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1、 六年专注考研专业课辅导 育明教育 一历年考研大作文真题部分 2010 文化火锅 既美味又营养 1 describe the drawing briefly 2 explain its intended meaning and then 3 give your comments 2009 网络的近 与远 1 describe the drawing briefly 2 explain its intended meaning and then 3 give your comments 2008 teamwork 你一条腿我一条腿你我一起走南闯北 1 describe the drawing b

2、riefly 2 explain its intended meaning and then 3 give your comments 2007 confidence 1 describe the drawing briefly 2 explain its intended meaning and then 3 support your view with an exampleexamples 2006 把崇拜写在脸上花300 元做个小贝头 1 describe the photos briefly 育明教育总部地址北京市海淀区学院路7 号弘彧YU 大厦506 全国统一咨询热线400-6998

3、-626 1434611131 1914025246 com 第 1 页 共 14 页 六年专注考研专业课辅导 2 interpret the social phenomenon reflected by them and 3 give your point of view 2005 养老足球赛 1 describe the drawing 2 interpret its meaning and 3 give your comments 2004 终点又是新起点 1 describe the drawing 2 interpret its meaning and 3 support your

4、view with examples 2003 温室花朵经不起风雨 1 describe the set of drawings 2 interpret its meaning and 3 point out its implications in life 育明教育总部地址北京市海淀区学院路7 号弘彧YU 大厦506 全国统一咨询热线400-6998-626 1434611131 1914025246 com 第 2 页 共 14 页 六年专注考研专业课辅导 2002 an American girl in traditional Chinese costume 1 describe the

5、 picture 2 interpret its meaning and 3 give your comment on the phenomenon 2001 爱心是一盏灯在越黑暗的地方越明亮 1 show your understanding of the symbolic meaning of the picture below 2 give a specific example and 3 give your suggestion as to the best way to show love 2000 a brief history of world commercial fishin

6、g 1 describe the pictures 2 deduce the purpose of the painter of the pictures 3 suggest counter-measures 育明教育总部地址北京市海淀区学院路7 号弘彧YU 大厦506 全国统一咨询热线400-6998-626 1434611131 1914025246 com 第 3 页 共 14 页 六年专注考研专业课辅导 二育明教育作文预测及模版 一大作文 1 Directions Study the following drawing carefully and write an essay in w

7、hich you should 1 describe the drawing 2 interpret its meaning and implications and 3 give your comments You should write 160-200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2 20 points 参考范文 It is widely accepted that only through steady efforts one may obtain great achievements As depicted in the picture a strong

8、 and handsome horse stands up on its hind legs with its fore hoofs stroking the air and its eyes looking straight ahead into the distance Obviously it is ready to jump out on a long journey And there is one sentence below this picture which reads my 1000 mile jou rney starts from the first step 育明教育

9、总部地址北京市海淀区学院路7 号弘彧YU 大厦506 全国统一咨询热线400-6998-626 1434611131 1914025246 com 第 4 页 共 14 页 六年专注考研专业课辅导 The implications of this picture are clear one may have a great ambition but to make it come true one must start from the very basic things It is the concrete details of a plan and the persistent day-t

10、o-day efforts that can ensure ones final realization of ambition For instance to build up a large vocabulary one has to memorize words regularly Likewise to modernize our country everyone of us may have to do his duty every day to make h is own contribution Without the real efforts on a daily basis

11、any ambition will only be a total impossibility To sum up people must make efforts to fulfil their dreams It is only when people keep this in mind that they may expect a promising and bright future 2 对待时间的态度 Writing 图画提纲式议论文 Directions Study the following set of cartoons carefully and write an essay

12、 in which you should 1 describe the cartoons 2 state its main idea and give your comment You should write about 160200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2 20 points 范文 These two cartoons show two contrasting scenes While the male student spends all his time and money playing Internet games the female stu

13、dent studies diligently One could easily argue that a bright future awaits the students who study hard while those who waste tuition playing games have little to look forward to The above images encourage students to value their time in school and take advantage of educational opportunities While st

14、udents dream of being accepted into college for years they often become lost once admitted Without their parents constant support and advice or because of limited communication with teachers many students are unable to focus on their future goals Such confusion leads some to forget their studies and

15、 resort to playing on the Internet among other forms of recreation Students should not only keep their ambitions in mind but also seriously strive towards them Without a clear purpose one mig ht easily waste crucial years neglecting ones studies Constantly playing on the Internet leads to failure wh

