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1、Step 1 Revision Step 2 Lead-in Step 3 Reading Step 5 Discussion Step6Assignments Step 4 Summary A quiz on astronomy A quiz on astronomy A Revision Step 1 海王星 Neptune 水星 Mercury 金星 Venus 地球 Earth 火星 Mars 木星 Jupiter 土星 Saturn 天王星 Uranus Step 1: True or False 1. The earth moves around the sun. T F F F

2、2. It takes the moon one day to move around the earth. 3 . Earth is the only planet moving around the sun. 4. There is atmosphere on the moon. Word Spelling ? 1. He doesnt like to be v_, instead, he prefers to solve problems in peace. ? 2. On cold winter days, there will be ice on the s_ of water. ?

3、 3. With the d_ of science, many new things are invented. ? Answers: violent; surface; development Step 2: Do you know who he is? 1._ was the first person landing on the moon? A. Armstrong B. Yang liwei C. Tom Cruise D. Issac Newton 2. When did he land on the moon? A. 1921 B. 1969 C. 1954 D. 1949 3.

4、 When did Yang Liwei go to the space? A.Oct,2003B. Jan,2003 C. Oct,2004D. Jan,2002 A B A Step 3 Reading Listening: Listen to the tape and answer the following questions: 1. How many times would the force of gravity change? 2. Was that leaving the moon s gravity as painful as leaving the earth s? New

5、 words and phrases: force: N. 力量;暴力 pl. 军队 V. 强迫 Force yourself to do more! 强迫自己做得更多! gravity : force that attracts objects in space towards each other. 万有引力,重力,地心引力 gradually: piece by piece 逐渐地 cheer up: (cause sb to ) become happier 感到高兴;感到振奋 float: v. move from one side to another 摇摆;漂浮 n. 漂浮物 m

6、ass: 块;团 now that: because; so that break out: something happened suddenly P30 Fast reading: Read the passage quickly, finish the true or false questions: 1. The force of of gravity would change four times on their journey . ( ) 2. When they were on the moon, they would not feel the gravity because

7、there was no gravity on the moon. ( ) 3. Since the gravity has changed, their walk didn t need a lot of practice. ( ) F F F Step 3 3 timesThe force of gravity change 1 change _ as he left 2 change _ when he was in space 3 change _ when he was on the moon very strong disappeared very light Detail rea

8、ding: Read Para 2 carefully and underline 3 sentences that are about the changes of the force of the gravity. (as he left, in space, on the moon) Step 3 Listen to Para 3 and fill in the blanks. When we got there, I wanted to _ immediately. “Come on,” I said. “if you are right, my _ will be _ on the

9、earth because the moon is smaller and I will _ move more _. I might even grow _ if I stay here _” explore mass less than be able to freely taller long enough Read Para. 4 and answer: Was their returning painful? What happened to the spaceship? Yes. Fire broke out on the outside of the spaceship. Lan

10、guage points: 1. cheer up: (cause sb to ) become happier Try and cheer up a bit, life isnt that bad. 这个消息使我高兴起来。 The news cheered me up. 2. now that: because of the fact (that) you ve grown up, you can decide it yourself. 既然你有机会,就应该好好利用它。 _, you should make full use of it. Now that youve got a chanc

11、e 3. get the hang of : master sth, be familiar with sth. 现在我已经掌握了这个词的用法了。 Now I ve already got the hang of the word. 4. break out: (of violent events) start suddenly 夜间突然发生了火灾。 Fire broke out during the night. break out 突发;爆发 火灾是在夜间发生的。 The fire _during the night. 词语辨析: happen : break out : take pla

12、ce : broke out 强调偶然性的发生 指战争 ,灾难,疾病的发生 强调必然性或者按事先 的安排或计划发生 happen break out take place 1.The Olympics _ every four years. 2.How did the accident _? 3.Word War _ in 1914. take place happen broke out Summary: Last month I visited the moon with my friend. Before we left, I was told the force of g_ would

13、 change three times on our journey. Then we took off. As we left the earth, I became very h_. gradually the weight l_. when I was in space, it d_. we f_ weightlessly in the cabin and I c_ _. when i was on the moon, I was surprised to find out even walking needs lots of practice n_ _ gravity changed.

14、 The returning of the earth was very f_. we were amazed to watch fire b_ _ on the outside of the ship. gravity heavy lessened disappearedfloated cheered up now that frightening break out Step 4 If you visit the moon 1. What do you like to take with, and give three examples. 2. what problems will you

15、 meet with? 3. To solve these problems, what things will you take? Please take down some notes while discussing, after discussion, please report it. Example: If I had the chance to visited the moon, visited the moon, I might take and I might have problems: The first one is Because To solve this prob

16、lem, I would take with me. The second one is Discussion:four in groupsStep 5 How to cool you ?You might have 4 main problems: How to breathe problem s What to eat What to dressspacesuit oxygen tanks space food things needed on the moon If you follow this advice, I think you will have a good time on the moon. water Step 6: Assignment ? 1. Surf on the Internet to find more information of the universe. ? 2. Writing something about your visit into space, which should include the problem you met with and how you solved them. Thanks for your sharing!


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