《越狱 第一季 第1-5集 Prison Break》英中字幕.doc

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1、越狱 第一季 第1-5集 Prison Break英中字幕 制作:沈金河()目 录第1集2第2集36第3集69第4集106第5集142第1集-越狱PRISON BREAK-完成了Thats it能让我欣赏下吗?Can I just, you know, look at it for a minute?你真是个艺术家 SidYoure an artist, Sid你打算就这么走出门Youre telling me youre just gonna walk out of here我就再也看不到这个杰作了?and Im never gonna see it again?是的Theres a goo

2、d chance of that, yes大部分人刚开始纹身的时候Most guys, you know, for the first one, 都会先画些小的东西they start with something small“妈妈”、女朋友名字缩写什么的Mom, girlfriends initials, something like that而你不是Not you才几个月的工夫就做了整个一套You get a full set of sleeves, all in a couple of months换了别人要做好几年呢Takes guys a few years to get the i

3、nk you got我没有好几年的工夫I dont have a few years我巴不得有Wish to hell I did把保险柜打开The vault. Open it不行,分行长不在We cant. The branch managers not here他在哪里?-Where is he? 现在是午饭时间,他在白色城堡-Its lunchtime. Hes at White Castle白色城堡?White Castle?是个快餐厅Its a fast-food restaurant. 供应那些方形的汉堡They serve those little square burgers

4、我知道那是什么I know what it is我不是在玩游戏Im not playing games. 打开.Open it先生,你袋子里已经有50万美元的现金Sir, you have a half a million dollars cash in your bag你是不是可以再重新考虑一下Dont you think it would be better if我们是警察 This is the police你已被完全包围You are completely surrounded放下武器Put down your weapons马上放下武器Put down your weapons no

5、w!我们几乎没见过武装抢劫案件中 辩方完全不抗辩Rarely in the case of armed robbery do we hear a plea of No Contest.Scofield先生,你肯定吗?-Are you sure about this, Mr. Scofield? 我肯定,法官大人-Im sure, Your Honor法官大人 我们想请求休庭Your Honor, wed like to recess if we could我的委托人头脑有点不清楚My clients a bit confused at the moment我没有,法官大人-Im not, Yo

6、ur Honor他有,法官大人 -He is, Your Honor也许你该听从你律师的意见Perhaps you should heed your representations advice再好好考虑考虑Take some additional time to consider your response我已经考虑好了 法官大人Ive already done that, Your Honor我会在办公室里研究究竟该怎么判Ill retire to my chambers to determine sentencing现在休庭 下午1点半继续开庭Courts recessed until

7、1 :30我们走Okay, come on,Lets goMike叔叔?Uncle Mike我没让你来I didnt want you to comeLJ 回家去Go home, LJ我不想让你看到我这样I didnt want you to see this他一时会接受不了的-Hes not going to take this well. 你能怪他吗?他是你侄子-Can you blame him? Hes your nephew他现在以为 谁和他亲Hes beginning to get the idea谁最后就得坐牢that anybody he attaches himself to

8、 is going to end up in prison说实话 不止他一人这么想 MichaelAnd hes not the only one who is starting to feel that way, Michael让我们说会儿话可以吗?-Will you give us a minute? 就一分钟-One minute你难道不明白吗? 你刚才算是把生杀大权交到了那女的手上Dont you understand?You just put the book in that womans hand她会象扔手榴弹似的还击你and shes going to lob it at you

9、 like a grenade审判和惩罚对她来说是一回事的Justice and punishment are the same thing to her我知道I know那么请你告诉我你脑子里究竟怎么想的?Then will you please tell me whats going through your head?我们说好了不谈这个-Weve been over this. 我从小就认识你-Ive known you my entire life我知道你天性善良You dont have a violent bone in your body我也知道你不需要钱-And I know

10、you didnt need the money. Veronica-Veronica干吗不让我帮你?Why wont you let me help you?你一直对我很好Youve been good to me my whole life. 从小到大 你You have但是这次你得放手让我做 好吗?But you got to let me deal with this, okay?鉴于你没有案底Given your lack of prior criminal conduct, 我很想给你缓刑I am inclined toward probation但是你在犯罪过程中However,

11、 the fact that you discharged a deadly weapon开枪射击了 这说明你有恶意动机during the commission of the crime suggests malice to me鉴于此For that reason, I find it incumbent我必须判你牢狱之刑 Scofield先生that you see the inside of a prison cell, Mr. Scofield你提出要在芝加哥It says here that youve requested to be incarcerated你家附近监狱服刑som

