend of O/E PCB technology was also discussed here. Key words:optical-electrical board, waveguide, numerical aperture, transmission loss, micro-mirror 参考文献:1 Edris Mohammed, A

4、ndrew Alduino, Thomas Thomas, etc., Optical Interconnect System Integration for Ultra-Short-Reach Applications, Intel Technology Journal, Volume 8, Issue 2, 20042 Dawei Huang, Optical interconnects: out of the box forever? IEEE journal of selected topics in quantum electronics, Vol.9, No.2, March/Ap

5、ril 20033 Jing Yuan, Fengguang Luo, Xinjun Zhou, etc., Optical interconnection in embedded-fiber printed circuit boards, Optik, 119 (2008) 46-504 Yao Li, Board-level 2-D data-capable optical interconnection circuits using polymer fiber-image guides, proceeding of the IEEE, Vol.88, No.6, June 20005 J

6、ason Chaffey, Mike Austin, Igor Switala, In-plane reactive ion etched fibre grooves for optical integration and coupling, Microelectronic Engineering, 71 (2004) 98-1036 Kentarou Tamaki, Hideaki Takase, Yuuichi Eriyama, etc., Recent Progress on Polymer Waveguide Materials, Journal of Photopolymer Sci

7、ence and Technology, 16(5), 2003, 639-6487 Fu Kai, Research of Optical Interconnection Waveguide for EOPCB, Huazhong University of Science and Techhnology, 20058 Joon-Sung Kim and Jang-Joo Kim, Fabrication of Multimode Polymeric Waveguides and Micromirrors Using Deep X-Ray Lithography, IEEE PHOTONIC

8、S TECHNOLOGY LETTER, VOL. 16, NO.3, 20049 Marika Immonen, Development of Low-Cost Manufacturing Methods for Volume Production of Optical Printed Circuit Boards, IBM Symposium, 2009隐埋电感工艺的开发与研究严惠娟1,吴金华11 上海美维科技有限公司,Shanghai Meadville Science & Technology Co., Ltd. 第一作者简介: 姓名:严惠娟 出生年月日:1983-12 性别:女 毕业

9、学校:中国科学院上海硅酸盐研究所 最高学历:硕士研究生 职称:工程师 现在主要从事工作: PCB无源元件隐埋工艺、SAP及mSAP工艺的开发和研究工作 摘要:本文通过蚀刻铜箔结合导通孔连接的方法在四层PCB板中制得了大小为120 nH-1400 nH的三维螺旋隐埋电感,品质因数为6-31(测量频率为1MHZ)。所制得隐埋电感既包括垂直轴线,又包括水平轴线三维螺旋隐埋电感线圈。既包括平面螺旋电感,三维螺旋线圈,又包括两者的复合。另外通过对比研究不同物理参数对垂直轴线三维隐埋电感的影响,结果发现在相同周长的情况下,圆形电感略优于方形电感;电感大小和线圈的面积,圈数成正比,与线圈间距成反比;品质因数

10、随着线圈的面积、圈数和线圈间距的变化而略有变化。 Abstract: Embedded inductors were fabricated by etching copper in 4-layer PCB, the inductance is between 120nH and 1400nH while the quality factor is between 6 and 31 (f=1MHZ). The fabricated inductors included 3D vertical and horizontal spiral embedded inductors. Different

11、kinds of embedded inductors-2D spiral inductor, 3D spiral inductor and the combination were fabricated. The study showed that circular inductor is better than rectangular one with the same circumference. The embedded inductance is proportional to the area and the turn of the spiral windings, while i

12、t is inversely proportional to the inter-layer distance. And the quality factor of the embedded inductor is related to the area, the turn and the inter-layer distance of the spiral windings. 参考文献:1.印制电路技术培训丛书,上海美维科技有限公司,美维培训研究中心 主编2. 方涌,射频电路中的电感,舰船电子对抗,2003 , 26 (5) :46483. 邱基综,多层有机封装基板上螺旋电感器之可比例伸缩宽

13、频模型,台湾国立中山大学电机工程学系硕士论文,20044. Hwan H. Lee,Jae Y. Park,Fully Embedded High Q Circular Stacked Spiral Inductors Into Organic Substrate,Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 2007, 49 (5):1074-10775. Hwan H. Lee,Jae Y. Park,Fabrication and Characterization of Embedded Passive Components for Low Cost Organic RF SOP Applications,Integrated Ferroelectrics, 2006, 86: 149158


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