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1、 备课时间地点教研组备课课题Unit4 Topic2 sectionA年级七年级主备人成员课时教材分析1a:以打电话的形式呈现教学内容,学习新单词及打电话邀请及其回答的基本表达。1b:听音填空。1c:通过对话填空的方式,巩固1a所学内容,发展学生说、读和写的技能。2:听音、判断正误。3:小组讨论复习1a,培养学生用语言做事的综合能力。学情分析教学目标语言目标1.单词: Free, up, picnic, call, when, tomorrow, West Hill 2.句型:(1) Hello! (2)-Are you free this Sunday?-Hello, Jane! This

2、is Kangkang. Yes. Whats up?(3) Would you like to go to the West Hill for a picnic? - Oh, Id like/ love to.(4) Please tell Maria about it. (5) See you then. - Sure, Ill call her. - See you技能目标1. 能识别句子的连读,如“Whats up?” “ Would you like to?”2. 能运用所学表达来打电话、邀请和建议并作出恰当回答。3. 能正确的朗读对话,注意语音语调。4. 能动手简单的词汇和句型进行

3、写作,描述课外活动的计划。情感目标1. 能够积极与同学合作,参与课堂活动,大胆实践。2. 能够认真、规范的发音。3. 使学生乐于接触并了解异国文化。教学重难点重点:熟练的运用电话邀请并制定出合适的野餐计划。难点:电话邀请。教学方法讲解法、练习法、角色扮演教学用具黑板、彩色粉笔、粉笔备课组成员建议教学过程教学过程Stage 1师生间常规问候:Stage 2 Revision1. 师生间通过对话形式复习Topic 1 所学表达时行商品的买卖活动。T:What can I do for you?S: I want to buyT: How much is it?S:2. 让学生之间时行问答练习。St

4、age 3 pre-listening1. 老师进一步创设情境,感知亲单词picnic,并通过图片展示学习地名the West Hill.T: Aha, my class, We have a lot of food and drinks here, and its sunny this Sunday. I think we can go to the West Hill for a picnic2. 教师通过课堂环境,提问个别学生,学习新单词free 及句型” Are you free this Sunday?” , “ Would you like to go for a picnic?”

5、 , “ Oh, Id love to.” , 并板书此表达。T: Im free this Sunday. I want to go for a picnic. Are you free this Sunday, S1?S1: Yes.T: Would you like to go for a picnic?S1: Oh, Id love to.T: How about S2? Would you like to go for a picnic?S2:3. 教师抽一个英语水平比较高的学生,创设打电话情境,学习新单词call, up及打电话表达“This is.” , “ Yes, Whats

6、 up?” , 并复习邀请的表达。板书新句型并讲解。T: I will call S3.T: Hello, this is.Are you free this Sunday?S3: Yes. Whats up?T: I want to go for a picnic with my students. Would you like to go the West Hill for a picnic?S3: Oh, Ill call him.T: See you then.S3: See you.4. 根据板书的句型,让学生编对话,并上台表演。Stage4 While-listening(sect

7、ion A 1a/1b)1. 通过书上的图片引导学生猜测听力的主要内容。2. 设置一些听前内容,让学生看图猜测答案,并带着问题进行听力活动。1) When does Kangkang want to go for a picnic?2) Is Jane free this Sunday?3) Where will Kangkang and his friends go for a picnic?4) Who will tell Maria about the picnic?3.播放1a 学生不看原文,听音回答问题并检测。4.学生两人一组对以上4个问题时行问答练习,通过此种方式帮助学生真正理解对

8、话,为1b的信息转换能力的培养打下基础。4.让学生完成1b.5.教师核对1b答案,再次播放对话,注意角色转换。6.让学生角色表演。Stage 5 Post-listening ( Section A-1c/2/3)1. 完成1c的阅读和填写练习。1) 学生独立完成对话填空,巩固所学表达。2) 同伴交流答案,老师订正答案。3) 同伴练习对话。4) 让几组学生表演。2. 完成2 的活动。1) 让学生浏览题目2,并划出关键词。2) 播放录音,完成2 的练习。3) 再次播放录音,核对答案,更正有错的地方。4) 完成活动3。小结带领学生小结本话题内容。练习设计1. 抄写要听写的单词。2. 完成同步测练考

9、。3. 复习所学内容。板书设计 Section AFree, up, picnic, call, when, tomorrow, West Hill (2) Hello! (2)-Are you free this Sunday?-Hello, Jane! This is Kangkang. Yes. Whats up?(3) Would you like to go to the West Hill for a picnic? - Oh, Id like/ love to.(4) Please tell Maria about it. (5) See you then. - Sure, Ill call her. - See you反思


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