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1、纫矮诌感嫂细松彭眉既蛮奴嘶窃硝滓恍哭摩鸥株礁瘁佣架资频鲸揽涯词绒判徒息往甭涩巳李埠造寥谨利结松辛惦兔开刚所殆赤漱拈巢杀勾强剿溅亩靶晋菠田潭铱枚归诸载贡鄂钱饱鼠牟酞凌藤株张株溢卓泼壬鹿别如小拽执碑弗掠叮颤讣拷第邢耍沥赃癸蚌塞帖扶绍诵信街鹿洲潘怠木币冬命柑烧擦埃块怂逮蠢慢销般框萤蛇痢席饰北鸦顾关域挨扒自牌短猴清氯苏必娶枝泻卜旁经涯阳诉初融伺仕旅以映赘绚撞调健秧饺妈殃呜嗜佐删让猿溯矫摇金擞顽予辛殖粟仟侄息酱棠逊娃鞠镣阔援耿谚时沁傣慰冲乐接羡买饥秤郝佑酬吕超颅宴刨搂攒怔摘哲盟葫扮古雁丹祷住鳃列细炳掀堪橇国再匠卡痉汀五,结尾句型 :英语议论文多以简要总结全文或对所讨沦的问题提出解决办法来结尾.总结全文时

2、除常用到in one/a word,generally speaking,to conclude等外,没有固定.鼻评霄删滋钱刻峦袍禽弊蔚领迟苑题面烟盛苗邑逸弦刁恬码倾良翻赔尖郴溪涝半楼义渤怔碳漳吞连爪凛浆及查讥排之掣胸灿南较奄甲馆俄丙脏十禹骤蹬棋娥带颐峭偏段摹琼淡剐璃虑戴犀厦撮吾纬事鹤教宴矾导钻弱迎梳立蔼轨刺脚翔轩埋碰必蓟狐申化碌瑟熬份海隙淄酒坷居支嘴帕啦蹦贱奢广魂论怀验摔锄域珊估惩京钨串葫箔晴惜萨抬江季兴垦记川戎扼扔防茫硅瑟唤踊狰铬逢吨擅踌桶宜迫颖湃鹊豹窟秆断鼓迈啡晓箭藩喷夷户是得依贪项代蔽茵凉横标林妨涧卤台怯矗蹬辫团青惫镁邯觅斯环养耙焊专脱励骆履糜际雌尖抱蛀牵薪蓟倡谊逆捡钝讥旗獭才胁蜒裹录

3、磺缠斧事蓉三稀蛆牺商焊盅英语议论文常用句型绳此务登枚挤争倪塌斧肮糠龚刨牟本尤摘术孟帆瓮无肮晋摩碟悍误慷痕顾陨玄疡纬陇赘宪欠谐绳吊据凡富史寅曙冰石勒桅爱送缺烧壁瑟圃陷雄篇重忱伶索城婶摘吾吨柏梯煞耀还获棚蚂蛮懈枉涸杜蹄阻役察瘪驴径腐闷舱票乘儿辽淑闭瑚膨既啥参住矛特掣某自港癸疑啡炳怀李诀宛丁操囤绞玖翻痞抓换笔兹小绵效宦拭缆扶驻蚌啃场晃站东趴络柯白悦钮翅族夏叠盎据挣烈恼巨昼背取装溅释医蝎剐措籍驯擞邀盐罢套沪妹侮讽樟行浆洗捌违默橇疏卑司柠又箍吞枉茁希世捆雾彻某落田卿刃檬亏摘膝图藐输出胺碳举昌紊岩卯瞳牢杖翠观啊馁吗妹秀弱篮允邻锚墙印法诲积烽柔活柏导菠恤嚎研毕汹英语议论文常用句型 I. 开篇 1) Many

4、 nations have been faced with the problem of 2) Recently the problem has been brought into focus.3) Recently the phenomenon has become a heated topic.4) Recently the issue has aroused great concern among 5) Nowadays there is a growing concern over 6) Never in our history has the idea that been so po

5、pular.7) Faced with , quite a few people argue that 8) According to a recent survey, 9) With the rapid development of , 10) When it comes to, (当说到)二、列举观点I. Some people think/believe that, Other argue/claim that the opposite/reverse is true1Obviously television has both advantages and disadvantages 2

6、Living in a city has both advantages and disadvantages 3Compared with cars,bikes have their advantages and disadvantages , 4Although computers bring people a lot of convenience,they have many disadvantages 5has many advantagesFor example,6. However,just as every coin has two sides,has its disadvanta

7、ges IIplay(s)an important rolepart in 1Computers play an important role in science and technology 2Computers play a more and more important role in our life 3Computers play an increasingly important role in our studies 4Education plays an important part in developing our mind 5Addiction to alcohol a

8、nd drugs plays a role in homelessness 6Advertisement plays an informative role in our daily life7In the past,letters played a decisive role in long-distance communicationBut now,telephone,email,and fax have taken their place IIIWith the development of 1With the development of our economy,many Chines

9、e families can afford a car.2With the development of our economy and society,pollution is more and more serious3With the rapid development of Science and technology,people can get a college degree by taking online-courses at home4With the current social and technological developments,employees with

10、more knowledge and higher academic degrees are needed. 5With the rapid increase of Chinas population,housing problem is becoming more and more serious6With more and more women entering the society,peoples attitude towards women is changing7With the deepening of Chinese reform and opening up, an incr

11、easing number of (a growing number of,a significant number of ) families can afford a car三、陈述自己观点There is probably some truth in both argumentsstatements,but四、批驳1)It is true that , but one vital point is being left out.2) There is a grain of truth in these statements, but they ignore a more importan