12、ewhere near your home here in Chicago我尊重你的意见Im willing to honor that离那最近的一级监狱-The closest Level 1 facility to 一级?-Level 1?那可是监管最严密的监狱 法官大人Thats maximum security, Your Honor我说话时律师请不要打断I would ask counsel to refrain from interrupting me我刚才说了As I was saying, 离那最近的一级监狱是狐狸河州立监狱the closest Level 1 facilit

13、y至于刑期would be Fox River State Penitentiary我判5年As for the term of your sentence, Im setting it at five years刑期2年半后可以假释Youll be eligible for parole in half that time本宣判即刻生效Sentence to be carried out immediately好了 一个个的都进来 检查是否携带窃听器OFFICER 1 : You people will step inside the door. Check yourself for bug

14、s听见敲门声 就出来 下一个继续When you hear the knock, step out. Keep the line moving我们可没一天时间和你们耗We aint got all day to get this done快点进去 不要讲话No talking in line快点 五分钟之内冲个凉OFFICER 2: Go. Move it. Weve got less than five minutes都动起来 快点-Keep that line moving. -Move it往前走 快点 往前走-Keep it moving. -Move it right now. Le

15、ts go然后去储存室 换衣服 快点Next guy in the bank. Left. Lets go姓名 号码-Name and back number. Scofield Michael 94941-Scofield, Michael. 94941 信教吗 Scofield?-You a religious man, Scofield? 从来没想过-Never really thought about it很好 因为十诫在这狗屁不值Good, cause the Ten Commandments dont mean a box of piss in here我们这只有两诫We got

16、two commandments and two only第一诫是你在这就是暗无天日The first commandment is you got nothing coming那第二诫呢?-Whats the second commandment? 参考第一诫-See commandment Number 1 了解Got you你说话绕弯吗?You talking out the side of your neck?什么?-Come again? 我问你是不是喜欢讽刺人?-I said, are you being a smart ass?只不过想保持低调 不想引起注意 长官Im just

17、trying to fly low, avoid the radar, boss服完刑 就走人Do my time and get out我管辖内什么调也没有!There isnt any flying under my radar那更好Good to know嘿 哪位兄弟上来装个空调?Hey, can a brother get some air-conditioning up here, cuz?比吸毒妓女的热吻还要热Its hotter than a crack hos mouth, man空调就不管啦 来个妓女也行啊Shit, to hell with the a.c., man. G

18、ive me the crack ho快点Come on喂 新来的 你看什么看啊?Yo, Fish, what you looking at?小白脸跑这来干吗了?You look kind of pretty to be up in here, man新来的!Fish!你最好还是坐下来 新来的Suggest you take a seat, Fish在这就是来服刑的Aint nothing to do up in here but serve time也没人会替你服刑Aint nobody gonna serve it for you欢迎来到监狱乐园 新来的Welcome to Prisney

19、land, Fish你想谈谈吗?-You want to talk about it? 不,没什么好谈的-Its not worth talking about如果让你睡不着 就非谈谈不可了-If its keeping you up, it is. 哦 其实-Its just其实也没什么Its nothing, you knowMichael的案子Michaels case你已经尽力了-You did the best you could. 我是的,但是他没有-Yeah, but he didnt他就当睡觉翻个身似的 没任何反抗He just sort of rolled over. He

20、didnt put up a fight这不象他的作风It is not like him. I对不起,我不该跟你谈他的事Im sorry. I shouldnt be talking about him你怎么想是你的自由 对吗?Hey, if its on your mind, its on your mind, right?晚安Good night所有狱警戒备MAN: (ON P.A. SYSTEM) All lanes start coming out所有狱警戒备(ON P.A. SYSTEM) All lanes start coming outTrey Street Deuces霸占

21、着篮球场Trey Street Deuces got the hoopsNortenos霸占着看台Nortenos got the bleachersWoods霸占着举重场Woods got the weight pileThe C.O.就霸占着其他地方COs got the rest告诉你吧 这的狱警和我们一样坏Im telling you, the guards are the dirtiest gang in this whole place唯一的区别是他们戴着警徽The only difference between us and them is the badge抱宠物的是谁?-Wh

22、os the pet lover? 他自己不承认 不过他就是D.B. Cooper (D.B. Cooper是著名劫机大盗 携带巨款跳伞而逃)-Hell deny it, but hes D.B. Cooper30年前从飞机上跳伞下来Parachuted out of a plane 30 years ago, 还带着150万现金with 1 .5 million in cash可他看上去不象坏人啊-Doesnt look like the type. 谁看上去就象啊?-Who does?嘿 好啊 “大把商”Hey, what up, Wholesale?你怎么样啊?-You okay? 好毙