16、ile continuously studying guarantees success Students need to appreciate their time in school and work hard in order to ensure a good future 译文 这两幅漫画描述了两个形成鲜明对照的场景第一幅画中的男生在网络游戏中虚掷了所 有的时间和金钱而第二幅画中的女生却在勤勉地学习可以很容易得出结论对于刻苦学 习的学生一个美好的未来在等候着他们而浪费学费玩游戏的学生没有什么指望了上面 这两幅画激励学生们珍惜在校的时光和受教育的机会 经过多年的梦寐以求终于跨进大学门槛的

17、学生却往往迷失了自己因为没有了父母常 在身边的支持和建议或是缺乏与老师的沟通很多学生找不到自己未来的奋斗目标而这 育明教育总部地址北京市海淀区学院路7 号弘彧YU 大厦506 全国统一咨询热线400-6998-626 1434611131 1914025246 com 第 5 页 共 14 页 六年专注考研专业课辅导 种困惑就使得一些学生扔掉书本靠各种消遣包括玩网络游戏来打发时光大学生 不应只空谈理想应该认真地为之奋斗而没有明确的目标则会让一个人在度过他至关紧要 的几年后头脑空空 沉湎于网络游戏只会导致失败而坚持不懈的学习则能收获成功大学生们一定要珍惜 在校时光为了美好的未来而努力 3 前人栽

18、树 后人乘凉 Writing 图画提纲式议论文 Directions How can we meet the needs of today without diminishing the capacity of future generations to meet theirs Sustainable development implies a broad view of human welfare a long term perspective about social development Write an essay which should cover 1 describing th

19、e set of drawings below 2 stating its main idea and 3 giving your comment You should write about 160200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2 20 points 范文 The images above are both meaningful and instructive this mans hard work is not only for his own benefit but also for the benefit of future generations

20、The pictures serve to remind us that the existence of our current happiness and valuable national heritage is due to the struggles of our predecessors We in turn should also work hard in order to guarantee the comfort a nd safety of generations to come Sustainable development has become a topic of h

21、eated debate in recent years While it is justifiable to satisfy current demands we cannot neglect the needs of our descendants in the process Our children also depend on Earths natural resources and we should not deprive them of such necessities Unfortunately many people only think of their short te

22、rm personal interests An entire forest might be clear cut in the interest of making a profit without a single tree planted in its place This inconsiderate attitude towards the welfare of our descendants as well the indifference to the outcome of such reckless actions can only turn Earth into a cold

23、and lifeless planet People must be taught to appreciate Earth as not only their home but also the home of our children and grandchildren as well as all other plants and animals While making great efforts to increase our current quality of life we must simultaneously consider how our actions will aff

24、ect future lives 译文 上面的漫画意味深长而发人深省栽树人的艰辛劳作不只是为了他自己也是为了后人 这幅漫画是为了提醒我们今天的幸福生活和宝贵的民族遗产归功于我们祖先的奋斗而我们 反过来也要努力劳动来确保我们后代的幸福和平安 可持续发展是近几年的热点话题虽然我们要满足自己当前的需要但不能将子孙后代 的需求抛置脑后我们的孩子同样需要自然资源我们不能剥夺他们的这份必需品不幸 的是很多人只考虑他们短视的自私的利益为了获得利润整片的森林被砍光一棵树都 育明教育总部地址北京市海淀区学院路7 号弘彧YU 大厦506 全国统一咨询热线400-6998-626 1434611131 191402

25、5246 com 第 6 页 共 14 页 六年专注考研专业课辅导 不留下这种不顾及子孙福利的态度和对这种轻率行为的后果的无动于衷只会让我们的 地球变成一个冷冰冰而无生气的行星 必须告诫人们的是地球不仅是他们的家园也是他们的孩子和所有后代的家园还是 其他所有的植物和动物的家园在努力提高今天的生活质量的同时我们必须考虑到我们的 行为会对未来的生命产生什么样的影响 4 美丽不是表面的 Writing 图画提纲式议论文 Directions Study the following set of cartoons carefully and write an essay in which you sh

26、ould 1 describe the cartoons 2 interpret its meaning and 3 point out its implications in our life You should write about 160200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2 20 points 美丽不是表面的 范文 In the above cartoons a young woman happily eats bananas and casually discards the peels on the street unaware of the fa