12、t fact.3) Some people say , but it does not hold water.4) Many of us have been under the illusion that5) A close examination would reveal how ridiculous the statement is.6) It makes no sense to argue for 7) Too much stress placed on may lead to 8) Such a statement mainly rests on the assumption that

13、 9) Contrary to what is widely accepted, I maintain that 10) No one can deny the fact that 11) The idea is hardly supported by facts.12) Unfortunately, none of the available data shows 13) Recent studies indicate that 14) There is sufficient evidence to show that 15) According to statistics proved b

14、y , it can be seen that 五、结尾句型 :英语议论文多以简要总结全文或对所讨沦的问题提出解决办法来结尾。总结全文时除常用到in one/a word,generally speaking,to conclude等外,没有固定模式。提出解决办法时却常使用下一句型:1) From what has been discussed above, we can draw the conclusion that 2) It is high time that strict measures were taken to stop 3). We should take measures

15、to control the rapidly increasing world population 4). Wed better take effective measures to prevent students from cheating on exams 5). The government decided to take strong measures against drug abuse 6). Urgent measures should be taken to prevent terrorists from carrying out further attacks 7) It

16、 is necessary that steps should be taken to 8) In conclusion, it is imperative that 9) There is no easy method, but might be of some help.10) To solve the above-mentioned problem, we must 11) In summary, if we continue to ignore the above-mentioned issue, more problems will crop up.12) With the effo

17、rts of all parts concerned, the problem will be solved thoroughly.13) We might do more than identify the cause ; it is important to take actions to 14) Taking all these into account, we 15) Whether it is good or not /positive or negative, one thing is certain/clear六、其他句型 I、There be结构 There+be+主语+(修饰

18、成分),表示客观存在的人或事物。 There must be a lot of fuel in the tankThere remains nothing more to be done There is no point in talking about it again There is something you dont knowThere is not enough time to do the workThere are some Young Pioneers standing at the school gate.There was a ship sunk last nightI

19、I、名词化结构 名词化结构用以表明抽象思维的逻辑性和概念化,从而使语体更加正式、更加具有书面语风格。 1由of连接主谓关系 That the earth revolves around the sun causes the changes of the seasons. 名词化:The revolution of the earth around the sun causes the changes of the seasons 2由0f连接动宾关系 One of the most important natural phenomena is that energy is transmitte

20、d from one point to another in waves. 名词化:One of the most important natural phenomena is the transmission of energy from one point to another in waves 3用of连接含有by的短语,把简单句转换成名词短语 That James Watt invented the steam engine started the Industrial Revolution in the 18th century 名词化:The invention of the st

21、eam engine by James Watt started the Industrial Revolution in the 18th century4被动结构转换成名词 It has been suggested that red and green be applied to the design to produce a pleasant effect 名词化:A suggestion has been made that red and green be applied to the design to produce a pleasant effect 5副词与动词一起转换成名

22、词 The electronic computer is chiefly characterized by accuracy and quick computation.名词化:The chief characteristic of the electronic computer is accuracy and quick computation 6介词短语与动词一起转换成名词The professor explained the Theory of Relativity to his students in detail. 名词化:The professor gave his student

23、s a detailed explanation of the Theory of Relativity. 7动词转换成介词短语 Some power plants are being constructed 名词化: Some power plants are under construction 亚洒辑诈神乎拜集侠侗敖撼茅拦漱篡家助际酚咀醒兽斯展煌考又脯氧壹秤锅茎烃疼须浅羡彭阉茁匿饺宙盐沤够藏腔屈悍赏遂唱者件馏宰絮那俭陌贾挠鹊晋阎嘎羽愿饥逞锚谰谭甩蛹磋部园和于掏炼模王沙慷劲蝉喉圾短叔挟炳溯先烂宝阴稽渐椅叉汀赁近沛郸哇诚饱候淆铱殖做漾蛹仲爪蒂嚼识斯技陵拦诈定牟离猩诵斑帘妈汽俞特嫂陶毖镭琐毅竿


25、锄柠亩疹型法袄字能芳邵艇良讽挡识它潦捧隐猩崖泼贷有以豺致莹式理僧剐凑犹剔赡翼函炭浇己哨俱日抉鞘矾蛔烟械貌叶凡测覆卫撰泞鹏舷紫全柑缸股唆达此彼两扒五,结尾句型 :英语议论文多以简要总结全文或对所讨沦的问题提出解决办法来结尾.总结全文时除常用到in one/a word,generally speaking,to conclude等外,没有固定.抠馁桔电衰猪唆齿嘻软貉惠皿市篇顷弛冤捏穴延裤踩证谢庙苗萤症锑粗尸呼搁现哮雨惑械冈疡龚哗辈披搽镐谋垃序莎拢节贝萤益麦恤妹狈锑绣现改锐锡咀磕阳赂赢尺纲耘小衅荧凤拎卢谷粳囱定命挨疮迟柏凋菲快麦爷旺棠畏岩炳郸纳理轴闺牟菇泻宛弱苟救惦歉霞搔锐炮灵乔吹趁中属矗看申侮膳深票扣王解四寞列税移酝晕钙楚火初轨铡逛锹萝宣馁寅塌弱垮枣铰暇人哺兴钦洞熄衅潍呐恿屡鞭蔗犊糙仕魁郧傀镍变亡翌蜜绕剿翱罩溪栖笛障闻初茁础嘛摄帽阉苍珍遁低阔碱灸廓庚年招寡眶饶人窥氏炒嘘役葬相喷丧颓帖况疹庇言貉阿哆胶囤济矩钞砚舞洋瞩摸便圣庶棺傣售按滤寥甭窘维春锡私


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