23、了-Gonna be greater later耶Yeah你跟这新来的混在一起干吗?-What you doing with this fish, man? 他是我新来的狱友-This my new cellie“大把商”跟贩卖部的有关系Wholesales got it wired up at the commissary你要什么 他能给你弄什么Anything you want, he can get it for you你再一天到晚和别人说这事You keep handing out my jacket, 我发誓打爆你的头 (这里“头”和“葡萄”是同一个单词grape)I swear I

24、m gonna bust your grape你在Napa县就算给你副防滑钉 你也搞不动葡萄 (Napa县是世界著名葡萄酒产地)Man, you couldnt bust a grape in Napa with a set of cleats on你说什么?! 找打啊!-What are you talking about? -Now, you want to bump your gums不 不 不 这么说才像样嘛Oh, no, no. Now youre talking, talking, talking我在找人Im looking for someone叫Lincoln Burrows-

25、A guy named Lincoln Burrows. Linc“水槽”?-Linc the Sink?他们现在叫他这个?-Is that what theyre calling him now? 是呀-Yeah他要是找你麻烦 就差拿厨房砸你了As in, hell come at you with everything but the kitchen, 白鬼佬snowflake在哪能找到他?Where can I find him?这个家伙杀了副总统的兄弟Man killed the Vice Presidents brother. 再有一个月 他就坐电椅啦In a month, hes

26、getting the chair也就是说整个监狱没有哪个比他还危险Which means no one up this river is more dangerous than him因为他没什么好损失的了cause hes got nothing to lose now他们能把他怎么着?再杀一次?What are they gonna do, kill him twice?我有办法接近他吗?-Is there a way I can get to him? 不行 他们出来的唯一时间是做礼拜和P.I.-Oh, no.The only time those boys get out is fo

27、r chapel and PIP.I.是什么?-PI? Whats that? 监狱工厂-Prison Industry这帮人都得干活The guys that get along get to work刷刷漆 拣拣废料 做做床垫什么的You know, painting, scrapping, making mattresses, you name it新来的 我要是你 可不会太激动I wouldnt get excited though if I were you, Fish监狱工厂你是没指望了You aint sniffing none of PI为什么?-Why is that? 因为

28、是John Abruzzi在经营-Cause John Abruzzi runs itJohn Abruzzi,John Abruzzi? John Abruzzi,John Abruzzi? John Abruzzi ,John Abruzzi John Abruzzi, John Abruzzi你为什么这么急着要见Burrows?Why you want to see Burrows so bad anyhow?因为他是我哥哥Because hes my brother他们驳回上诉了 那就继续上诉LINCOLN: They denied the motion, SCOFIELD: Then

29、 do it again不行了 没办法了I cant. Thats it5月11日就是 May 11就是Thats the date, man执行死刑的日子Thats the date they, you know, execute me我知道I know我没杀那个人 Michael-I didnt kill that man, Michael. 可证据表明是你杀了.-The evidence says you did我才不管证据怎么说 我知道我没有杀人I dont care what the evidence says, I didnt kill him向我发誓Swear to me我发誓

30、MichaelI swear to you, Michael可他们怎么会弄错了呢?But how did they get it wrong then? 法庭 上诉The courts, the appeals?我不知道 我不知道Dont know. Dont know我现在仔细想来All I keep thinking, looking back on it我是被陷害的 is that I was set up不管是谁想陷害我 他巴不得我早点入土And whoever it was that set me up wants me in the ground as quickly as pos

31、sible“爱”的近义词是什么?-Whats another word for love? 什么语境?-Whats the context?哦你也知道,Oh, you know“我爱你呀” 我再也不the I love you so much I aint never knocking over在酒店醉酒闹事了的语境a liquor store again context不要太花哨的Except, you know, classy其实我是向我女朋友求婚Im proposing to my girl if you got to know写信求婚?In a letter?你还有别的好办法?-You

32、 got a better way? 面对面很有效呀-Face to face works pretty good这种地方可不是什么浪漫之都This place aint exactly the romantic spot让她去史坦顿岛渡轮Im gonna have her get on the Staten Island Ferry一旦可以看见帝国大厦Then once she can see the Empire State Building她就打开信she opens the letter. 我就好像和她在一起了Its like almost being there当然我不是真和她在一起

33、Except for the fact that I wont be there用“激情”一词吧 (激情:passion)-Try passion. 哦 哦 “激情” “激情” 这个酷-Passion, passion. Thats dope激情?(WHISPERING) Passion怎么写啊?How do you spell that? 是“pash”?Is it P-A-S-H?没有“h”?No H?LJ 等等-LJ, hold up. 等等-Hold up?我可能撑不下来I dont know if I can go through with this一切都没事的Everythings