27、ct that such actions not only pollute the environment but also pose a danger to others In the next illustration a disabled man struggles to properly dispose of the trash she has left behind Despite the girls youth and beauty it is the disabled man who is truly beautiful True beauty comes from ones a

28、ctions rather than ones appearance While most of us enjoy pretty appearances it is more important to cultivate a clean and beautiful soul Only such souls can create a genuinely beautiful society Chinese traditionally uphold the virtues of modesty generosity broadmindedness and politeness Confucian t

29、eachings such as do not do to others as you would not want done to you and one should be delighted to hear criticism are wise and worthwhile If people embody these teachings our society can only improve and progress The thoughts of gre at minds like Confucius are also worth studying His writings set

30、 fine and noble examples for us to follow Another proverb thus comes to mind in the company of three one always can find a teacher We should always be willing and able to learn from those around us 译文 在上面的漫画里一个年轻女子愉快地吃着香蕉然后随手就把香蕉皮扔到了街上 丝毫没顾及到这样的举动不仅会污染环境还会给他人带来危险而在接下来的那幅图中 一位残疾人艰难地把她扔下的垃圾清理掉了虽然这个女孩年

31、轻貌美但真正美的是那位残 疾人真正的美是出自行动而不是外表虽然我们每个人都喜欢漂亮的外貌但更重要的是 培养纯净美丽的心灵只有这样的心灵才能创造出真正美好的社会中国自古推崇谦逊 宽宏心胸开阔和以礼待人的美德 孔夫子的教导己所不欲勿施于人闻过则喜是明智的并值得我们遵循如果 人们把这些箴言都落实到生活中那么我们的社会就会得到改善和进步大思想家孔子的思 育明教育总部地址北京市海淀区学院路7 号弘彧YU 大厦506 全国统一咨询热线400-6998-626 1434611131 1914025246 com 第 7 页 共 14 页 六年专注考研专业课辅导 想是值得我们学习的他的著述给我们留下了杰出高尚

32、的楷模让我们效仿另一句谚语又 浮现在我的脑海里三人行必有我师我们必须随时愿意和能够向周围的人们学习 5 我进沙退 沙进我退 Writing 图画提纲式议论文 Directions A Study the following cartoon carefully and write an essay in about 200 words B Your essay must be written clearly on ANSWER SHEET II C Your essay should meet the requirements below 1 Describe the cartoon and t

33、he message conveyed 2 Draw a conclusion and give your comment on the cartoon 范文 Indicated above are pictures that show trees play a vital role in water and soil conservation In the left hand picture people are fleeing from voracious sand dunes because they cut down all the trees The caption reads As

34、 the sand advances we retreat In the right hand picture the people have returned carrying tools water and samplings for the reforestation of the land We are informed that As we advances the sand retreats It seems that the cartoonist is sending a message about the significance of trees in water and s

35、oil conservation and the need for everyone to fight against the danger of the desertification In fact what he is saying is if we do not fight against the sand it will drive us away from the land If we let this situation go as it is our environment will suffer a great destruction The best way to figh

36、t back against the greedy desert is made clear in the second picture There the local people are vigorously setting about the task of planting trees to reclaim the land and make it fertile The fact that there are three people in the picture each with a different job suggests that cooperative efforts

37、is one of the keys to success in the battle against soil erosion and only in this way can desertification be finally defeated 225 译文 如图所示树木对水土保持起着至关重要的作用左图中人们被贪婪的沙丘追赶因 为他们砍伐了所有的树木标题写着沙进我退右图中人们拿着工具水和树苗回来 重新植树造林我们被告知我进沙退 我认为漫画家要告诉我们的是树木对水土保持的重要性以及每个人参与抵制沙化 威胁的必要性实际上他要说的是如果我们不与沙漠做斗争它会把我们从土地上赶走 如果我们让这种情况继续下去环境将遭到巨大的破坏 第二幅图清楚地说明了击退贪婪沙漠的方法那里的人们正在热情高涨地着手植树造林 收回土地使它变得肥沃图中三个人每人干不同的工作这说明合作努力是成功防止土壤 侵蚀的关键之一只有这样才能战胜沙漠化 6 假冒伪劣商品 Writing 图画提纲式议论文 Directions In this part you are to write an essay of 160-200 words within 30-35 minutes 育明教育总部地址北京市海淀区学院路7 号弘彧YU 大厦506 全国统一咨询热线400-6998-626 1434611131 1914025246


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