英国文化British Culture.doc

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1、British CultureHumour and understatement 幽默是英国社会的基石。 Humour is the cornerstone of the British society. 这是用在许多方面:建立一个积极的气氛,创造一个团结感,弥合分歧,引进风险观念,批评,以示感谢一个人或蔑视。 It is used in numerous ways: to establish a positive atmosphere, to create a sense of togetherness, to bridge differences, to introduce risky i

2、deas, to criticise, to show appreciation or contempt of a person. 英国人开玩笑的一切,包括英国女王,政治家,宗教,他们和你! British people joke about everything including the queen, politicians, religion, themselves and you! 你最好能习惯这一点。 Youd better get used to that. 幽默往往是结合轻描淡写。 Humour is often combined with understatement. 音视的

3、“不坏”,实际上意味着“非常好”和“不差”可能是有史以来的最高褒奖,你从一个英国人。 Depending on the tone Not bad can actually mean very good and not bad at all might be the highest praise you ever get from a Brit. 间接通信 Indirect communication 相反,比如美国人,德国人和荷兰人,英国人有不少间接的沟通方式。 In contrast to for instance Americans, Germans and Dutch, British

4、people have a quite indirect communication style. 他们通常不会“告诉你现在的方式是让开放的东西在。” They will not usually tell you just the way it is to get things in the open. 你将不得不字里行间之间的了解他们真正的意思。 You will have to read between the lines to understand what they really mean. 这可以是非常令人沮丧,如果你的座右铭是来自一种文化,它有“如果你不喜欢它/我,为什么不干脆说出

5、来”。 This can be very frustrating if you come from a culture, which has the motto if you dont like it/me, why dont you just say so. 像日本和中华文化,英国文化是一种高语境文化。 Like the Japanese and the Chinese culture, the British culture is a high context culture. 话是不够的,你必须知道的背景和上下文来理解和解释的信息音,表达和非言语行为。 Words are not eno

6、ugh, you have to know the background and context to understand the message and interpret tone, expression and non-verbal behaviour. 不拘 Informality 尽管在社会的事实,英国仍是众所周知的类,设置关系,在工作场所和在教育都非常正规。大多数人叫同事他们的名字和他们的老板和其他老师通常希望学生通过解决这些问题他们的名字也。一般而言,导师,非常平易近人,经常会加入打破你对咖啡研究。 In spite of the fact that Britain is st

7、ill well known for its class society, relationships in the workplace and in an educational setting are very informal. Most people call their boss and other colleagues by their first names and tutors usually expect students to address them by their first names as well. In general, tutors, are very ap

8、proachable and will often join you for a coffee in the break. 服饰风格的排名更取决于个人的喜好立场或比:不要惊奇地发现毛衣穿牛仔裤或讲师。 Style of dress depends more on personal preference than on position or rank: dont be surprised to find lecturers in jeans or sweaters. 友好 Friendly 虽然英国人普遍看作是保留,你会发现,在英格兰北部的(我曾经生活过的地方),人们通常是相当友好。 Alth

9、ough the British are generally seen as being reserved, you will find that in the North of England (where I used to live), people are usually quite friendly. 他们会喜欢它,如果你犯了一个聊天的天气或采取在当地事务的兴趣。 They will appreciate it if you make a chat about the weather or take an interest in local affairs. 特别是作为一个人,你可能

10、已经习惯这样的事实:很多(老)人地址“你为”爱。 Especially as a man, you might have to get used to the fact that many (older) people address you as Love. 别担心,他们没有多情的意图。 Dont worry, they dont have amorous intentions. 有礼,“安静” Polite & quiet 英国是很有礼貌。 British are very polite. 在餐馆里,你将不得不说声谢谢您,当您得到的菜单,谢谢你,当你下订单,谢谢你让你的菜时,感谢你的服务员

11、拿走的盘子,甚至感谢你,当你付出! In a restaurant, you will have to say thank you when you get the menu, thank you when you place the order, thank you when get your dishes, thank you when the waiter takes away the plates and even thank you when you pay! 你得说“对不起”,如果你想通过一个人,“对不起”,如果你不小心碰的人。英国人甚至说,对不起,如果你站在他们的脚趾! Youl

12、l have to say excuse me if you want to pass someone and Im sorry if you accidentally touch someone. British people even say sorry if you stand on their toes! 他们也很“安静”,不断给自己。 They are also very quiet and keep to themselves. 这可能很难,如果你想给他们的朋友与。 This can be hard if you want to make friends with them. 这是一个福音,但是,如果你出你自己的小组或不喜欢嘈杂的人。 It is a boon, however, if you are out with your own group or dont like noisy people.


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