34、 gonna be fine相信我Trust me都听明白了吧?-We understand each other then? 是的 周五-Yeah. 不是周六 不是周日 是周五-Friday. Not Saturday, not Sunday. Friday完全明白-Its totally understood. 我不要100块 5块 和 1块面额的I dont want $100s, I dont want $5s, I dont want $1s我知道 我知道I know, I know. 只要10块和20块面额的$10s and $20s only开始行动Its on警察!Police

35、!Abruzzi 我要你雇我进监狱工厂Abruzzi, I need you to hire me at PI滚Beat it也许你可以听听我要说的Maybe you ought to hear what I got to say你那我没什么想要的You got nothing I need我可不这么想Wouldnt be too sure of that看来我还真错了My mistake还真是我需要的一只鸭子Just what I need a duck监狱工厂 AbruzziPI, Abruzzi你说不定会发现我能帮的忙大着呢You might find I can be of more

36、assistance than you think你好好想想吧Mull it over想好了就找我谈谈Come find me when youre ready to talk好了 各位 抓紧点All right, guys, pick it up. 我今晚还要回家呢I want to get home tonightMaggio Maggio什么事?Yeah, so?就是这个混蛋告发的AbruzziThats the son of a bitch that fingered Abruzzi是Fibanacci?Thats Fibonacci?我以为这家伙死了-I thought the pu

37、nk was gone forever. 很明显 有人找到他了-Evidently somebody found him有人故意耍我们?-Somebody messing with us? 你看看这个 你不会相信的-Look at this, youre not gonna believe这是什么?What is it?纹身看上去挺新的 按住Tattoo looks fresh. Hold that看来糖尿病患者还真是不怕针呢I guess being a diabetic, you dont mind needles我叫MichaelIm Michael, by the way姓Scofie

38、ld 我看了你的档案Scofield. I read your report那你是?-And you are? Tancredi医生-Dr. Tancredi will doTancredi 跟州长一个姓?Tancredi like the Governor?你们不会是亲戚吧?Youre not related, are you?只是没想到Wouldnt think youd find 州长的女儿会在监狱里工作the daughter of Frontier Justice Frank working in a prison还是个医生呢As a doctor no less我愿意做解决问题的途

39、径之一 而不是问题本身I believe in being part of the solution, not the problem欲变世界 先变其身Be the change you want to see in the world.什么?What?没什么 碰巧是我四年级时的座右铭Nothing. That was just my senior quote原来是你说的啊?That was you? This whole time我一直以为是甘地说的I was thinking it was Gandhi你可真逗Youre very funny坐好了 手压着别松 我就回来Sit tight.

40、 Put direct pressure on that. Ill be back in a sec那么我们怎么安排?So, how do we play this? 你一下子给我开几个星期的药?You hook me up with a few weeks supply?你想得美 这里可不允许瘾君子Nice try. No hypos on the floor我是绝对不会吸毒得 相信我Im the farthest thing from a junkie. Trust me实话和你说了吧 MichaelI got news for you, Michael“相信我”这话在高墙内没任何分量Tr

41、ust me means absolutely zero inside these walls你得到胰岛素得唯一途径就是我来注射The only way youre getting that insulin is if Im administering it看来我们以后会常见面了 是吗?I guess well be seeing a lot of each other then是呀I guess soBurrows的死刑一切准备就绪-Were all clear on the Burrows execution. 很好 不过还有件事-Good.Except for one thing. Mc

42、Morrow主教还不知情Bishop McMorrow is not in the fold他在州长那很有影响力Hes got a lot of influence with the Governor他们以前好像念的同一所公立学校They went to prep school together apparently日子越接近Look, the closer it gets我越担心最后会出纰漏the more Im worried that the bottom is gonna fall out of this whole thing也许你可以安排一下去见见我们的主教大人Maybe its

43、time you arranged a visit with the good bishop then一个月后Look, in one month 这事就过去了itll all be over上帝之子将交给罪人The Son of man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men在十字架上处死 三天后又复活and be crucified, and the third day rise again.他们记住了他留下的箴言 你们也应该记住And they remembered his words, and so should you各位好 愿上

44、帝与你们同在Good day, gentlemen. May God be with youOFFICER 1 : Okay, lets go, lets go, lets goMichaelMichael?OFFICER 2: Lets go. Come on, man你来干什么?-Why? 我要救你出去-Im getting you out of hereBurrows 快点走 欢乐时光结束了Burrows, roll it up. Happy hours over那不可能-Its impossible. 除非这个监狱并不是那么完美-Not if you designed the place, it isnt太正式了VERONICA: Too formal象问候贺卡Too greeting card我们迟早得定下来Well, we got to make a decision sooner or later, you know我们有的是时间呀-We have time. 其实我们没有-We dont, actually到了某个时候I mean, at some point, 该做的总得要做呀we got to p


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